Rebranding Racism


Aloha kākou. The Marxist democrats are rebranding Critical Race Theory (CRT). They’re now redefining Critical Race Theory as Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). It’s the same racist programming they want to force on school children, in corporations and in government. Marxist democrats will not stop until they destroy our nation. This is all by design to transform our country into a communist controlled oligarchy. The only way this will stop is to be aware of it and call it out. Don’t let racism be redefined as another acronym.

Although the subject of Critical Race Theory has been around in universities for decades it’s now being forced into K-12 schools to indoctrinate the youth early. Recently I learned that Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools in Hawai’i. The University of Hawai’i Mānoa invited Alicia Garza a co-founder of the Marxist Black Lives Matter to be the key-note speaker back in September of 2020. This racist Marxist ideology is branching out into K-12 schools. So much for the Aloha State.

It’s one thing to keep this racism out of the minds of children and focus on the skills to be successful in life, but teachers are trained in this sick perverted ideology and are bringing it into the classrooms. This should set off some red flags, but it is not. The Fake News Media isn’t talking about it and school boards are neither preventing it from being introduced. There’s some kind of fear that calling out BLM as a racist ideology will get you accused of being a racist. Which is pure idiocy. It should be called out and shunned as hostile and disgusting.


Don’t forget who is started this racism. Barry the Bullshitter Obummer started to spread his racism. It started with attacks against police, and that was just the beginning. Obummer’s relationship with racists is well known. His former pastor Rev. Wright to Calypso Louie Farrakhan. Obummer continues to pedal his message of racism. What’s worse is people knew Obummer was a racist, but they voted for him so they would not be accused of being a racist. Which is ironic because Obummer’s VEEP is a racist segregationist. But racists are the same no matter what their skin color and they share the same hatred for Americans.


It get’s tiresome when the rich and privileged constantly pull the race card. They do so to shutdown any dissent against their racism by accusing others of being racists. Marxist democrats have used this tactic time and again. No one wants to be called a racist, but they use it because they know it will shutdown any discussion. What’s important is they get called out on it, and forcefully. Don’t let the racist bullies win.


Transgenderism is another form of racism. If you don’t accept this perverse lifestyle, then you will be accused of being racist homophobe. Richard Levine is a male that identifies as a female. It’s a joke, but people are forced to accept this perversion or else the woke mob will come for them. The woke mob is nothing more than a modern day version of the Klu Klux Klan. They like to disguise themselves as virtuous supporters of equity and diversity. But they are predators on society. It’s a perverted sickness.

This racism is also being used to attack children. Like the Critical Race Theory, transgenderism is being taught in schools to groom children into the world of pedophilia. Levine has openly stated that he wants children to be taught to question their gender and openly supports hormone and surgical alterations of children’s genitalia. So the Marxist democrats make him a 4 Star Admiral in a powerful government healthcare position. You have to ask what are people thinking?


The transgender activist Ashlee Marie Preston who led the walkout of Netflix employees in protest of Dave Chappelle’s comedy special “The Closer” has been revealed to have a history of making racist, anti-Asian comments on Twatter. Again, they accuse others of what they do themselves. It hypocritical and infuriating when they get away with it. Ashlee Marie Preston, who is listed as a “Host/Media Personality & Social Entrepreneur” on Instagrumble, worked with others to organize the walkout. Preston, a male that identifies as a black trans woman, spoke at the event outside Netflix headquarters. Preston, who has written for Bazaar and Forbes, is dedicated to work elevating minorities, pointing out discrimination, and LGBTQ+ issues. Except if you’re Asian, Hispanic, Indian or a straight white or black male then you’re a target of the woke tans mob. Why are they giving this creep a platform? Preston was with Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, acting as a surrogate in California, before her racist and misogynist tweets were uncovered. Notice the Marxist democrat affiliations.

The rebranding of racism is to accuse normal heterosexuals’ as the racists. It’s to destroy the American family and transform it into compliance to the woke mob. Fear is their tool to control people. Marxist democrats have weaponized the Justice Department to force compliance of racist ideology. If you dare question the racist ideology your children are being taught, then you might find the DNC’s KGB (FBI) knocking on your door wanting a little chat. It a grotesque abuse of power by a biased government to force parents to accept racism being taught to their children. Parents are arrested for defending their children from these transgendered bigots that rape and sodomise children. They are protected by the woke mob of Marxist democrats and the Fake News Media.

Unsocial Media has banned those that don’t follow the racist ideology. Jim banks (R-IN) was locked out of his Twatter account after he commented that the “title of first female four-star officer gets taken by a man” in reaction to transgender assistant secretary of health pervert Richard Levine. It’s the truth and you can get banned for speaking truth.

Look at the front of Woke Marxist Mobs that are threatening America with harm if we don’t comply with their sick perverted racist redefinition. Marxist democrats, Unsocial Media, Fake News Media, Radical School Boards, Woke Corporate companies and even religious organizations that defend this perverted view. When Barry the Bullshitter Obummer said he wanted to fundamentally change America, this is what he had in mind. If you loved your country then why redefine it into a nightmarish version of racial hatred? It was all by design. To redefine racism as a normality in American culture. I had thought we suffered enough with a Civil War and Civil Rights to end discrimination. But then again it was the Marxist democrats that wanted slavery to continue. So now they’re redefining racism as the new slavery. God Save The Country From This Madness.



The day started with rain and clouds. By afternoon the sun came out. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1-3/32 inches of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 65 degrees. UV index 6. Air quality Index is borderline good at 41

ʻOkakopa Iwakālua Kūmākolu, 2021
