Aloha kākou. Who is the World Health Organization? The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. They are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Their charter states they promote health for all, eliminating poverty, ensure essential medicines are accessible, and to coordinate specific disease programs. Pay close attention to that last part regarding disease programs.

The Covid pandemic was the test case for the implementation of the WHO Emergency Pandemic Accord. It would give the WHO total control over world health conditions. The WHO will centrally control vaccines, mandates, and pharmaceuticals. All nations would be required to be signatory participants under the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Nations would surrender their national sovereignty over to the WHO during a time of a global pandemic. Including economic, military, and government agencies. In effect, the WHO would be a One World Government.

Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s dark agenda.

What would stop the WHO declaring Global Warming as a Public Health Emergency? A climate crisis pandemic that would require nations to surrender to the WHO. Would those nations be forced to retaliate against other governments that refused to sign the WHO agreement? Would it use trade as a weapon against those nations? Would that spark a world war? All sorts of scenarios come to mind. It’s the UN and WHO’s relationship with Communist China that is driving this One World Government.

Covid was developed by Communist China, with the help of the Fhony Fauci’s NIH. They used Gain of Function to develop the Covid virus. The UN and WHO are extremely close partners with China. They’ve never held China accountable for the Wuhan Covid release and disinformation that followed.

The World Health Organization is holding a two-week marathon in Geneva with hopes to push through key sections of the pandemic treaty by May 2024. “The pandemic treaty is that controversial blueprint for how the WHO and the international community will deal with future pandemics,” Sky News host Rita Panahi says. “Critics argue this treaty gives too much power to too few.” Ms. Panahi said this treaty could “threaten our basic freedoms”.

World Health Organization leaders are already warning about a mysterious “Disease X,” the temporary name for the next pathogen that will ravage the globe in the future. WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said last month that another global pandemic, possibly much deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic, could be here sooner than we think.

With that backdrop, Tedros is urging member countries to approve a so-called Pandemic Treaty touted as a way to prevent, prepare, and respond to the next worldwide pandemic. The 32-page draft is posted on the WHO website. “Anything happening is a matter of ‘when,’ not ‘if,'” Tedros said. “So, we need to have a placeholder for that, for the diseases we don’t know that may come. And that was when we gave the name Disease X.”

The WHO is using Covid fears to frighten nations into surrendering their sovereignty to the WHO. They’re setting a fear trap to force nations to surrender to the United Nations. The UN’s reputation of Human Rights Violations is well documented. The UN Blue Helmuts have committed more crimes than rogue nations.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. He’s joined in the effort by other U.S. lawmakers with growing concerns about protecting U.S. sovereignty during future global health crises. One of the many issues at stake is global vaccine passports.

The bill would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) intergovernmental negotiating body to be deemed a treaty, requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate. The legislation comes as the WHO continues to move the pandemic treaty process forward and is expected to formally present a draft to member states later this month.

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tells CBN News she fears all the world’s nations are about to submit too much sovereignty to a United Nations organization. The attempted power grab described by Bachmann involves the World Health Organization or W.H.O. Through a series of 307 amendments and a global pandemic treaty, the W.H.O. is seeking to gain authority over international health decisions of U.N. member nations in the event of something like another COVID pandemic.

The world should pay attention to what the WHO is planning, and which nations are pushing for its passage. Namely Communist China which has deep ties into the World Health Organization and the United Nations. Communist China genocide against the Uyghurs and other ethnic people is ignored by the United Nations and the world media. The UN and the Fake News Media virtually ignore communist China’s human rights atrocities. Human organ harvesting, slave trade, and genocide is ignored. There’s no coverage because the UN doesn’t want to offend Communist China.

Portions of this post were copied directly from the video articles. They speak directly of the source of the international danger that the United Nations and the WHO present upon the world. Pedo-Joe Biden and the Marxist democrats are going to try and pass this agreement to lock any future presidents from dissolving this agreement. This is why Trump’s America First campaign is needed to prevent the Marxist democrats from surrendering our nation over to foreign entities. Once we lose our national sovereignty, it’s damn hard to get rid of it. VOTE MAGA to Save America.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with possible showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received a trace of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 16. Readings taken at 12:00AM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmāwalu 2024

Monkey Soup


Aloha kākou. The World Health Organization (WHO) is asking for the public’s help in renaming the Monkeypox virus. It’s part of an ongoing effort to discourage harmful misconceptions associated with the current name. I kinda like the name Monkeypox, don’t you? The “WHO is holding an open consultation for a new disease name for Monkeypox. Anyone wishing to propose new names can do so,” the corrupt organization said in a statement. Name That Disease! Win Prizes.

The WHO convening a group of global experts (WHO?) in August, the WHO decided to rename the two dominant variants of Monkeypox. Previously called the Central African or Congo Basin clade and the West African clade, the strains will now be officially called Clade I and Clade II, respectively. The group also decided that Clade II consists of two distinct subclades. I don’t like the name Claud. It doesn’t sound funny enough. There’s no funny in a disease named Claud.

The World Health Organization renamed Monkeypox because some people argue it could hold racial connotations. Really? How so? Was Doctor Zaius personally offended? The organization said it strives to “avoid causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional, or ethnic groups”. An open forum will be held to search for a new name. So changing the name of a Congo virus discovered in the 1950’s will somehow dispel the myth of racism? The virus was discovered using monkeys in some horrible “gain of function” experiments. So what’s the problem? Ooooohhhh! It’s a gay disease. Monkeypox has gone Woke.

The WHO declared Monkeypox the next worldwide pandemic. Oh My! Numerous other diseases, including Japanese encephalitis, Hong Kong Flu, Marburg virus, Spanish influenza and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, Bird Flu, Swine Fever, and Chicken Pox, all have been named after the geographic areas where they first arose and were identified by either animal or human. But the WHO hasn’t publicly suggested changing any of those disease names. Is the WHO racially biased? Are we to put names of viruses into a bingo spinner and choose what number is selected? B5 – Sillypox. BINGO!

This video of (circa 2019) “Fleccas Talks” marches with the Los Angeles Pride Parade in West Hollywood. Some people were able to admit that President Trump is not that bad, others, not so much. This exposes how much the Woke LGBTQ community is intolerant of Americans. Normal people that just want to go about their business. The LGBTQ community parades their perversion in people’s faces, including children, and expects you to accept it or be called a bigot. Jim Crow Joe Branden expects you to adopt this perversion. The government is going to give them special protective status. Where’s our normie protective status? Don’t we have rights also?

We’re so politically correct these days. So much so that these protected groups can destroy careers and livelihoods. It used to be live and let live, but now it’s either accept me or else we’ll destroy you. My patience goes only so far before I start pushing back on what is absolutely wrong on so many levels. I’ve never encountered this level of intolerance by any groups before, but it seems intolerance of others is more in vogue these days. What I object to is how this intolerance is tearing apart our society. That is a line that’s been crossed.

When people voluntarily express their sexual preferences to me, I find that too much information. I don’t need to know nor do I want to know what people do in their bedroom. Neither do I wan to see it displayed in the streets. I don’t describe my sexual proclivities to people. I find that when people do so it’s extremely uncomfortable.

Unlike the animal kingdom, people have the ability to make decisions about their sexual proclivity. Even if those decisions a poorly decided leading to unhealthy outcomes. That’s why God gave us Free Will to live with the decisions we make. Maybe I’m making a monkey out of a molehill.



Partly cloudy with isolated showers. 80% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80s. Humidity is at 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 21. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake ʻUmi Kūmālima, 2022


The Good Reset


Aloha kākou. The world has gone through a phycological experiment. When the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus (COVID-19) first appeared in late 2019, it was suspected to be a lab accident. Despite the Communist Chinese insistence, it was a virus spawned from a wet market. It was supposed to be isolated just to Communist China. But because it was around the time of the Chinese Lunar New Year and people were traveling worldwide, the virus spread quickly. This setup a series of events.

The leading virus experts and the World Health Organization (WHO) made recommendations that were drastic. We were told a worldwide lockdown was needed: “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve.” Allowing the virus to fizzle out from transmitting and spreading. At the time, many virologists questioned that logic because that’s not how viruses work. Several countries went about their normal business. Sweden never had a lockdown. They didn’t close businesses. They went about their normal business but being mindful of caring for those most vulnerable of the virus. The Swedes treated the Covid virus as if it were another strain of the flu. The rest of the world panicked.

Communist China physically welded the doors shut of their people preventing them from getting out. England, the United States, and other countries closed businesses, and locked down the populace in their homes. The Two Weeks turned into two years. That’s the Covid Timeline summary and the beginning of the Great Experiment. Watch the following video and I’ll explain what the great experiment is about.

WHO’s Tedros claims COVID-19 showed how “misinformation and disinformation” can spread rapidly, and calls for Unsocial Media platforms, Big Tech companies, and Fake News Media outlets to “counter harmful information” about monkeypox. The question is, who decides what is “misinformation and disinformation?”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the director of the WHO. He’s not a doctor, but a medical researcher. He was hand-picked by the Communist Chinese to run the World Health Organization. Let me ask you this: Why do you suppose the WHO is cautioning about monkeypox misinformation? A virus that is rare and generally transmitted through sexual contact. In particular, by sexually promiscuous gay men. Monkeypox is not anywhere near the level of Covid. It’s not a coronavirus, but a strain from smallpox.

In the United States, only Fhony Fauci and Bird Brain Birx were the single source of Covid information. These two made all the decisions to recommend lockdowns, masking, closing of businesses, and continuing to stretch the mandatory mandates to keep the country locked down. Other experts were dismissed from including their expertise. Any questioning of Fauci and Birx was met with resistance. Scientists were banned from social media, ostracized by the Fake News Media, and careers destroyed. Others were fired from their jobs and pillarized as “Grandma Killers” for questioning the great mandates issued by Fauci and Birx.

Now for the “Great Experiment.” What if the release of Covid was timed to interfere with the American 2020 elections? What if the release of Covid was intentional? What if there was a great conspiracy by the Communist Chinese, The WHO and [e]nter the World Economic Forum. The WEF, a shadowy organization made of billionaires, corporations, and bankers. Led by a Bond villain with a Nazi accent, Klaus Schwab, that proposed the “Great Reset.” The reforming of world governments and economies to a Marxist model where “You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy.”

Sounds very agrarian, doesn’t it. These splashy WEF commercials appeal to the environmentalists that believe in the concept of a green sustainable society. Remember, you will not own anything, that’s the catch. You have to rely on the Globalist Elitists that will own everything. Only, you’ll have to pay to rent to them. You want a house with furniture and air conditioning, a vehicle to get about in, communication devices to keep in touch, and a entertainment system to keep you occupied. Everything you desire will be at your door. Delivered by drones or by some other method of delivery. You just have to pay for it all.

What is the real power behind the Great Reset? What’s the real truth about the World Economic Forum? Sorelle Amore, entrepreneur and Investor, does a deep dive into the WEF. Who their members are and what their goals are really about. In the video, you begin to see a dark picture of the kind of future they want to bring to the world. Now that we have a better picture of the WEF, the WHO, and Communist Chinese Party (CCP), lets put the pieces together.

As I eluded to in my opening comment, the world has been subjected to a phycological experimentation. These three main characters are seeing how much blind obedience the world will tolerate. When we’re ordered to obey and wear masks, to remain indoors, and to subject ourselves to any order the government mandates, they’ll own us. Once these malicious villain’s see how much they can push us into obeying orders without question, then we’ll become subject to their ruling authority. Hence, the Great Reset. The New World Order. They can own everything, and we will have to beg them for survival.

It’s a combination of events that are coalescing around the world. The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) being pushed into world money markets. The movement towards digital currencies. The seizing of farmlands and reduction of food production. The environmental restrictions on energy. Once a world power controls these necessary components for survival, then they own the population.

Resist and you’ll be denied access to your money, credit cards, travel, housing, and yes, food, energy, and water. Their intent is to starve you into submission. If you think I’m someplace in the Twilight Zone, then consider that the people moving to seize these world assets. Billionaires and the CCP already own a great chunk of the land, minerals, and money for them to survive in comfort. Will you?

You will obey, and you will comply, or you will die. That’s what the WEF means when they tell us, “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” Because if you complain, you will earn their pain. The WEF has warned that there will be pain. It’s purposeful to thin the global population out. The Environmental, Social, and Governance, has caused food riots in Sri Lanka, Ecuador, and Panama. ESG has convince governments to reduce the use of fertilizers. That going to cause food shortages around the world. These are the goals of the WEF. How can this be a conspiracy when we’re watching all this happening before our eyes?

We need a new reset. A “Good Reset.” Where we govern ourselves, form our own governments, and make out own laws. Where we can pursue our own destiny. Create our own happiness. Live Free and Die Free.


We need a Good Reset to get rid of the Globalists Scumbags



Partly cloudy with isolated afternoon showers. 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 16%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 73%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is at 31. Readings taken at 12:25PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, 2022


Monkey Business


Aloha Lāpule. For the second time in two years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken the extraordinary step of declaring another fake global emergency. This time the cause is monkeypox, which has spread in just a few weeks to a few dozens of countries and infected a few thousand people around the world. New York City had logged 839 monkeypox cases. Most of all of the cases are men who have sex with other men, according to the city’s Department of Health. Welcome to the Big Apple, don’t mind the maggots. Here’s a solution to stop the spread of monkeypox, stop having illicit sex with other men.

According to the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion, there are currently two monkeypox vaccines licensed by the FDA in the United States, and the effectiveness of both vaccines have not been supported in any human studies. Yet, the government wants to jab everyone with a monkeypox vaccine. Just like Coof Juice Fauci Ouchy, the government and Big Pfizer wants to experiment on people with unproven vaccines.

Something in the news that not so funny, but horrible. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) confirmed on last week of the first two U.S. cases of monkeypox in children, both adjacent to the gay community. One is a toddler who lives in California and the other is in an infant who is not a resident of the U.S. and was “transiting through” the Washington, D.C. area when the test was done. Children in the gay community are contracting monkeypox by adults that prey on children.

Does this suggest that gays are having sex with children? It could, the story doesn’t clearly explain how the children contracted monkeypox. But we know people can get monkeypox by close contact to someone infected through bodily fluids and sores.

Listen to “Groomer” Richard Levine, the male pervert that has been declared “Woman Of The Year.” This is Jim Crow Joe Branden’s four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. This ghoulish pervert wants to give children hormone blockers and damage children for life. This guy is a child predator.

If you were not convinced that a violent war against children and women is being conducted by these liberal perverted freaks, listen and believe. This is the far-left Marxist state saying that children should be experimented on by the government. Take the parents rights away and force children to transitioning into sexual playthings for these pedophile monsters. And the Fake News Media is right there supporting these atrocities.

The World Health Organization is considering calling in the Vaccine Police to start locking-down people in homes. Jabbing them and isolating people like they do in Communist China. How long before mask mandates will return? They’re already going to force the obedience face diapers on people in Kalifornia. Other states run by Marxist democrats are considering returning to Covid mandates. It’s a public health emergency, don’tcha know. Wouldn’t a repeat of Covid mandates be fun again.

Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in groups of monkeys being used for research. It’s spread mainly through human contact with infected rodents, but can sometimes be spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. There are two known types (clades) of monkeypox virus — one that originated in Central Africa and one that originated in West Africa. The current world outbreak (2022) is caused by the less severe West African clade. But Let’s Panic Anyway.

I question the timing. Just before midterm elections and the WHO declares a public emergency. Now, just as we’re starting to ease back into regular life, we’re hearing a lot of Fake News Media stories about monkeypox as an emerging public threat. However, monkeypox is a rare disease. It’s spread through close contact like kissing and sex. The media says experts are still learning about how monkeypox spreads in humans. This from a virus that was discovered in the 1950’s, and they still need to study it?

Preventing monkeypox is as easy as preventing unwanted pregnancies. Don’t let your hormones take control of your brain. Use a modicum of prevention. Abstinence is a good start.

I keep hearing talk about a new Covid variant. Of course we’re told that each variant that appears is more contagious and deadly than previous variants. Can the CDC and the WHO hype this hoax up more than it already is? There are people still wearing obedience face diapers, riding around in their vehicles with the windows rolled up. Living in fear is no monkey business.



Most cloudy with intermittent showers. 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 80%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is at 22. Readings taken at 11:00AM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāhā, 2022




Aloha kākou. We’re seeing the first of the new world global police force. A Soylent Green World where the New World Order will be enforced by the WEF Stormtroopers. You will be poor and you will be happy owning nothing. The horns kinda remind me of something.


Looking a the who’s who attendees is revealing. There are people there that we wouldn’t expect to be part of the WEF. There are over 50 heads of State and government. Followed by central bankers, finance, industry, environment, health, communications, and many others that make up this evil cabal of power grabbing  elites. You’ll note there are both republicans and democrats that are tied into this criminal group.

“Zee Future Ist Built By Us,” says Klaus ‘The Fish’ Schwab.  Leading this non-government organization is a comic book villain-like character named Klaus Schwab, he’s their megalomaniac president whose goals are truly insane projecting by an extremist political agenda for our future. They literally are saying they will rule the world and you will not own any property. You will be happy, or else. They will control world currencies and wealth. They will control your environment and implement a social credit system. You will neither independence nor free will.

Note the theme, “Build Back Better”, in relation to The Great Reset. Featured, in order: Tony Blair, Greta Thunberg, Caroline Lucas, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Layla Moran, Kamala Harris, CBSN’s Tanya Rivero, Prince Charles, Kristalina Georgieva, Prince Harry, Sadiq Khan, Jacinda Ardern, António Guterres, Klaus Schwab. There are more elitist’s behind this Build Blunders Better scheme to rule the world.

The communist social credit system as designed by the World Economic Forum. How it will effect our lives? When Klaus ‘The Fish’ Schwab says you will own nothing, what he really means the elites will own everything. National sovereignty will be a thing of the past if the the WEF reaches its goal of world order. Making America Great Again (MAGA) will not exist. The world will be a ‘common’ or communist order. This isn’t about socialism. Which is the little sister to communism. This is about grabbing land and food production. This is about packing and stacking people in high-rise buildings. The concept of the suburbs will no longer exist. That single family dream home with the white picket fence, pink flamingos in the front yard, a backyard barbeque patio, will not exist. You might ask why would they want to prevent the American dream of home ownership? The WEF will tell you it’s to protect the environment. To protect open spaces, and water and food resources to service a growing population. Sounds more like they want to kill off the population by crowding people into cramped quarters.

Savanaha Hernandez at Rebel News reports: “The World Economic Forum is in Davos for their 52nd annual meeting. The city is complete from everything from faux storefronts, created just for the elites, to the attendees segregated by class. Day one in Davos has been nothing short of ridiculous.”

Color coded badges that announce your status level within the WEF hierarchy. They’re already defining a class and cast system of haves and have nots. The elitist rulers and the worker drones that service the hive. They even have their own police force made up is WEF Stormtroopers and plainclothes police. The Gestapo WEF secret police that will demand to see your papers where ever you go. Privacy will be nonexistent.

Police At Davos Detain Journalist Jack Posobiec is detained For NO REASON. The WEF Police make him empty his pockets, frisks him, and then set him free. No explanations given. The WEF has it’s own army of protectors that will shakedown the public. They want a Mad Max dystopian world to rule.

It’s bad enough that the WEF is proposing medications with transmitters built in to monitor your health. The WHO wants to implement worldwide medical control during pandemics. It sounds innocuous enough. Helping those that might forget to take their meds, but this is much more sinister than just monitoring healthcare. They want to implant chips into the body like we do to animals to monitor and identify them. It the dehumanization of people to the level of chattel for the elites.

Losers Wait. We cannot wait till they, the WEF, tries to implement this nightmare upon the world. We must reject this attempt to implement a New World Order. We must elect people that will defend our borders and reject build back better implementation. Else we will devolve into that dystopian world.



Cloudy and breezy trades with some passing sprinkles. Tradewinds have returned from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 25 mph. Cloud cover is 59%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 3

Mei Iwakālua Kūmāhā, 2022


Terms Of Abdication


Aloha kākou. The Marxist democrats are desperately tying to stoke up racism. Jim Crow Joe Branden and the insane democrats have now started using the “Replacement Theory” meme to blame conservatives for the shooting in New York. This follows the Marxist democrats despicable playbook of casting racial fears that white people will soon be replaced by other ethnicities. It’s not true and it never will be, because Americans are color blind to race. Marxist democrats see racism all around themselves everyday. They’re now using the rantings of a mentally ill person as the catalyst for racial primitive tribal fears.

What’s going to happen come election day in November, Replacement Theory will become Replacement Fact for Marxist democrats. American Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are going to Vote your Racist Marxist democrat Asses Out Of Government. Marxist democrats never let a tragedy go to waste. Ghouls.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) members will be meeting in Davos, Switzerland on May 22nd. Who are they and what’s their purpose isn’t being covered by the Fake News Media. That’s because the World Economic Forum consists of large corporations, banks, and media outlets. Most of these corporations are run by very rich far-left ideologs that have laid plans to form a Globalist New World Order. The World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum are plotting to force governments to capitulate to their demands on how healthcare will be distributed during pandemics. As we well know by now, the Covid pandemic is never going to end. They’ll come up new Covid variants every week. The Branden regime is “all in” when it comes to decimating United States sovereignty, all in the name of World Health.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Covid vaccines warns about WHO pandemic treaty. It means abdication of a nation’s sovereignty over to the WHO and WEF. The WEF’s claim of, “You will own nothing and you will be happy,” isn’t a joke. They really mean using political force to direct the affairs of nation’s governance. They will use world healthcare access as the leverage to control a nation’s sovereignty. This has been the WEF’s goal from the beginning and the WEF has said the Covid Pandemic is the key to making this happen. The regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon is going to submit to the WEF’s demands with no treaty approved by Congress. We the people don’t get a say on how we govern ourselves. It’s what I’ve been saying repeatedly that Marxist democrats don’t believe we are a Republic ruled by the people, but a social democracy ruled by an oligarchy.

Before Covid, the WEF was using Global Warming as their boogeyman to frighten people, but that wasn’t creating enough of a worldwide panic to push their agenda onto government. They’re responsible for the goofy Extinction Rebellion and other climate extremist groups. They’re the goofballs that glue themselves to Starbucks counters and highway roadways. They believe if they disrupt people’s lives enough the government will submit to their demands on climate crisis. Which doesn’t exist.

As Klaus “The Fish” Schwab and the World Economic Forum boast of eventually implementing their version of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ on the masses, some have been left wondering if the 84-year-old German economist’s plan is already taking shape. Governments have been successful in getting people to mask up and get the Fauci Ouchy. Fear is their ally. Rebel News has been spearheading a huge investigation into the WEF’s meetings. As those reports come in, I will share them with you.

Local governments are gearing up for another Covid Panic Porn repeat just in time for the November midterm elections. The local news media here in Hawai’i is pushing hard reporting Covid case numbers as if the pandemic has never gone away and is only getting worse. It’s to influence the elections by forcing people to use mail-in ballots and allowing the harvesting of election results. Just a repeat of the 2020 election cheating.

Here in Hawai’i, the Fake News Media reports more than 7,000 new COVID-19 cases were reported statewide over the last seven days, with Hawaii County reporting 850 new cases. This is an increase of 87 new cases on the Big Island since last week. Only deaths that were reported in Hawaii County were, one male and one female both between the ages of 60 and 69. Nothing about their existing comorbidities. Nothing about if they died because of Covid or if they died of an exist health problem, but tested positive for Covid. But because they tested positive for Covid, they’re death is counted as Covid related. That’s how they’re keeping the fear machine running.

It’s why kids are forced to mask up in schools. It’s why they’re forcing people to get the Coof Juice or lose their jobs. Tourists entering the State have to prove they’re vaxxed or be quarantined. They don’t want to drop the mandates and lockdowns.

This is what the WEF and the WHO wants to impose on governments. Either do as you’re told or don’t get the medical help to protect your people. They are using threats to impose their governance on other countries in exchange for data on preventing viruses, access to vaccines and medical care. This is how they plan to usher in their New World Order (NWO). Withholding necessary medical care is as evil as you can get. It’s the same threats that Josh Green used as Lt. Gov. of Hawai’i. If you’re not vaccinated, then you can be denied hospital care. Get into a car accident, get sent to the hospital, can’t prove you’re vaccinated, you get thrown out to the curbside to fend for yourself. Evil.

Many people haven’t made the connection yet that Covid vaccines do not prevent from getting the virus and spreading it to others. The vaccine seems to protect the most vulnerable. The elderly and those with immune deficiencies. However, it seems vaccinated people are getting and spreading the virus. Whereas the young and healthy that get the virus obtain natural immunity. Thus not spreading the virus and any variants that may follow. That is the science.

Once any nation abdicates their sovereignty, they won’t be able to get back their nation’s identity. They will become hostages to a socialist oligarchy. Do you think the Communist Chinese would give up their sovereignty? Nope, because Communist China is funding the World Health Organization. Who do you think will be pulling the WEF’s strings? It should be pretty obvious to anyone by now. Reject the WEF.



Mostly clouds with humid equatorial air. Tradewinds are from the southeast at 18 mph, gusts 34 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80s. Humidity is at 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 24

Mei ʻUmi Kūmāwalu, 2022


Executive Destruction


Aloha kākou. With the signing of an Executive Orders, Beijing Biden has destroyed over 100,000 jobs. On his first day in office, Beijing Biden signed more than a dozen executive actions, some of which reversed decisions made by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

End Keystone XL pipeline and revoke oil and gas development at national wildlife monuments. This in effect destroys 11,000 union jobs right away. The ripple effects will cause secondary and other orbiting jobs to be eliminated. In total over 100,000 people already struggling to keep their jobs will lose their livelihood.

Beijing Biden says these union workers can learn to code and find other jobs. People that welders, pipe fitters, and builders are being told to find another job as a software coder. What a slap in the face.

This will destroy America’s energy independence and force us to rely on foreign energy. Additionally, Beijing Biden is going to ban Fracking. This will also raise the cost of energy in America. It will raise electricity rates, gas prices, and products produced using petroleum. Just about every product produced in the United States uses petroleum in some manner. Clothing, food, transportation, electricity, all sectors in the economy uses petroleum in one form or another.

The cost of products and services will increase and it will effect jobs across the country. We’re already struggling with an economy recovering from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. This will only slow the economy down to a crawl, if not permanently damage the economy.

On top of making energy costs unaffordable, Beijing Biden wants a $15 dollar minimum wage which will kill many jobs especially for young people entering the workforce, minorities, and the working poor. Employers will not be able to hire in restaurants and retail stores without either raising prices or just not hiring.

Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris climate negotiations took place under the Regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama and were led by incoming climate change communist czar John Kerry when he was secretary of state. This means China and India can burn coal for electricity with no environmental restrictions, but the United States must scale back it’s energy independence. This will further damage any economic recovery.

For decades, ever since the regime of Jimmy Carter and the Arab energy embargo, Americans have demanded energy independence. To keep foreign nations from holding us hostage for energy. By relying on countries that are not friendly to the United States for energy, Beijing Biden is putting the economy at great risk. President Trump gave that independence to us and Beijing Biden is taking that energy independence away.

Rejoining the World Health Organization (WHO), which the Trump administration was in the process of leaving. Beijing Biden is also looking to reestablish the U.S. as an active leader at the WHO. The WHO is controlled by Communist China. The WHO lied about the virus for Communist China. The WHO took our tax dollars and then worked with Communist China to spread the virus around the world. Why would we want to trust the WHO ever again?


Beijing Biden signed executive orders implementing a mask mandate on federal property. Calling for a nationwide face mask and social distancing mandate in federal buildings, on federal lands and by federal employees and contractors.

National parks are also federal property, and the parks are outside where you don’t need to wear masks. Yet even after signing the order Beijing Biden and family went to national monuments not wearing a mask. So the communist disobeyed his own order. What a hypocrite. Can you see people wearing masks in Yellowstone park.

Beijing Biden signed a radical divisive transgender executive order that threatens the privacy and safety of women in single-sex facilities, equality and fairness in single-sex sports, and good medicine based on the reality that males and females are biologically different. The communist democrats war on woman.

Counting non-citizens in U.S. Census again. This reverses President Trump’s order in July 2020 to not count undocumented illegal aliens. Doing so would affect federal allocation of money and federal representation. The census would also reapportion the number of representatives in voting districts. It will increase the number of democrats in these districts making these areas a single party state forever. Including non-citizens in the census will not accurately represent legal American citizens anymore, but give illegals preferential status.

Beijing Biden wants a return to the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)”. That was the failed Iran nuclear deal framework that Barry the Bullshitter Obama put together to allow Iran to build a nuclear bomb. This is the same deal where Barry the Bullshitter Obama gave the Mad Mullahs billions of dollars in cash in the middle of the night on pallets.

One of President Trump’s greatest foreign policy achievements was getting Arab nations to make peace with Israel. The Arab nations know that Iran is their enemy, not Israel. The Arab nations know that it is in their best economic interests to partner with Israel and the United States against Iran. Beijing Biden wants to give money and technology to Iran to help them build a nuclear weapon.

Beijing Biden is sending more United States Blood and Treasure back to Syria to continue with endless wars. We have no national security interests in Syria. This is the return of the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama 2.0 and this regime of Beijing Biden could start a nuclear war.

The abuse of our soldiers by the corrupt regimes of Obama and Biden continues today. By mobilizing 25,000 soldiers as a show of force to protect the democrats overthrow of the United States of America. When it was over, the communist democrats tossed our soldiers away to a parking garage with one toilet and one electrical outlet. Further demoralizing our soldiers.

Our Hero, President Trump opened up Trump Hotel in DC to our soldiers as a place to stay before heading home. Beijing Biden and the communist democrats used our soldiers as props for the incoming dictator. Communist democrats used our soldiers as political props.

Schmucky Schumer, the senate tinpot clown, got excited today trying to trash President Trump in a hilarious slip of his tongue. 

Schmucky Schumer instead of saying “Donald Trump” incited an “insurrection”, he incited something else. Schumer was on the Senate floor when he pressed for an impeachment trial. Schumer said, “There will be a trial and when the trial ends, Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection.” He realized what he had said almost immediately, and corrected himself with the word, “insurrection.” Well, it WAS an uprising! There are gonna be a lot of hard questions asked during the erection hearing.

Welcome To Communist Democrat Mob Rule


The day started with sunshine. By afternoon clouds have rolled in, and radar shows rain approaching east Hawai’i island. Cloud cover is 80%. Visibility is 10 miles. Tradewinds are from the north east at 3mph with gusts at 9mph. We got just a 3/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70’s with humidity at 83%.

‘Ianuali Iwakālua Kūmālua, 2020



Covid19 Hoax


The CDC is counting people that died from unrelated COVID19 virus. If people are tested positive for the coronavirus and die from causes unrelated from the virus, it’s counted as a death by the virus. If you get hit by a bus and die, and they test you for coronavirus, they count it as a COVID19 related death. That’s entirely false. What the CDC and fake news media isn’t counting is the number of people that are being hospitalized for preexisting conditions. These people had to delay surgeries and other procedures because everybody was expecting hospitals to be overwhelmed with COID19 cases. Covid cases that never appeared. These people that were forced to hold off necessary medical attention are now really sick.

The CDC’s method of reporting the number of active cases is totally flawed. It is totally fraudulent. The CDC counts all individuals who show that they had the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. In their counts of individuals who are identified currently with the virus determines the National Policy. This data is then used by states to determine whether to open or continue to shut down their economies. It’s one of the reasons why Hawai’i is still closed down. Despite the fact that Hawai’i’s morbidity is very low and the recovery rate is extremely high.

The fake news media and politicians need to stop making COVID19 cases as an automatic death sentence. When the morbidity rate is low. So far, the death rate from COVID19 is less than the seasonal flu. The areas in the country where COVID19 death rates were high were in democrat run states that put COVID19 infected people with the most vulnerable. Democrat governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan put COVID19 patients in elderly nursing homes. That resulted in catastrophic numbers of deaths. These idiot democrat governors refused to allow COVID19 patients access to Hydroxychloroquine which has shown to reduce the virus from replicating in the body. All because President Trump said the drug was promising. They allowed people to die because they hated the President. Will they ever be held accountable for murder?

We have all seen the riots in the streets. Where was the social distancing? Masks are only worn to hide identities when committing crimes. As PSA’s continue to parrot the “Stop The Spread and Wear A Mask”, we know that masks don’t stop any virus. It is preventing the economic recovery by spreading panic porn. It’s given to take people’s liberties and freedoms, by punishing people severely for not wearing masks. Yet the rioters are free to threaten and destroy. This is democrat lawlessness. We have a little over 120 days before the next election and democrats are trying to rewrite history and keep people frightened. Why else do you suppose not one democrat has condemned the riots?

While democrat governors and mayors forbid people from attending church services, rioters are free to roam the streets looting and killing. The media still continues to label the rioters as “peaceful demonstrators” while reporting live on TV, with fires in the background, that the riots are mostly peaceful. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Hydroxychloroquine when used as a prophylactic is effective in preventing the virus from replicating in the body. It is neither a cure, nor vaccine, and it is not effective with people that are severely ill from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu. However, it does prevent the virus from replicating in the body. People that have contracted the virus early have a better survival rate than those not receiving the drug.

Seeing the fake news media lose their minds of mush was criminal.

After President Trump said that the drug showed great promise, the Fake News Media went on a propaganda blitz to denounce the drug as harmful and dangerous. They claimed the President is putting American lives at risk by giving them false hope. Democrat governors and mayors banned the use of the drug. The fake news media claimed the President said people should be injecting themselves with disinfectants, swallow bleach with Lysol chasers.

The fake news media and democrats are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans by denying them a life saving drug. The democrats and the fake news media are murderers with blood on their hands. Will they ever be held accountable? Now that Hydroxychloroquine has been proven by numerous case studies to be safe and effective, the fake news media is changing their story. Where’s the apology? Fhony Fauci who has been consistency wrong is still the fake news media’s go-to guy for misinformation. Why people are still listening to this moron is perplexing.

COVID19 is a hoax. The morbidity rate is getting lower and the fake news media isn’t reporting that. Herd immunity is reducing the virus spread. As new cases are found, the media starts the panic porn again to continue to hurt the economy. The fake news media refuses to report the recovery rate. More cases are being found because more testing is being done. We now know that the virus effects people differently. The majority of people just have slight flu like symptoms, some experience no symptoms at all. People most at risk are those with underlining problems.

The CDC continues to fudge the numbers to make the viral rate worse than it really is. The fake news media continues to hype the number of cases as a catastrophe the President isn’t taking seriously. Both continue to spread fear which is hurting the economy.

We cannot allow the cure to be worse than the virus. Continued economic shutdown is going to be worse than the virus. Long term poverty will kill more people over generations than the virus will ever do during a average yearly flu season cycle.



Our weather started with lots of sunshine. We got another 1/8th inch of rain in the gauge over night. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 82%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iulai ʻEono


Fhony Fauci

“We are scientists”. Said the gravely throated physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues.

How then did he and others get the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus so wrong? Because Fhony Fauci has a history of being wrong. Fauci like other scientists relied on computer modeling data that had never been peered reviewed and verified.

Fhony Fauci, like so many other so called “top scientists” relied on bad data from the Imperial College of London. The lead scientist, Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist whose frightening projections of coronavirus deaths precipitated the worldwide unnecessary lockdown. The models Dr.Ferguson used were fabricated and no one bothered to verify his data. Dr. Ferguson violated his own quarantine rules and allowed a woman with whom he had a relationship with to visit him at home. He later resigned. Hypocrite, quarantine for thee, but not for me.

The WHO and CDC along with other health agencies relied heavily on these faulty models used by the Imperial College of London. Models are only as good as the data that goes into them. The modeling proved to be more than extremely faulty, they were fabricated. I know a little something about simulator models. GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out. Models must be tested for both best case and worse case scenarios. Otherwise, your analysis is garbage.

Ferguson led the Imperial College team that designed the computer model that, among others, had been used to justify the recent stay-at-home orders in England as well as in the United States. We now know the model was so highly flawed it never should have been relied upon for policy decisions to begin with. Why didn’t the Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and all the other world health agencies do the work of verifying the data? Isn’t that what scientists are supposed to do? The reason why is these are government agencies workers and they are lazy. If they were true scientists, they would have questioned the data. But since they’re getting a government paycheck, they didn’t even bother.

The modeling also predicted the United States could incur up to 1 million deaths even with “enhanced social distancing” guidelines, including “shielding the elderly.”

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is a research institute (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. IHME was founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The IHME also uses models for infectious diseases predictions and accepted the data from the Imperial College. Are you making the connections yet? Follow the money. 

It is important to verify the models used in deciding public policy. The model assumptions clearly tested and verified to make reasonable and accurate predictions. Models also need to be updated and retested as time goes to be inline with the best available collected data. The Imperial College model didn’t meet any of these criteria. And sadly, its model was one of the inputs relied on as the basis for locking down two countries.

America’s top Infectious Disease Doctor Fhony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic almost every step of the way!

Here is a list of several errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Tony Fauci:

In January Fhony Fauci told the fake news media that the United States “did not have to worry about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”

Fhony Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic weeks later as he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu. Fauci based all of his predictions on the garbage Imperial College models that were off by millions, and then later told reporters,“You can’t really rely on models.”

In March, during a press briefing where President Trump said hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus showed great promise.  Fhony Fauci jumped in and corrected” the president saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial and the data was anecdotal”.

Two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was found to be a very reliable treatment for the coronavirus. More than 6,000 doctors that were using hydroxychloroquine for their patients said the therapy was successful in preventing the virus from replicating in the body. The fake new media buried that story calling the President’s claims as deadly.

Fhony Fauci continued to push the phony models claiming 1 million to 2 million Americans would die from coronavirus. Then Fhony Fauci dropped the numbers down to 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. That’s a 10 to 1 reduction in predictions. Why so wrong? Modeling.

It was Fhony Fauci that convinced President Trump that the economy should be shutdown to prevent the spread of the virus. Later Fauci said said cruise ships were OK, that turned out to be a disaster. Then Fauci said we should never shake hands again.

Fhony Fauci used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the entire US economy. The Imperial model has since been proven to be completely fraudulent.

Fhony Fauci said that opening the schools would not be a good idea. Yet, European schools reopened after finding children are neither at risk from coronavirus nor are they carriers of the virus. Fhony Fauci also said Georgia was reopening too soon and the fake news media made dire prediction of mass coronvairus causalities.

How does Fhony Fauci continue to have a government job? Notice that you don’t see very much of Fhony  Fauci at any of the White House Coronavirus Task Force anymore. Maybe the White House has wised up to Fhony Fauci incompetence.

Anyone remember when the last global pandemic in which killed over 1 million people? It was during Woodstock in 1969 during the “Summer of Love”. America was mired in the Vietnam war, there were riots in Chicago.

H3N2 (or the “Hong Kong flu,” as it was more popularly known) was an influenza strain that the New York Times described as “one of the worst in the nation’s history.” The first case of H3N2, which evolved from the H2N2 influenza strain that caused the 1957 pandemic, was reported in mid-July 1968 in Hong Kong. By September, it had infected Marines returning to the States from the Vietnam War. By mid-December, the Hong Kong flu had arrived in all 50 states.


Schools were not shut down nationwide, face masks were not required, there was no wide-spread panic. Life continued as normal. But as with now, no one knew for certain how deadly [the pandemic] would turn out to be. Regardless, people went on with their lives. As we should all be doing now, but the media and government are pushing hard to redesign a “New Normal” where we will all be required to give up some freedoms for the false sense of security. Beware, this is not going to end well for our future if we allow this to continue.

While it’s way too soon to compare the COVID numbers to H3N2, the Hong Kong Flu was far deadlier than COVID to date. Between 1968 and 1970, the Hong Kong flu killed between an estimated 1 and 4 million worldwide, according to the CDC and Encyclopedia Britannica, with US deaths exceeding 1,000,000. Is seems the fake news media ignores this information to take racist pot-shots at President Trump.

Notice they called it the Hong Kong Flu back then? It wasn’t considered racists back then, was it? Today, the Communist Chinese controlled White House Press Fake News Correspondence doesn’t like it when the President calls out the virus country of origin, and that is “CHY-NAH”!

So when you hear the fake news media squabbling about racism, COVID, masks, the sky falling, and creating a panic, know that diseases are as common as the lies from the fake news media. Remember This:

  • We were told the virus would kill millions in the US alone, and that was false.
  • We were told lockdowns would make it go away, and that was also false.
  • We were told we would only be confined until the rate of new cases leveled off, and that was false. We still are forced to wear masks and social distancing for no reason at all. We now all have to wear masks.
  • We were told that while the outbreak lasted government would not tolerate any sort of public gathering for any reason, and that was false. Look at all the riots and the purging of historical statues by leftist mobs.
  • We were told that anyone who questioned the draconian restrictions foisted on us by our government overlords want to see people die, and that was false.
  • Most egregious of all, we were told, over and over, that our mortality was entirely dependent on the knowledge of these scientists. That was a lie of breathtaking proportions.

Not only did the lockdowns violate the US Constitution, they deprive millions of Americans of their basic liberties and freedoms. The economic cost of millions of lost jobs has thrust the country into its worst economic straits since the 1930’s. Untold misery around the world experiencing food shortages and interruptions of vital medical supplies.

All this upheaval has created a Marxist insurgency attempting to overthrow our Republic. What’s disgusting is the democrats praising the demonstrators RIOTERS and the Republicans standing around with their thumbs up their asses afraid to speak out against this lawlessness.

Only our President is taking action, but he’s encountering resistance from the courts to the leftist democrat governors and mayors. If this virus and insurrection isn’t put down now, we could see our Republic torn apart and more citizens taking their Second Amendment into action.


Our weather started this morning with lighter tradewinds. The day was mostly cloudy with brief passing showers. We got only a trace of rain in the gauge over night. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s with humidity at 71%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iune Iwakālua Kūmālua




The Principal Element

Was there ever a need for the worldwide lockdown? Was it a social experiment to see how government could instill fear and be used to control the population into trusting their government to protect them? Is the populus willing to give up some freedoms for security? Is the Constitution obsolete?

It seems the be the case in States with leftist liberal governors and mayors. Even in my State of Hawai’i, our wishy washy Governor Ige is moving the COVID19 goalpost once again. Now the 14 day quarantine for mainland travelers is extended to July 31st. It was suppose to be till June 30th. This will continue to cause hardships for the hospitality industry. The governor still gets his salary, meanwhile, people in the hotel and tourism industry will continue to get unemployment benefits. Providing they can get benefits.

It really ironic that people are told to stay at home under either a penalty of a fine or even jail for disobeying the illegal social distancing rules. But people were allowed to march in the streets and demonstrate for a dead criminal. No one said a thing about social distancing. People whose relatives died during the pandemic were forbidden to hold funerals, but a criminal gets a public funeral with hundreds all in close quarters. People that want to go to church are forbidden, but  the funeral for a dead criminal gets all the race rioters hooping and hollering about fake racial injustice. Social distancing need not apply in this social experiment exemption for a career criminal.

States governed by Republicans and didn’t lockdown their people had no deadly outbreaks. Not like that of the democrat run states. Why then all the panic for the Communist Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus? I wonder why? Could it be that the lockdown was never necessary?

Remember the jammed pack pool parties? Remember how the fake news media shunned and demonized those people for having fun in the sun. “How Dare They”, the fake news media cried, “They’re going to be responsible for millions of deaths” the fake news pointed accusingly.

Remember how Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was accused of putting a death sentence on Florida’s large elderly population for opening up the beaches? Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp was accused of putting his State in harms way by opening up too early. Nothing happened. No outbreaks, no mass deaths. Unlike New York and New Jersey, all run by democrats, which had the largest death rates mostly because of poor decision by their democrat governors. New York’s governor Cuomo ordered COVID19 infected patients in Elderly Nursing Homes. Andrew Cuomo is a MASS MURDERER, and the fake news media buried the story. Meanwhile, the families of those elderly people that died by Gov. Cuomo’s decision were denied seeing their relatives. Denied funerals and church services.

But A CRIMINAL gets a gold coffin and a cathedral packed to the rim with race baiting fake reverends like Al Sharption. You explain the reasoning behind this. I’d love to hear a reason.

Because now we’re being told by the radical left that we can no longer have flags, statues, movies and anything that makes up our shared culture. The media and the socialist left are rewriting our culture out of existence. It’s a culture war which conservatives are being silenced from speaking out. Communist China did that in their Cultural Revolution. It did end well for the Chinese people. If we don’t stop this madness we will lose our liberties and freedoms. It will be the Cultural New Normal. Does anyone want to live like this?

After the riots which destroyed large swaths of businesses and property in leftist liberal States and Cities, I have to ask: was the social distancing experiment worth the results? It doesn’t seem there’s going to be another pandemic wave as Fhony Fauci, The WHO, CDC, and other so called experts are predicting. Fhony Fauci and others have been consistency wrong throughout this whole pandemic ordeal.

What defines essential to our government misrepresentatives? Big box stores are allowed to open over local small businesses, because Big Box stores are considered essential. Can anyone explain the science behind that?  You can buy this, but you can’t buy that, again where’s the science behind this? These social distancing rules are arbitrary and capricious. We’ve been lied to by socialists narcissistic leaders that are using us as a power grab for their own enrichment.


Our weather today was mostly tradewind showers. The rain comes in waves on the hour. Temperatures in the low 70’s with humidity at 88%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iune ‘Umi