Great Replacement


Aloha kākou. Did the Founding Fathers mean to include invading armies in the U.S. Census count? Every ten years a census count is done in the United States. The next Census is 2030 where residents of the United States and five U.S. territories and will mark the 25th population count in the United States; the first census count was in 1790.

This population count determines Congressional Reapportionment based on changes in population. It determines the number of seats each State will hold in the U.S. House of Representatives. Electoral votes are allocated among the States based on the Census. Every State is allocated a number of votes equal to the number of Senators and Representatives in its U.S. Congressional delegation.

You see where this is going, right? Illegal aliens are being counted to increase the number of electoral votes. Illegal immigrants are being used to determine Presidential election outcomes. Marxist democrats using illegal aliens to rig elections, Congressional delegations, and federal funding. In effect, Marxist democrats are stealing taxpayer’s monies, retirement benefits, and federal tax allocation. This is a bastardization of the Congressional Apportionment process. It’s cheating.

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population, both citizens and noncitizens, of the fifty states. Only the District of Columbia is not included in the apportionment population. Back to my original question: Did the Founding Fathers mean to include invading armies in the U.S. Census count? — Did the Founding Fathers mean to include illegal aliens in the census count? Are word semantics being used to manipulate the number of “persons?” Millions of people visit and live temporally in the United States every year. Are they also included in the Census and counted as a “person?”

According to Communist misrepresentative Jamie Ratskins, “The Fourteenth Amendment makes the census and reapportionment apply to “all persons.” Constitutional originalists, textualists and followers of precedent must reject unlawful GOP attempts to confine the census and Congressional apportionment to citizens.” — Raskins deliberately uses word semantics to manipulate the meaning of “persons.”

This is a gross misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment: The Fourteenth Amendment makes no exception to illegal aliens. Neither defines a person as foreign. It does define all persons born or naturalized in the United States. Not marauding armies of illegal migrants entering the borders illegally. What Ratskins is doing is erasing the borders to include illegal aliens in the census. That’s not what the 14th Amendment defines.

This is how the Marxist democrats are planning to cheat elections and congressional representation. Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens must happen to keep Congressional reapportionment only legal to American citizens and legal non-citizens. An invading army of illegal aliens should neither be included, nor considered, as “all persons.” They are subject to deportation and have no legal standing being in the United States. What the Marxist democrats ultimately want is voting status for illegal aliens.

The House of Repersentatives is crafting legislation to amend federal law by requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register and vote in federal elections. The measure is a response to growing concerns over non-citizens and illegal immigrants casting ballots. — Trending Politics

Already, Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has spent billions in new spending to provide taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens. They’re redefining illegal aliens as “lawfully present.” — The Federalist

Denver, Colorado has a program that will provide six months of free housing, food assistance, workforce training and more to thousands of illegal immigrants currently in the city’s shelter system. Ignoring Denver’s already huge homeless problem of Americans. — New York Post

The “Great Replacement” is not a theory anymore. It’s real and the democrats have figured out a way to replace United States Citizens with Illegal Aliens to remain in power in perpetuity. They’re using the courts and state legislation to rewrite the election laws. Marxist democrats are moving fast to put these laws into place ahead of the GOP which is still fumbling to get their pants on. This is a carbon copy of the same corrupt election laws used during the Covid pandemic that stole the 2020 election. If the Marxist democrats are successful, then we will have a perpetual mobocracy. Future elections will not matter.

The only way to preserve our nation, secure our borders, and protect our elections, is to Save America from the Marxist democrat’s evil plans to “Fundamentally Transform America.” Vote MAGA in November.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 10% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 74%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ewalu 2024