J6 Inquisition


Aloha kākou. A video released today by the Republican led Oversight Committee shows Nazi Piglosi admitting responsibility for not having security ready at the Capital on January 6th, 2021. We know that Pelosi’s daughter was documenting the events on January 6th. Almost as if the riot was preplanned by Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police who instigated the violence. Since that day, the Marxist democrat and the Fake News Media has referred to January 6th riot as “The Insurrection.”

But how can you have an insurrection when no one had any weapons? An insurrection is defined as a violent overthrow of a government. Meaning using weapons of war. The only thing MAGA Patriots were armed with were Red Trump 2020 hats and camera cellphones. Cellphones that were used later by the corrupt FBI to geofence attendees of Trump’s rally at the Ellipse. Cellphone data used to hunt down Trump supporters attending the rally. Funny how months of Antifa-BLM D.C rioters were never hunted down after they caused over Two Billion Dollars of property damage and dozens of murders. They were never hunted down and prosecuted. The double standard.

A peaceful march to the Capitol Building where patriots could express their First Amendment Right to demonstrate was provoked into a riot by Capitol Police. There is video supporting this and other actions taken by plainclothes operatives as part of a larger operation. We know Antifa was at the Capitol grounds that day. They were bussed into the capitol grounds by suspected government operatives. Video shows Antifa dressing in Black Bloc outfits with hand weapons, hammers, sticks, and other objects to cause damage to the Capitol building. Video evidence has proven that. Who helped them? We still don’t know. Who was the pipe bomber? We still don’t know. Why is the FBI still hiding that evidence?

For over three years, much of the Capitol video surveillance has been withheld from the public. The execution of MAGA Patriots Ashley Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland by Capitol Police still is unexplained. Exculpatory evidence is being withheld from the victims of FBI-DOJ illegal prosecutions. Non-violent people are hunted down by Pedo-Joe Biden’s DOJ led by AG Meritless Garland. Their homes were raided in the early hours of the morning by FBI Stormtroopers armed with machine guns and heavy weapons. Many of these people were dupped into entering the Capitol Building by Capitol Police who welcomed and waved them into the building. Grandmothers taking selfies in the Capitol were hauled to prison. People’s lives and businesses were ruined. They were made example of by this illegal regime power grab. Their message to the American people, do not cross us Marxist democrats, or else.


Pelosi and her daughter are on video admitting that January 6th, 2021, riot was a set up and just another attempt by the Marxist democrats to take President Trump down. The more information the Oversight Committee is finding, the more proof of collaboration by people in the highest levels of government were behind staging this insurrection.

Here’s the video showing Pelosi admitting to not securing the Capitol before the riot: “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. This is ridiculous.” “I take responsibility for not having [the Capitol Police] prepare for more.”

This is a shocking revelation. Did Nazi Piglosi forget she was being filmed by her daughter? What a damning admission by Piglosi that was left out of all the January 6th investigations. We know that Nazi Piglosi refused to allow President Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready on January 6th. Nazi Piglosi refused and rescinded that request. The obvious reason there was a planned setup being executed to incite a riot and then blame President Trump and MAGA Patriots. The question now is how many others were complicit in the planning and execution of this Fake Insurrection?

The usual suspects come to mind: General Milley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, FBI, CIA, and others in the Uniparty Deep State. This was an election coup d’état to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump. The reason is all becoming too clear as Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has inflected severe damage to this nation since. It’s the reason why Donald J. Trump is reaching huge audiences at his rallies. Trump’s message is resonating around the world and not just here in America where we need it badly.

The J6 Inquisition continues today as over 1,000 people are still being hunted by the corrupt FBI. Meanwhile, criminals, terrorists, and other evils are crossing the border, committing crimes, and are being ignored by this Injustice department. Inept FBI Director Christofer Wray is unwilling to stop the crimes against the American people. Wray says, “We can’t talk about ongoing investigations.” Because there are no investigations. The FBI is hunting down Catholics, Christians, Parents, and Average Americans for being Citizens. That’s our crime — being law abiding citizens. This is why we need to reelect President Trump. We need to purge our government of Marxist Uniparty democrats and republicans. We need to overwhelm the election so the Marxists cannot steal the election. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024. Pray for our nation. We need every patriot now more than ever to Save America.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 49%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi 2024

Insurrection Erection


Aloha kākou. The Rumble in the Bronx has made the Marxist democrat and their leftist flying monkeys all hot and bothered. They’re now in an insurrection erection little blue chew frenzy. Like Pavlov’s dog that drools over the thought of an indictment that actually makes an erection conviction, the Marxist democrats are desperate to appease their masters in Communist China.

Either subconsciously or deliberately, their minds are in the gutter. It’s become a viral joke in Congress, the Fake News Media, and other outlets that talk so fast they slur their words like Pedo-Joe Biden. It’s actually funny to watch because it diminishes their attacks on President Trump into a running joke. No one takes these idiots seriously anymore. Even Adam “Potato head” Schitt with his wide-eye googly eyes can’t help but blurt out and erection insurrection.

Breathlessly repeating over and over the Insurrection Erection into a meme that gets funnier every day. A simple search on YouTube finds these parodies of the Insurrection Erection. Trump Derangement Syndrome lives rent free in the left’s empty minds.

Unsocial media has been shocked by the numbers of people that showed up at the Rumble in the Bronx. The media reporters all looked so depressed. This incited a hailstorm of anti-Trump posts on various Unsocial Media sites. It seems pretty clear that most people in the Bronx are tired of being taken for granted by their elected officials. The number one common complaint was illegal immigration followed by the economy.

Insurrection Erection has divided people into two camps. The hard-core leftists that hate Trump. They wear the Palestinian keffiyeh scarf expressing their hate for Trump, the Jews, Christians, and America. The other camp were the majority of people attending the rally peacefully. The Fake News Media didn’t have to look hard for Bronx’s locals, the people from the hood. They were there supporting President Trump. The media assumption was the people attending the rally were not from the Bronx, but that was proven wrong as speaker after speaker were from the hood.

A side-by-side comparison between Biden’s message of racial division, and President Trump’s message unity and hope, shows why people are gravitating towards Donald Trump. People remember President Trump’s four years in office. They remember life was much better then under Trump. That had money in their pockets They compare Biden’s four years and they’re disgusted that they’re now struggling economically. They see their local officials taking them for granted. Favoring illegal aliens over the local people. They’re seeing Trump’s deeds over Biden’ empty words. They’re waking up to the MAGA message, and that’s a start, isn’t it. I hope it flourished into a big win for Trump in November, because that will be a greater win for all of America.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 1/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 80%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 5. Air quality Index is good at 32. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmālima 2024

Supreme Contempt


Aloha kākou. Time was of the essence. The United States Supreme Court’s 9-0 decision to allow President Trump to remain on states ballots arrived just in time before tomorrow’s Super Tuesday elections. Far left democrat states tried to prevent voters from choosing the Presidential candidate of their choice. They tried to rig the election process in favor of one party. It was a far reach for Marxist democrats to use a Civil War era law to prevent President Trump from being on the ballot.

States used the Insurrection Clause in 14th Amendment, Section 3 to remove President Trump from State’s ballots. This was an abuse of the law. No insurrection happened on January 6th, 2021. No one has been charged with, nor convicted of, insurrection. It was a far-reaching effort to interfere with the 2024 election. In 2020, democrats used COVID to rig the election. Using drop-boxes, mail-in ballots, and a broken chain of custody system to dirty the ballots. COVID fears was the cloak used to commit election fraud. The Big Lie, as it was called.


America watched as the 2020 election was stolen in real time. We watched vote counts change inexplicitly in the middle of the night. The sudden change of ballot numbers was extremely suspicious. Security videos captured election workers counting fake ballots after everyone had left the polling places. Drop-Boxes were stuffed with fake ballots. Ballot Mules were paid to stuff Drop-Boxes with fake ballots. The vote tabulators that were sealed were tampered with to change the vote count. The Republican National Committee (RNC) was woefully unprepared to prevent election voter fraud. There’s a lot of reasons why, but I reckon the reason was sheer incompetence by the RNC. Now, election 2024 is beginning to look like a repeat of election 2020 once again. Time is getting short and crucial voting protections have not been put in place. The GOP is once again asleep at the wheel.

Soon after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that President Trump is eligible to be on every state ballot, Trump held a press briefing at Mar-a-Lago. I interpret this to mean the Supreme Court ruled in effect that there was no insurrection. Donald Trump is eligible and qualified to be President of the United States.

Marxist democrats are actively and successfully changing local voting laws. They’ve become Vexatious Litigators to rig the 2024 election through thousands of lawsuits. What is the GOP leadership doing to stop this? Nothing.

After the Supreme Court’s decision, Marxist Misrepresentive Jamie Ratskins made a bee line to Fake News CNN cameras to announce he and Chinese stool pigeon Eric Swalwell are working on new legislation to force President Trump off the ballot. This isn’t about just President Trump anymore. It’s about changing America into a Uniparty Marxist Oligarchy. Democrats are no longer hiding their contempt for the American electorate. They’re going to deny the Americans the candidate of their choice by hook or by crook. If I were House Speaker Johnson, I would file any legislation from Jamie Ratskins under “T” for trash. Just as Chuckles Schumer did with H.R. 2, Secure Border Legislation submitted in May 2023.

In January 2021, outgoing Drinker of the House, Nazi Piglosi’s democrat majority voted to impeach President Trump for the January 6th riot. A riot was staged, planned, and executed by the Capitol police, the FBI, and the Uniparty. But as with the fake Ukraine phone call impeachment, there was no conviction. Both impeachments were illegal attempts to convict President Trump. Democrats made it a crime for Trump to do his legal Constitutional duty. The Marxist democrats couldn’t get a conviction from any other previous accusations. They are desperate for a conviction to remove Donald Trump from the ballot. Now, Marxist democrats and the Uniparty just don’t care what voters want any more in government.


Supreme Contempt is what Marxist democrats have for the American people. Democrats have attacked Constitutional originalists justices for their rulings. They’ve impugned members of the court. They’ve threatened to pack the court with radical Marxists. Democrats have declared over half of the American public as enemies of the state. Democrats have demonstrated their extreme prejudice for the American people. Democrats are dumping dangerous illegal aliens on Americans. Democrats are committing political suicide in their desperation to retain power exclusively for themselves. This is an extremely dangerous time for America because democrats have made it clear they want one party rule. We all must get involved to save our Republic from this tyranny. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump. Make America Great Again.


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate heavy rain showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received another 1-7/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 4 mph, gust 10 mph. Cloud cover is 99. Visibility is 9 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 90%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 3. Air quality Index is fair at 38. Readings taken at 11:00AM HST.

Malaki ‘Ehā 2024

State Of Decline


Aloha kākou. It’s Aloha Friday and the first day of March 2024. America is sinking into further decline. Americans are still being held as political prisoners. Some of them are being held with no charges leveled against them. Others have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms for misdemeanor crimes of trespassing. None of these citizens have been charged with insurrection. Not one person fired a shot, except one rouge capital police officer that brutally murdered a woman. She was Ashley Babbitt, a military veteran that was exercising her Constitutional right to peacefully protest. The Injustice department under Meritless Garland continues to hunt down MAGA supporters and violating their Constitutional rights to due process. America exists now in a Neo-Nazis Fascist State. Run by Marxist democrats and RINO cowards. We are now becoming a third world kleptocracy.


Pedo-Hitler Biden’s henchmen have opened the gates to illegal aliens that are committing unspeakable crimes across America. Laken Hope Riley was brutally murdered by a Venezuela illegal alien that had been arrested before and released. These illegals crossing our southern border are mostly men of military age. They are robbing, raping, and murdering American citizens. How many more American’s have suffered from Biden’s illegal immigration? Biden’s Injustice system arrests illegals and then sets them back on American streets to commit more crimes. Biden’s Marxist regime will not prosecute these foreign bastards. Instead, Biden’s criminal regime has targeted American citizens as enemies of the State. Namely, White Christian Catholics and MAGA Trump supporters are the target of Biden’s corrupt FBI.


The Fake News Media loves to remind Americans that Pedo-Hitler Biden is a devout Catholic. As a Catholic, I’ve never seen anyone sell their soul to Satan till now. Biden’s conduct is criminally immoral. He has molested his own children. Biden is on video groping women and people’s children. What’s disgusting is the parents of these children stand around smiling and watching their children being molested. The parents’ power lust for office overrides their parenteral instincts to protect their offspring.


This is just a series of creepy acts by Biden. Biden’s obvious senility and cognitive disability is on full display for the entire world. Other nations are imitating Biden’s mental deficiency as a joke. Yet, the Uniparty, both Marxist democrat and repubics defend Biden as being both virile and cognizant. Yet, the world and the American people are seeing something completely different. Biden’s incoherent behavior has gone viral, and it shows the United States as weak and leaderless. Biden has become a threat to National Security. Both domestically and foreign. No one knows who is actually running the government. This regime has started multiple wars at the behest of the Military Industrial Complex. There’s no end in sight to the conflict. No peace. No world stability. No future hopes.


We are in a State of Decline and our nation is being managed by forces within and outside our government. It is an extremely dangerous time in United States history. Those that lived in Communist Tyranny see the same patterns happening here. This will result in the death of millions. We are heading towards a world conflict and a possible Third World War. We may lose our Republic to a Communist Oligarchy. Our military has been decimated by woke political correctness. The Fake News Media will not report on Ukraine’s losing war. They won’t report on crimes committed by illegals on Americans. The media protects and supports Biden regime, the declining economy, and Biden’s mental unraveling before the world. The signs of a cataclysmic event are there but are not being reported. People need to awaken to the potential downfall of our nation. Do it now before it’s too late. Get involved. Vote MAGA.


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with numerous moderate rain showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received another 17/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 20 mph. Cloud cover is 42. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 72%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches. Dewpoint is 65° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is fair at 44. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki ‘Ekahi 2024

Supreme Standards


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. At six minutes after 10AM HST time, Friday, February 9th, 2023, a 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake occurred near Nā’ālehu in the Ka’ū district. What a way to start the weekend. The earthquake occurred on the western rift of the Big Island. It could be a prelude to a possible lava flow should magma reach the surface. It’s very much similar to the eastern rift zone in 2018.

We can’t predict if that will happen, but there’s has been increased earthquake activity from Kīlauea to Pāhala and Nā’ālehu. This earthquake was not large enough to cause a Tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey says the 6.3M was 6.2 miles underground. There were no reports of damage, but the earthquake was on top of Pāhala. Reports might change throughout the day.

UPDATE: As of 10:45AM HST, scientists have settled on reporting the earthquake as a Magnitude 5.7, located deep under Pahala in the Kaʻū district. The earthquake was not strong enough to generate a Tsunami. The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported that this morning’s earthquake had no impact to either Mauna Loa or Kilauea. According to the report, the earthquake — which has been downgraded to a magnitude 5.7 — was likely associated with “lithospheric flexure,” or the bending of a portion of the Earth’s crust caused by the weight of the Hawaiian Islands. — Hawai’i Tribune

EQ-6.3MAG 2024

Note: Climate Kooks never take into account that the Hawaiian Islands are sinking under their weight. So, the climate kooks claim the oceans are rising. Which isn’t true, because the climate kooks will claim one island has rising oceans, but the other islands do not. Water doesn’t work like that, but the climate kooks can’t be convinced because fear is their business.


MAGA has reached the Supreme Court of the United State. The far-left lunatics are desperately trying to remove the legitimate President from the 2024 Ballot in Colorado, Maine, and Hawai’i. Arguments were presented yesterday before the court. The entire U.S. Supreme Court Oral Argument: Trump v. Anderson, a case concerning former President Trump’s appeal of a Colorado Supreme Court’s decision ruling him ineligible to be on the state’s presidential election ballot can be heard here — LINK

Colorado’s Supreme Court decided that the provision, Section 3 of the 14th amendment, could be applied to President Trump, who the court found incited the Capitol attack. Despite that there were no charges, indictments, or convictions of any insurrection by anyone involved on January 6th, 2020, riot. A riot that was instigated by the Capital Police and planned by the Uniparty Deep State. The left has made its own interpretation of the Constitution by construing the U.S. Constitution wording and definitions.

Lawyers Jason Murray, representing for Colorado and Jonathan Mitchell representing President Trump presented their arguments. The Supreme Court seems to be in favor of rejecting attempts to remove former President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot. All nine justices seem skeptical with arguments presented by the Colorado lawyer. Both conservative and liberal justices seemed to be in agreement that the left’s interpretation of the 14th Amendment is not applicable.

Amy Howe at SCOTUS Blog wrote on Thursday, February 8th, that the high court appeared ready to rule against Colorado eluding that States cannot exclude former President Donald Trump from the ballot. This obviously will have a ripple effect across to other states where far-left Marxist democrats might attempt to interfere with the National Elections. Surprisingly, Justice Elena Kagan was among the most vocal in expressing her concerns. Why, she queried, should one state be able to disqualify a candidate from the ballot and, in so doing, effectively determine who becomes the president of the United States? Rather than sounding like an issue for an individual state to decide, she said, that “sounds awfully national to me.”

Exactly, Supreme Standards is that which the people decide who they want for President of the United States. Not some individual, not some lower court, not some state legislature, only the voice of people of this nation get to decide. That’s has been the Supreme Law since the ratification of the United States Constitution. However, the Marxist democrats do not believe in the Constitution. Democrats say the original document that is the foundation of our nation is not written in stone but is flexible and revisionist to the changing societal times. As we have all seen throughout the decades, Uniparty revisionists have brought rampant crime, border invasion, a collapsing economy, and endless wars. We need a President to revive Judeo-Christian standards and that person is President Donald J. Trump.

Vox Populi — Vox Deus


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with occasional moderate rain showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4th-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 57. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.13 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is .8 Air quality Index is good at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Pepeluali ‘Eiwa 2024

Welcome To The Insurrection


Aloha kākou. Now we know why the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics didn’t want the January 6th, 2020, videos released. It was all a setup from the beginning. A trap to illegally imprison supporters of President Trump. Members of congress, Nazi Piglosi, Mitch McConnell, and others knew what was happening and they were in on the planning and execution of the staged insurrection. The FBI and the Capital Police were the instigators and the stage managers. They allowed people to enter the Capitol Building knowing they would hunt them down and prosecute them. I wrote long ago that this looked like a setup, and I was right. There were too many social media posts that proved that.

The Injustice Department has thousands of political prisoners illegally held just for wandering into the Capitol Building and just standing on the Capital grounds. The Capitol Police waved people into the building for guided tours. The Capitol Police invited people into one side of the building and on the other side the Capitol police were throwing flash bombs. The FBI employed Antifa Domestic Terrorists to damage the Capital Building. The Fake News Media lied about who started the violence.

The January 6th Sham Committee cherry picked videos to guarantee an unfair trial conviction to the innocent. AG Meritless Garland mercilessly arrested and imprisoned grandmothers that walked into the Capitol Building taking selfies. People were given cruel and unusual punishment sentences for exercising their First Amendment Rights. Now we know why the Sham Committee wanted to hide the entire videos on that day. They rigged the 2020 Election and now they wanted to intimidate Americans into keeping quiet. The People’s House was used as a Anarcho-Tyrannical compound for Marxist democrats.

Liz ‘Peroxide’ Princess’ Cheney, Adam Shitzlinger, and the entire J6 Sham Committee needs to be investigated for crimes against the American People. Those four bullshitting Capitol police officers that committed perjury under oath in a federal investigation. They should be rotting in prison with terror enhancement charges and 20-year sentences with no chance for parole. They must be a reckoning with all involved including the Fake News Media which spread so much disinformation.

Special thanks to Speaker Mike Johnson who finally did what should have been done so long ago. Kevin McCarthy wasn’t going to fulfill his promises. McCarthy was Paul Ryan 2.0. An empty suit that cared only about the prestige of being Speaker but not doing right by the American people. This is the problem with our government. Too many people run for office to get rich.

Welcome to the Insurrection that wasn’t. The Marxists democrats along with Trump hating RINO’s, including Mike ‘McFly’ Pence that initiated a coup d’état against President Trump. The ringleader and instigator of the violence that did occur was Nazi Piglosi. She refused to dispatch the National Guard. As stated, this was planned and executed by the Deep State crooks. Reconciliation needs to happen now. Retribution must be delivered to those that abused their office to retain power. Thy Will Be Done.


Today’s Weather: Partly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the southeast at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 56%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is fair at 34. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Nowemapa ‘Umi Kūmāwalu 2023



Aloha kākou. Our President, the true elected President, Donald J. Trump has been charged with exposing corruption by both parties in government. If that’s the definition of an insurrection, then I’m good with that description. The dictionary defines an insurrection as:

An Insurrection is defined as an organized violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.

That never happened and that’s why President Trump still hasn’t been charged with insurrection. Because there’s no evidence that a constitutionally lawful peaceful demonstration was an insurrection. Only the government had weapons. The Capitol Police murdered a woman and gave the rogue cop, Robert Byrd, a promotion. An insult to all Americans.

This is who the Marxist democrats, RINO repubics are. They are the corrupt Deep State that’s being exposed as a shadow government. A government that keeps power for themselves and jealously guards it against outsiders. President Trump, as with all of us, never really grasped just how corrupt this government really is. When President Trump prophetically said this government corruption wasn’t about him, but about all of us, and he’s just in the way. He was speaking the truth.

It should be no surprise that every time Pedo-Hitler Biden’s corruption bubbles to the surface, another frivolous charge against President Trump is made against him. It is election interference by a corrupt political system that seeks to remain in power forever. For years the left loved Donald Trump as the billionaire playboy that ran casino hotels, a television star, and famous entrepreneur.

That all changed when Trump and his beautiful wife Melania descended the golden escalator to announce his run for President of the United States. The Deep State and Fake News Media viciously attacked Trump as a racist and a crook. They lied about Trump. CP3Meme put together this video montage. WATCH.

The Founding Fathers would be horrified to see how evil and corrupt this government had become. The state-run Fake News Media’s ‘Ruling Class’ Trump derangement and the weaponized Justice Department are controlled by the Marxist democratic Party. An aristocracy of corrupt elitists that live within the Washington D.C. Beltway. The Latté slurping Uber-Lyft riding empty suits have no idea how middle America people live, work, and what they think.

So, if this is how fascist democrats and republicans define what is an insurrection. Then I’m all for this redefinition of a rebellion. Our Nation was formed by insurrectionists. They gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to form this nation. They gave us a nation under God, with liberty, freedom and a government of the people, by the people, for the people. MAGA 


Today’s Weather: Mostly skies with numerous moderate showers. 90% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7 mph, gusts 18 mph. We received 7/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Cloud cover is 23%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 89%. Barometric pressure is 29.95 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is good at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake Iwakālua kūmāono 2023

Marxist Coup D’état


Aloha kākou. What will a real insurrection look like? Will it look like Sri Lanka? Denmark? USA? We haven’t seen a real insurrection, but we are witnessing a coup d’état by Marxist element in our Republic. Has habeas corpus been eliminated in Washington D.C.? It seems so. Individuals without any recourse are being held in jails with no charges. People hauled before an unconstitutional show trial under the threat of imprisonment. This is happening in this country now where the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics are attempting to seize power. All of the citizens in this country are in grave danger. I’m not kidding.

Julie Kelly and Lee Smith ask the question: Will The Democrat Party’s October Surprise Be the Arrest of President Donald Trump on False Charges? They’re certainly moving in that direction. The J6 Show Trial has already denied due process to actual witnesses. While allowing hearsay hussies to testify about hearing things they were neither a witness to seeing. This is how third world countries purge their political opposition. They throw them in prison and deny them their human rights.

Charges are being fabricated to drain the finances of people that have no connection to the J6 melee. These people are being charged with conspiracies’ that have no merit. They can’t prove the charge so they will drain their ability to bring a defense to prove their innocence. It’s an attempt to intimidate and destroy a person’s due process and legal rights. It’s political prosecution.

Pete Bootiekisser justifies attacks against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh having forced to leave Morton’s steakhouse after leftist activists descended on the restaurant to harass and incite violence. Because “these protesters are upset because a right … that a majority of Americans support was taken away.” That’s a lie. The Majority of American find Abortion Repulsive and Abhorrent.

Bootiekisser said, “Settled case law in the United States has been that the Constitution protected a right to privacy and that has now been thrown out the window by justices,” Bootiekisser said, invoking the argument that abortion was protected under the Fourth Amendment – an argument rejected in Dobbs.

Everyone knows the Supreme Court reviewed the abortion ruling and concluded it wasn’t in the Supreme Court’s authority to rule this horrific act of infanticide as “settled law.” Instead the 10 Amendment of the Constitution puts the abortion question back to the people and the States, to decide the legality of infanticide. This is not a privacy right. It’s a right to life.

Bootiekisser and his boyfriend, Caustic, are child molesters and perverts. They are pedophiles. This clown Bootiekisser cannot manage the Department of Transportation, but he’s lecturing us that violent mobs are acceptable chasing after Supreme Court Justices. That is clearly mob intimidation. This regime is sanctioning mob violence. Meanwhile, our country is being squeezed out of energy, food and the products need to sustain a minimum quality of life.

What this regime is doing is giving the green light for violent Marxist groups like ShutDownDC to attack and intimidate Supreme Court Justices. If this terror group were attacking that unwise far-left kook Latinx Sotomayor, the far-left fascists would be rioting in the streets. With the approval of Jim Crow Joe Brandon. But because these are Constitutional Justices, it’s open season of the number of attack on Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Thomas. To the point of open racism.

ShutDownDC, is the terror group responsible for the Morton’s restaurant attack against Justice Kavanaugh and his family having dinner. They have put bounties out for ‘sightings’ of Conservative Justices. $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they’re at the location when ShutDownDC arrives to threaten the lives of the Justices and their families. Anyone that happens to be in the company of the Justices are targets of this terror mob. These are Nazi Piglosi’s and the Marxist democrats Stormtroopers. They operate with impunity.

We Haven’t Seen A Real Insurrection In This Country…, Yet.



Partly cloudy, sunny and breezy. 40% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 12 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 71%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 19. Readings taken at 1:15PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmākahi, 2022


Paper Doves In Flight


Aloha kākou. Authoritarianism is here. We just don’t know it. We see it happening and we’re ignoring what is happening. We have vaccine mandates tyranny imposed on us. Threats of arrest for challenging racist education of the youth. The spying and singling out of people wanting to preserve their freedoms and liberties. These are real and present dangers to the fabric of our society.  We are the proverbial frogs in a pot of water coming to a boil.

We see nation’s histories being erased by a small vocal minority of cancel culture infections that has permeated into western culture. Racist dogma being taught in Universities to be spread into grade schools. The youth of America is being indoctrinated into the abyss of intolerance. Freedom is only one generation away from being lost forever. Now we have struggle sessions where a misdemeanor of contempt of congress will get you in handcuffs and leg shackles. A two tiered justice system where criminals move through a revolving door and patriots are held as political prisoners.

We have a news media that propagates misinformation to keep the uninformed off balance of the truth of growing Marxism. Fear and uncertainty keeps masses inline. I still see people driving in their cars alone all masked up with their obedience face diapers strapped on their face. It’s a pathetic sight. Fresh air and sunshine are no longer sanctions of freedom, but the dark confines of a dimly lit room is where the perception of sanctuary only exists for those lives half lived.

[F]amed Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei warns that Americans are already living in an authoritarian state, and that dangerous political correctness or “wokeism” is similar to Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution that took place a century ago in China. The artist made his remarks during an interview on PBS’s Firing Line where he was asked by host Margaret Hoover about his book in which he described the directives of Chairman Mao during the Cultural Revolution, which would be distributed publicly every night, similar to how Trump reached his base through social media. – RebelNews

Hoover sensing Ai Weiwei is comparing President Trump to Mao Zedong pounces on the comparison. We are living in an authoritarian state and only those that lived in the state of communism know what the authoritarian state is about. President Trump exposed the authoritarian state and the Deep State setout to destroy President Trump. Which is why Ai Weiwei is correct in pointing out that you must have a supporting regime to be an authoritarian. President Trump was a leader for the American people and never a cog in the wheel of socialist authoritarianism. The man devoted his time to the American people and not the state. Go to the RebelNews link I provided to see the full interview.

We are living in a authoritarian state because this regime is invested in keeping themselves in power. This is the Brandon regime. It has the full support of the corrupt Deep State and the enemies of this nation that are determined to destroy us. President Trump never had the full support of the corrupt Deeps State. Instead, the Deep State did everything they could to discredit and remove President Trump from office. Which is why Covid was used to rig the 2020 election. They didn’t change the laws, they bypassed the laws using Covid as the excuse. President Trump was too close to the truth and he was about to expose the Deep State. Now we’re learning from the Durham investigation that the Deep State is threaded through past regimes, both democrat and republican.

General Flynn on Tucker Carlson: The Assaults on Our Freedoms Won’t End Soon – Where are the Republicans? Indeed, that’s a great question. “Insurrection Crucifixion” is exactly what this is about. Where are the republicans? Many are defecting to the side of intolerance to save their asses. They believe the Deep State will protect them. Peel off traitors Lyn Cheney and Adam Shitslinger and you’ll find many other RINO’s that have betrayed the American people. Ask yourselves why many in the republican party have not spoken enough forcefully about the J6 Political prisoners, except for the very few. Because many republicans are cowards like Cheney and Shitslinger.

House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy spends most of his time wondering how quaffed his hair is combed in the mirror. Cocaine Mitch McConnell is only interested in his Communist Chinese wife’s family shipping industry. Ronna Romney McDaniel the current Chair of the Republican National Committee is silent on the plight of Americans rights being trampled by the Brandon regime. God help us if we win back the House in 2022. McCarthy would be Paul Ryan 2.0. Another failure for Conservatives.

Speaking of Communist Chinese connections. A number of powerful political families are making deals with the Communist Chinese government. Both Marxist democrats and RINO republican’s are all in on the CCP money scheme. We know that Brandon, his brothers and Hunter have shady deals with the CCP. Nazi Piglosi and Diane Feinstein have lucrative deals also. But did you know the Bush family has deals with the Communist Chinese? The George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, chaired and founded by Neil Bush in 2017, is raking in a $5 million grant from 2019 to 2023 from the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which has ties to China’s communist government. That’s just one deal and there are more in the works. They want you to believe these deals are for independent, non-profit and non-governmental foundations. There is no such thing as an independent non-government operation in Communist China. Everything is controlled by the Communist military.

Now you know why the Bushies, Biden’s, McConnell’s, and others in Congress making money off of our enemies all hated President Trump. President Trump put a stop to all of it. China steals our intellectual property technology and they’re using it against us. The China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) is strongly connected to the Communist Party of China. If you’ve ever wondered how politicians get into office and suddenly become millionaires overnight, now you know. They are selling us out for profit.

I’ve been wondering why I cannot find any information from the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) doesn’t have any information regarding the numbers of people with natural immunity to the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. We’re being told by the Brandon regime, and parroted by the Fake News Media, that the majority of Covid deaths are the unvaccinated. When I look for this information, I can’t find it. Neither can I find the difference between actual deaths caused by Covid nor deaths unrelated to Covid but tested positive. Those numbers either don’t exist or they won’t share those numbers with us. We have a right to know the differences.

Keeping us in ignorance about Covid numbers just amps up the fear quota. Along with a dutiful media that repeats the government misinformation. How do you keep the populace in check, you keep them living in fear and under government control. You make the people carry vaccine passports as a means to move about the country, make purchases, enter stores and government buildings. They cannot keep us wearing masks all our lives so they’ve jumped to the next step. Segregate the vaxxed from the unvaxxed. What about those with natural immunity? It doesn’t matter. Only vaxxed and unvaxxed make the difference. They’re using Covid misinformation to restrict our freedoms.

Orwell’s well-known paradoxical quote: ‘War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength’, from the book 1984 seems very relevant today. It seems rather contradictory, but the purpose is how information and misinformation is used to cancel each other out. It’s the belief of the regime that only selected information is enough for people to handle and anything more will confuse and muddy the waters. They assume people are too stupid to handle the truth. So information is held back and restricted.

I never signed up for a government that withholds information from the people. That’s violates an open and free society. Authoritarianism is here. We just don’t know it, and we are just paper doves in flight.



The day started with lots of clouds and scattered showers. Tradewinds are from the east southeast at 10 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 7 miles. We got 1/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 93%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inches and dewpoint is 72 degrees. UV index 7. Air quality Index is very good at 16

Nowemapa ʻUmi Kūmāono, 2021


Uniformed Disgrace

Aloha kākou. Today is June 6th – D-Day – This day in history when the Allies made their invasion into Europe to defeat the Nazis. The memories of the Greatest Generation will always be remembered.

How to make a colossal ass out of yourself. Former General Mattis has led the way, earning a medal of disgrace and dishonor. I guess Mattis forgot who was the Commander in Chief. When President Trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, Mattis wanted to stay and build up forces there. When the President wanted out of the Iran nuke deal, Mattis protested. When the President sent troops to the southern border, Mattis resigned. A real general would then resign, and kept his big mouth shut, but not Mad Cow Mattis.

Just like John Kelly that spent most of his time in the White House staring at his shoes, neither Mattis nor Kelly served the President well. However, if Mattis is taking this action to either brush up his resume’ for a lobbyist job, a fake news consultant, or trying to sell a book, then he’s a part of the Deep State slime that has betrayed the President, the country, and to the Uniform of the Armed Services.

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try,” Mr. Mattis said in a statement. “Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.” – What an asinine thing to say, Mattis. You’re a disgrace to the Uniform of the United States Marines.

Oh really, Mr. Mattis? I guess you forgot the Trump rallies that packed stadiums to standing room only. The number of Black, Hispanics, Women that still support President Trump. His approval rate over 50%. The lowest unemployment rate, pre-pandemic. The hostages released release by negotiation skill, and not by ransom, like that of the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama did. The rebuilding of the military. Defeating of ISIS. Restoring of moral of our military service people. Perhaps Mattis was jealous of not getting the same accolades that the Commander in Chief was getting? I don’t know, but it was apparent that President Trump wasn’t going to rubber stamp all of Mattis’s decisions. Perhaps past Presidents caved to the Generals, but this President is the decider. Like it or not.

Then there’s Mark Esper, current United States Secretary of Defense, and a former U.S. Army officer and defense contractor lobbyist. He disagreed with the President’s decision to invoke the Insurrection Act. Esper said, the deployment of active-duty troops in a domestic law enforcement role “should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations.”

Although the President hasn’t invoked the Insurrection Act yet, it is the President’s decision to do so. Esper has no say in the matter. If Esper doesn’t want to follow the order, then he should resign. Who does Esper think he is? I didn’t vote for him. I never heard of him before he was plucked out of nowhere to be Secretary of Defense. Esper is out of line and he should be dismissed. Along with any other Obama hold-over generals in the Pentagon that disagree with the President. We cannot have the military disobeying orders from the Commander in Chief. That is why we have elections. If this disobedience is allowed to continue, then we will lose our Constitutional Republic.

We are a civilian run government that has a Civilian President that commands the military. It’s been that way for over 240 years, and we’re not about to change that now or in the future. When President Trump mulled about invoking the insurrection act, the fake news media freaked out. We have leftist mayors and governors refusing to defend citizens and property from rioters. Not one National Guard guard has been called out to stop the rioting. The National Guard is not being used against the American people peacefully protesting, it is being used to stop the rioting.

What about the Insurrection Act? It has been used by past Presidents in my lifetime in the 20th Century. Many Presidents have invoked the Insurrection Act since it was passed in 1807.

After the Civil War, the Insurrection Act was further amended to give the president authority to enforce the 14th Amendment and the conditions of Reconstruction in the South. That authority is now found in Section 253 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code, which gives the president the right to take military action within a state when “any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection.”

The Insurrection Act gives U.S. presidents the authority to deploy active duty military to maintain or restore peace in times of crisis. The Insurrection Act was invoked numerous times in the 20th century, most famously when President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne Division to enforce the desegregation of public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.

During the Civil Rights Era by Presidents Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson deployed troops to the South to enforce desegregation in defiance of the governors of Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. Woodrow Wilson in April 28, 1914 the Colorado Coalfield War. Franklin D. Roosevelt on July 22, 1943, Detroit Michigan race riots.

The Insurrection Act was invoked in 1992 under President George H.W. Bush, after Peter Wilson, then-governor of California, requested help to quell widespread Los Angeles riots after four police officers charged in the beating of Rodney King were acquitted. Expect more riots to happen in Minnesota when those four police officers are acquitted of murder. They’ve been overcharged and I predict they won’t be convicted. I could be wrong, but similar charges against police officers have been acquitted before.

You won’t know about these past invocations of the insurrection act by the fake news media, they won’t tell you the history. The fake news media is trying to rewrite history. But because it’s President Trump that cares about people’s lives and property. The fake news media and leftist officials are calling it force against peaceful protesters. The fake news media continues to call the riots, “Peaceful Demonstrations”.

This was not a Photo-Op as the fake news media attempts to discredit. This was a power message to the rioters that burning of churches, property and violence will not be tolerated. In New York City alone, over 300 police officers have been injured. Some have been killed in the line of duty. However, the lives of those that a here to protect us are forgotten. Instead, the peaceful demonstrators, the rioters are destroying property and beating people in the streets in honor of a thug criminal with a lengthy arrest record that was imprisoned numerous times for drug, weapons, and battery crimes. I have no sympathy for criminals and repeat offenders. The fake news media keeps repeating that the criminal was turning his life around. It sure doesn’t look like that to me.


Our weather today started with overnight breezy trade winds and scattered showers. The day was with mostly sunny skies and some clouds. Overnight we got 3/8’s of an inch of rain collected in the gauge. Temperatures today are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 79%.


Kēia Ka Lā Iune ‘Eono