Pandemic Amnesty


Aloha kākou. And when you lose control, you’ll reap the harvest you have sown. And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone. And it’s too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around. — Dogs – Pink Floyd, Animals.

From a proverb that means you eventually face the consequences of your actions. The leftist magazine, The Atlantic published a opinion piece by Emily Oster titled, “Lets Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” — “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”

“We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge.”

Does the phrase, “I was only following orders” ring a bell? This writer is obviously seeking absolution from her own sins of Covid fascism. People were hurt, damaged, and murdered by an uncaring government and medical community. They accused others of wanted infections by not following social distancing, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccines.

After reading this dribble, I became intensely angry. To Hell With Forgiveness. These people that were directing the Covid decisions deliberately and intentionally to mislead people around the world with misinformation, censorship, and punishment for defying their power over our lives. They did so for power and profit. And now they want forgiveness? NO WAY.

Abusers always seek “forgiveness” when they lose power. This is called emotional gas lighting, and in many cases the abuse was mandatory due to compulsory injections of an untested vaccine. These people will say it’s not very Christian of you for not forgiving us of the crimes they committed against us. These people are evil, and they didn’t care that people lost their livelihoods. Compliance with their ultimate rule was final. No exceptions. There can be no reconciliation without restitution to all those they harmed. There will be a reckoning.

Lives were lost unnecessarily. Families were separated from loved ones and left to die alone. Businesses were ruined and will never be returning. Doctor, Nurses, Police and Emergency Medical Technicians were fired if they didn’t get jabbed with Fhony Fauci’s Pfizer’s Coof Juice. Military personnel were kicked out of the Armed Services for not getting a Fauci Ouchy.

Strip Joints and Big Box Stores were allowed to stay open. Churches and small businesses were forced to close. Social Media and the Fake News censored information and pilloried doctors and scientists that had alternative therapies. President Trump was accused of suggesting people inject themselves with bleach. The Fake News insane disinformation was beyond disturbing.

Remember when they told us that hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid patients, and that ventilators and beds were overflowing into the hallways? Body bags were buried in mass graves. Then the TikTok dancing nurses showed the truth.

People were attacked and ridiculed mercilessly in public for challenging governments mismanagement of hospitals and elderly nursing homes. None of these decision makers have ever been held accountable. Yet, if you suggested anything out of the liberal left’s Covid orthodoxy you were called a grandma killer, a Timothy McVey domestic terrorist.

Hawai’i has a decision coming up on November 8th. Do we reelect those that locked us down during the Covid Pandemic and forced us to wear obedience face diapers, vaccine mandates? Those politicians that forced the closeure of schools, churches, and small businesses, but allowed strip joints and big box stores to stay open. The leaders that betrayed their constituents to follow a single source of junk science. One of those politicians that made many of those bad decisions was Lt. Governor Josh Green. Now he wants to be Governor of Hawai’i. I Say NO!

What would be different this time around? These politicians and health officials that made taking vaccines as a condition for employment. They ruined children’s education opportunities. Destroyed businesses and lives, Josh Green once threatened medical apartheid of people who were not vaccinated.

Green would decide who gets medical care for issues unrelated to the Covid virus. People with existing conditions like cancer, diabetes, and people with scheduled surgeries and other needs would be put pushed down on the list of priorities because they were not vaccinated. The reason given was the unvaccinated would spread the virus when the opposite was true. Because information was censored, and data ignored, putting more lives at risk. Lives being lost due to delays in needed care. How are we supposed to forgive that?

Hawai’i is starting to reopen in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, but many small businesses are still closed — many of them gone for good. The democrats spent the last 18 months pushing the fear factor. Even today people still wear their obedience face mask. Driving around in their cars with the windows rolled up all alone wearing their masks.

Now that it’s an election year and the truth about Covid deceptions are becoming known, liberals are making the moral case for “mocking anti-vaxxers’ and dismissing Covid deaths.” They want us all to forgive and forget because it was all for the greater good.

Your grandma died alone in the hospital. Your husband was fired over a mandate. Your teenage son has heart problems. You lost your business. You weren’t allowed to go to church. Your 2-year-old was forced to mask. A school in Kalifornia called police to remove a 4-year-old for not wearing an obedience face diaper: But you want us to forget about the whole thing? NO. We Will NEVER Forget.

Hawai’i is waking up from the Covid scam. From AFC Aloha Freedom Coalition – Aloha Freedom Fighters. With the latest news of the CDC approving the Covid vaccine to the childhood vaccine schedule, the time has never been more pressing to stand. This alone will coerce parents into making a decision that could have horrific health consequences for our keiki with ZERO LIABILITY for the manufacturers for LIFE.

The teachers’ unions and school districts will mandate children getting the untested vaccine as a prerequisite for entry into the classroom. Children will be forced to wear masks and eat lunches separated by social distancing mandates. I can guarantee that Green and the Marxist democrats will return to the emergency mandates based on false statistical information.

Fear of contracting Covid or some variant is already embedded deep into the psyche of people. It was all part of the conditioning into blindly following orders. As I asked earlier, if democrats are elected back into office, then what will be different this time?

Congratulations, the Marxist democrats have ruined the healthcare system. Veteran Robby Entrekin was denied service at the West Cobb County VA Clinic for being unable to wear a mask due to his medical condition. This and other related stories are being replicated around the country.

People are being needed medical care, but children can get gender transformation without parental permission. The medical system is still forcing patients to wear masks. They ask if you’ve been vaccinated before you can enter the doctor’s room. Not always, but in most cases.

The only way to right these wrongs is to hold these people accountable. Bring back morals into society and stop the attacks on children. We have no adults in charge with these Marxist democrats. We need conservative republicans to restore fiscal sanity and right our moral compass. Never forget what the democrats did to us. Because if given a chance they’d do it all over again.



Partly cloudy with passing heavy showers. 50% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 63%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 2-1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 88%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is good at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Nowemapa ‘Ekahi, 2022


Lockdowns Are Coming


Aloha kākou. Supermarkets have urged shoppers not to panic buy as truck drivers threatened to disrupt food supplies across the country with an anti-lockdown protest. In a series of online videos, rogue truckies warned logistics operations nationwide would be brought to a halt from 9am on Tuesday as drivers ‘block every highway entering into every state at the same time’. Truckers are protesting against Covid regulations, which in some states order regular testing and vaccination for authorized workers who cross domestic borders.

Australia truckies have already started a slowdown, and American truckers are starting to push back against Covid restrictions. Prepare yourselves and stock up on nonperishables. Fill your freezers and cupboards with food incase there are shortages in the grocery stores. Many of the truckers are angry about looming changes to Covid regulations that will require truck drivers to submit to testing or get vaccinated to enter some states. I’d say treat this seriously because once people start learning about this you’re going to see hoarding taking place.

If you remember what happened when the pandemic lockdowns happened, the store shelves were empty for weeks. Paper products flew off the shelves, especially toilet paper. This also will effect gasoline deliveries Don’t let your gas tank fall below the half level.


In Hawai’i, our stooge governor, the mayor of Honolulu and the Big Island, are threatening lockdowns. After telling us there are no plans for another lockdown. They say they don’t want to go down this road again, but they are telling us that lockdowns are coming. Governor Ige said nothing is off the table. Which confirms that a lockdown is coming. They’re blaming people for the increase in Covid people, so naturally we have to be punished for spreading a virus that cannot be stopped by lockdowns. Liberal logic, keep people locked in their homes, close all the businesses, send out the Covid Cops to make sure people are complying with the lockdown orders. Throw people in jail for noncompliance. That’s how leftist science works.

The City of Honolulu requested, and received, permission from the state to cancel all social events that include more than 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. Leftist Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced the decision prior to the governor’s press conference Monday. Ige is also in discussions with the inept leadership of all three neighboring counties, including Big Island leftist Mayor Mitch Roth, about implementing and reinstating regulations not seen since the early days of the pandemic. Lockdowns are coming folks, be prepared.

Let’s review. By locking down people in their homes does spread the virus to others. You’re in a confined area where exposure is greatest. That happened the last time we had lockdowns. Infections increased. Wearing masks does not prevent transmission of the Covid virus. The mask is nothing more that theater. A placebo to create the illusion of safety from the virus. Getting a vaccine does not prevent getting the virus. The vaccines are nothing more than therapeutics that reduce the harmful effect of the virus. Especially with those with comorbidities.

If lockdowns did not work before, then why would anyone believe they would work this time? It’s like the socialism argument, it wasn’t done right before, so we have to try again, but this time we’ll call it democratic socialism. So what will lockdowns create again? Breadlines! People cannot work, cannot make money, so they must rely on the government to feed them. They must rely on the government to give them unemployment cheques. Socialism is being implemented with Covid as the leverage for a complete government take over. Insidious, isn’t it?

We have no idea how long a second lockdown will last, but I would strongly suggest preparing for a long haul.



Today started with sunny skies and by afternoon turned partly cloudy. Rainfall arrived by afternoon. Tradewinds are from the east northeast at 7mph, gusts 17mph. Cloud cover is 61%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got Zero precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 75%. Barometric pressure is 29.92 inches and dewpoint is 68 degrees. UV index 12

ʻAukake Kanakolu Kūmākahi, 2021

Walk In Your Truth

Aloha kākou. Happy Aloha Friday. It was a good day in Hawai’i, weather wise. The markets are ending the week in record territory. I believe that’s due partially because the markets believe the Senate won’t change the party majority, but remain with a Republican majority. We’ll know more after January 5th, 2021. Meanwhile, I’m rebalancing my investment portfolio to anticipate a worse case scenario.

Much of America is slowly losing it’s mind, and by that I mean the loony left. I wanted to start with a trip down memory lane and end with a week in culture collection of video clips. The Culture of Wokeness, of Intolerance, and Lies.

Some people live a life of lies and insist they walking in their own truth. It’s like a alternate religious experience where a lie will be accepted as the truth. Many will believe the lies, because they are easily influenced. Some are even paid to lie. You dare not question the lie because you could be accused of being a hater. A racist, a bigot, and even worse.

Remember this clown, Justin “Jussie” Smollett, a failed actor with a sick hatred for President Trump and Caucasian people? As an (ahem) actor, he was paid to lie. I guess he just lost grip on reality and started to believe in his own lies. The level of hatred from people like Smollett is getting worse. They don’t bother to fact check evidence, and they don’t wait till the investigations are complete. They accept hatred and racism claims at face value without any question. And then the the insanity spreads.

Any actor will ask the director, “what’s my motivation”? In searching for character believability. To convince the audience of their pretend performance is really credible. They’ll grimace their face, pump their fists, gasp in horror, and feign interest all with a smile. Maybe even get a Oscar for their performance being a liar.

Poor Smollett, in a fit of blind rage, he managed to ruin his career and get his television show canceled. He thought people would just believe his lie and not question the lie. Smollett almost caused a race war, but if it weren’t for the dead of a Chicago winter, it would have been a summer of violence. Where’s the apology for those that were accused of racism? Where’s the apology to people that support President Trump? We’re still waiting. Now, Smollett is walking in his own truth. A life of a lie.

This pattern of mental instability runs prevalent with leftists. Unfortunately, we have to live with them. It seems the level of insanity has increased with the COVID19 pandemic. This puts us all at risk. They spend all their time focusing on social distancing, wearing masks and keeping a state of fear to keep people under control. They reason to us saying we’re taking away your freedoms for your own protection.

It insulting. They assume that people are not smart enough to take care of themselves. So they will treat us like children that need the heavy handed absolutist parenting. Never mind that your livelihood is being destroyed. That your ability to earn a living to support and feed your family is being cut off. That your rent, mortgage, and bills are falling behind and your savings are being exhausted. That you now must live on benign government welfare.

In these cities where the oligarchs rule the streets are choked with homeless people. Which is ironic with stay at home orders and people are living on the street. How do these dictators reconcile these inequalities? It’s grotesque.

The culture of Covid Panic Porn is really getting nutty. People are not acting normal. Instead, they’re gripped in fear of a virus that has a survival rate of 99.99%. These facts are ignored because of a daily media barrage of “Wear Your Mask” and “Practice Social Distancing”, when it has been proven that masks and social distancing will not prevent contracting any virus.

I thought we were trusting science, right? If science tells us that the number of deaths across the U.S. hasn’t really been impacted by the coronavirus, shouldn’t we trust that? Now we have science retracting some of the studies they’ve done because it doesn’t fit the narrative. In other words, 250,000 Americans did not die from Covid, they died from other complications, and they knew it.

Fhony Fauci and far left politicians are acting irrational with encouraging dictatorial lockdowns, restrictions, businesses closing and mandatory mask wearing. This has emboldened these politicians with an autocrat complex and they cannot resist running our lives.

They listen to authoritarians like Fhony Fauci who now wants Americans to cancel Christmas and stay home locked up hiding from COVID19 under the bed. Despotic governors and mayors, all democrats, are insisting that people obey their totalitarian orders or spend time in jail. What’s the difference? Locked up in your house or lock up in jail? Same thing.

Yet, these same governors and mayors can violate their own rules with impunity. “Oh, I’m sorry I got caught violating my own rules”, the tyrants tearfully cry. Rules are for thee, but not for me.

Bar owner in Los Angeles, Kalifornia is livid to see that mayor Eric Garcetti has approved an outdoor dining area for a movie company directly across from her outdoor dining area (which was shut down). This is heartbreaking to watch. A business follows all the rules but is denied to open. Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi mayor of LA sets up an outdoor dining area for a movie company. How much did the movie company bribe this fascist Garcetti?

People don’t seem to be upset over the fact that small businesses, the heart of the American economy, are being destroyed by doctorial democrat fascists. Meanwhile, the big box stores are making record profits because they’re considered essential. This will ultimately damage our economy for decades.

We cannot live in a culture of fear and under the doctorial weight of democrat fascism. We cannot continue to live a life in a lie. We cannot walk with this truth that our lives are being corralled into a economic abattoir.

We cannot allow a double standard of justice for some, but not for others. That breeds fascism, and fascism is here.


Today’s weather started with clear sunny skies with clouds building up in the afternoon. Tradewinds were moderate. We got 1/4 inch precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 84%.

Kēia Ka Lā Kēkēmapa Kanakolu ‘Ehā




Aloha kākou. It is the day after Thanksgiving where we celebrate the arrivals of the first pilgrims successful harvest and the beginning of America’s religious freedoms. A feast that was shared with the native American Indians. Despite the left’s efforts to rewrite history, everyone should know that the first settlers to the New World were seeking religious freedoms.

The founding of our Nation, our Constitution, begins with the First Amendment declaration of religious freedom for all. Freedom of religion or religious liberty is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.

The left hates religion. Secularists claim the Constitution states there is a separation of Church and State. There is no such clause in the Constitution. The Constitution clearly states there will be no State Religion. “Separation of church and state” is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.

As you can see, there is no “separation of Church and State” clause in the Constitution. Stating only there will be no Law respecting an establishment of a religion. That doesn’t mean that your religious beliefs are prohibited when you enter a position in government. There is no provision stating you must check your religious beliefs at the door before you are sworn into any government office. Therefore, there is no separation of church and state. There’s just no established government religion. A secular government is good for all religions and people of faith.

Religion, after all, defines our moral guidelines. It is what defines our personal values and beliefs in a good and moral character of a person. That is especially needed for anyone in government. Anyone without any religious moral guidelines would have difficulty distinguishing between good and evil. Without a framework of religious values how would you define evil? Good governance comes from the values of faith and religion.  

One of the things that I detest the most in some people that use religion as a shield to claim some superior moral standing over others. Not only is that hypocritical, but also morally dishonest. Many politicians are like that. Ilhan Omar is one such politician that uses her islamic cultish beliefs to subject socialism and religious bigotry on Americans.

This is Beijing Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message. He has no idea what the Psalms are. He calls them the “Palmists” and then he looks dumbfounded. Biden loves to wrap himself in his Catholicism, but that’s all for show.

Beijing Biden tends to wear his religion on his sleeve. He’s supposed to be a Catholic, but he’s denied receiving communion because of his support for abortion. Nazi Piglosi and other Catholic politicians are also denied the sacrament of the church because of their support of the murder of children. Abortion is an abomination. It proves there were never practicing Catholics. Unfortunately, the current Pope is sympathetic to these evil people. Then again, this Pope is from a socialist country and preaches socialism. 

Beijing Biden’s partner in crime, Barry the Bullshitter Obama, spent over 20 years in the church of God Damn America with reverend Wright. A fake preacher and a fake church. Their religion is hate, racism, and envy. Nothing that follows Biblical teachings. Unfortunately, the Constitution doesn’t prohibit religions of evil. 

With the passing of Thanksgiving day, the Christmas season begins, and the War on Christmas also begins. Anti-Christian forces are using COVID19 to prevent people from celebrating their religion. 

In New York City, Mayor De Bozo and Governor Killer Cuomo are preventing both Christians and Jews from having any religious celebrations. Churches and Synagogues must remain closed, but big box stores and liquor stores can remain open. Liquor stores are essential, but churches are unessential.  

This is democrat fascism that will only get worse as they chip away at our liberties and freedoms. Don’t believe that COVID19 Panic Porn will eventually go away. This evil will continue to use lockdown orders to remove our Constitutional rights. 

Time is not on our side anymore. The events of a stolen Presidential election by massive voter fraud has embolden the socialist democrats to rewrite the Constitution into a communist manifesto. The basic compact of our freedoms will be eroded away. That’s not a prediction, this is happening now. 


Today’s weather started with rainy skies and partial sun. Tradewinds were moderate to lite depending on the rain. We got 4-1/4 inches of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70’s with humidity at 92%. There is a deep chill in the ambient air temperature due to Pacific tradewinds. 

Kēia Ka Lā Nowemapa Iwakālua Kūmāhiku