Malignant Media

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Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. ‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’ — George Orwell

The Fake News Media and their Cheap Fakes. When the tables are turned, the Malignant Media circles the wagons to protect their deceit. Do not believe your eyes and ears. Believe in the state and only the state-controlled media. Orwell’s prediction could never have been truer today than the state-run press corps talking points.

Even when witnessed before the public, in real time, and on live television, the denials of what was seen by all is declared a ‘Cheap Fake.’ Pay no attention to that feeble old man frozen on stage. Let the mulatto puppet master grab his hand and walk him off stage. Cue the Visiting Angels music as Pedo-Joe Biden is shuffled off stage by his handler Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. Using a rhyming slur on the term ‘deep state,’ Karinge Jean-Luc Picard dismisses the videos as ‘Cheap Fakes.’ The Fake News Media has their talking points and they’re off to spread state media propaganda.

But say anything that remotely disagrees with the state’s media narrative, and you could have the FBI visiting your home wanting to have a little chat with you. The FBI visits the home of a nurse who exposed a hospital she works at secretly doing gender surgeries on minors. Without the child’s parents knowing or approval. Doctors performing life alternating medical experiments on children, butchering their genitals, for the insurance. They’re getting rich creating little gender Frankenstein’s. With the protection and approval of Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime and Attorney General Meritless Garland. They’re protecting these doctors from parents and the public from finding out. A whistleblower gets a visit from the regime’s gestapo.

Two FBI goons show up at the door, “Can we sit down for a minute and let me do my song and dance for a minute?” says one agent. The other agent stands back quietly collecting information about the house. Where things are placed looking for vulnerabilities. They’re there to harass and plan an arrest. This is just a surveillance formality of what is in the house. Never, Ever, Allow, Evil, To, Enter, Your, Home.

This visit by the FBI is meant to intimidate the public and prevent people from exposing this regime’s criminal activities. The point is the FBI is being used as enforcement muscle against the public and not against criminals. The Biden Regime has allowed this criminality to infest this nation. You either comply with the regime’s demands or face the government’s wrath. They’ll show up at your home at 6AM in the morning with forty fully armed SWAT Team goons to bust down your door. Then place a slew of charges against you to bankrupt you into pleading out to a single charge that will land you in prison for 10 years or more. This regime as done this to thousands of Americans and the Fake News Media is silent.

However, there are good news outlets that are reporting on these crimes, but they’re being silenced by far-left government sponsored activists to shut them down. Newsmax is one such news outlet and then there’s One America News Network (OANN). This network was nearly shutdown by the Marxist democrats because they will not tow the government media demands. OANNs Kara McKinney reports.

The establishment news media will only report what the state allows them to report. Fox News was once a independent and responsible news network until they hired former House Speaker Paul Ryan to the Fox News Corp board of directors. Now, Fox News is competing with others in the Fake News Media sphere that breathlessly reports what government approved propaganda.

Newsguard is a repackaged version of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that attacks independent news outlets reporting the truth. House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, announced he is opening an investigation into the impact of the media ratings service NewsGuard on protected First Amendment speech and its potential as an agent of government censorship.

The Fake News Media believes President Trump is going to take revenge on those that persecuted Americans. President Trump’s retribution will be his success. It’s the American Public that this regime and it’s Malignant Media Minions must worry about. We will exact our revenge against the persecutions the Marxist democrats have put us through. It’s not Trump they should worry about, it’s us the people.

This regime is turning its attention towards the United States Supreme Court. The Marxists democrats want to remove three justices: Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Sam Alito, and Justice Neil Gorsuch. They want to replace them with three far-left judges to permanently corrupt the court. Much like Brazil’s Supreme Court which is a puppet to Lula’s Communist Regime. It’s the reason why the Marxist democrats are running a smear campaign against these three Justices. The Marxists want to remove these Justices by faking ethics violations against them. It’s an open coup against the Third Branch of our Republic.

Marxist democrats want Judges that will protect prosecutors that protect criminals and prosecute victims. They will abolish religious and parental rights to make it easier for the state to confiscate children. Marxist democrats have openly used the phrase, “Our Children” indicating that parents have no legal right to the upbringing of their own children. They’re getting close to achieving this before the November elections.

The left has weaponizing our justice system against their political opponents because that’s the only way they know how to win. Steve Gruber of Real Americas Voice News comments here.

For over eight years, the Marxist democrats have been after President Trump for the crime of beating Hildabeast Clinton and turning the political establishment on its collective head. Exposing the “Deep State” and the corruption of the Swamp. Meanwhile, Clinton destroyed criminal evidence and was never prosecuted. Pedo-Joe Biden had National Security documents for decades and was never prosecuted for that. Documents that are not Biden’s to keep or declassify. The January 6th Committee that Nazi Piglosi formed to prosecute President Trump, his administration, and the people that were wrongfully imprisoned for supporting President Trump. All those crimes against the American people are being swept under the rug. The Deep State is burying this to prevent from being exposed as the government corrupting destroying our Constitutional Republic.

Malignant Media apparatchiks spreading this propaganda. They are the machine that conceals the crimes against America. This is why they fear President Trump and his allies from getting back into power. They know their corruption will be exposed. They’re scared they will lose power over our lives. They’ve corrupted the justice system in their favor. Why else are illegal aliens being allowed to enter the nation? Where they murder, rape, and criminally trespass will impunity. This regime’s prosecutors protect the criminal and prosecutes the innocent. It’s gotten worse as we get closer to the elections. This regime is resorting to violence and it’s ever increasing. This is why we must elect President Trump back into office to Save America from the Marxist democrats. Do what you can to support President Trump. If we lose, we lose everything forever. Our future and our posterity depend on winning this election. MAGA.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 23%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11 Air quality Index is great at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024

Feeding Frenzy


Aloha kākou. A fake news media “Feeding Frenzy” occurred over the weekend. Just after President Trump’s Ohio rally where he warned that if he’s not elected the automotive industry will suffer an economic bloodbath. That statement was immediately isolated, polarized, and taken out of context by the Marxist democrats and their flying fake news media monkeys. Every left-wing fake news agency ran with this headline: “Trump Warned of a Bloodbath if not Elected.” The Marxist democrats and fake news media said Trump was Threatening Violence if he’s not elected. Full Stop. Don’t Pass Go. Panic Now!

We’ve seen this play over and over but with different casts of characters. It’s extraordinary to watch a single individual being targeted by an evil establishment and dishonest fake news media. Always and deliberately taking out of context what President Trump says. It is exposing the corruption in our political and media institutions. The fake news media sets the narrative to manipulate and frighten people.


This is more than a vitriol dislike for Donald Trump. This is a psychotic obsession with evil people desperately wanting to hold onto power. The Anti-Trump crowd has unmasked themselves openly to the public, and it is highly antagonistic to watch. Donald Trump is neither part of this Deep State Uniparty club, and neither are any of we the American people. The Uniparty is a member’s only cabal that is decided by a small few select members. Those entering this unholy evil confederation must pledge their allegiance to this exclusive union. They must turn their loyalties away from their constituents and surrender to this Deep State association. They decide who meets the criteria worthy of exclusivity to this member’s only club.

The Uniparty are the people that make all government decisions. They decide how much of our taxes will be collected and spent. The Uniparty decides what foreign wars are to be fought. They decide what evil to align themselves with. The Uniparty has been that exclusive organization that leaves their constituents behind. The Uniparty becomes the permanent fixture on the body politics. They make a career in politics and remain in office for a lifetime. They never serve the people that voted for them and it’s our own fault for voting for them over and over.

Their hatred for Donald Trump reflects their contempt for the American People. It’s the Uniparty that has called for violence against those that threaten their power base. The Uniparty is the Deep State, and they use the American people to commit violent crimes against their political enemies. The Uniparty doesn’t hide their contempt and their lust for political violence. Take a listen to a montage of Marxist democrats calling for violence against their political enemies.

Both Marxist democrats and RINO repubics make up the Uniparty. Trump is the man the Uniparty has targeted to destroy. The New York courts have decided they don’t need a crime. They’ll convict anyone even if they have exculpatory evidence proving their innocence. It’s not just Donald Trump the New York courts have found guilty with no due process, but its average citizen defending themselves against violent criminals, as Danial Penny, the subway hero that saved lives against a madman.

Danial Penny a white man that prevented a violent black man from hurting others on a subway. Unfortunately, the black criminal died. One less criminal roaming the streets. Now, a black man shot and killed another crazed lunatic on the subway and the black shooter isn’t being charged with a crime. It’s a race-based justice system. Given that Donald Trump’s prosecutors are all black, except one. The prosecution of President Trump could be said to be racially motivated.

Racism is encouraged by Marxist democrats against white people. Racism is the heritage of the Democrat Party. Historically, democrats persecuted blacks for over a century, and now they’re persecuting whites. We cannot ignore what it is happening in democrat run cities. They are shitholes of racist violence and it’s only going to get worse before the end of the year. Marxist democrats are Antisemites, Anti-Catholic, Anti-American, Anti-Constitutionalists, and very Pro-Communist. Since Democrats came into power, racism, crime, and violence are at all-time highs. This is not by accident. This is by design.

As we get closer to November election, Marxist democrats will increasingly call for more violence. They will blame that violence on Trump and American citizens. It’s the reason why they’re so desperate to start a race war. It’s the reason why the Injustice Department is targeting blacks to hate whites. They want to exonerate themselves from any culpability for inciting violence in America.

It’s the reason why this regime is importing illegal aliens to replace American workers and grant illegals voter rights. To the Republicans fault, they’re doing little to stop this assault against our Republic. Marxist democrats are desperate to hold onto power by any means necessary. No matter how many innocent American people are destroyed, the democrats will justify their hate as the means to an end.


The Feeding Frenzy was over an economic word commonly used by the fake news media and politicians. Many on unsocial media pointed that out to no avail. Once the left and the media have tasted blood, they continued to feed us lies. Because it damages Donald Trump, and that’s all that matters to the left. Expect the left to project more lies throughout the remaining year and into next year. Irregardless of who wins the 2024 election. What I know is the level of domestic violence bolstered by the left will increase. The left feeds on chaos. Only President Trump can restore law and order. We must support and vote for MAGA to Save America from Marxist tyranny.


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 64%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches. Dewpoint is 65° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is fair 42. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki ‘Umi Kūmāwalu 2024



Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. A noteworthy quote, “You cannot cross the ocean unless you’re willing to lose sight of the shore.” — Ancient Japanese Proverb

Setting expectations is the process of communicating what are the desired results. It takes good management and leadership to provide the information needed to perform well. Establishing a set of principles and goals for achievement. Staying on track to meet those expectations. Whether those a personal or within an organization, the process is the same. Along the way you develop milestones and metrics to measure results. Organization of time, money, and culture to set habits and behavior. Allowing feedback to adjust quickly to get back on track to reach the end results. Whether in business or life goals these are always best practices that lead to success.

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His principal areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology, with a focus on assessment and improvement of personality and performance. Jordan Peterson became a household name from his philosophies against political correctness. Now, Peterson travels the world giving lectures on self-development. His book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” has sold over 3 million copies and was a National Best-Seller and International Best-Seller. Highly recommended reading.

At the London, Ontario stop of Dr Peterson’s Beyond Order Tour an audience member asked him why conservatives keep losing. Peterson’s answer is revealing. We have to tell and act a better story. I believe we do have a better story with receipts to back it up. While it is true that our story isn’t being heard because the media will not talk about it. Instead, the fake news media will poke holes in success as a fluke and dumb luck. Or just not report it at all. Deflection is a common distraction the left uses.

One of the reasons why the left owns the media and institutions is they play Santa Claus to pander to people’s wishes. The other is the left accuses others of what they are doing. In other words, the left screws people’s wishes and then blames it on their opposition. It was the German Nazi politician Joseph Goebbels that said if you tell a lie often enough people will eventually believe it. That is how the left operates by telling the big lie over and over. We don’t do enough to get on offense to these lies. Instead, we’re always on defense against the left’s lies. As long as there’s doubt in people’s minds the left will always win.

Notice that Pedo-Hitler Biden and his merry band of socialists always blame President Trump’s administration for all the disasters on their watch. Then they blow off catastrophic events as routine happenings. For example, Peety Bootykisser, the inept incompetent Transportation Secretary said train derailments happen all the time, and what happened in East Palestine was the result of deregulation. Which is a lie because the deregulation wasn’t applied to rail cars carrying hazardous materials. He shrugs off the disaster and abandons the people of East Palestine. The left’s solution is to ignore the problem and it will eventually go away.

After the mother of two boys died of fentanyl and begged Congress to do something about the drugs flowing across the southern border. Pedo-Hitler Biden cold heartly laughed off fentanyl deaths and blamed it on President Trump’s administration. This is a consistent refrain by Marxist democrats. Marxist democrats never ever take responsibility, but always blame others. It’s time to get on the offense and call out the radical left and their extensive list of failures. Set the expectations and don’t get distracted by the left’s minutia.


Today’s Weather: Overcast with numerous heavy rain showers. 100% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the north at 2 mph, gusts 11 mph. Cloud cover is 99%. Visibility is 6 miles. We got 2-3/4 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 60s. Humidity is 95%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 66°. UV index 2. Air quality Index is fair at 35. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki ‘Ekolu 2023

Cold Light


Aloha kākou. The terms ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ are used a lot these days but are used improperly, in my opinion. Misinformation is being uninformed by false or inaccurate information. Examples include rumors, insults, and pranks. Disinformation is deliberate and includes malicious content such as hoaxes, phishing, and political propaganda. It spreads fear and suspicion among the populace. Our government is the largest purveyor of disinformation.

The left uses these terms to accuse others of what they’re doing. In the left’s quest to control free speech they will repeat in unison disinformation and misinformation accusations. When Covid was going around they shamed us into inject an experimental vaccine. If we did not obey the left’s demands to take Fhony Fauci’s Clot-Shot, the left would accuse the unvaccinated as super spreaders and grandma killers. They forced people to carry vaccinations cards and download vax-apps to display your vaccination status. They were implementing the same surveillance model Communist China uses to herd their people.

They kicked people out of restaurants. People were forbidden from going to church, but strip joints and liquor stores were essential businesses and could remain open. You could be arrested for singing in church. People were denied medical treatment. Fired from jobs. Kicked out of the military. The left’s latest atrocity is calling people a “threat to democracy.” I hear this a lot on the Fake News Media. Unsocial Media platforms canceled you for wrong think. Doctors that had different therapeutic studies were shadow banned from sharing their information. If it didn’t conform to Fauci’s orthodoxy it was hushed.

The left is now claiming that certain fringe groups are under threats of violence and need special protections. This government is making a grab for children using schools and the medical community to make life altering changes to children’s bodies. Targeting their genders with life altering surgeries and drugs. All with the full weight and force of the State and Federal government behind the effort. Listen to the HHS Secretary — “telling” — Unsocial Media platforms to censor Users Free Speech.

Richard Levine, a man impersonating a woman, claims there is “substantial misinformation about gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals,” both young and older transgenders and calls “for our tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner, information environment.” By censoring content that the government doesn’t approve of.

Notice the implied accusation of widespread discrimination, even the suggestion of violence against LGBTQ people. Except, I can’t find it anywhere in the Fake News Media. What I do see is discrimination by the transgender community against other gays and lesbian people. There’s an activist group call “Gays Against Groomers” that has spoken out against transgenders, crossdressers, which are actually pedophiles infiltrating schools and libraries with these “Family Friendly Drag Queen Shows.” They’re getting protection by the government and even armed Antifa thugs to prevent certain people from entering these shows. They are provoking violence and inciting violence.

Take for example a biological male who murdered his family after they didn’t support his transgender identity. The State has marked him as a “female” where he sits in a Maine prison. A story by Reduxx. says Andrew Balcer has been transferred to the Maine Correctional Center (MCC) in Windham, a mixed-sex facility where he will be housed with women. This is a male in a woman’s prison. What could possibly go wrong?

Marxist democrats are giddy with glee that they have another protected class that they can pander for votes. As with the invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border, the Marxist democrat are grooming a new voter base. Marxist democrats are so enamored with perverse sexual proclivity that they make multiple Freudian slips.

Marxist democrats Are OBSESSED With “Inciting Erections?!” This is mob incitement and it’s how fascistic the left wants us all to accept this perversion. Marxist democrats want desperately to abandon the United States Constitution for Mobocracy Rule. Starting with eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with the Popular Vote.

Which means the heavily populated States would aways win by the numbers and not through State Representation. Something that the Founding Fathers knew would allow equal Representation for less populated States. Raskings wants a majority rule election that would create a single party system much like communism. Here’s Raskins the commie explaining how it works.

CBS News’ Deface the Nation interviewed Marxist democrat Rep. Jamie Raskins of Maryland. The communist Raskins called the Electoral College “a danger not just to democracy, but to the American people,” calling for an overhaul of the institution. Essentially, eliminating the United States Constitution. He compared the Constitution to an English Muffin with Nooks and Crannies. Notice how Marxist democrats are now citing anything in the Constitution they don’t like as a “threat to democracy.”

Marxists have always compared the Constitution to a living document that needs to be continually renovated. Evolving with the changing times and social times. As with replacing the traditional nuclear family with a perverse version of a declining Roman Empire. The traditions of the family, Religion, and Country will fall into chaos by changing the laws to keep Marxists democrats like Raskins in perpetual power. This is a warning as we head into the New Year. We could lose our country, our freedoms, and our liberties if Marxist democrats are allowed to change our nation into a perverse version of Sodom and Gomorrah.

A corrupt establishment political system that ignores the will of the people will damage our society irreparably. Unlimited spending of taxpayer’s money that will continue to debase our currency into worthless paper. I cannot say enough about people that continue to vote in this corruption and then grumble when these people betray our vote. President Trump weighs in with this response.

How many times has President Trump been right? Eighteen RINO repubic Senators betrayed the American people and helped pass this massive spending bill. Worse, it cut off the House from controlling spending going into the New Year. This is a violation of trust, and these idiot senators are saying they passed this legislation because they don’t trust the incoming new House members.

Willard “The Rat” Romney, Senator from Utah blamed the voters. Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell blamed the candidates. Their hatred for President Trump and MAGA supporters has blinded them from keeping their oath to the Constitution and the American voters. Our government has become dysfunctional and unruly. Hungry for power at any cost.

We’re Hoping, but we have much work to do. First, we must replace the establishment Republican National Committee (RNC) leadership. The current GOP Chairperson, Ronna McDaniel has lost over five elections through mismanagement.

Harmeet Dhillon is running for GOP Chairperson, and I wholeheartedly support her as the successor to lead in future GOP elections. Contact your RNC representative and POLITELY tell them to support Harmeet Dhillon as the new RNC Chairperson. You can find your States’ representative here at this LINK.

The Cold Light of tyranny must be exposed because it will infest into the cultural normality’s that America was founded on. From creating a new protected class that is protected by a corrupt regime and new laws that rips apart the American family. It’s creating a new religion orthodoxy that we’re being forced to recognize. The fascistic left is fond of screaming about the separation of church and state. But here are Marxist democrats establishing a government sanctioned religion. Politics is downstream of culture as the late great Andrew Breitbart once said, and that realization has been enduring.



Mostly sunny skies with some clouds. 30% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the east southeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 48%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is fair at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa Iwakālua kūmāwalu 2022


Signal To Noise


Aloha kākou. Mythomania is an abnormal or pathological tendency to exaggerate or tell lies. Jim Crow Joe Branden is well known for his lies and exaggerations. Amongst his various personality disorders, including antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders. Branden’s other conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, his groping of woman and children is podophilic in nature. Is it any wonder why he’s supporting the abortion and LGBTQ community. This perverted behavior apparently runs in his family. It could be triggered by feelings of shame and guilt, and often it’s used to avoid conflict. People like this are always addicted to their own lies. The believe if they tell the same lie often enough people will believe them. Indeed, the Fake News Media has long snickered at Branden’s tales saying, “That’s Just ol’Joe”.

But when lies are damaging and hurtful to others, then it’s no longer a laughing matter. What’s even more disturbing is the Fake News Media that continues to go along with the lies. They never challenge Brandon’s lies. If anyone does challenge Branden’s lies, as Peter Doocy has, Branden flies into a fit of rage. Displaying his mean nastiness. Unlike when President Trump was in office, the Fake News Media often manufactured gotcha lies to deliberately damage President Trump’s administration. Yes, the Fake News Media has the same pathological disorder. There’s no doubt about the Fake News Media’s complicity. Let me demonstrate.

Despite the fact that Senator Scott is from Florida and not from Wisconsin, as Branden misspoke. The media only asks Branden about Scott’s comments about Brandon’s mental instability. The Fake News Media is defending Branden. Inviting Branden to call out Sen. Scott as having a mental problem. It was an easy attack on Sen Scott, but if the truth be known, Sen. Scott put himself up as an easy target. Sen. Scott is a RINO with a bill he’s pushing that will raise taxes. When Sen. Scott was questioned about his bill on Newsmax he avoided answering the question about raising taxes. Sen. Scott was asked three times about his bill and each time he avoided answering the question. So yes, Sen. Scott was a patsy for the Fake News Media.

Branden and the Fake News Media will do anything to avoid talking about the economy. That’s how the left keeps distracting away from real issues facing Americans. Let’s take a look at the numbers. In January 2020, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the measure of inflation, was 1.3%. That was President Trump’s economy humming along at a steady pace. Since the Branden regime took over, the CPI Core has risen +0.6% monthly and is now at +8.3% annually. It’s more likely much higher, but this is how the government measures the CPI. Today’s numbers show the cost of Groceries up 10.8%, Oil up 80.5%, Gas up 43.6%, Electricity up11%, Utility Gas up 22.7%, and Used vehicles up 22.7%. Not to mention we still have supply chain shortages including baby formula. This economy is spiraling out of control. The Fake News Media wants to avoid talking about this at all costs. Instead they focus on Ultra-MAGA supporters.

Notice Branden’s emphasis on calling republicans that support President Trump, Ultra MAGA? As if that’s supposed to be an insult. Branden lies about the economy. Blames everyone else for the rising costs. Government spending has gone up under this regime. Branden keeps harping on that he inherited an economy on the brink of a depression. That’s patently false. But Branden has to demonize the previous economy by calling it Ultra MAGA, as if that means anything. The policies of Jim Crow Joe Branden has reversed all the market gains. Who does Branden blame? Big Meat, Big Grocery, Big Dairy, and now Big Baby Formula. Yet, his spending is never the blame. This is what pathological liars do to deflect from their own failures. It was President Trump that predicted this would happen.

Is this how Congress issues a Declaration of War? Both parties decided to sell out America and spend 40 billion on Ukraine. Money that could be used to help Americans in need. Only 57 Ultra-MAGA Republicans voted Against the 40 billion dollar package to Ukraine. All the other RINO’s and Marxist democrats voted for more spending. This is highly irresponsible government. We have shortages in this country of baby formula, a bleeding border, but the Ukraine is much more important than the American people’s needs. That’s our tax dollars being pissed away.

The Injustice department being run by psychopath Meritless Garland has confirmed that it has the FBI investigating and harassing Parents trying to protect their kids from abusive pedophile teachers. Through a snitching hotline that school boards uses to notify the FBI. Parents are being identified as domestic terrorists for protecting their children from abusive teachers. Rep. Jim Jorden, ranking member of the judiciary committed sent this letter to Meritless Garland exposing the justice department lies of NOT spying on parents. Our own justice department is spying on American parents for protecting their children. But BLM-Antifa and demonstrators violating laws harassing SCOTUS justices and their families are ignored.

Now we have Homeland Security monitoring free speech on Unsocial Media platforms. This pathological condition to control speech runs throughout the Marxist democrat party. And I would say the RINO repubics also. The Ministry of Truth Czar, or Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board headed by Nina Jankowicz in a staff meeting over a Zoom Call with masked staffers. Many sitting alone wearing masks as if the virus will just pass through the computer screen and infect them. It’s just too bizarre to believe. But it is happening. Imagine the Ministry of Truth first day at work looking at Twitter tweets and trying to determine what is truth and misinformation. Sheesh!

I love the fact we can still make fun of this wacky government and their kooky social media police. The Meme Masters are hard at work making a mockery of this farcical regime. Ever since Elon Musk has bought Twitter, the left has been having a meltdown. Just another day of rage by the perpetually angry. The world doesn’t live on Twitter, but the left wants to keep it in their control by silencing everyone they don’t like from the de facto public town square. But this is mouse nuts to the larger picture.

When the noise level gets so loud that it drowns out the signal, the message is all but lost. That’s the purpose of the outrage mob. To distract from the real problems in America that are not being addressed. We have a crashing economy, a possible World War looming, and potential global shortages of food, water, and energy. There are more important things than Twitter and the rage mob’s signal to noise ratio.



Sunny with clouds. Chances of rain in the late afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 36%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight again. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 37

Mei ʻUmi Kūmākahi, 2022
