Take The Rainbow Back


Aloha kākou. Ho’iho’i Ka Ānuenue (Return the Rainbow). The story of the rainbow comes from the Bible. Genesis 8-9 tells of the Covenant between God and Man after the Great Flood that destroyed the wicked and evil upon the world. In Genesis 9-12 God explains the Covenant and the meaning of the rainbow.

Hawai’i has always been known as the Rainbow state. The rainbow is stamped on our vehicle license plates. We have lots of rainbows almost daily. I captured the picture above early one morning from my lanai looking West towards my workshop. Generally, early morning showers are the best time to view rainbows. Sometimes a double rainbow will appear. The bright sunlight makes the rainbow colors vibrant. In the evening, rainbows appear from the North-East.

The rainbow was never a symbol of the LGBTQ+IDIOT crap that suddenly is the “current thing.” Just as transgenderism is the current thing. A fad to physically alter a person’s body through surgery, pump noxious hormone drugs to castrate a young person, and subject themselves to a lifetime of pain, depression, and suicide tendencies. This does not represent the rainbow. Essentially, the meaning of the rainbow has been hijacked by weirdos, pedophiles, and mentally sick people. For example.

Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi slams “idiot” parents pushing the trans agenda onto their children. Preu MacSween joins the conversation in this video compilation. Rita’s montage of the Pride Perverts shows just how depraved these creatures are. How do parents that drag their children to these events live with themselves? I cannot believe parents believe this behavior is healthy. This has to be traumatizing and confusing to kids.

These creatures are frequently becoming more violent and intolerant of normal heterosexual people. Corporations have embraced this degeneracy by splashing the stolen rainbow on their products. After what has happened to Bud Light and Target losing billions of dollars, I wonder how shareholders feel about losing their investment capital. Perhaps their investors are monetary masochists.

“It’s largely due to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) scores. But it turns out that” equity and equality” don’t necessarily mix. Corporations are seeing their stocks decline as a consequence of their focus on these politically correct rating systems.” — Revolver

Disney has lost billions of dollars since the release of their last eight releases. Instead of providing wholesome family entertainment, Disney produced a number of woke flops pushing the LGBTQ ideology. A decade ago, the United Nations initiative to introduce “corporate social responsibility” which ballooned into a thirty trillion corporate steamroller. But this financial seppuku contagion has infected Target, Anheuser-Busch, and Fastfood corporations. They’re chasing the consumer away and they continue to double down on pushing this abhorrent lifestyle.

This clown, Richard Levine, a man that pretends to be a woman and encourages children to butcher their bodies. He claims transgenderism helps prevent suicide. The truth is more than 50% of transgender and non-binary youth in states across the US seriously considered suicide in the past year, according to new survey data on a worsening LGTBQ youth mental health crisis. This regime is brainwashing children into butchering their bodies.

The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to LGBTQ youth suicide prevention released state-level data from nearly 34,000 queer and trans youth ages 13 to 24, showing alarmingly high rates of suicide attempts, depression, and anxiety across liberal and conservative regions. Note the age range, 13 to 24. This suicide rate is growing, and the Marxist democrats and the public-school teachers are persuading children to keep this transgender secret from their parents. How could the Childre get the help they need if their parents are unaware of what’s happening in the schools?

It’s a ‘Summer of Pride’ says the portly pedophile that proselytizes to parents and children that transgenderism is mental and physical healthcare. It’s actually a form of slavery. No different than slavery that bought, traded, and owned human beings. Once you physically transform your body through drugs and surgery, it cannot be undone. The transgender is a slave to endless medical operations and expensive drug therapies. They have lost their individuality, their independence, and their freedoms. The only escape is suicide. What a horrible life to live.

What we need now is an Abraham Lincoln to call out the Marxist democrats that support this slavery.

Prepare yourselves for a wave of monkeypox breakouts and other venereal diseases during the Summer of Pride. Don’t for a minute doubt that transgenderism isn’t a form of slavery. Once they butcher their body and mind, then they’re on the plantation for life. There is no escape. It is slavery.

The only way to stop this is to Take the Rainbow Back. Revive the true meaning of the rainbow. The covenant between God and Man. We were created in the image of God. That makes our bodies a temple to God. We were granted these gifts at the moment of conception. One does not destroy God’s Gifts.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy with scattered moderate showers. 80% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 13/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 80’s. Humidity is 71%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is good at 30. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Lune Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2023

Hackable Animals


Aloha kākou. Have you heard of the “Kill Switch” that the government wants to install in all vehicles? Especially all electric vehicles. A kill switch in an IT term to describe a mechanism to shut down or disable a device or program. The idea was to use a kill switch to prevent theft of a machine or data or shut down machinery in an emergency, and cybersecurity. Protecting criminals stealing a car, or a phone, where a remote device can disable and prevent the criminal from getting away with someone’s property.

But in the hands of unscrupulous government entities or some criminal organization, a kill switch would be used to commit crimes. Cybercriminals using malware could shut down an electric power station. Disable other vital systems and cause havoc. That has been used to shut down the Iranian centrifuges used to develop nuclear fuel and a bomb. Hackers have disabled and stolen data from computer systems. So, it is in the realm of actual possibilities. There are good and bad uses for a kill switch.

The wonder of semiconductors has made our lives much more productive. They can be found in almost every electronic device today. Even in smart toasters. Cochlear implants allow the deaf to hear. Pacemakers are used to help people’s hearts keep beating. There are so many medical marvels where semiconductors have helped disabled patients regain some normalcy in their lives. Elon Must has been developing nano technologies to implant semiconductors into human brains. So far, Musk’s intentions seem to be honorable, but I’m not certain that nano technology is needed in all people’s bodies if they’re perfectly healthy.

Could a kill switch be installed in Humans? The answer is yes definitely and there is talk about installing cybernetics in humans. To understand what sorts of malfunctions and abnormalities underlie violent sociopathic behavior, it is necessary to first outline how it is prevented in normal individuals. Then we can begin to understand what reinforcement processes maintain such behaviors in violent psychopaths. Morals, culture, empathy, and emotions, in addition to negative consequences and numerous other factors, likely play a large part in keeping violent behavior under control. But what if a kill switch is used for nefarious reasons?

CBDCs are Central Bank Digital Currencies. They are digital currencies that monitor the individual. Watch this documentary and judge for yourself. It will be clear the direction government is moving to regulate our lives. Semiconductors will be implanted UNDER OUR SKIN.” Watch the Full Length Presentation by Catherine Austin Fitts Today HERE:

The Truth About Executive Order 14067 & Central Bank Digital Currencies. The Truth About the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) Plan to Introduce a New Gold-Backed Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency. BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction of Single Currency to Ease Trade, Says Russian Envoy – READ and Understand the Truth about the Biblical Timeline 60 Signs of the Times.

Hackable Humans is what Yuval Noah Harari of the WEF is talking about. We will have no autotomy, no independence, and no freedom. We will be digital slaves. Once they get our money by digital credit banking, they can shut off our access to our earnings. We will be forced to live a life the government demands we comply to. This is not a far-fetched conspiracy theory, because we are moving closer to this reality.

Klaus Schwab, evil villain, and founder of the infamous World Economic Forum (WEF), says: “In 10 years you will all have an implant in the brain with which we can feel your feelings. You will be transplanted into an eternal digital realm.” A kill switch to regulate humans. You vill own nothing, you vill eats ze bugs, un you vill be happy. The WEF is all about control.

The Great Reset | COVID-19 BEAST System Explained: A.I., Nano-Tech, Brain-Chips & 24/7 Surveillance

You can see where these oligarchs are going with this. The idea is to control every aspect of our lives. Control of our money, our homes, and what kinds of food we can purchase. They already want us to stop eating meat and start eating bugs. They will control what entertainment we can view, where we can travel, what clothing we can wear. They say it’s to protect the planet. To stop global warming. By controlling the number of people living. To protect us from ourselves. These oligarchs consider us parasites. Who put them in charge? Unelected entities that named themselves the rulers of the world. Some have said that the WEF is not a threat to America and our laws. But look at how much has changed and so quickly lately?

I’ve written before that the three components to control a population, indeed a nation, the world, are Food, Water, and Energy. Every American should be aware of this creeping Communism infiltrating into our government and industry. It is no accident that food processing plants are burning down all over the free world. That Communist China and Bill Gates are gobbling up valuable farmland. Have you seen the price of eggs, milk, and other foods? There doesn’t seem to be any alarms sounding with the public. Some of us have started growing our own food. I raise chickens and have a garden plot to grow vegetables. I have a variety of fruit trees. But I’m not giving up a good hamburger any time soon.

Hackable Animals is how they view us. We’re just a commodity to these elitists. A cog in the wheel for autocratic rulers to toy with. The world is not enough with these people. They’ll live a valued life, but we be hacked to serve our new masters. Transhumanism is defined as a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans. These abilities might include improved intelligence, awareness, strength, or durability. From what the WEF is planning, it’s more like slavery with a kill switch to control us all.



Mostly cloudy skies possible evening sprinkles. 30% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is fair at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Ianuali Iwakālua Kūmāhā 2023


Child Exploitation


We’re learning the extent and purpose that the Marxist democrats are doing to exploit illegal alien children crossing the border into the country. The Marxist democrats are now shipping these children around the country. Placed on commercial airlines without any ID’s or Covid tests.

They’re going to be sold into sex slavery by democrat LGBT operatives. There’s no other explanation.

American’s are required to show ID, prove they’re Covid Negative, but these children are exempt? Why? Where are they going?

This has been the Marxist democrats plan all along. To bring in these children into the country and then send them to gangs and sexual perverts around the country.

Sending unaccompanied children that cannot speak English around the country carrying Manila folders. No one knows what is in the folders. The Fake News Media is too incurious to find out where the children are going and what is their status. Who is going to greet the children when they reach their destination? Does the Fake News Media care?

So why are commercial airlines allowing the children to fly without any identification? No traveler foreign or domestic is allowed to fly without identification.

Why are the children being sent to locations around the country with no contact at the final destination? Normally when children fly, they have to have an adult contact at the final destination to be received. Where and who are these children’s contacts? They only have a note pinned to them asking for help. What are they suppose to do? Wait in baggage claim till someone comes for them?

This is a setup for the exploitation of children. Why isn’t anyone in the Fake News Media questioning this? Where are  the social workers, and religious leaders questioning this mass migration of defenseless children? Who is financing this child exploitation?


Two professors at Montclair State University in New Jersey are arguing that LGBTQ sex education should be taught to kids in elementary school before “cisnormative values” become “more deeply ingrained.”

Eva Goldfarb and Lisa Lieberman of Montclair State University examined studies on sexual education ranging from grade school to twelfth grade. They found that “substantial evidence supports sex education beginning in elementary school, that is scaffolded and of longer duration, as well as LGBTQ-inclusive education across the school curriculum and a social justice approach to healthy sexuality.”

It’s not just children crossing the border, it’s the children in this country being sexually exploited by pedophiles. They want to normalize this in society. Beginning in the schools and into adult life.

Remember the case of Desmond? The 10-Year boy being exploited as a Drag Queen dancing at Brooklyn Pride parade in 2017. At a bar where grown gay men are throwing dollars at the child like he was some stripper. Convince me that’s not child abuse. Whatever happened to this child?

What this is really about is normalizing pedophilia. Everybody knows that Jim Crow Joe is a pedophile. There are dozens of videos where this nasty creepy old fart is seen feeling up little girls and women.

Notice in the video, how the little girl moves away from Pedo Joe after he starts rubbing her chest. What astonishes me is the parents and the Fake News Media sees this and says nothing. What is wrong with these people? Is the desire to get into government so great to allow your children to be exploited by a pervert?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican when Creepy Pedo Joe gropes your children. Here’s Moscow Mitch his Communist Chinese wife Elaine Chao watching Pedo Joe grope their little girls. How is this allowed to go on and no one says anything? That’s just ol’Pedo Joe. Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk!  202104020556-02vxJv1ChH

You can be damned sure that if this was President Trump groping women and children, the Fake News Media would never stop talking about it. It would be on all the headlines in BIG BOLD PRINT. But because this is ol’nasty Jim Crow Joe, he’s given a pass. Sickening.

It’s a pattern with Marxist democrats to exploit children. Now you know why children crossing the border are being exploited, shipped around the country, with no adult supervision, with no parents, and left to the mercy of pedophiles.

Jim Crow Joe is pleading with State’s to take in these children. Where are they going to stay? Who will be taking care of them? Why is it left to the State’s to handle the illegal immigration problem that this nasty pedo creepy Joe caused? Who will follow up on the children’s welfare?

This is a humanitarian disaster in the making. Where are the United Nations? Usually the corrupt United Nations would be screaming for humanitarian rights. Something the United Nations exploits all the time. They’re very silent.

Lets go back to Marxist Woke Culture. Because this exploitation of children is being normalized as acceptable in modern society. You dare not criticize this behavior else be accused of being a racist. The easiest argument to shutdown anyone from pointing these atrocities out.


Aloha Friday started with lots of sun, and by afternoon the clouds rolled in this repeating weather pattern. Tradewinds from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 17mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a trace of precipitation rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 70%.

ʻApelila ʻUmi Kūmāono, 2021


Obama’s Denial Of Islamic Terrorism


Obama, is like many extremist liberals that tend to rewrite history and distort the truth. It’s the Alinsky rules of radicalism. Even the news anchor at NBC that lied about his involvement in Iraq, Brian Williams, people will accept what they are told without question, and a lie can last for decades, even centuries.

Obama tried to link today’s islamic terror, to 7th century Christian actions to protect against muslim aggression. Obama tried to link “Democrat” Jim Crow and slavery to Christianity, when muslims are enslaving children, and women today.  All lies and distortions of history.  A favorite tactic by liberal extremists.

Obama speaks of the past atrocities, but none of the present day butchering of innocents by islamic terrorists.  Obama cannot bring himself to call it, “islamic“.

Remember that Obama couldn’t recite the “Creator” in the Declaration of Independence.

It’s because he doesn’t believe in our Constitution. Obama needs a history lesson in muslim aggression, but then, I believe he knows that already, and he’s hiding behind his true beliefs.

How this phony got elected twice is an anomaly to me.   How Democrats get elected, is by a lie.  Disgusting!


What’s For Dinner?





When Race Defines Racism


Benjamin Todd Jealous is the current president and chief executive officer of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He is the youngest ever national leader of the organization. Wikipedia
Born: January 18, 1973 (age 39), Pacific Grove
Nationality: American

Ben Jealous says South Carolina United States Senator Tim Scott doesn’t believe in Civil Rights!


Ben Jealous on the left and Senator Tim Scott on the right

Has Ben Jealous looked in the mirror lately?  He looks like some white union goon honky cracker that runs around with a white pointy sheet over his head burning down black Christian churches.  As Black Entertainment Television (BET) explains:

It’s unlikely that Scott, a Tea Party patriot who consistently downplays his race, will change his policies. Still, Jealous hopes he will take advantage of his time in the Senate to “live up to the party” of Frederick Douglass and Colin Powell and other Republicans, Black and white, who’ve fought against social injustice.

So Ben Jealous believes that because Senator Scott is affiliated with the Tea Party, he’s somehow not down with the struggle.  He’s not Black enough!  He’s an Uncle Tom! Why? Because he’s a Conservative Republican.  That’s all!

Comparing Frederick Douglas and Colin Powell together is historically ignorant and profoundly obtuse!

Ben Jealous is a slave stooge of the liberal socialist’s democrat party.  A socialist party that eagerly supports the slaughter of thousands of innocent black children through Margaret Sanger’s “Planned Parenthood”.  Yet, you don’t see Ben Jealous speaking out against the deliberate and systematic murder of blacks against blacks in Chicago.  Neither do you see Ben Jealous speak out against the democrat party that keeps black from exceeding in life by keeping them on government welfare assistance, nor do you hear Ben Jealous speaking out against the genocide of his own race by Planned Murderhood!!!

Yes, Ben Jealous is a slave!  He is a pawn used by the racist liberal democrats that use Ben Jealous as a useful idiot to keep blacks on the welfare roles.  Democrats that have apposed Civil Rights and prevented blacks from the opportunities to succeed in life.  When someone like Tim Scott comes along, they are immediately demonized as not being black enough like Ben Jealous.  They are called Uncle Tom’s and other horrible names that now blend into a culture that demonizes success.  Obama’s class warfare and class envy.  Ben Jealous is jealous of Ben Jealous!  In fact, Ben Jealous is a racist hate monger!

Ben Jealous is doing the bidding of the Socialist Democrat Party; Keep the blacks down, don’t let them be successful business people.  Don’t let blacks be religious Christians.  Don’t let blacks realize their potential, and most of all don’t let blacks become conservatives.  Don’t let blacks achieve success through the content of their character; rather belittle them as not being “Down With The Struggle!”  They must speak like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, those race baiting arrogant criminals.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Presidential candidate Herman Cain were shunned by the NAACP.  Football star Robert Griffin III was called a “Cornball Brother” by a black ESPN commentator Rob Parker.

But my question, which is just a straight honest question, is he a brother, or is he a cornball brother? … He’s not really, he’s black, he kind of does his thing, but he’s not really down with the cause, he’s not one with us, he’s kind of black, but he’s not really like the guy you want to hang out because he’s off to something else …

I don’t know because I keep hearing these things. We all know he has a white fiancée, there was all this talk about he’s a Republican, which there’s no information at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue.

When Charles Wade Barkley, a Black NBA basketball player married Maureen Blumhardt, a white woman, that wasn’t popular with either blacks nor whites.  However, Barkley’s arrogance and refusal to use his fortune and fame to become a role model to kids endeared him to liberals that hate anyone with moral values.

So now I ask the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, what color is Ben Jealous?  Are we to listen to racism and accept it?  Liberals believe in this “White Guilt” trip they impose on moral people, both black and white.  That somehow, we must atone for the sins of our white forefathers.  But what of the black Muslim slave traders in north Africa that deal in slavery even to this day?  You don’t hear about that.  The hypocrisy of civil rights has been directed by liberal democrats to create the bonds of economic servitude.  When democrats lost the Civil War, they began a campaign to enslave blacks in a government bureaucracy of dependency.  Enslavement to get their votes and to keep their Massah’s in power through government welfare entitlements.  Entitlement’s that don’t discriminate against skin color, but political affiliation.  Success verses dependence!  The New Racism!

There are still choices, but Obama is going to close that gap quickly with the help of racist like Ben Jealous.  Choices that will either enable success for all, regardless of skin color; or condemn all of us to economic enslavement.

Ben Jealous needs to seriously look at the future and stop dwelling in a false past that has been narrative by the democrat plantation owners.  The same plantation owners that are destroying all our futures regardless of skin color.

The NAACP are like Unions, they are passe’!  A dinosaur of a past that has long been changed, evolved and no longer relevant.  Otherwise why would Barack Husein Obama even be President today?  Answer me that Ben Jealous!


What’s For Dinner?


Spicy Beef and Shrimp Chow Fun Noodles



Hypocrites have been around ever since the human race began.  They call it the silly season, but how silly can one get?  How silly is it when your “Go To” person for economic advise loses a almost  two billion dollars in customer funds, isn’t held responsible for his stewardship of customer accounts, and decides to create another hedge fund?

Sales Pitch

Your Money is Safe with Us!

Corporate Robber

Click Me!

John Corzine is getting a “Get out of Jail” card courtesy of the Obama Regime.  Imagine your investment in a brokership company that sold your money into a financial universe of vapourware!  I guess all that government regulations Obama passed to prevent financial fraud wasn’t to prevent his political cronies from stealing people’s investments.  Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine his go to guy for advice!  Watch!

Remember, most investments come with a disclaimer that your actual investment may lose it principle value.  Jon Corzine has taken that disclaimer to a new level by robbing his investors of their principle investment.  The Justice Dept. under the murderer Attorney General Eric Holder apparently finds no problem with this outright financial fraud and refuses to prosecute for malfeasance of two billion dollars of money that he “honestly” doesn’t know what happened to it.  Where did it go?  I don’t know!

Former MF Global chief executive Jon Corzine apologized “to all those affected” by the brokerage’s collapse Thursday as he told a congressional committee he doesn’t know what happened to $1.2 billion in missing customer funds.

Testifying under subpoena at a House Agriculture Committee hearing, Corzine, a former Democratic U.S. senator and ex-Goldman Sachs chief, portrayed himself as stunned about the massive shortfall that emerged as regulators and federal investigators began probing MF Global’s Oct. 31 bankruptcy.

“I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date,” said Corzine, 64, in his first public comments since his resignation was announced four days after the bankruptcy filing.

Now contrast that with others in the Obama regime that are managing the American people tax dollars:

  • Little Timothy Geithner tax cheat and TurboTax illiterate.
  • Ron Kirk, the former mayor of Dallas who would be the White House chief trade representative if confirmed, didn’t pay taxes on some speaking fees he donated to his alma mater and he tried to write off the full $17,000 costs of his Dallas Mavericks season tickets.
  • Tom Daschle  Nuff said.
  • Nancy Killefer, whose performance as would-be chief performance officer was also self-terminated when she turned out to have had a past tax problem.
  • Rep. Hilda Solis, whose husband had some tax liens going back 16 years until the day before her committee vote as Labor secretary.
  • Sen. Max Baucus who seems to have a drinking problem along with paying taxes.

Source: LA Times

The list grows and goes and goes.  Yet, Obama wants Mitt Romney to release more of his tax returns.  Ironic, right?

If you picked the Joker Socialist, then you win!  Clowns are always scary.

By clowns I mean Obama.  His administration is a joke.  From his illegal Executive Orders, to his choices in Cabinet positions.  Tax cheats that otherwise would be in jail for tax evasion permeate this regime.  Whacky ideas like “Cash for Clunkers” to moratoriums on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.  Selling Oil jobs to Brazil and Columbia.  Stopping the Canada pipeline construction and allowing that oil to go to China.

How about if Obama releases his college records, and his thesis papers that he must surely had to write to get the degree he claims to possess.  Why is it that Obama feels the need to hide this information.  You would think someone with his “supposed” credentials would want to proudly display these items that tell who his character.   His thinking.  His ideology.

Anyone that had read his book “Dreams of my Father” knows what Obama’s thinking is about.  Where his rage against America wakes.  This perverse hatred that Obama has against the United States is clearly seen in his regime’s policies.  Bankrupt Green Energy companies, Government Motors and housing loans to people that cannot afford them.  Over-regulations and deliberate destruction of Industrial freedoms.

Fast and Furious was a criminal action and a treasonous action against the United States Constitution.  Black Panthers intimidating voters ignored.  So much for racial division by a regime that claims to be diverse and equality minded.  Or perhaps equality is in the Islamic tradition of slavery?

The world has become a more dangerous place and we have a boob that bows to terrorists.  Awue!

What’s For Dinner?

Why Lie?

When All Else Fails, Pull The Race Card


Newt Gingrich received a standing ovation to Juan Williams racially bias question on allowing children to work in school jobs.  Juan asked Gingrich:

“Speaker Gingrich, you recently said black Americans should demand jobs, not food stamps.  You also said that poor kids lack a strong work ethic and proposed having them work as janitors in their schools.  Can’t you see that this is viewed at a minimum as insulting to all Americans, but particularly to black Americans?”

Indeed, only elites and civil rights panderers are the only ones with issues with Speaker Gingrich’s spot on answer to Juan’s question.  It didn’t take long before the purveyors of race baiting made their outrage known.  Armed with the obvious and foul racial smears, they emerge from the woodwork.

Jesse Jackson, a known deadbeat father, overt racist, and second banana to Al Sharpton as the Justice Brothers said this about Newt Gingrich:

Food stamps is their lifeline for many Americans – they help farmers, they help the grocery industry, and mostly, they help people who are malnourished,” Jackson told POLITICO in reaction to Monday night’s GOP debate. “So for him to disparage the food stamps is to not understand the 50 million in the country living in poverty. He is showing disdain for the poor.”


Jackson, who sires babies out of wedlock, continues promoting the thug life as a skirt chasing crack head.  This is Jackson’s America, keeping his peeps in perpetual poverty, and promoting Deadbeat Dads!

In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.

But the selective outrage isn’t just for Jackson to own, no!  Jimmy Carter, the second worse president evah, explains he knows this kind of racism, and who else but Jimmy would know.  He is a Marxist Democrat, and a Southern Marxist Democrat to boot!  Getting people off of food stamps and welfare isn’t in Carter’s interest.  All those charitable organizations Carter runs are to bolsterer his ego and sooth his white guilt, or lust in his heart.

Carter would rather give a fish, rather than teach someone how to fish.  That’s the point behind Gingrich’s answer to Juan Williams.  It makes perfect sense!  Teaching a good work ethic and learning how to be independent, industrious and prosperous!  How is that demeaning?  How is that racist?

Racism is in the eyes of the beholder and liberal idiots like Jackson and Carter are the poster child’s of racism.  Between these two pillars of moral standing, poverty and unemployment would reign rampant.

Then there is the obtuse brilliance of Reprehensive James E. Clyburn.  What can be said about a true useful idiot?  Listen to this racist moron for yourself!

What he is talking about stratifying people. He is saying that the poor children in their schools ought to be the janitors in their schools. So that other people in the schools who are not so poor can see them as their servants. That is what we get from what he is saying. And to talk about what his daughter may have done. His daughter was never a janitor in the school she attended. That to me is a double standard. I understand what he is saying and most African Americans understand what he is saying. And we are not going to stand for it.”   

This is the typical rhetoric that these plantation owners push.  Anyone trying to better their lives is immediately looked upon as “servants”!   Hey Clyburn, you are a PUBLIC SERVANT!  Your job is to represent your constituents, not to suck up to Nazi Pelosi.

Keeping people in perpetual poverty is the Marxist way.  Nazi Piglosi incoherent reasoning on unemployment insurance and how it generates economic prosperity makes me wonder if members of congress need to take a drug and alcohol test.

Boob Tube


This will be the Obama Regime’s campaign message.  Pulling the Race Card, even if the card is well beyond its spending limits.   When did earning a living in this country become divisive?



What’s For Dinner?


Rotisserie  Cornish Game Hen with Baked Stuffed Potato and Steamed Baby Carrots




Democrat Racist History

History can be easily forgotten over time.  History is often rewritten by those that wish to distort their past.  Namely the Marxist Democrat party has been engaged in a propaganda war to convince minorities that they champion them.  Marxist Democrat’s who disguise themselves as Progressives seek to create a class of dependency.  They do that by creating government programs that keep minorities dependent on the government with the perception of “Free Stuff”.

Valerie Jarrett is a Marxist propagandist in the Obama Regime.  She propagates the fear factor by accusing Republicans of trying to take jobs and your freedoms:

Teachers, and firefighters, and policemen, whose jobs are now in jeopardy because Congress–well let me be specific–because the Republicans in Congress,” Jarrett told the crowd. According to the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, at this point, “Before she could finish her sentence, people in the congregation were laughing, and applauding.”

This, in a church, on Martin Luther King Jr. day.  If this were said by a Republican in a church, there would be howls by the Marxist Democrats on Church verses State, and calls to remove tax exemption status of the church.  Evidently, some minorities have either bought into this propaganda, or prefer to see their people bonded to government slavery.

But since when were teachers, firemen and police paid by the federal government?  What about the 80 thousand troops being laid off by the Obama regime?  The hypocrisy is so palpable, so why don’t minorities see it?  Minorities are locked in a cycle of dependency, by a government that claims to want to help them.  They believe minorities cannot help themselves, and they won’t think for themselves.  That is the definition of Marxist Democrat slavery.

This was not the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned.  So was Martin Luther King Jr. a Democrat?

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.

Racism by democrats takes place every day, and right under the noses of the very people they say they are fighting for.  Minorities have been taken advantage of by Democrats and they will continue to suffer under their Progressive policies.  Be sure to click on the link above and read the full article written by Frances Rice.  Ms. Rice is chairman of the National Black Republican Association (NBRA).

Democrats have been running our inner-cities for the past 30 to 40 years, and blacks are still complaining about the same problems. More than $7 trillion dollars have been spent on poverty programs since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty with little, if any, impact on poverty. Diabolically, every election cycle, Democrats blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions in the inner-cities, then incite blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans.

In order to break the Democrats’ stranglehold on the black vote and free black Americans from the Democrat Party’s economic plantation, we must shed the light of truth on the Democrats. We must demonstrate that the Democrat Party policies of socialism and dependency on government handouts offer the pathway to poverty, while Republican Party principles of hard work, personal responsibility, getting a good education and ownership of homes and small businesses offer the pathway to prosperity.

Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.  This is the case with minorities today.  The Liberal Media has been working with the Marxist Progressive Democrats to keep repeating this message, this lie, this evil propaganda that the Republicans want to take your rights away.  When the opposite is true.  For black clergy to invite openly racist people into their church to listen to them spew disparaging remarks against Republicans, then the question needs to be asked: Do Blacks enjoy living in Slavery?   It is slavery, it is economic slavery.

Republican Thaddeus McCotter explains the language of Marxist Democrats:

Now Marxist Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz assumes that minorities gravitate to their party of Slavery because there are more minorities in their party.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel “comfortable” because the Democratic Party stands up for “the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them.”

“Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party.”

“There is a reason that the Democratic Party is far more diverse than the Republican Party, because the natural home, politically on major issues to Hispanics, to women, to Jews, to Asian-Americans, the diverse spectrum, to African Americans.”

If you believe that, then you do deserve to be as kept slaves by the Marxist Democrats.  Ask any black conservatives what they go through by other blacks.  Ask Angela McGlowan, David Webb, Star Parker and other black conservatives who are under attack for being members of the Tea Party.

From Andrew Breitbart:

They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea partymovement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

“I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

“Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks,” he said.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black—or that most tea partyers are white—should have nothing to do with it, they say.

Conservatives do not see a difference between Black and White.  We only see success, prosperity and freedom for all.  Marxist democrats have a history of discrimination.  When democrats couldn’t stop blacks by forceful means, they resorted to alternative means to discriminate against minorities.  Today, that discrimination is dependency and no opportunity.  Courtesy of the Democrat Party.

Margret Sanger, the creator of Planned ParentMurderHood, was on a genocide mission to kill as many blacks in America as possible.  Today, there are more black children murdered by Planned Parenthood.  There are more blacks on government assistance, food stamps, poverty, homeless and jobless than any other demographic in this country.  Why?  Because Marxist Democrats like keep slaves.  Think about it, your slave masters are the very people that don’t want to succeed, and you vote into power every election cycle.



What’s For Dinner?


Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna with Wok Charred Vegetables over Saffron Rice


