J6 Inquisition


Aloha kākou. A video released today by the Republican led Oversight Committee shows Nazi Piglosi admitting responsibility for not having security ready at the Capital on January 6th, 2021. We know that Pelosi’s daughter was documenting the events on January 6th. Almost as if the riot was preplanned by Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police who instigated the violence. Since that day, the Marxist democrat and the Fake News Media has referred to January 6th riot as “The Insurrection.”

But how can you have an insurrection when no one had any weapons? An insurrection is defined as a violent overthrow of a government. Meaning using weapons of war. The only thing MAGA Patriots were armed with were Red Trump 2020 hats and camera cellphones. Cellphones that were used later by the corrupt FBI to geofence attendees of Trump’s rally at the Ellipse. Cellphone data used to hunt down Trump supporters attending the rally. Funny how months of Antifa-BLM D.C rioters were never hunted down after they caused over Two Billion Dollars of property damage and dozens of murders. They were never hunted down and prosecuted. The double standard.

A peaceful march to the Capitol Building where patriots could express their First Amendment Right to demonstrate was provoked into a riot by Capitol Police. There is video supporting this and other actions taken by plainclothes operatives as part of a larger operation. We know Antifa was at the Capitol grounds that day. They were bussed into the capitol grounds by suspected government operatives. Video shows Antifa dressing in Black Bloc outfits with hand weapons, hammers, sticks, and other objects to cause damage to the Capitol building. Video evidence has proven that. Who helped them? We still don’t know. Who was the pipe bomber? We still don’t know. Why is the FBI still hiding that evidence?

For over three years, much of the Capitol video surveillance has been withheld from the public. The execution of MAGA Patriots Ashley Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland by Capitol Police still is unexplained. Exculpatory evidence is being withheld from the victims of FBI-DOJ illegal prosecutions. Non-violent people are hunted down by Pedo-Joe Biden’s DOJ led by AG Meritless Garland. Their homes were raided in the early hours of the morning by FBI Stormtroopers armed with machine guns and heavy weapons. Many of these people were dupped into entering the Capitol Building by Capitol Police who welcomed and waved them into the building. Grandmothers taking selfies in the Capitol were hauled to prison. People’s lives and businesses were ruined. They were made example of by this illegal regime power grab. Their message to the American people, do not cross us Marxist democrats, or else.


Pelosi and her daughter are on video admitting that January 6th, 2021, riot was a set up and just another attempt by the Marxist democrats to take President Trump down. The more information the Oversight Committee is finding, the more proof of collaboration by people in the highest levels of government were behind staging this insurrection.

Here’s the video showing Pelosi admitting to not securing the Capitol before the riot: “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. This is ridiculous.” “I take responsibility for not having [the Capitol Police] prepare for more.”

This is a shocking revelation. Did Nazi Piglosi forget she was being filmed by her daughter? What a damning admission by Piglosi that was left out of all the January 6th investigations. We know that Nazi Piglosi refused to allow President Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready on January 6th. Nazi Piglosi refused and rescinded that request. The obvious reason there was a planned setup being executed to incite a riot and then blame President Trump and MAGA Patriots. The question now is how many others were complicit in the planning and execution of this Fake Insurrection?

The usual suspects come to mind: General Milley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, FBI, CIA, and others in the Uniparty Deep State. This was an election coup d’état to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump. The reason is all becoming too clear as Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has inflected severe damage to this nation since. It’s the reason why Donald J. Trump is reaching huge audiences at his rallies. Trump’s message is resonating around the world and not just here in America where we need it badly.

The J6 Inquisition continues today as over 1,000 people are still being hunted by the corrupt FBI. Meanwhile, criminals, terrorists, and other evils are crossing the border, committing crimes, and are being ignored by this Injustice department. Inept FBI Director Christofer Wray is unwilling to stop the crimes against the American people. Wray says, “We can’t talk about ongoing investigations.” Because there are no investigations. The FBI is hunting down Catholics, Christians, Parents, and Average Americans for being Citizens. That’s our crime — being law abiding citizens. This is why we need to reelect President Trump. We need to purge our government of Marxist Uniparty democrats and republicans. We need to overwhelm the election so the Marxists cannot steal the election. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024. Pray for our nation. We need every patriot now more than ever to Save America.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 49%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi 2024

Rogue Rove


Aloha kākou. When power corrupts absolutely. Karl “Marx” Rove is a “Republican In Name Only” (RINO). There was a time when I used to look up to this clown during the Bush years, but not anymore. Rove has gone Rogue and is 100% Percent traitor to the United States of America. He puts party before country.

Imagine if Karl “Marx” Rove felt this passionate about the Antifa-BLM riots that burned down half of the country? Nah, Ol’ Karl doesn’t care about that. He’s still pissed off that Trump beat Low Energy Jebadiah Bush ass off during the GOP debates. The Uniparty is an exclusive club made up of both Marxist democrats and Republican repubics. We average Americans are not part of this exclusive club and neither is Donald J. Trump. They don’t represent the American people. They must beg their audiences to applaud their lame speeches.

Rogue Rove is a Marxist. He sides with the left to keep the Deep State Uniparty in control. Rove had hoped to turn the Bush regime into a dynasty with the election of Jebadiah Bush. Solidifying both parties as a single socialist governing entity. A power sharing amongst a selected, not elected, group of people. An oligarchy of elitists in perpetual power over the people’s government. President Trump got in their way and now the Uniparty is after Trump and the rest of us. They hate us and love each other.


Curious how the Bush’s and Obummers suddenly became very chummy after 2009. They seem rather disingenuous and staged. However this façade appears to be, it doesn’t erase the damage both men did to our country and our Constitutional freedoms. They’ve turned our nation into a police state. They’ve censored free speech. They’ve spied on working Americans while selling out America to our enemies.

Bush by his Patriot Act, TSA tyrants, and FISA courts that sprang up after the 9-11 Islamic Terror attacks. Obama’s racial division, illegal spying on Americans, and nuclear deals with Iran that betrayed our allies. Clinton’s attempt to rig the 2016 elections using foreign actors. The American Soldiers left behind in Libya and the endless Iraq-Afghanistan wars. The American lives lost to wars with no path to victory.

These crooks did no favors for the American people. All their policies hurt the American people. Now, they want to lock us down under the dictatorship of the Deep State. Covid was just the practice run to sweeping government mandates to override our Constitutional freedoms. Presidents come and go, but the Deep State always remains. They are the ones who are actually running the government. Presidents are mere window dressing for our amusement. Everything isn’t as it appears.

Years ago, the media tried to explain what the Deep State is. It was scoffed at as a fringe conspiracy theory. While the Deep State is largely hidden, it is an intra-government entity made up of various agencies. Now in 2024, that conspiracy has become a reality. They’re no longer hiding who they are. They fear the return of President Trump. Which is why they are trying to everything to stop Trump and even imprison Trump using Soviet style show trials. The Deep State has made their intentions know and that is the complete takeover of the United States government. They are in all three branches of government.


The Uniparty is desperately trying to keep Donald J. Trump off the campaign tour. That’s why they’re inventing these novel legal charges that others get away with, but Trump is charged with. This is Soviet style election interference. The facts remain that we have Political Prisoners in prison. Some have not even been charged with a crime. This regime has plans to hunt down more people they targeted as political dissent’s.

Rogue Rove let the cat out of the bag by condemning ordinary Americans exercising their Constitutional rights to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Congress is the People’s House. It is not an exclusive club for the Deep State members only. People like Karl “Marx” Rove would disagree. Your rights end at the street curb as second-class citizens.

Never Forget What They Did To Us

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 11 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 72%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 35. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi 2024

State Of Decline


Aloha kākou. It’s Aloha Friday and the first day of March 2024. America is sinking into further decline. Americans are still being held as political prisoners. Some of them are being held with no charges leveled against them. Others have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms for misdemeanor crimes of trespassing. None of these citizens have been charged with insurrection. Not one person fired a shot, except one rouge capital police officer that brutally murdered a woman. She was Ashley Babbitt, a military veteran that was exercising her Constitutional right to peacefully protest. The Injustice department under Meritless Garland continues to hunt down MAGA supporters and violating their Constitutional rights to due process. America exists now in a Neo-Nazis Fascist State. Run by Marxist democrats and RINO cowards. We are now becoming a third world kleptocracy.


Pedo-Hitler Biden’s henchmen have opened the gates to illegal aliens that are committing unspeakable crimes across America. Laken Hope Riley was brutally murdered by a Venezuela illegal alien that had been arrested before and released. These illegals crossing our southern border are mostly men of military age. They are robbing, raping, and murdering American citizens. How many more American’s have suffered from Biden’s illegal immigration? Biden’s Injustice system arrests illegals and then sets them back on American streets to commit more crimes. Biden’s Marxist regime will not prosecute these foreign bastards. Instead, Biden’s criminal regime has targeted American citizens as enemies of the State. Namely, White Christian Catholics and MAGA Trump supporters are the target of Biden’s corrupt FBI.


The Fake News Media loves to remind Americans that Pedo-Hitler Biden is a devout Catholic. As a Catholic, I’ve never seen anyone sell their soul to Satan till now. Biden’s conduct is criminally immoral. He has molested his own children. Biden is on video groping women and people’s children. What’s disgusting is the parents of these children stand around smiling and watching their children being molested. The parents’ power lust for office overrides their parenteral instincts to protect their offspring.


This is just a series of creepy acts by Biden. Biden’s obvious senility and cognitive disability is on full display for the entire world. Other nations are imitating Biden’s mental deficiency as a joke. Yet, the Uniparty, both Marxist democrat and repubics defend Biden as being both virile and cognizant. Yet, the world and the American people are seeing something completely different. Biden’s incoherent behavior has gone viral, and it shows the United States as weak and leaderless. Biden has become a threat to National Security. Both domestically and foreign. No one knows who is actually running the government. This regime has started multiple wars at the behest of the Military Industrial Complex. There’s no end in sight to the conflict. No peace. No world stability. No future hopes.


We are in a State of Decline and our nation is being managed by forces within and outside our government. It is an extremely dangerous time in United States history. Those that lived in Communist Tyranny see the same patterns happening here. This will result in the death of millions. We are heading towards a world conflict and a possible Third World War. We may lose our Republic to a Communist Oligarchy. Our military has been decimated by woke political correctness. The Fake News Media will not report on Ukraine’s losing war. They won’t report on crimes committed by illegals on Americans. The media protects and supports Biden regime, the declining economy, and Biden’s mental unraveling before the world. The signs of a cataclysmic event are there but are not being reported. People need to awaken to the potential downfall of our nation. Do it now before it’s too late. Get involved. Vote MAGA.


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with numerous moderate rain showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received another 17/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 20 mph. Cloud cover is 42. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 72%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches. Dewpoint is 65° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is fair at 44. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki ‘Ekahi 2024



Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. As we enter the last weekend before Christmas week, be sure to say a prayer for the J6 Political Prisoners and their families. This evil regime has torn apart families and destroyed the holidays for thousands of people with cruel intent. This painting by Jon McNaughton puts it all in perspective.

Also in this Hanukkah season, say a prayer for the hostages that the IslamoNazis are threatening to murder. The Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime of antisemites are funding terrorists through Iran. This regime has set the world on fire with multiple wars. Including the undeclared war on our southern border. Where thousands of invading illegals have entered the country. Among those that entered the country are terrorists. It just a matter of time before a terror attack happens on American soil. Be vigilant and be aware.

Now, back to the magic of the season. After that vomitous White House Christmas video was released, I needed a palate cleanser to remind me of how a classy White House Christmas video should be done.

First Lady Melania Trump knew how to decorate and celebrate Christmas at the White House. With patriotic and religious themes about our nation and the birth of Christ our Lord and Saviour. We had four years of peace and a world that was coming together. It truly was a remarkable time in our nation’s history. Melania Trump recently spoke at a citizenship ceremony welcoming dozens of new Americans.

“It is my privilege to share America, this great nation, with you… Obstacles often stand in the way of our goals. We persevere because we understand that conquering them will provide great access to personal development, fulfillment, and even eventually, self-actualization,” said Melania Trump. A Christmas gift of citizenship. Watch the full speech in the link above.

At this time of the year, shopping always picks up with sales and bargains. However, the economic indicators are looking bleak. Despite what the Fake News Media and unsocial media would have us believe. Prices for food, rent, and transportation remain high, still up 17.2%. Wages are not keeping up with inflation and have actually decreased by 2.1%. People are working two and three jobs to make ends meet. So, that gives the impression that there are job increases. These numbers are conveniently excluded from the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It’s how they calculate the numbers. So, let’s go Branden.

I’ll never stop laughing at this prank call. Pedo-Hitler Joe didn’t get it, but Jill did as she hangs her head in shame. We are coming close to the end of the year and entering the election year. The Marxist democrats are gearing up massive election fraud. They’re openly bragging about it. More than ever it’s time to watch these elections. Marxist democrats feel emboldened that dropboxes and mail-in ballots will secure election fraud. Missing signatures and ballots suddenly appear in boxes at polling stations. All the dirty tricks of ballot machines failing to count ballots. It will happen again if we’re not careful.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with isolated showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 15/64-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 19 mph, gusts 32 mph. Cloud cover is 67%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 63°. UV index 6. Air quality Index is fair at 45. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa ‘Umi Kūmālima 2023

Welcome To The Insurrection


Aloha kākou. Now we know why the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics didn’t want the January 6th, 2020, videos released. It was all a setup from the beginning. A trap to illegally imprison supporters of President Trump. Members of congress, Nazi Piglosi, Mitch McConnell, and others knew what was happening and they were in on the planning and execution of the staged insurrection. The FBI and the Capital Police were the instigators and the stage managers. They allowed people to enter the Capitol Building knowing they would hunt them down and prosecute them. I wrote long ago that this looked like a setup, and I was right. There were too many social media posts that proved that.

The Injustice Department has thousands of political prisoners illegally held just for wandering into the Capitol Building and just standing on the Capital grounds. The Capitol Police waved people into the building for guided tours. The Capitol Police invited people into one side of the building and on the other side the Capitol police were throwing flash bombs. The FBI employed Antifa Domestic Terrorists to damage the Capital Building. The Fake News Media lied about who started the violence.

The January 6th Sham Committee cherry picked videos to guarantee an unfair trial conviction to the innocent. AG Meritless Garland mercilessly arrested and imprisoned grandmothers that walked into the Capitol Building taking selfies. People were given cruel and unusual punishment sentences for exercising their First Amendment Rights. Now we know why the Sham Committee wanted to hide the entire videos on that day. They rigged the 2020 Election and now they wanted to intimidate Americans into keeping quiet. The People’s House was used as a Anarcho-Tyrannical compound for Marxist democrats.

Liz ‘Peroxide’ Princess’ Cheney, Adam Shitzlinger, and the entire J6 Sham Committee needs to be investigated for crimes against the American People. Those four bullshitting Capitol police officers that committed perjury under oath in a federal investigation. They should be rotting in prison with terror enhancement charges and 20-year sentences with no chance for parole. They must be a reckoning with all involved including the Fake News Media which spread so much disinformation.

Special thanks to Speaker Mike Johnson who finally did what should have been done so long ago. Kevin McCarthy wasn’t going to fulfill his promises. McCarthy was Paul Ryan 2.0. An empty suit that cared only about the prestige of being Speaker but not doing right by the American people. This is the problem with our government. Too many people run for office to get rich.

Welcome to the Insurrection that wasn’t. The Marxists democrats along with Trump hating RINO’s, including Mike ‘McFly’ Pence that initiated a coup d’état against President Trump. The ringleader and instigator of the violence that did occur was Nazi Piglosi. She refused to dispatch the National Guard. As stated, this was planned and executed by the Deep State crooks. Reconciliation needs to happen now. Retribution must be delivered to those that abused their office to retain power. Thy Will Be Done.


Today’s Weather: Partly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the southeast at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 56%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is fair at 34. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Nowemapa ‘Umi Kūmāwalu 2023

Do Not Forget


Aloha Lāpule. The impact of the Hawai’i wildfires has devastated lives forever. Maui may never recover, but the people are resilient. It’s government incompetency that stands in the way of recovery and also the root cause for the wildfires on Maui. On this Sunday (Lāpule) people across the Hawaiian Islands reflect on the disaster and pray for the victims of the fires. We pray to God for strength and guidance.

The wildfires continue both on Maui and on the Big Island. Hawai’i county civil defense this morning reports a brush fire in the Ka`ū District at South Point. As with Maui, conditions here are dry and prone to wildfires. Maui reports flareups around the west side and parts of Upcountry.

Tulsi Gabbard, former U.S. representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, has been reporting of the fires on Maui. In 2020, Tulsi Gabbard announced she was leaving the Democratic Party. Tulsi Gabbard accused the party of using rhetoric that is anti-police and anti-religion and pushing the country closer to nuclear war. Her work to bring help and attention to the islands has been stellar. Tulsi writes in the following video:

“While nothing comes close to the catastrophic devastation of Lahaina, there are also fires that blazed last Tuesday in places like Kula and Olinda, turning homes into ash, and scorching across farms and through trees. In Kula, firefighters are still fighting persistent fires. Families in Upcountry and West Maui still cannot return home due to lack of water and power. Meanwhile, looters are getting more bold, exploiting this crisis burgling homes in broad daylight. To the government officials responsible, our neighbors and friends need you NOW. There is no excuse or reason to delay.”

These government failures are symptomatic of a larger problem with both the Federal and State governments. The wrong people are in positions of power and are not being held responsible for their actions. From Pedo-Hitler Biden “No Comment” about Maui, to the state emergency official’s failure to act in time. The lack of empathy for the people of Hawai’i is criminal. The governor of Hawai’i, Josh Green, lacks the governing skills to make decisions and act quickly during an emergency. Indeed, Green wasn’t in the state during the fire. He was in Washington D.C. testifying about Global Warming. After returning to Hawai’i, Green promptly blamed the wildfires on global warming. Now he’s talking about using eminent domain to seize the property of the victims.

What’s concerning about the state’s response to the wildfires. Maui County civil defense failed to warn people and failed to allow access to water. Hawai’i Deputy Director on Water Resource Management, and Obummer sycophant, M. Kaleo Manuel delayed the release of crucial water for up to five hours as wildfires devastated Maui.

Manuel is part of Barry the Bullshitter Obummer’s non-profit program to help participants with coaching and “practical skill building for social change” — Manuel said he considered water an important tool for social justice. So, he denied people access to water on Maui. “Let water connect us and not divide us,” said Manuel, referring to water distribution on the island. “We can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity…How do we coexist with the resources we have?”

Heartless and cruel. This is precisely why Gabbart left the Marxist democrat party. These are people that have no experience, no empathy, no conscience, but contempt for people’s existence on this planet. Environmentalism and social justice should take a backseat to this woke nonsense. Planet over people’s lives. This isn’t a cultural issue when it comes to protecting lives. These water restrictions need to be managed by experts, not pseudo environmentalists worshiping some climate Pagen religion.

Then the failure of the Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya not sounding the island’s emergency sirens. Andya defended his decision to not sound warning sirens on the island for the wildfires. Saying that the alarms were for Tsunami warnings only and people would have headed up country towards the fires. Yet, the alarms are for all emergencies. At the time, Andya was on O’ahu attending a FEMA seminar, but the night of the fire he was at a reception and couldn’t be bothered. Again, the failure of the state cascaded the loss of life and property by not acting responsibly.

Then there’s the planned visit to Hawai’i by Pedo-Hitler Biden. For what reason is anyone’s guess? Reporters asked Biden the same questions about New Palestine, Ohio, but Biden never visited there. So, what’s the agenda if Biden decides to visit Hawai’i? What’s he going to do, sit on the beach and order a Mai Tai?

FEMA insults the victims of the wildfire by offering a “One-Time $700 Relief Benefit.” While Biden gives another $200 million to Ukraine to further the Marxist democrats’ endless wars. In response to the fires devastating the island of Maui, Pedo-Hitler Biden forgot the name of Maui and called the island “the one that you see on television all the time.” Both the state and federal governments have abandoned Americans. This is endemic of the Marxist democrat party governing by crisis. The Marxist democrats have said often, “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.”

Being proactive to prevent crises is what makes a great leader. President Trump is just such a leader. He prevented wars, rebuilt the economy, made us energy independent, kept the borders secure, even while battling with forces of evil within the shadow government known as the deep state.

For all of the efforts that President Trump did for Americans, the corrupt Marxist democrat party that rigged the 2020 election are now persecuting Trump for his stellar achievements. The accusations against President Trump, his lawyers, and staff members are nothing. No laws were broken. Yet, they impeached Trump for a phone call. The fickle RINO repubics still haven’t full-throatedly defended President Trump. No one has heard a peep from the GOP Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel’s. All the while, the American people are not being represented by their elected officials.

The American people see what’s going on with this corrupt regime. They see the collapse of our economy, the attacks on religion and the family structure. Pornography in schools and transgenderism. The Russian-Ukraine and Communist Chinese bribery of Biden and his criminal family. The two-tiered injustice system where criminals are never charged with crimes and innocent people are jailed for years with no trial.

The Marxist democrat’s injustice system will allow criminals to loot stores. Anyone that tries to prevent crime will be arrested, lose their jobs, and labeled a racist. Mobs can freely burn down whole cities, but protest against an abortion clinic and a 30-man armed swat team ends up at your door at 6AM in the morning. These are communist tactics that keep people in fear for their safety and freedoms. But that’s how the Marxist democrats want it to work. A compliant populace is like sheep and willingly conforms to state tyranny. This is the country Marxist democrats are transforming us into.

So, we pray for America. Pray for the victims of the Hawai’i wildfires. We pray for the return of real leadership. We pray for our nation. We have an election coming in 2024 and the Marxist democrats are asking Americans to once again “Trust Them” to make things better. Meanwhile, people are being persecuted for not voting with democrats. Election interference to steal the election is happening before our eyes. Our leaders have failed us on so many levels. It’s time to step up and have that “Rich Men North Of Richmond” moment.

Katy Nichole sings “In Jesus Name.” A “Song of the Year.” An amazing and moving song with video of great moments of the 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump by “WeLoveTrump47.”

Never Forget What President Trump gave up for us. The sacrifices and beatings this man and his family has had to endure would have made anyone else quit. But this man loves America and the American people. If the Marxist are successful in wrongly convicting President Trump on some non-criminal charge, then they will come for us all. They’re already targeting other individuals including the Supreme Court Justices. Once they’re done overthrowing our Republic, they will come after us.

Do Not Forget. We’re all the next targets. Our freedoms are now at stake. Losing our liberties will happen quickly. Once gone, we can never get it back.


Today’s Weather: Mostly clear skies with moderate showers expected this evening. This afternoon is a 40% chance of precipitation and 90% this evening. We received NO precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the lpw 80’s. Humidity is 71%. Barometric pressure is 29.95 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is good at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake Iwakālua 2023

Lines Of Lies


Aloha kākou. Isn’t it interesting that no one at the White (Crack) House can find who brought the cocaine into a secure area? All the video surveillance can’t find anyone near where the coke was found. Even Karinge Jean-Luc Picard has nothing, but she says they’re looking into it. The Fake News Media is letting the story fade away. Is everyone in the White House on Dope? Nothing to see here.

First the excuse was the cocaine baggie was in a public area. Excuse after excuse followed. Can’t get a fingerprint, can’t find video evidence, and can’t drug test staff and family. The Fake News Media suggested it was left in an area where visitors entering the West Wing of the White House for public tours. But the West Wing entrance is where staff and family enter. They don’t conduct tours from the West Wing.

In this video that been floating around the internet shows Hunter obviously strung out, sweaty, and anxious over something. Almost how an addict acts when craving for drugs. Near the end of the video, Hunter appears to have lifted something to his face and is seen wiping his nose after leaving the balcony.

Jill Biden looks annoyed as the rest of the family remains on the balcony as Hunter leaves. Where’s he going? To look for his stash that he left behind? As he left his laptops with the repair person in Delaware. It seems so obvious what’s happening. The Fake News Media has circled the wagons to quietly drop the story.

It must be noted that Karinge Jean-Luc Picard, and the Fake News Media tried to claim the Biden’s were at Camp David when the cocaine was found. That was later found to be a lie to deceive the public. It’s been days now and there’s been no more investigations, no more news, but plenty of lines of lies.

Speaking of lies. Florida Representative Matt Gaetz held a January 6th press conference over the lies of evidence fabricated by the Nazi Piglosi, FBI, Capitol Police, and others that conspired to entrap innocent Americans that strayed onto the Capitol grounds. We know now that there were undercover operatives, including Ray Epps, who encouraged people to enter the Capitol Building. Even inciting violence on the crowd to cause a riot.

This small clip I found has an unrelated ending at the 10:09 mark of this video, but it shows the entire relevant testimony by a whistle blower. I don’t understand why this video has a strange ending, but the relevant information is present. Perhaps the poster used an add-on clip to get around YouTube’s censorship algorithms. I don’t know, but for context, I have included the entire news conference for full context, HERE. The video is almost two hours long in case you’re interested.

Exculpatory evidence against innocent Americans is being suppressed. As with prosecutorial misconduct against President Trump is being fabricated just to get a conviction. Political prisoners being held without charges now for years. Abused and tortured by corrupt DC Jail handlers. Meanwhile, this corrupt illegal regime installed into power by the Deep State continues to commit to the decline of our nation. The “Lines of Lies” are getting longer and longer.


Today’s Weather: Partly cloudy with scattered rain showers. 60% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the east northeast at 6 mph, gusts 17 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 13. Air quality Index is good at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iulai ‘Umi Kūmākahi 2023