Keeping The Lights On


Aloha kākou. The State of Hawai’i pursuit of cheap environmentally clean electrical energy is 48¢ cents per kilowatt hour. We have the highest electrical rates in the United State. Hawaii’s insane Marxist democrat dictatorial government is killing paradise to save the planet.

Imagine coming home from work and finding your power, that you pay big buck for, is shut off at your home, apartment, condominium, and if you’re a tourist, at your hotel room. Just to show you that your corrupt democrat run dictatorship has mandated third world problems in a first world state of paradise. We’re saving the planet by inconveniencing your vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Tourist. Residents can’t cook dinner or watch TV at home. You can’t prepare your children for tomorrow’s school day. Because there’s no power until after 9PM HST.

Remember the toilet rule: If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down. Or maybe get a bucket to hold your pee and poop in. Toilet paper? Use a banana or Ti leaf. But beware of the Little Red Fire Ants. Maybe take a cold shower, that’s how we used to clean ourselves. And soap, fuhgeddaboudit.

It’s very inconvenient for residents to experience daily Rolling blackouts at peak times. I see HELCO posting on Twitter-X everyday with power outages and restorations. State-run Public Utilities Commission tell Hawai’i Big Island residents that crews are working to fix several aging power generators. Electrical power plants that have been deliberately neglected for decades. Your tax dollars at work. Residents are now required to help conserve energy for the whole island. It’s a small sacrifice to save the planet from those dangerous CO2 fossil fuel generators that worked so reliably to power our homes for years.

At least they’re working to identify the cause of the power failures. Even if the utilities and the State are the cause of the problems. After letting the wound fester and spread for decades. Planning and maintenance were always an afterthought. That’s like buying a brand new $50,000 car and never getting an oil change, a chassis lube, and regular maintenance to keep the vehicle running. Fixing the vehicle after it breaks down several times. Imagine the cost of those repairs.

State House of Representatives Energy and Environmental Protection Committee chair Nicole Lowen joined KHON2 News last Thursday morning. Rep. Lowen doesn’t think the Public Utilities Commission and Hawaiian Electric are doing enough to make sure that Hamakua Energy is maintained and providing electricity for customers. Well, DUH!

Renewables are a single point of failure as are unkept fossil fuel generator plants. Solar, wind, and battery are not going to lower rates as promised. That’s true wherever renewables are used. Then there’s the transmission line infrastructure which is also aging and overloaded. The cost benefit ratio between renewables and fossil fuel electrical generation is overestimated. Planned electrical usage is going to grow faster than the grid will handle. I would suggest replacing fossil fuel plants first and then with renewables once they reach the same cost, efficiency, and reliability.

Practical Engineering addresses Hawaii’s infrastructure and the human-made caused energy problems. It’s hosted, written, and produced by Grady Hillhouse and provides an outsiders view into addressing Hawai’i energy reliability and cost analysis. It’s an interesting analysis.

It’s more than just planning and maintenance on these isolated islands. It’s anticipating needs before they become issues. Isn’t that the purpose of government? What are our taxes being used for? Other than lining the pockets of corrupt politicians. Why wait till a problem happens before doing something about it? Take for example the Lāhainā, Maui wildfires. Totally preventable. But the priority is converting these islands’ power grid to unreliable, non-renewable, utopian unicorn power sources.

Is it fair that island people’s energy needs are ignored to placate politicians and environmentalists’ desire for a clean habitat? Where they don’t have to be personally inconvenienced. With more bicycle pads and Volvos. Smart Cities to replace disasters after they happen. Is this a good use of our taxpayers’ monies? Or maybe we could live like the Flintstones.

Keeping The Lights On is only going to get harder as environmental mandates restrict Hawai’i from entering into first world solutions: Power, housing, food, water, employment, and even charging your EV car. They want us to go green while taking away our freedoms and quality of life conforts. Image no air conditioning, no refrigeration, until after 9PM in the evening. Imagine cooking food with animal dung as they do in Africa. Environmentalism means living in third world technology. To save the planet, we must rid the surface nuisance of those pesky people.

Last night at the Merrie Monarch Festival was Hula Kahiko. Here’s a sample of the competition.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with occasional moderate rain showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 31/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the north northeast at 14 mph, gust 26 mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 77%. Barometric pressure is 30.16 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is fair at 41. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Eono 2024

Covid Season


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. It’s September and that means it’s Covid Season. Time to unbox the lockdowns, mask mandates, and get your Fauci Ouchy’s. Time is edging closer to another election year and the Marxist democrats need to rehearse for the next season of “Covid Zombie Fear Theater.”

Here in Hawai’i, there are still people running around wearing masks. They slink away from the unmasked in stores if they stand too close. At store checkout lines, they stand nervously adjusting their masks. Their eyes dart around behind the mask worried if the infected and unvaccinated are too close. They rush to their vehicles where they make their exit from the parking lot. Windows are rolled up while still wearing their masks as they make their getaway from Zombieville.

It may sound exaggerated, but I watch their body language. They’re genuinely frightened about getting covid. Many have dutifully followed orders and got their two shots and five boosters. Even though they still got Covid multiple times. As if no one learned from two years of mandatory lockdowns and masking, the regime and its allies are ramping up for Covid 2.0. Here we go again.

Does this Covid scare sound much like the Climate Crisis Scare? It should, because it uses the same behavior modification techniques to frighten people into complying with government mandates. It’s no wonder why the Marxist democrats are dusting off the Covid Mandates once again. It worked nicely for them to rig the elections in 2020. A return to mail-in ballots, dropboxes, and ballot harvesting. How to steal an election by fear and intimidation, 2.0.

Resident liberal and former Democratic Rep. Harold Ford Jr. tells the rest of Fox News “TheFive cast that his next Covid shot, which he plans to get, will be his 7th, and he’s had the Covid virus three times. Many people have reported getting multiple Covid vaccines and repeatedly getting sick from the Covid virus. After a while, anyone would make the connection that the vaccine acts like a magnet to attract the virus. Anyone would think Harold Ford would be wise enough to make the connection, but he’s a liberal and he does what he’s told. That’s the hive mind liberal thinking. Stick with the collective narrative and do not step off the reservation or be cast out. 

“Quite an experience to live in fear. That’s what it is to be a slave.” Those immortal words by Roy Batty from the movie “Blade Runner.” So many people chose to live their lives in fear as slaves. These people are not afraid to get into fights with people not wearing masks. It was a total breakdown of society over the perceived fear that once you get Covid it’s a death sentence. People were willing to kill others for not wearing a mask. How far have we sunk as a society?

Liberals created all this chaos, and the Marxist democrats use the strawman argument of White Supremacy and MAGA people are responsible. But the liberal left are the ones in power. They make the laws, hire the prosecutors, defund the police and they wonder why they have anarchy. Schools are producing graduates that can’t do basic math, reading, and writing. The liberals blame the Covid pandemic for the failure of schools. They’re not willing to accept responsibility for voting these people into power. It’s always someone else’s fault for the decline of civilization.

The Marxist democrats will always blame their failures on someone else. They will take credit for the successes of past administrations. Restoring any sanity is frowned upon, mocked, and ridiculed by the left. Especially in the Fake News Media that views Americans that love their country, God and family as rubes. These are not norms of the liberal left. They’d rather expose children to pornography, Drag Queens, racial division, and gender dysphoria. Things that never existed before 2020.

The liberal left no longer acknowledges the changing of the seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. This is now Climate Change. As the flu season approaches, it’s a new Covid variance that calls for mask mandates and lockdowns. There are more school closures and zoom classes that stunt the educational growth of children. Small businesses close while big box stores remain open. Churches are shut down, but bars and strip joints are open for business. Do we really want to go through this nonsense again?

And wouldn’t you know that this is all timed right around election season? Pedo-Hitler Biden is engaged in third world election suppression tactics by imprisoning any political opposition. State run media doesn’t report on the widespread corruption. Marxist democrats believe they are immune to any consequence. RINO repubics are too cowardly to stand up to the Marxists.

Tis the Season for Covid and Climate Crisis. Prepare for another two years of house arrest, mask mandates, and election rigging. Netflix binge watching, domestic abuse, and societal decay. Everything old is new again. I will not comply.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. 70% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 23 mph. We received 3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches and dewpoint is 72°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is fair at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kepakemapa ‘Ekahi 2023

Pandemic Amnesty


Aloha kākou. And when you lose control, you’ll reap the harvest you have sown. And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone. And it’s too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around. — Dogs – Pink Floyd, Animals.

From a proverb that means you eventually face the consequences of your actions. The leftist magazine, The Atlantic published a opinion piece by Emily Oster titled, “Lets Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” — “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”

“We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge.”

Does the phrase, “I was only following orders” ring a bell? This writer is obviously seeking absolution from her own sins of Covid fascism. People were hurt, damaged, and murdered by an uncaring government and medical community. They accused others of wanted infections by not following social distancing, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccines.

After reading this dribble, I became intensely angry. To Hell With Forgiveness. These people that were directing the Covid decisions deliberately and intentionally to mislead people around the world with misinformation, censorship, and punishment for defying their power over our lives. They did so for power and profit. And now they want forgiveness? NO WAY.

Abusers always seek “forgiveness” when they lose power. This is called emotional gas lighting, and in many cases the abuse was mandatory due to compulsory injections of an untested vaccine. These people will say it’s not very Christian of you for not forgiving us of the crimes they committed against us. These people are evil, and they didn’t care that people lost their livelihoods. Compliance with their ultimate rule was final. No exceptions. There can be no reconciliation without restitution to all those they harmed. There will be a reckoning.

Lives were lost unnecessarily. Families were separated from loved ones and left to die alone. Businesses were ruined and will never be returning. Doctor, Nurses, Police and Emergency Medical Technicians were fired if they didn’t get jabbed with Fhony Fauci’s Pfizer’s Coof Juice. Military personnel were kicked out of the Armed Services for not getting a Fauci Ouchy.

Strip Joints and Big Box Stores were allowed to stay open. Churches and small businesses were forced to close. Social Media and the Fake News censored information and pilloried doctors and scientists that had alternative therapies. President Trump was accused of suggesting people inject themselves with bleach. The Fake News insane disinformation was beyond disturbing.

Remember when they told us that hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid patients, and that ventilators and beds were overflowing into the hallways? Body bags were buried in mass graves. Then the TikTok dancing nurses showed the truth.

People were attacked and ridiculed mercilessly in public for challenging governments mismanagement of hospitals and elderly nursing homes. None of these decision makers have ever been held accountable. Yet, if you suggested anything out of the liberal left’s Covid orthodoxy you were called a grandma killer, a Timothy McVey domestic terrorist.

Hawai’i has a decision coming up on November 8th. Do we reelect those that locked us down during the Covid Pandemic and forced us to wear obedience face diapers, vaccine mandates? Those politicians that forced the closeure of schools, churches, and small businesses, but allowed strip joints and big box stores to stay open. The leaders that betrayed their constituents to follow a single source of junk science. One of those politicians that made many of those bad decisions was Lt. Governor Josh Green. Now he wants to be Governor of Hawai’i. I Say NO!

What would be different this time around? These politicians and health officials that made taking vaccines as a condition for employment. They ruined children’s education opportunities. Destroyed businesses and lives, Josh Green once threatened medical apartheid of people who were not vaccinated.

Green would decide who gets medical care for issues unrelated to the Covid virus. People with existing conditions like cancer, diabetes, and people with scheduled surgeries and other needs would be put pushed down on the list of priorities because they were not vaccinated. The reason given was the unvaccinated would spread the virus when the opposite was true. Because information was censored, and data ignored, putting more lives at risk. Lives being lost due to delays in needed care. How are we supposed to forgive that?

Hawai’i is starting to reopen in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, but many small businesses are still closed — many of them gone for good. The democrats spent the last 18 months pushing the fear factor. Even today people still wear their obedience face mask. Driving around in their cars with the windows rolled up all alone wearing their masks.

Now that it’s an election year and the truth about Covid deceptions are becoming known, liberals are making the moral case for “mocking anti-vaxxers’ and dismissing Covid deaths.” They want us all to forgive and forget because it was all for the greater good.

Your grandma died alone in the hospital. Your husband was fired over a mandate. Your teenage son has heart problems. You lost your business. You weren’t allowed to go to church. Your 2-year-old was forced to mask. A school in Kalifornia called police to remove a 4-year-old for not wearing an obedience face diaper: But you want us to forget about the whole thing? NO. We Will NEVER Forget.

Hawai’i is waking up from the Covid scam. From AFC Aloha Freedom Coalition – Aloha Freedom Fighters. With the latest news of the CDC approving the Covid vaccine to the childhood vaccine schedule, the time has never been more pressing to stand. This alone will coerce parents into making a decision that could have horrific health consequences for our keiki with ZERO LIABILITY for the manufacturers for LIFE.

The teachers’ unions and school districts will mandate children getting the untested vaccine as a prerequisite for entry into the classroom. Children will be forced to wear masks and eat lunches separated by social distancing mandates. I can guarantee that Green and the Marxist democrats will return to the emergency mandates based on false statistical information.

Fear of contracting Covid or some variant is already embedded deep into the psyche of people. It was all part of the conditioning into blindly following orders. As I asked earlier, if democrats are elected back into office, then what will be different this time?

Congratulations, the Marxist democrats have ruined the healthcare system. Veteran Robby Entrekin was denied service at the West Cobb County VA Clinic for being unable to wear a mask due to his medical condition. This and other related stories are being replicated around the country.

People are being needed medical care, but children can get gender transformation without parental permission. The medical system is still forcing patients to wear masks. They ask if you’ve been vaccinated before you can enter the doctor’s room. Not always, but in most cases.

The only way to right these wrongs is to hold these people accountable. Bring back morals into society and stop the attacks on children. We have no adults in charge with these Marxist democrats. We need conservative republicans to restore fiscal sanity and right our moral compass. Never forget what the democrats did to us. Because if given a chance they’d do it all over again.



Partly cloudy with passing heavy showers. 50% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 63%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 2-1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 88%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is good at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Nowemapa ‘Ekahi, 2022


Lab Rats


Aloha kākou. He’s back. Fhony Fauci has returned to push more Covid Panic Porn. Another vain attempt to frighten people into getting a failed poisonous vaccine that will cause more harm than good. This time, the evil garden gnome is targeting children. A new vaccine that has NOT been tested on humans, only Lab Rats. We’re all Lab Rats now.

New data from the Centers for Disinformation Confusion (CDC) suggests that 55 percent of children between the ages of six months and two years suffer a “systemic reaction” after getting their first dose of an mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccine” from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

Following the second dose, the CDC survey found, a whopping 60 percent of children suffer some kind of negative reaction. This is based on an assessment of more than 13,000 children who were evaluated as part of a post-market analysis. How many children, and young adults, will be permanently harmed by a vaccine that is delivered for Big Pharma profits? Listen to this pint-sized fascist say we can’t wait to find out the harmful effects. You need to get the jab, now, or we’re all going to die. We don’t have time to fully test the vaccine. Get your vax now or die. Does that sound like a vaccine you can trust to save your life?

Fhony Fauci: “We don’t have time to do a clinical trial because we need to get the vaccine out now.” This clown thinks he can continue to lie to people by saying the vaccine is safe. Weak minded people will not question this fascist and they’ll run out and take an untested vaccine that could do real damage even death. How many times has Fhony Fauci been proven wrong? How many times has Fhony Fauci lied and flip-flopped on medical recomendations. Don’t wear a mask, wear a mask, wear three masks, get your vaccine. Don’t question the science. I am the science.

Here in Hawai’i the Fake News Media and government continues to push this lie that Covid vaccines are safe for everyone, including children. There’s not an commercial break where a Covid vaccine isn’t being pushed onto the public. They dismiss natural immunity by downplaying the body’s natural to fight off viruses. They dismiss alternative thapies that are proven to work more effectively than Covid vaccines. Let’s underline this specifically — Covid Vaccines Do Not Work. They are harmful.

Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Lapado is one of the last few sane health professionals out there after he recommended AGAINST giving the vaccine to children back in January. Jesse Kelly interviews the Surgeon General who says we must refuse to engage or even entertain the madness around unproven science being pushed by the Fake News Media.

Pfizer is making billions of dollars pushing an untested vaccine. When there is plenty of evidence of myocarditis, blood clots, and death occurrences in young people. People that are healthy with no underlining conditions are being told to get the vaccine. They’re not recommending the vaccine to people with compromised immune systems. The Fake News Media is using a campaign of fear to force people to get a vaccine they don’t need.

Normally, a novel vaccine is tested on tens of thousands of real human beings who knowingly take part in a trial, and sometimes it takes an entire decade to tweak and prove the vaccines safety. The rollout of the Covid vaccines was a complete disaster. Much of the damage to people, the deaths, and other conditions, is being hidden by the Fake News Media and Unsocial Media.

Let me reiterate, the inventor of the mRNA has publicly said this technology does not work in preventing Covid. In fact, the Covid vaccine acts lie a magnet to getting the Covid virus. How many people that bragged about getting the Covid vaccine and even tripled boosted ended up getting Covid. They still got the Covid virus, and their immune system was compromised from getting the Covid vaccine.

The Rockefeller Foundation is now spending millions of dollars to psychologically manipulate 17 countries into receiving the COVID vaccine. They’re using a campaign of fear to get people vaccinated with a vaccine that will not work. The idea of a vaccine is to prevent and protect people from getting a virus. The Covid vaccine does the complete opposite.

People that get the Covid vaccine say the symptoms of the virus was mild to flu like. But they still got the virus. Some repeatedly infected than those that did not get the vaccine. Notice that Cass Sunstein was on this propaganda campaign to get the Covid vaccine. He was Barry the Bullshitter Obummer’s regulatory czar. He authored a book called “Nudge” which uses “behavioral economics” to push people into changing their behaviors and habits. To move people away from what these elitists believe is what’s in our best interests. Change our lifestyles to conform with the leftist beliefs.

We see this happening every day. The push to stop using fossil fuels and go all electric. Convincing people that eating bugs is more nutritious than eating meat. Trun off your air conditioners and heating to be more environmentally friendly. Downgrade your standard of living to protect the planet. It’s all this leftist nonsense to get you to change. Except the elitists get to keep their stand of living. You don’t see them going to restaurants like Cuisinier Insecte to dine on Cockroach du jour, but they expect you to do so. So now, we’ll nudge you along to get a vaccine that might harm you permanently.

On a episode of The Gunn Show, Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by speaker and author Michelle Stirling to discuss the disturbing trend within the medical industry of physicians shifting focus toward reducing their carbon footprints instead of solely focusing on treating their patients.

The Healthcare system is being dismantled to care more for the planet as the patient and the human as the virus. I’m seeing more doctors and healthcare workers becoming more environmentally militant in applying care. When Pharmacists deny medicines that will work better than Covid vaccines. It is widely acknowledged that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are safer and better alternatives to vaccine that have been only tested on Lab Rats.

We’re being diagnosed for our carbon footprint and not the condition we’re suffering from. That’s not healthcare. Again, it’s the planet over the people. Net Zero healthcare is becoming more of a hospice. A place to die rather than getting the care needed to save your life. This follows in the same leftist logic as getting a vaccine that has only been tested on Lab Rats. We are all the Lab Rats now.



Partly cloudy and breezy with scattered showers. 40% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 69%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 9/32 precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches and dewpoint is 73°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is good at 13. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kepakemapa ʻUmi Kūmākolu, 2022


Blame Game


Aloha kākou. Always remember that Marxist democrats will always accuse others of what they are already doing themselves. Marxist democrats have no moral ground. They hate the Constitution. They hate America and they hate the people. Their sacrament is abortion. Their industry is crime. They’re born liars and grifters. Mob violence is how they settle disputes. They own the fake news media which repeats their propaganda and attacks their political enemies.

Nowhere is this more evident than the January 6th unselect committee that is waging a prosecution against innocent people and President Trump. This kind of behavior is only found in banana republics and communist countries. If they can do this to innocent people in the opposition party, they can do this to you.

Tucker Carlson lists some of the political dissidents who the Branden regime has gone after. Marxists democrats are now conducting themselves like dictators by rounding up their political enemies. Arresting them and destroying their property and lives. Forcing them to spend millions of dollars to defend themselves legally. They have weaponized government agencies that act as shock troops, Stasi-like secret police, that show up at the homes of innocent people to harass them into bending knee and bowing before them. They employ Secret Star Chamber courts that will not allow anyone any self-defense. You are guilty before entering the court. There is no due process.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: “I think you should be asking Democrats, are they going to call for peace here in our city, or are they calling for violence?” Notice how the Fake News Media wants to ask gotcha questions and change the subject. They’re protecting the Marxist democrats by not reporting news that the public can use to decide for ourselves. They want to control narrative with disinformation. They are more than willing to spread a smear campaign at the behest of the Marxist democrats. If they can do this to elected officials they don’t like, then they can do this to you. Destroy your career, your future, your family, drain your finances, and ostracize you from your family and neighbors.

As Branden continues his terrible slide in the polls, Marxist democrats are pulling out all their dirty party tricks to try and steal elections. Mark Levin unearths the Marxist democrats’ latest lie-filled, libelous attempt to eliminate Colorado’s Rep. Lauren Boebert as she runs for reelection. And their accusations are so grotesque, even Fake News CNN is calling them out. This is standard operating procedure for Marxist democrats. Accuse others of being racist and immoral. Everyone is a target by these criminals.


The Supreme Court’s correct decision to send the abortion decision back to the States, applying the 10th amendment, has sent the Fake News Media into a lying frenzy. The left’s thirst for abortion is insanely dangerous. Not only to the justices, but to churches and pregnancy centers.

An MSLSD legal analyst, Glenn Kirschner, a known left-wing lunatic to commented on Jonathan Capehart’s Sunday Show, with New York Times columnist Charles Blow (a nipple high racist) serving as substitute host. If you watch the video, the camera has Charles Blowhard towering over the guest speakers.

You can tell that none of them actually ever read the Supreme Court ruling. So they resort to false accusations and threats of violence. Abortion is the hill they will die upon. You see this on just about every Fake News show where the media deliberately distorting the ruling. They repeat the same lie over and over.

Unfortunately, abortion has not been over turned. But now the abortion ghouls are making this connection that Roe v. Wade was a privacy issue, but it never was about privacy. They’re saying that the Supreme Court will over-turn other civil rights. No civil rights will be reversed, but there’s no cases before the Supreme Court to erase anyone’s rights. This is all propaganda hype by the Fake News to foment emotional reactions and violence. Again, the Marxist democrats call for violence.

Nazi Piglosi (D-Calif.) and Schumck E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) clashed with President Trump over border security, during a meeting in the Oval Office. These two Marxist democrats were all in favor of letting in illegal aliens back then. The reason was clear, they were counting on changing the voting laws to allow illegals to vote in the next local and national elections. To change and gerrymander State districts to get more democrat representation in Congress.


This is what’s happening with Jim Crow Joe Branden. They’re not hiding this fact anymore. They are purposely destroying this country to keep themselves in power. They are deliberating eroding American sovereignty to create a socialist oligarchy.

Remember what they did to us when the locked-down the country in the name of Covid. President Trump was against closing down the country. Because, as we have all painfully found out, when you give the Marxist democrat this power over our lives, they will keep it going as long as they can. It makes them drunk with power. But now, we’re in an election year and suddenly, the Marxist democrats are changing their tune. Here in Hawai’i the mandates the Marxist democrats imposed on us are circling back on them.

Hawai’i Free Speech News produced this video that explains the sudden change of the illegal mandates:

“The fact that none of these candidates have used their platform to denounce HIDOE’s exclusive mask mandate stranglehold over Hawaii’s public school children shows how they must really feel about it. Now that they are in a safe space democrat debate all unanimously not for the HIDOE mask mandate, they can finally make it known to everyone that the mask mandate is no longer necessary despite the fact that HIDOE is being encouraged to keep it going from summer and into the new school year as well. Well I wonder what HIDOE, HSTA, and the BOE think about what these “democrat hopefuls” for the next governor have to say about the Keiki mask mandate which is becoming more and more unpopular even among democrat circles.”

Remember what the Marxist democrats did to us during the lock-downs. Businesses closed for good. Jobs lost forever. People’s lives and savings destroyed. How they continue to forcibly masked children in schools. The illegal mandates. With an election coming up, they’re suddenly singing a different tune. Do we want to vote these people back into office after they destroyed their public trust?

The Marxist democrats now have a campaign to inject children as young as 6 months with an experiential Covid vaccine that could potentially be harmful to children. There are many reports of young people getting deadly heart problems and other neurological problems after receiving the Covid vaccines. People need to do their own research before believing what the CDC and HIDOH are telling us. They’ve been either been wrong or have lied to the public. Don’t be conditioned to believe what we’re being told. Don’t let them get away with blaming others for what they did to us.



Partly cloudy and breezy. 6% chance of rain. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 13 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/32th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 74%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is at 29. Readings taken at 2:25PM HST.

Iulai ‘Elima, 2022


12 Monkeypoxes


Aloha kākou. No matter, to the world we already look like a banana republic. With the farcical January 6th circus taking place today in Washington D.C. this country is looking no different than a third world dictatorship. It an infection of political corruption.  The J6 ringmaster, Benny Hill Thompson, the Marxist democrat misrepresentative Mississippi’s 2nd congressional district since 1993, is the unselect committee chair. He and the others on this unconstitutional Star Chamber court should be dismissed. They all should have been primaried long ago. That’s the latest thing in politics today. Selective prosecution by Marxist democrats. A disease indeed.

Meanwhile, monkeypox alarms are going off in Hawai’i. The state Department of Health announced today it has identified an additional “probable” case of monkeypox in a Hawaii resident. I love the use of the word, “probable.” Supposedly, this individual has shown symptoms consistent with monkeypox. Testing completed by the State Laboratories Division detected orthopoxvirus. Monkeypox is a type of orthopoxvirus. But what was the conclusion? Was it monkeypox or not?

Monkeypox is a rare disease that was first discovered in African countries. It has since appeared in Europe and in the United States. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion reported that many cases have been among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. However, anyone who has been in close contact with someone with monkeypox is at risk getting the infection, regardless of a person’s gender, sexual orientation, or travel history. But you have to be physically close, as in kissing close. It’s passed by bodily fluids.

The infection begins with flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, chills, exhaustion, and swollen lymph nodes. Infection progresses to a rash or sores, often on the hands, feet, chest, face, or genitals. Individuals generally become ill within 21 days of exposure. Since then, the Department of Health has reported additional “probable” cases. I guess there will be future press releases once the infection has been confirmed. I wonder if it could be confused with the Covid virus?

The hype about monkeypox is growing as the Covid red flags are being counted furiously. Do we have another virus scare just in time for the midterm elections? I can’t help but wonder if a repeat of the next new thing to invoke emergency powers once again. Will be see lockdowns, mandatory masking, closing of businesses, and another flattening of the curve for another two years? I guess no sex with monkeys till we flatten the curve.



Mostly cloudy with passing showers. Tradewinds are from the east at 8 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 69%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got another 9/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70s. Humidity is at 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 17.

Lune ‘Eiwa, 2022


Vaccine Masking


Aloha kākou. Covid conditioning continues to drive people’s fears and concerns. Even though the mask mandates were lifted in Hawai’i, only schools and hospitals still require masks to be worn inside. I can understand why some hospitals and clinics would still require masks. It’s where sick people go. But I don’t understand the logic behind requiring children to be masked while indoors at schools. Especially children in K-12 grades have shown the least effected by Covid’s harmful effects. Masks have been proven to be harmful to children, especially the very young. They need to breath freely for their brains to work properly. Children breathing in their own CO2 for hours at a time is proven to hurt their learning development. There is no proof masks will guard against any viral infection. But a worn dirty mask is a cloth petri dish of bacteria and disease.


A Hilo resident, told a news service that she plans to continue wearing a mask inside supermarkets and crowded stores, since new Covid cases are still occurring on Hawaii Island every day. At least that’s what we’re told by the Hawai’i Department of Health on a weekly basis. It used to be daily, but they changed how they release information. We have no idea how accurate that data is compiled. The Fake News Media hypes up the Covid case counts keeping the fear factor on the front burner.

Indeed, I still see people in stores wearing their obedient face diapers. People are still driving around in their cars masked up, windows up, and all alone in their car. The original Covid virus is gone and mutated into variants that spread easily, but the variants are less likely to get people really sick. We know that the most vulnerable are those people that have morbidities that has contributed to Covid related deaths. Those people should be protected and vaccinated. We’ve learned a lot since Covid broke out over a year ago. We learned that vaccines might be harmful to some young people. We know the healthy have a greater survival rate of over 99.8% Covid and the variants. We know that natural immunity is the best protection against Covid and the variants.

However, deep Covid conditioning has become a new way of life with some people. Another person reported that she caught Covid at the beginning of the pandemic, she had breathing issues, which lasted for about two weeks. Her husband also caught Covid ‌and was sick for over a month. She said the experience “scared the bejesus out of me.” They’ve since been vaccinated and boosted. Despite the fact they both have natural immunity, fear will drive them to continuing to wear masks. Lets learn more about the vaccines and their effectiveness.

Epoch Times is a excellent source for real investigative journalism. The video does has a commercial, however the content of this report is very revealing and worth watching. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion has lost all public credibility. I believe many in the public no longer trust the CDC to tell the truth about what they know and don’t know about Covid, vaccines, and mask efficiency. Instead, the CDC has been deliberately hiding information from the public. The CDC has been making up Covid rules as they go along. Rules based no science to backup the decision data. We know that Fhony Fauci, Francis Collins at the National Institute of health (NIH) and discredited other scientists Covid studies. But what other side effects are there with the vaccine? Watch the following video. There’s a more detailed video here.

Could the vaccines be altering Human DNA via the vaccine’s spike protein? Does the vaccine guard against variants of Covid? We don’t know because the data is not being made available to the public. A study from Sweden suggests that the Pfizer Covid vaccine can bury its spike protein code into human DNA. The study is in its early stages and more research has to be done. We don’t know what the long term effects this alteration will do over time. It seems the CDC is taking a page out of Communist China’s deliberate efforts to suppress information.

Perhaps there should be a pause on vaccine delivery until more is learned. Covid deaths and hospitalizations have dramatically dropped off, so there is time to study this further. The CDC has pushed a public information campaign that ignored and discredited other scientists warnings. The government agencies have been creating commercials that encourage people to vaccinate their children as young as two years old. But if the vaccine is altering human DNA or something else, then shouldn’t we want to wait till we learn more?


The CDC recommends masking children as young a two to wear masks. As anyone knows, getting a two year old’s to wear a face diaper is near impossible. Parents and their children were kicked off airlines if they couldn’t keep their toddlers masked up. This is child and passenger abuse by the airlines. But who do you trust more? The government or the scientists that developed the vaccines? I trust neither. When the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology is saying that not everyone needs to get the vaccine, then we should be listening to the scientists and not government Big Bird spokespersons.

What about face masks? Just a day ago sadists mask flight attendants were torturing passengers when their masks dipped just below their noses and threatening to ban passengers for life from the airline. It took a judge to rule that the mask mandates were illegal. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle for the Middle District of Florida called the policy “unlawful” and ruled that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had overstepped its legal authority by imposing the mandate in February 2021.

Right on cue, the Brandon regime called the ruling disappointing. “This is obviously a disappointing decision. The CDC continues recommending wearing a mask on public transit,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during a briefing Monday. “Right now the Department of Homeland Security, who would be implementing, and the CDC are reviewing the decision and of course the Department of Justice would make any determinations about litigation,” she added. This regime will try and reinstate the illegal mask mandates and force people to get vaccinated. Even if they have natural immunity. The science be damned. This is about control over our lives.

I get the feeling that the Brandon regime will challenge the ruling despite the backlash that would happen should the Injustice Department overrule the Judge Mizelle decision. It wouldn’t be politically unwise to impose a mask mandate in a election year. People are already furious with the Marxist democrats mishandling of the government. But be aware that the Marxist democrats are already plotting to rig the midterm elections and if the Marxist democrats are successful stealing the election once again, they will reimplement the illegal mandates. Make no doubt about that.

Back in Hawai’i, everyone can take off the obedience face diapers, except the children in public schools. The teachers unions are resisting allowing children the freedom to breath. It a power play by the teachers unions. On April 12, 2022 dozens of concerned parents, uncles and aunties assembled at the Hawaii Department of Education to serve them with a Cease and Desist Notice and call for an end to the masking of our children in public schools. Keith Hayashi, Interim HIDOE Superintendent, was not available to meet with the people despite numerous phone calls and emails from parents requesting to speak with him. Video by Liberty Press.

Mask mandates in K-12 schools is a problem around the country for children and parents. In some places around the country, parents received threats of criminal trespassing charges for refusing to comply with the district’s mask mandates. A mandate is not a law. Laws are passed by state legislators. Not by school boards. Laws are not passed by the CDC. Which is the basis of Judge Mizelle’s ruling. This is an intimidation tactic against parents to exert dominance over the parents. By accusing parents as terrorist’s and insurrectionists. It’s an attempt by the government to take control of the children from the parents.

Not all parents can afford to send their kids to private schools where masking is removed. Everything that is wrong with the education system today is rooted in the public schools. From the illegal mandates to the pornographic and racist curriculum. The Department of Education that was created by Jimmah Carter in 1979 has been a total failure. At the state level the public schools have failed to provide children with the necessary skills to enter higher learning and into society. The prospects of improving the education system doesn’t seem likely. Like many government agencies, they’ve become bloated, political, unregulated and out of control. These agencies need to be dismantled and defunded. The money could be better spend on the students than within a broken department.



Mostly sunny with possible afternoon showers. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 40%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight again. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.15 inches and dewpoint is 63°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 28

ʻApelila ʻUmi Kūmāiwa, 2022


Mask Free


Aloha kākou. Yesterday I went to the Hilo Safeway and I did not wear my obedience face diaper. No one gave me stink eye and no employee or customer said a word about me being maskless. There’s still a lot of people wearing these face decorations. They’re still obeying the illegal mandate that the governor and others in the Marxist Hawaiian government have exempted themselves from having to wear. Masks for thee, but not for me. Our out of touch elitist’s regime can run around without wearing their obedience face diapers. They know it’s a power trip for themselves. This is why Hawai’i is the last state in the nation to still have a mask mandate.

Liberty Press posted this encounter with trying to enter the Capitol building after the Safe Access restrictions were lifted. The Safe Access restriction required people to present their Covid vaccine card or proof of negative Covid infection. Even when we know that Covid vaccines don’t prevent infections and transmission of the virus. You still have to wear your obedience face diaper to enter the Capitol building. I had to laughed because these two door bouncers are enforcing the Safe Access before allowing people into the building. Even though Mayor Blangiardi said the vax cards are no longer required at restaurants, bars and gyms, apparently you still need one to get into the state capitol to speak to your representatives.

Liberty Press tried to enter the Capitol building to speak out against House Bill 1697. House Bill 1697 is an attempt by the Department of Education to introduce lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and other sexual orientations, gender identities and persons of color communities, to destigmatize and promote sexual health. The bill is called sexual health training. Something that parents of children should be responsible for teaching their kids, and not the teachers. When keiki o ka ‘āina [children of the land] are failing in most remedial education to be successful in life.

The information from the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion [CDC] has quietly revised it numbers over the number of deaths due to Covid, the flu, and vaccines. The CDC has lumped all the deaths of children and all other related deaths, as all Covid related. Why did the CDC change the numbers? For profit, of course.

The Epoch Times published several research papers showing that the messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA, according to Swedish researchers at Lund University. The links provided here are behind Epoch’s paywall to read, but I’m linking the article that summarizes the effects the pharmaceutical companies and CDC don’t want you to see. Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, wrote on Twitter that the Swedish study’s findings have “enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive spike synthesis driving the pathogenesis of a whole new genre of chronic disease.”

This should concern parents of young children getting the vaccine. My caution is that we don’t know the long term effects of these experimental vaccines. These studies are just coming out and they are still unconfirmed. But why subject a child to a vaccine that neither prevents contracting the virus nor prevents serious health effects. We do know that children are least likely to get sick from Covid viruses. The only exception are those children with serious comorbidities. The healthy seem to recover with natural immunity. After over two years of lockdowns, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccines, parents and children are needlessly frightening by the misinformation from the government and pharmaceutical industry. But let’s get back to the profit picture and how it relates to vaccine safety.

The relevant information is in the first 8 minutes of this news video. Question: Why does Pfizer need 75 years before releasing the data of their vaccines? I’m not buying the trade secrets excuse. Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, believes Americans will have to prepare for getting an annual booster shot the same as the flu. He said a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine will be necessary. Then a fifth dose, a sixth dose, and a dose every year. I’m not going to do that. I don’t even get the flu shot because the efficacy doesn’t any guarantee you won’t get the flu. If yearly Covid booster shots are really necessary, then I’d like to see the data that supporting data. Unlike annual flu shots, which are problematic at best, and developed differently from mRNA technology. Why then is the CDC VARES contributing to misinformation by limiting Covid vax data results? It’s all very discerning and suspicious.

It’s Saint Patrick’s week and here is the first in featured songs this week, “Sleepy Maggie”



Partly cloudy with a chance of rain. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 72%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is okay at 37.

Malaki ‘Umi Kūmāhā, 2022


State Of Denial


Aloha kākou. Hawai’i is the 50th state, and the last State to enter the union. We’re the only state with a remaining with mask mandate. Except the elected State officials have apparently exempted themselves from their own mandates. Additionally, keiki o ka ‘āina [children] must wear obedience face diapers in schools where they’re suffocating in their own CO2. The Marxist democrats say it’s to keep Hawai’i safe. Apparently, children of Hawai’i are dangerous if they’re not wearing obedience face diapers.

Governor David Ige decreed that for another month must pass before he’s willing to lift the indoor obedience face diaper mandate. Now you know that goal post is going to move once again. Everyone asked, “Wait! Didn’t we witness Ige, Green, Kahele and others, not wearing a masks with Honolulu mayor Blangiardi at the Chinatown Hawaii Pacific Bank Private Party last week?! The only time these hypocrites put on their obedience face diapers is when they see a camera pointed at them. Notice the event servers must wear masks. While the corps d’elite can openly violate their own rules. Mahalo to Hawaii Free Speech News Network for posting this wikiō .

Just remember that elections have consequences. As the great Tammy Bruce summarized, “You married me knowing full well who I am. So don’t act so surprised when I keep punching you in the face. You got what you asked for.” We have elections coming up in November and now is a good time to ask questions and get to know the candidates. So far, nobody running for governorship has caught my attention. Neither republican nor democrat seem to be cognizant of the needs of Hawai’i. Those already in office are just posturing themselves for reelection and feeding themselves from the public trough.

Today, the Mayor of the County of Hawai’i Island, Mitch Roth announced the end to all Hawaii County emergency rules related to Covid. The ending of Hawaii County’s Thirteenth Supplementary Emergency Proclamations, means there will no longer be a limit on gathering sizes for both indoor and outdoor facilities and venues. But there’s a catch. Hawai’i residents must still wear Governor David Ige’s obedience face diapers mandate, Safe [scam] Travels requirements and testing and vaccination requirements for county and state employees. What difference did this make? Here’s a little bit of your liberties returned back to you. You’re welcome. Now kiss my ring.

Oh but ironies of ironies. Governor David Ige posted a National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) series of seminars. It’s an educational series of seminars to protect consumers how to protect themselves from  scams online and otherwise. The seminars are sponsored by the IRS, USPS, and Homeland Security to provide tips on how to avoid scams. I hope people remember Ige’s words of wisdom about scams. When we’re still being mandated to wear masks and get jabs. Scam [safe] Hawai’i has been the best example of government tyranny. Now the State has workshops to prevent scams. Oh the irony. Welcome to the Aloha State of Denial. 



Mostly sunny and warm with lite breezes. Tradewinds are from the east at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is borderline at 40.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, 2022


Hawaii’s Doctor Fauci


Aloha kākou. Hate Crime in Honolulu, Hawai’i? This is a about Lt. Governor Josh Green, Hawaii’s Medical Fraudster and Fhony Fauci 2.0 garden gnome. Many don’t know that Lt. Gov Green has also suggested medical segregation against the unvaccinated and he supports mask mandates and vaccines for children in schools. Hawaii’s Lt. Governor Joshing Green is accusing anti-mask mandate protestors of being anti-Semites. Green says if you disagree with his authority then you’re a racist. It’s a typical leftist tactic by a Marxist democrats to silence opposition by accusing everyone that disagrees with them a bigot. Do what you’re told you bigots and don’t question [mah] authority, says Josh Green. I’m a big shot doctor. Green appears on the local news wearing dirty hospital scrubs to look the part of a real doctor. But he only plays one on the local news. Who does this remind you of?

“Like the old joke goes, Barry the Bullshitter Obummer isn’t a doctor, but Barry likes to play a doctor on TV giving Americans a discomforting glimpse of life under ObamaCare, with government leaders and bureaucrats dispensing medical opinions that are better left to doctors, medical professionals, and patients, and not to politicians pretending to be doctors.

As with all leftists, when they’re backed into a corner by people protesting illegal draconian mandates, they run to the Fake News Media to cry, wail, and moan that people are threatening their authority. Josh Green appeared on the Beavis and Butthead show, aka MSLSD, to make himself a victim of anti-Semitism. It’s do as I say and not as I do.

Does this sound familiar? It should to everyone, because it’s part of the lefts playbook. Someone wrote on a poster “JEW” that was posted on a pole outside of Green’s apartment complex. How do we know that Green didn’t write “Jew” that on the poster? There’s got to be video surveillance in the area. Should be easy to prove either way. Regardless, there has never been any threats against Green or his family. This is the first time anyone has heard of this. However, Green is very fond of threatening the unvaccinated by threatening to deny them healthcare. Green has openly said on several occasions that the unvaccinated will be segregated from getting hospital care. It’s medical apartheid by any other name, and it’s discrimination. It is a violation of basic human civil rights and against the law.

Hawaii Free Speech News Network has been posting videos that show Green’s lack of medical science knowledge and ignorance of Covid. Green appeared on MSNBC and was asked what the solution was to dealing with Hawaii’s overwhelmed hospitals from the delta variant. First of all, I follow the news and I haven’t been aware of a hospital ICU bed shortages any different than past flu seasons. Plus, we’re not getting the full story from the Hawaii’s Dept. of Health and the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion. We only get numbers of cases, numbers of hospitalized, and no other relevant information. There’s no age, comorbidity relation, gender, and if the person got covid after being admitted to the hospital. Were people sick because of Covid or just tested positive after another unrelated condition? Did they get hit by a bus and test positive after getting to the hospital? Did patients have a compromised immune system, a heart problem, an existing condition that was being put off that became worse? They won’t tell us that information. Everything is only COVID and nothing else matters. Get your Fauci Ouchy and shut up.

Green uses Fhony Faucy’s ghoulish reasoning to getting children vaccinated, ages 5-11, and younger, was a very important part of ending the pandemic. But children are the least vulnerable to Covid infections. Green continues to claim that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated just like Joe Biden claimed will be the winter of death. He also warned that the unvaccinated would succumb to Covid and they would have to be isolated from the public. Which does not follow the science of Covid spread. When we know that people getting the vaccines are getting the virus and getting sick. This is Green’s power trip to bolster his political chances to become another Covid dictator governor like Ige.

During a campaign for Governor swing at a Bank of Hawai’i on O’ahu, Hawaii Free Speech News caught up with Joshing Green wearing his dirty scrubs costume and tried to ask him some questions. Green responded by running away into the bank. Green’s minions started pouring out of the bank to provide cover for the quack doctor. What does this say about a candidate for governor that doesn’t want to answer questions about his policies? Governor Ige keeps moving the Covid goal posts as to when the mask mandates will end. Green isn’t willing to end the Covid mandates either. Instead, Green has indicated he’s going to ratchet up the mandates with more mandates. Vaccines requirements and vaccine passports to get jobs, hotel lodging, interisland transportation, entry into bars and restaurants, and the list of Covid restrictions will go on forever. This isn’t about science, it’s about control over the people. It’s government Medical Fascism.

But this isn’t just Joshing Green fascist mandates, it’s also our Congressional Misrepresentatives that are pushing Marxist fascism to impose draconian restrictions on our lives. Kai Kahele, Hawaiʻi’s 2nd Congressional District misrepresentative, wants to create internment camps in Hawai’i to quarantine anyone traveling to the State and anyone that tested for Covid. You don’t get a choice of Aloha in Hawai’i. Kahele wants mandatory vaccinations for children as young as newborns. You’re born and and instead of getting slap on the ass, they give you a jab of Fauci’s Experiential Coof Juice.

I copied this section out of the YouTube description of Hawaii Free Speech News Network video. Be sure to follow the link to Kahele’s congressional website where he uses scare tactics to impose a heavy handed government restrictions on our liberties:

“After Kai Kahele left his “Running for Governor” private party at Hau Tree, Kaimana Beach Hotel, he was met outside the lobby of the hotel by some protesters who asked him why he wanted to impose his unusually strict mask mandate plan on school children (Step 3 of his “10 steps to a safe Hawai’i)…. We believe that Kahele’s ridiculous “10 steps to a safe Oahu” plan was given to Kahele from his deep state controllers in order to make Josh Green appear to be the only reasonable candidate for Governor. In order to avoid the questions from protesters, Kahele went over to his family in the valet area to retrieve two of his daughters, lifted them up and shielded his face with his little girls from the cameras onsite. He took them back into the hotel and took the elevator to escape the questions. The protesters could not believe Kahele would do something so cowardly but it worked on his part. We’ve decided not to give the mainstream corporate fake news fuel to spin what actually happened so next time Kai. The democrats are known to pull stunts like this such as when Antifa and BLM put the women in the front when they are getting in fights with the opposing group in order to make them look bad for “attacking a woman.” Kai used his family as a shield when asked about his mask mandate plan. Well played Kahele; cowardly, but well played. It’s also important to note that Kahele invited a number of people to his private dining room at Hau Tree where he partied and lounged and he never wore a mask accept for when he left the room to go through the lobby. Just like Josh Green last September, Kahele wants to impose a strict authoritarian indoor N95 mask mandate on us and our children in school but not for himself especially when he parties with friends on a vacation getaway. Note: Abrien Aguirre, the covid whistleblower, was also there taking pictures and calling out Kai but unfortunately we can’t use that footage because Kai was hiding behind his daughters so hopefully next time where we can ask him the hard questions in a setting where he can’t hide behind his family.”

Note that Kahele is neither a doctor, nor a scientist, and he has no medical expertise to make such claims. His 10 point plan to make Hawai’i safe is nothing more than a Marxist take over of the medical system in Hawai’i. It’s a government take over of our lives, restrict our liberties, and create a secure a prison state on these islands. Kahele wants to become governor and he’s still a first year freshman in Congress with no political experience, but he wants to rule our lives as governor. Kahele is not even qualified to represent Hawaii’s second congressional district, let alone elected as dog catcher.

Two weeks to flatten the curve turn into two years of never ending lockdowns and mandates. The cure has become worse than the virus. Those in power have rejected all science behind Covid. When you see countries like Sweden that had no vaccine and mask mandates incur the least amount of hospitalizations and death, you wonder why? Sweden followed medical science. They isolated the most vulnerable and allowed the healthy to gain herd immunity as the virus passed through the country. Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis observed that, consulted with virologist scientists. DeSantis ignored the CDC, NIH and Fhony Fauci. The result was fewer deaths and hospitalizations in Florida. DeSantis employed alternate drug therapies besides providing the Fauci Coof Juice to those wanted it. In short, allowing the people to make their own medical decisions with their doctors. Today, the far left Marxists will not acknowledge that common sense approach to Covid has worked to keep people safe and alive. The left still calls DeSantis grandma killer. Which is ironic when Marxist democrat states has had the greatest number of deaths and hospitalizations. It proves that Fear Sells over Common Sense Security. The heavy hand of government tyranny kills more than it saves.

GOP Chair Birthing Person, Ronna Romney McDaniel says: “Joe Biden won the election, and I’m not going to talk about anything else other than 2022!” The establishment RINO Never-Trumper party has abandoned America First policies and now supports the Marxist democrats.

If we are to take back our county and a return to normalcy, then we need to get involved and vet these candidates vying for political office. Hawai’i Free Speech News Network is doing that work of asking the hard questions. Notice how Green and Kahele scurry away like cockroaches when exposed to the light?

Protect the vulnerable, but don’t punish the healthy. Allow people to decide if they want to get the jab and wear the mask. Stop with the misinformation and hiding the truth. Hawai’i doesn’t need or want a Fhony Fauci 2.0 as governor.



Mostly sunny and breezy. We’re supposed to be in our rainy season, but we’ve had little rain since January. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 70s. Humidity is at 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is okay at 38.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāono, 2022
