White Supremist Pizzas


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. Hawai’i is going to be the last State, once again. This time is going to be a sad state. Our oppressive government is still denying science and will continue with the mask mandates. Now they are giving away N95 obedience face diapers that not only will disfigure your face, force you to inhale your own CO2, but will provide no additional protection. It’s all part of the medical  disinformation by the State. Governor Ige is our version of Jim Crow Joe Brandon. He’s clueless and a idiot. His mismanagement of the State has damaged our economy, increased addictions, and created a Covid Police State.


There’s no science being followed here in Hawai’i. The people running the State are still listening to Fhony Fauci and the Centers of Disinformation and Confusion. Then there’s our haole Lt. Gov. Josh Green. He’s running for Governor when Ige’s term is up at the end of the year. Green is supposedly a physician. He runs around for the cameras wearing dirty hospital scrubs to give the impression that he’s just left the operating room after doing brain salad surgery. Green uses leaches to battle infections.

Nina Wu, a reporter for our local Honolulu newspaper the Star-Advertiser reports that the paper will suspend daily online story about Hawaii’s coronavirus case counts including the email and text push alerts. These reports never really told us anything. The stories were useless for public consumption. It told us nothing because it lacked any details about patients age, comorbidities, and if patients had put off existing conditions which contributed to fatalities. Was death caused by Covid or did the patient test positive after hospitalization. We’ll never know. That’s how bad the misinformation from the government has gotten.


If you question the science, then you are called a science denier. To the left, science is a consensus and it’s always settled. Question the left’s science and get called a White Supremacist Pizza. You’re called names and you’re shunned. You could lose your job, have your bank account frozen, and harassed by the Covid Cops. You’re accused of spreading misinformation and killing grandmother. Even though the government killed grandmother by forcing Covid infected patient in elderly nursing homes. They said they were just following the science. I wonder if we should have Nuremberg trials on how well the Covid vaccines are working. Yes, I think we should. But who are these White Supremacist Pizzas anyway?

White Supremacists Pizzas are everywhere according to the Jim Crow Joe Brandon. The Fake News Media pushes the same narrative. It’s all part of the regimes effort to silence any dissent. It really doesn’t matter what is the color of your skin. You are automatically pigeon holed as a White Supremacist Pizza. This has been a tactic used by Marxist democrats for decades. Accuse your opposition of being racists and they’ll shut up. The Marxist democrats did the same thing against the Tea Party. In a sense, the Tea Party has been revised since formed during the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. This time is has to do with illegal Covid mandates. The Washington Post said this about the Truckers Freedom Convoy. Never mind that many of the Truckers are multi-ethnic composing of Sikhs, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites. But they’re all White Supremacists Pizzas according to the Washington Post.


There was a chance for Congress to defund the Fauci Ouchy vax mandates, but the RINO’s screwed us again. The Senate voted today, February 18 to block funding for Jim Crow Joe Brandon’s vaccine mandate. The amendment was offered by Republican Sen. Mike Lee, but four Republican senators missed the vote, dooming the measure. Senators Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) were not present when the Senate voted and the vote was lost by only one vote 47 – 46. There was no excuse for this dereliction of duty.


If you’ve been watching what is going on in Canada, Australia, in Europe, and here in the United States, there has been a revolt against the heavy handed government mandates. People are losing their jobs over refusing to get the Fauci Ouchy jab. Key people that work to protect us are being fired for refusing to get the Coof Juice. Nurses, Firefighters, Police, Military, and EMT people that we need to protect us from disasters are being discarded putting us all at risk. This is not science, this is suicide by government stupidity. We can’t afford to lose rescuers because they won’t comply with illegal government mandates. The “get the jab or else” is pure insanity. We all know this is a power trip by the Marxist democrats. It’s part of a larger picture that I’ll detail in another post, but it is part of the Great Reset to condition people into being compliant to an evil government.

Thankfully, we have a hero that will right all the wrongs in this country if given a chance. We need to bring this country back sanity, but we all need to be involved to change this fascism that has infected our government. It was President Trump that warned us that the cure cannot be worse than the virus. But that just what we have now and it has to stop, before we lose our freedoms and our Republic. We need deliverance from this beady eye banjo boy Jim Crow Joe Brandon the Delaware inbred pedophile.


Marxist democrats use distractions to take attention away from more serious problems here at home. Is it no wonder that Jim Crow Joe Brandon and the Fake News Media continue to claim that Russia is going to attack the Ukraine? This is not not a coincident. It’s used to distract our attention away from our problems here at home. The illegal alien invasion at our southern border. The supply chain problems at our shipping and trucking ports. The looming inflation that is killing our economy. This is what the fascist do to hide their failures. We have an invasion going on at our southern border, but it’s more important to defend a tiny country that borders Russia. The reason why is simple. Jim Crow Joe Brandon’s son Hunter has criminal business in the Ukraine. It’s also the reason why China’s corruption and genocide is off-limits because of the millions of dollars Brandon has invested in China. Russia’s Putin is the boogeyman distraction to take our attention away from the problems here at home.



Mostly sunny with the possibility of showers. Tradewinds are from the east southeast at 9 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 76%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 29/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is good at 31.

Pepeluali ‘Umi Kūmāwalu, 2022


Alternate Reality


Aloha kākou. In the future, everything will be illegal. Then the authorities can choose who are the criminals. -Ayn Rand

In 1957, Ayn Rand predicted the future. And like George Orwell’s novel 1984, Atlas Shrugged has also predicted what our future is looking like. The totalitarian State is here in the United States. The prediction about a politicized corporate-government partnerships that is oppressing our freedoms is here now. It is real.

This didn’t just happen overnight. It was planned and developed during the Regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. He quietly placed into high levels of government, the military, and recruited corporate industry partners, in particular the Unsocial Media giants. This is the Deep State. Look at how the events parallel the predictions in Atlas Shrugged. Free speech is the under attack by Unsocial Media and the Woke Culture. Once the government silences the flow of information, then the government control the narrative. News cycles and education follows by rewriting history and events. Everything outside of the official government narrative will be viscously attacked.

Never ending Emergencies that calls for more mandates that limit our liberties. These emergency mandates effect everything in commerce. From businesses to schools. Although large businesses are given special status and allowed to stay open and do business. They donate big money to corrupt politicians to remain open. Small businesses, the life blood of the economy, are shutdown, fined, arrested, and forced to spend thousands of dollars to modify their business. These small businesses are forced to comply with regulations that offer no extra protections. Six feet distancing, mask wearing, limiting the number of people entering a business. Early curfews that limit the business hours.

In New York, the governor extending the mask mandate for schools. In Canada, the Covid Cops enter churches during mass to make sure people are wearing their masks. Australia has fallen and is no longer a free country, Canada and the United States are falling to totalitarianism. In Austria the government authorizes a vaccine registry and imposes restrictions through January 2024. Illinois governor has no plans to end mask mandates saying “masks are about doing what’s right.” Even though there’s no science that masks prevents getting the Coof virus. In Hawai’i, mask mandates are still in effect. However, the governor has relaxed the Safe-Travels vaccine booster requirement after a severe drop in tourism.

According to the Department of Homeland Security which released today a summery of Terrorism Threats to the US Homeland. The first bullet reads, “the proliferation of false or misleading narratives to sow discourse distrust of government institutions is now a terrorist threat.” Anyone that now speaks out against the government is now a criminal. It was just a matter of time before the government came to trample your Constitutional right to free speech.

Now we’re learning that Nazi Piglosi’s capitol police have been secretly spying on members of Congress. In particular, conservative republicans, their staff members, and constituents are all being spied on. Their phone and text communications are being intercepted and read by the capitol police and shared with the illegal Star Chamber J6 Committee. For what purpose is unknown. It’s a large fishing net to find someone to assign a crime onto. This political corruption will spread like a cancer into society. Already, citizens are being asked by the FBI, IRS, and other corrupt government agencies to spy on their neighbors and family.

We learned today that Capitol police, dressed as construction workers, broke into Rep. Troy Nehls’ office during the November break. The Capitol Police took photos inside the Texas Republican’s office and then came back two days later to harass his staff using the illegal photos they took just days earlier. We learned why the Capitol Police was spying. Rep. Nehls spoke out against Nancy Pelosi, the sham Jan. 6 Committee and the Capitol Police murder of Ashli Babbitt. The Marxist democrats and their RINO republican accomplices are using threats and intimidation to silence elected officials and their staff. I believe that RINO Senate leader Mitch McConnell is also in on the spying.

The architect of the government corruption started with Barry the Bullshitter Obummer, and is being continued by Jim Crow Joe Biden. Obummer is the head of the snake and is no doubt calling the shots in the Brandon regime. Obummer even bragged about making decision which the senile crow Brandon has dutifully carried out.

Obummer quietly put into place a shadow government that did everything they could to destroy President Trump by any means necessary. There’s no doubt that the Clinton’s and Bush’s are also involved using their influence. It’s an unholy alliance, a national coup to regain permanent control over our Republic.

Obummer now has mansions in Washington DC, Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, and now O’ahu, Hawai’i. The corruption is like the slime that a slug leaves behind. Like many in government, they never earned the riches they flaunt before the American people. Obummer is no different than a common crook that uses smash-and-grab robberies. Except the American people are paying for this corruption.



Partly cloudy with isolated showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 61%. Visibility is 8 miles. We got 5/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70s. Humidity is at 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches and dewpoint is 66°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is OK at 38.

Pepeluali ‘Ewalu, 2022




Aloha kākou. We don’t have justice in this country anymore. In Marxist democrat run cities and states, crime is rampant. Domestic terror groups, Black Lives Maggots and Nazi Antifa shock troops, funded by the Marxist democrats, are burning down cities, destroying homes and property, and murdering people. The police are being defunded by idiots running the government.

Meanwhile, the DNC’s KGB, formerly known as the FBI, is running around the country hunting down people that were at the Capitol building on January 6 and attended the Rally to Save America. Patriots are being arrested and held without bail, without due process, with no access to legal counsel.

Via the Gateway Pundit:

Victoria White is a single mother of four daughters who volunteered with the Trump Victory campaign, helps organize Back the Blue and 9/11 memorial events — and is now an “insurrectionist” according to the liberal media.

White travelled to DC from her home in Rochester, Minnesota on January 6th to listen to then-President Donald Trump speak, before finding herself in the midst of chaos that will forever change her life. She could get 55 years in prison for a minor crime of trespassing.

White was one of many patriots that tried to prevent Antifa thugs from breaking windows at the capitol building. There are videos where the Capitol police stood down and allowed the democrat shock troops to storm the Capitol building. Only one Antifa thug that I know of is in custody. The rest are people that just got caught up in the moment. They didn’t break anything. They were just there following along with the crowd.

I’m not dismissing what they did was not wrong, it was trespassing. But they are being treated differently than actual domestic terrorists. For the crime of trespassing, which is a misdemeanor, and holding these people indefinitely, is simply unnecessary and violates their rights. They should be released on their own recognizance. Their lives should not be ruined by a vindictive justice department.

The director of the FBI, Chris Wray, is as corrupt as the Marxist democrats that infest the Washington D.C. Deep State Swamp. People say that the rank and file people within the FBI agency are not corrupt. I say Bullshit. If that were true, then why are these henchmen roaming around the country doing early morning raids on people’s homes and hauling them off to a concentration camp in Washington D.C.?

There no need for this level of brutality. It is an abuse of power. There’s nothing that justified this abuse against American Patriot Citizens. There are others that were there not participating, but observing what was going on and they’re being harassed by the Marxist democrat KGB.

BLM-Antifa domestic terrorists are free to roam around the country, and Marxist democrats are bailing them out of jail when they get arrested. District attorneys are refusing to charge BLM-Antifa. Woke Corporations are funding BLM-Antifa. Giving them millions of dollars where they take the money and purchase million dollar mansions.

Jim Crow Joe supports BLM-Antifa. Heels Up Harris was giving money to organizations bailing out these terrorist thugs. Why hasn’t there been articles of Impeachment drafted against these idiots? They are both are involved in providing Aid and Comfort to Enemies of our Republic. Isn’t that the definition of Treason?

The FBI is now the DNC’s KGB. They’re corrupt and should not be trusted. I would not cooperate with with them. Because if you do, your could find yourself being falsely charged with a crime. This isn’t justice, this is fascism.

Meanwhile, the Capitol building are still surrounded by a fence and razor wire. People cannot visit and speak to their representatives. We’re losing our Republic to Marxist democrats and many in the republican party, especially in the leadership, are sitting with their thumbs up their asses, impotent and useless. This is no way to run a country that promised Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


The day started with lots of sun, by afternoon the clouds and rain rolled in. Tradewinds from the northeast at 5mph with gusts at 13mph. Cloud cover is 64%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is at 75%.

ʻApelila ʻUmi Kūmālima, 2021


Comply Or Be Destroyed

Black Lies Maggots are a Marxist racist terror organization. It’s time for Law Enforcement to Take Black Lives Matter and Antifa Out by Extreme Prejudice. I mean pushing up the daisies. There is no place on this earth where they belong except as fertilizer.

I cannot understand how anyone would try and appease this evil. These are evil maggots that feed on people’s fears and destroy lives. These maggots refuse to comply with police officers with their death wish and expect sympathy from the public. I say one less criminal hood-rat that my tax dollars will have to incarcerate. May they rot in hell.

It is with a great sense of irony that the party of racism and anarchy, the democrats, support the very rabid animals that burn down their election headquarters. Democrats believe that the American people support this fascistic domestic terrorism.

How will these communities be able to vote by mail if their cities are burnt down. Buildings destroyed and mobs of fascists roaming the streets beating and robbing people. Do you really think mail-carriers will go into these neighborhoods?

Now you know why the democrat don’t condemn these terrorists. The democrats are the domestic terrorists. They support the rioting and looting. The beatings and the burning of property. The threats of roaming mobs in the streets threatening to burn down homes.

It’s no wonder why the democrats don’t speak up against the violence, they are for the violence and they are counting on the American people to be cowering in fear. That’s how they will gain power. Don’t comply to the threats. The future of our country depends on Americans being together and standing strong against democrat terrorism.


Today’s weather started with clouds and sunshine. Tradewinds are lite and variable. We got just a trace of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s with humidity at 78%.

Kēia Ka Lā ʻAukake ʻEiwa Iwakālua Kūmāhā


The Party Of Racism

The party of racism is having their virtual convention at the Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI. It’s also the home of the communist party USA. So it no wonder why the convention is being held here. It a reflection of how dangerous these people are.

As democrat run cities are burning with rioting and looting, and beating people in the streets, democrats are having a convention to convince themselves and you that they should regain power over this nation.

After eight years of the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama, the democrats are plotting to regain power to continue Barry’s vision of transforming America into a communist nation. The name democrat has nothing to do with democracy. It does have everything to do with a economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property and wealth is communally-owned, instead of by individuals.

In other words, no individualism, no freedoms, no liberty and the fruits of your labor are owned by the state. You will not be allowed to make a profit. To live where you want. To own and build a home to your specifications.

There will be no suburbs. People will be forced to live in state run buildings that are packed and stacked with hundreds of other people. Essentially, your living quarters will be assigned by the state and the number of people in your family will be limited by the state.

The environment will take precedence over the needs of the people. You will be limited to the size of your family. Abortions will not be voluntary and sterilizations will be mandatory.

The Orwellian nightmare is not fiction, this is the democrat platform.


Today’s weather started with morning sunshine. It’s warm today. Tradewinds continue to keep things cool. We got no precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s with humidity at 80%.

Kēia Ka Lā ʻAukake ʻEiwa ʻUmi Kūmāhiku


Myth Busters

This is Jerry “The Penguin” Nadler. The democrat U.S. Representative Maggot for New York’s 10th congressional district since 2013. A member of the Democratic Party, he is in his 15th term in Congress, having served since 1992. Nadler is the perfect example of why congressional term limits are necessary.

In an interview with Austin “Fleccas” Fletcher, Nadler was asked about the fascist domestic terror group called antifa. Nadler said “antifa is a myth”.

It is unbelievable but there it is. The democrats are openly supporting domestic terror groups. The purpose is clear. They believe that these street riots in democrat run cities will help them keep the House with Nazi Piglosi as Speaker. Democrats believe they will win the Senate and Presidency. Can you see Bolshevik Biden as President? Biden won’t last very long as President because of his senility and whomever he chooses as his VEEP will become President.

This is been the position by the socialist democrats in congress. Democrat have never acknowledged that antifa and black lies (yes, lies) matter are domestic terror groups. The democrats are actually supporting and are funding antifa and BLM.

If you thought the liberal leftist cities were poorly run now, wait till this madness spills out into the suburbs. The phrase “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” is a phrase originally pronounced by Walter E. Headley, the police chief of Miami, Florida, in response to an outbreak of violent crime during the 1967 Christmas holiday season. Some believe this is a racist phrase. I say it will be the action of citizens when criminals are allowed to pillage and blunder. It will fall on the democrats for encouraging this lawlessness to happen.

BRILLIANT! Representative Louie Gohmert stated that Democrats, similarly, should be “barred from participation in the House of Representatives” over their party’s previous positions on slavery and racial inequality.

“Any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported slavery or the Confederacy shall either change its name or be barred from participation in the House,” he said.

After House Speaker Nazi Piglosi said that she is ordering the removal from the Capitol of portraits honoring four previous House speakers who served in the Confederacy. They were all democrats, by the way.

The men in the portraits, Robert M.T. Hunter from Virginia, Howell Cobb from Georgia, James L. Orr from South Carolina and Charles F. Crisp from Georgia, were all Democrats. Remember how Bolshevik Biden and Nazi Piglosi praised Robert Byrd, a democrat, was a Klu Klux Klan Grand Kleagle. His portrait and statue is still up in the capital.

A Kleagle is an officer of the Ku Klux Klan whose main role is to recruit new members and must maintain the three guiding principles; recruit, maintain control and safeguard. King Kleagles are appointed as leaders of a region and have delegation to manage members and official affairs of that regions members.

Nazi Piglosi thought she could hide the history of the democrat party by pandering to the racist black lies matter Marxist anarchists. There’s no myth about the racial past of the democrats and by removing portraits to placate to the Marxists tearing down statues, Piglosi and the democrats stand with the anti-American racial fascists.

In democrat cities where rioting and the removal of statues are happening, it curious that statues of Karl Marx is untouched. I wonder why?

Another myth is the 1619 Project that was created by the New York Slimes, the racist paper of record. The pride of the Big Apple Leftist Maggots. The claim that America’s original sin was slavery is such a lie. It’s beyond a lie, it is pure anti-America bigotry by Marxists. Let’s correct this lie, America Never Had An Original Sin. That’s Bull Shit.

The 1619 Project is an ongoing project developed by The New York Times Magazine in 2019 with the goal of re-examining the legacy of slavery in the United States and timed for the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the Virginia colony. It is pure fiction. Revisionist history to promote a lie.

It was the United States that went to war with itself to abolish slavery. Hundreds of thousands died for freedom. The democrats have never been held responsible for the destruction of the nuclear family. Not just the black family, but all families. Through welfare, abortion and larger government control, the democrats ultimate goal is a society totally dependent on government. That is the definition of socialism, and socialism is only one step away from communism.




Today’s weather started with some sunshine and high passing clouds. We got 1/4 inch amount of rain in the gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 80’s with humidity at 76%. It is hot but not so humid.

Kēia Ka Lā Iulai Iwakālua Kūmāhiku


Democratic Marxism

Aloha kākou. If you have wondered, as I have, why haven’t any of the democrats in congress, democrat governors and mayors, condemn the rioting and looting in major democrat run metropolitan cities. There is a reason why. The democrat party is now officially the party of Marxism. Not socialism, but Democratic Marxism.

The democrats have aligned themselves with Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, both are fascistic Marxist domestic terror groups. Their stated goal is to oust President Donald Trump from office by any means necessary and to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. They are in the process of disrupting the 2020 elections through riots, looting, and massive Voter Fraud. By BLM’s Patrisse Cullors own words, she outlined this very goal.

BLM and antifa both support Joe Biden’s campaign and they are actively defining the democrat’s domestic policy to defund police departments around the country. Co-founder of the BLM Global Network Patrisse Cullors admitted during a Friday night interview with CNN that “our goal is to get Trump out.” This goes to show the protest they’re organizing go beyond police brutality and more into a destabilizing agenda that suits their globalists masters more than it does the African american community.

In my previous post where Patrisse Cullors admits they are trained Marxists. They have partnered with democrats House Speaker Nazi Piglosi and Senate Minority leader Schmucky Schumer to use street chaos up too and beyond the November 3rd, 2020 Election. This is why you do not hear any condemnation by the democrat leadership of the rioting in major democratically controlled cities. The same cities that are crumbling from years of democratic mismanagement.

Cullors also criticized police officers who have knelt in solidarity with protesters, calling it “disingenuous.”

“Police taking a knee is not stopping the deaths of our community members,” she argued. “We need transformation. These things don’t happen through police taking a knee at protests and then, right after they take a knee, getting up and tear-gassing us and rubber-bulleting us and beating us with batons.”

What is equally troubling is the support for the Black Lives Matter movement has been surging as of late, as donations have poured in from high-profile donors and polling shows support for the message has doubled since 2016. Who are pollster polling that agree with this crap?

Big Box stores Walmart, Target and Home Depot, have announced Hundreds of Millions of dollars to the domestic terror groups. Gaming companies EA Games, Square Enix and Ubisoft, are donating millions in addition to matching employee donations to the terror group.

Clothing companies Levis, Spanx, Toms Shoes, Everlane, Clothing retailer H&M, GAP, Lululemon, Etsy and Nike are all donating millions.

Fast Food Brands McDonalds, Wendy’s, Coka-Cola.

Makup Beauty Brands – Honest Beauty, Anastasia Beauty, Glossier and Health and Wellness companies are also sending money.

If these retailers believe this will somehow bring them immunity from the rioters, they’re just inviting more looting and property damage. This will only embolden the rioters to repetitively loot their stores. Mayors of these cities are passing legislation to either defund or drastically reduce the budgets of police departments. Which will lower a police presence to protect businesses and people from riots. This is liberal logic.

Why police would voluntary bend a knee to the rioters is just surrendering to the enemy of civilized people. This is not what we want the police to do and bow down to rioters and looters. More public and private property will be destroyed by surrendering to fascist Marxists.

Statues honoring George Washington, General Ulysess S. Grant (who DEFEATED the Confederacy), the author of the National Anthem, and other important figures in history have been destroyed. The statues of Carl Marx are left alone. This is not about promoting racial harmony—it’s about hating America. It’s about overthrowing our Republic.

This isn’t about peaceful demonstrations against racism as the democrat Marxists would have you believe. It’s about democrat Marxist again trying to force a coup d’etat, this time violent. Ever since President Trump took the oath of office fascist democrats Marxists have declared war on America. Their allies in the fake news media are the propaganda machine driving the violence. In the background is Barry the Bullshitter Obama campaigning for the hand-puppet that was his senile VP for 8 years. The bastard man-child is directing this upheaval.

Whiter than white bread, racist Shaun King, aka talcumX, a Bernie Sanders Marxist supporter, wants churches destroyed. Claiming that depictions of the Christian savior and holy family as Caucasians are hurtful examples of racial “oppression,’’ Shaun King, the Black Lives Matter fascist, has demanded that such images be destroyed.

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King posted to Twitter Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have…Tear them down.’’ Who’ll be canceled next? RFK? Anne Frank? Jolly ol’ St. Nick?

It should be noted that Biblical figures have long been represented by images that resemble the faithful own indigenous community.

This is inside the Yanshui Catholic church in Tainan city, Taiwan. In many churches I have visited in many countries, especially in South East Asia. The murals and depictions of Jesus Christ and the Apostoles are in the fashion of the indigenous people. In Ethiopia, Jesus has been depicted as black for more than 1,500 years. In Asian countries, works showing Jesus as Asian can be found in every Christian church. It’s wonderful that local artists creating religious works depicting Jesus in their image. It represents what the church is about. We’re all God’s children.

But racist King was undaunted. In another, even more unhinged racist tweet, he called for the elimination of stained glass windows, murals, and other parts of Christian churches and buildings that depict Biblical icons as white. Therefore inviting rioters to damage church windows. Like the rioters did to Saint John’s Episcopal church in Washington D.C.

“Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,’’ he wrote. “They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. “They should all come down.’’ Racist propaganda.

When President Trump defended Saint John’s Episcopal church from the rioters, Bishop Mariann Budde was offended. But these are Episcopalians, so they’re a little kooky anyway. One of the problems with Christian clergy has been the infiltration of far left bishops, priests, and deacons. And these religiously robed ecclesiastic simpleton’s wonder why they cannot fill the pews with parishioners. Not with that attitude of hate filled gratitude.

That’s the bottom line, the left makes excuses for these acts of violence. What’s happening to out country isn’t what we are being told. This it the armed militia of the democrat Marxist party, and their goal is the paralyze the country in fear to overthrow the county. This rioting and looting is limited now to the democrat run inner-cities. It’s only a matter of time that the rioting spreads to the suburbs and rural areas. When that happens vigilantism will be the new normal. When the looting starts, the bullets will fly. That’s not a racial threat, that’s a Constitutional Second Amendment Guarantee.


Our weather started this morning with lighter tradewind rain. The day was mostly scattered rain with brief passing showers until the afternoon. Tradewind showers a expected to increase over the next few days. We got only a trace of rain in the gauge over night. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 86%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iune Iwakālua Kūmāhā