

Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. It is said that fences make good neighbors. The very wealthy live in fenced gated communities. Our political class lives behind guarded fences. National borders are just another description for fenced in properties. Fences provide security for you and your property. Fences provide privacy and boundaries which define the borders of your property. Without fences we have no protection, no borders, and no country.

What Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has done is unleash an invasion of newcomers into the United States. Newcomers with no place to go and nowhere to stay. Many newcomers have no marketable skills, they cannot speak our language, and they’re unfamiliar with the United States Constitution and our culture. Countries are dumping criminals at our border. Gangs of human traffickers and drug dealers have taken over the border. Now Pedo-Hitler Biden wants American citizens to open their doors and take illegals in.

Biden’s border invasion is designed to replace American citizens and to permanently change the voting demographics. By allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections, be that either state or federal, we are destroying our national sovereignty. In effect, allowing newcomers to take your home as an invading foreign army.


Pedo-Hitler Biden wants American citizens to quarter (house) these foreign armies in the spare bedroom next to your children. Michigan’s evil corrupt governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is attempting to bribe Michigan citizens into taking illegals into their homes for money. The program is called “Welcome Corps” and it’s based under diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The governor of Michigan is telling Michiganders to welcome their replacements.

So, this begs the question; What happens when people refuse to take illegals into their homes? Will the government start forcing people to house newcomers? Will other liberal blue states start forcing their citizens to take newcomers into their homes? New York and Kalifornia are considering housing newcomers at taxpayers’ expense, and this is already happening in Europe. European

This assumes that Biden has declared a State of War on American citizens and will seize property to accommodate newcomers into citizens homes. The majority of illegals flooding into the country are men of military age. Where are they going to be housed? Already, democrat cities are commandeering hotels, apartments, schools, airports, and any open space to house illegals. It’s just a matter of time before Biden orders citizens to open their homes to illegals.

The Third Amendment of the United States Constitution states the following: “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.” In simpler language, the Third Amendment forbids the government from forcing citizens to house military personnel during peacetime and requires Congress to pass a law in times of war.

Michiganistan Islamists chant “Death to America.” These are newcomers that Marxist democrats have welcomed into our nation. These Islamists are in congress inciting violence against Americans. The FBI has warned that a coordinated terrorist attack upon the U.S. Homeland is inevitable. When FBI Director Christofer Wray was asked what’s being done to prevent an attack, he avoided answering the question. Except to refer that White Catholic Christian Nationalists are being spied upon. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime considers Catholics domestic terrorists. These are the people that pray for the lives of the innocent being destroyed at Planned Butcherhood abortion abattoirs. They’re considered terrorists by this Joe Biden’s regime. Hmmm???!!!

Has Pedo-Hitler Biden declared war on American citizens? It does seem so. Does an invasion at our southern border constitute a war? It does seem so. So, what happens if people refuse to take in illegal aliens? Will Biden mandate citizens open their homes to illegals? Europeans with their collective liberal guilt are forcing citizens to house illegal aliens. Or migrants, as the Euros would call them. There is no safety valve to protect either the citizens or the immigrants. Eventually, violence will break out as resources become overwhelmed.

The no borders crowd, a movement that started some years ago, advocated for, “No Borders, No Nation, Just People.” A socialist construct inspired by John Lennon’s song “Imagine” that people sharing all the world. It sounds great until someone starts taking your property as their own. Socialism never worked anywhere before, but it’s being forced upon us now.

There are many reasons for mass migration. Wars, poverty, famine, environmental disasters, and economic opportunities are among the many reasons. Unrestricted immigration brings with it crime, diseases, and social upheaval. Instead of finding solutions to keep people in their homelands, organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization exacerbate the problem of mass migration. Resulting in greater human misery. There is not one nation that can be home to everyone.

Newcomers are welcomed to enter the United States, but through the process of earning citizenship. Just opening the borders to anyone that wants to come into the United States will result in chaos. They’re not newcomers, they’re invaders. Hence, illegal aliens.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 5/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 7 mph, gust 16 mph. Cloud cover is 95%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 95%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 4. Air quality Index is fair at 40. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmālua 2024