MAGA Prayer


Aloha Lāpule. President Trump is in Las Vegas *Los Wages* today for a MAGA rally. As usual, MAGA rallies are always fun events. A carnival-like event with singing and dancing. People sang Happy Birthday to Donald Trump. Amid the chants and cheers of “We Love Trump” and “Four More Years,” the crowd endured triple digit temperatures under the desert sun.

Where does this man get the energy to remain positive over this political persecution? He and his supporters have been cruelly subjected to a sadistic and unjust criminal system. The Marxist democrats must know the American people find this behavior most discordant.

Besides the poisonous disinformation by the Fake News media, Unsocial Media is littered with far-left hatred of America. Especially, working class Americans. The level of vitriol is palpable. A corrupt injustice system convicted President Trump using flimsy charges. To this date, no one can explain what crime was committed. Witnesses that are professional liars and prostitutes. People that lie for a living. Like these Hollyweird scumbag actors.

The news that the New York jury was tainted from the beginning is not news. The judge and jury were shopped by the Injustice system. They had already found President Trump guilty before the illegal trial had begun. An illegal trial with false charges to cause election interference. People are watching this sham trial and wondering if this could happen to them. The victims are punished, and the criminals set free. The once revered United States justice system is now relegated to Banana Republic joke. This is our system


Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. — James 10:4

In the presence of politicians kissing babies and wearing their reverence to God on their sleeves falls hollow and hypocritical. I’m not interested in knowing how devout a person is, I’m more concerned about their qualifications for doing the job. We’re in a unique time in our lives where we have two records to compare from. How do other people feel?

I started wearing my MAGA hats in public. I took a recent trip to Honolulu for business and wore my “Hawai’i For Trump” red hat. I was a little apprehensive because I had seen videos of people freaking out over people wearing MAGA gear. I never encountered any huhū (offended, indignant, mad, scolding; anger, wrath) from anyone. No stink-eye, no snide comments, no dirty looks, but just the opposite.

A security officer at Hilo airport greeted me with a big smile and said he liked my hat. When I arrived in Honolulu airport and headed towards baggage claim, several people fist bumped me and said they liked my MAGA hat. A collage age young woman ran up to me and said she liked my cap. I was really surprised.

A TSA guy asked me what the latest news was on Trump’s trial. He knew about Judge Merchan’s letter to the attorneys that a juror’s cousin that posted on Fascistbook saying they were going to find Trump guilty on all charges. Which, indeed, happened. That was posted a week before the jury was sent to deliberate. The news went virial on unsocial media. However, very little coverage was given by the Fake News Media networks. The next day, I wore my Trump hat to the local Safeway here in Hilo where several people stopped to shake my hand. They expressed their concern over this election cycle and how deep in trouble this country has become.

We’ve since learned a person claiming to be a professional “shitposter,” using some pornstar’s pseudonym, said they were making up a hoax to rile up the “MAGA Crazies.” It did more than that. However, Judge Merchan felt compelled to write a letter to both the prosecutor and Trump attorneys. Something must have corroborated that Fascistbook posting enough to concern Judge Merchan. Was it a hoax or not? Authorities have to investigate the IP Address and timelines of the discussion to determine if it’s true or not. Either way, someone is in big trouble. This must trigger a mistrial.

No matter what, the whole trial against President Trump is a farce. Everyone knows this was a shame trial meant to keep Trump off the campaign trail. It is election interference by Pedo-Joe Biden and the Marxist democrats. I have no doubt RINO repubics were also involved in election interference. Either way, the American people are being denied their voting rights. Whatever one thinks about President Trump is irrelevant to the damage Biden’s regime has caused to this nation.

We offer a MAGA Prayer to Donald J. Trump that justice will prevail. That God will watch over Donald Trump and his family, his supporters, and all those that want justice to prevail. We’ve got a country to save, as the Great Larry Elder says. ʻĀmene.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly clear skies with possible isolated evening showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received NO precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 68%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ‘Eiwa 2024

Loser Snake


Aloha kākou. The liberal controlled East and West Coasts have become the snake that consumes itself. The once the shining power centers of America’s economy are crumbling under liberal mismanagement. Today, New York and Kalifornia are in severe decline once again. We’ve seen this decline before. In the old 1970’s exploitation movies featuring rampant crime due to a crumbling city political infrastructure. Corruption in politics and in the courts have allowed criminals free reign in democrat run cities. Sound rather familiar to today’s New York City and San Fran-feces.

American vigilantism sprang up in the 1970’s after the injustice system refused to protect its citizens. The Guardian Angels organization was founded in1979 in New York City by Curtis Sliwa. The subways in New York where people are robbed and beaten daily were better protected by the Guardian Angels patrols.

In 1980 a lone vigilante gunman, Bernhard Goetz, had enough and shot the thug attempting to rob him in the New York subway. The police considered this man that defended himself a criminal, the community considered him a hero. The same thing happened in 2023 to another hero, Daniel Penny when he protected citizens from a violent criminal. When the justice system fails to protect and serve the community, then the community will protect themselves. It’s the law of the concrete jungle.

These vigilante movies mirrored real-life intercity crime. Every city that was run by democrats had the same rampant crime stories. The people were left defenseless, and the city was either unable or unwilling to step up police patrols. The Fake News Media villainize the police because they used batons to fight back against rioting mobs. Politicians passed nuisance laws that put the police at odds in poor communities. Laws like selling “Loosies,” a loose cigarette. While homelessness and drug use were completely ignored.

Democrats ran on a platform of defunding the police. Criminals were arrested and released back on the streets again to commit more crimes. Chaos exploded on the streets as illegal aliens started flooding the cities. Democrat mayors and governors invited the illegal migrants declaring their city and state a immigrant sanctuary. The illegal migrant element has added to the crime wave across America.

Crime have only accelerated in the coastal and midwestern cities run by democrats. Democrats declared themselves as sanctuary cities in support of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s immigration border policies. Democrats sneered when border states were flooded with illegals. They quickly changed their tune after hordes of illegals arrived in their cities. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s policy of shipping illegals around the county only added to citizen safety concerns. Rapes, murder, assaults, and robberies were up across the country. Democrat run cities are crumbling faster that you can say Planet of the Apes.

Concrete jungles of violent crime are commonplace now. Stores are looted and ransacked. Employees attacked and fired for defending their own lives. Businesses are going under because they cannot survive gang violence and looting. Homelessness litters the streets making life unbearable to live. Tourism is down because of the safety issues. The cities are filthy and littered with drug addicts wandering the streets in a zombie apocalyptic haze. These cities are not a place to do business anymore, raise a family, or build a thriving future. This is nightmare by the democrat’s own creation.

Then the crime of the century happened to a man that helped design and develop the New York City. A man that helped develop the iconic New York City skyline as the signature flagship of internationals trade and business. Corruption spread from the streets into the New York legal system. Just as a virus that attacks the body and consumes the heart, the corrupt New York legal system started to consume itself. The Loser Snake is feeding on its own body.

Prominent investors took notice at the injustice targeted towards President Trump. These business leaders have signaled their intent to halt their businesses in New York following the $355 million verdict in President Donald Trump’s civil fraud case. The charges against President Trump had no victims. The charges were politically motivated. Now, Businesses are fleeing New York City to Red States where crime is low, taxes are low, and opportunities are waiting to be developed.

As Robert Henneke writes in The Federalist: “New York Gov. Kathy Hochul knows she has spooked her state’s business community. That’s why she went on a talk show last week to calm their very legitimate fears that they would be next. If former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted and fined hundreds of millions of dollars for a common business practice, who is safe?” Pandora’s Box has been opened.

It is an unprecedented move that major investors are abandoning New York City in droves. Investors cite skyrocketing taxes, safety concerns, and an anti-business climate. As businesses prepare their financial exodus from New York, Trump-supporting truckers are making their voices heard. They’re challenging the city’s leadership policies with a boycott of New York City deliveries. “Truckers for Trump” and the impact of the investor flight signal a critical crossroads for the future of New York City.

As major investors flee for greener economic pastures and Trucker’s boycott begins to create an economic crisis in New York City, smaller businesses in the New York boroughs will be hardest hit. Bodegas, retailers, and restaurants that rely on “just in time” deliveries will begin to feel real economic pain. A scramble to find alternative delivery sources will add to higher prices.

Loser Snake: Is the snake story that President Trump recites at his rallies. The parable of the snake’s meaning has to do with illegal immigration. In the 1970’s when crime was rampant, illegal immigration wasn’t a factor. We had heroes back then, today the democrats treat heroes as criminals and criminals as victims. Today, illegal immigration is a huge factor in crime across blue democrat cities. Combined with mobs of people pilfering stores at alarming rates it’s no wonder why businesses are shuttering in Blue high-crime cities. Marxist democrats want to blame others for their destructive policies. People are no longer buying what democrats are selling. Businesses are fleeing and trucker boycotts are going to destroy liberal run cities. Democrats will reap what they sow.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous moderate rain showers. There is a 80% chance of precipitation. We received another 43/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 6 mph, gust 17 mph. Cloud cover is 85. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 60’s. Humidity is 94%. Barometric pressure is 30.16 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 3. Air quality Index is fair at 46. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2024



Aloha kākou. A disturbing trend is tearing apart the fabric of our civil society by Marxists. It has increased into almost all sectors of our country. Schools, Churches, Industries, and government institutions are all effected. There is a concerted effort by Marxist democrats to destroy our society by changing the societal structure of everything from the family unit, corporations, schools, religion, and even the military. Marxist democrats are targeting Conservatives into silencing, corralling, and marginalizing them.

Marxist democrat politicians have said that parents don’t have a say in what schools teach children. School boards are threatening parents that object to racist critical race theory and sexually explicit material that promotes pedophilia and child sexual experimentation. This is the school curriculum being taught. When parents object to this, the school board threatens the parents. Maybe people should stop paying their property taxes used to fund schools.

National School Boards Association and the teachers unions are calling for the Jim Crow Joe Biden regime to classify concerned parents as domestic terrorist. As threats grow and a backlash against critical race theory, mask mandates, and other abusive practices pushed by public school commissars on children. Parents organizing to oppose radical leftism in schools are being called “angry mobs” and the school boards are demanding federal action against the parents.

Sometimes the Marxist democrats reveal the truth behind who is actually running the government. Susan Rice was seen leaving Nazi Piglosi’s office. Now we know that Barry the Bullshitter Obummer is running the government behind the scenes. After all, Obummer did recently brag about running the government from his basement using an earpiece and microphone. The policy decisions from the regime are exactly Obummer’s Marxist policies. Persecute the military, spy on American citizens, destroy the suburbs, and damage the economy. Is it no wonder why these Marxist democrats are attempting to blame all this tumultuous chaos on President Trump. Blame others for what they are doing.


In a bizarre mandate, people are being threatened with losing there livelihood if they don’t get the Fauci Ouchy Jab. Inject your body with an experiential vaccine or lose your job. Doesn’t matter if you have natural immunity.

United Airlines said on Tuesday nearly 600 U.S.-based employees faced termination after failing to comply with the carrier’s vaccination policy. More hospitals and medical facilities are facing staffing shortages because of Jim Crow Joe Biden’s mandatory vaccine demands. This is unfathomable because just when we’re recovering from the pandemic the medical administration is now worse than the virus. People had put off surgery’s and procedures because of Covid and now hospitals are denying care by dismissing the healthcare workers. Who do the hospital administrators think they’re punishing?


The Marine seen saving a baby in Afghanistan is under investigation after attending President Trump’s Save Ameica Rally. No reason given for the investigation, but you know this is political persecution of the Rank and File by the Pentagon Brass. Lance Cpl. Hunter Clark was one of nearly 6,000 U.S. troops tasked with guarding the airport last month as thousands of desperate people tried to get in to escape the Taliban. On Sept. 25, Clark appeared on stage with Trump for just under a minute at a “Save America Rally” in Perry, Georgia.

Lt. Col Stuart Scheller, a battalion commander, shared a near 5-minute video on Fascistbook asking for top brass to take accountability, The New York Post reported. He’s now in the brig for demanding accountability. It’s retaliation by cowardly Pentagon generals that have betrayed America. These generals are criminals. They are responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousands of Americans by their incompetency. Their cowardliness gave the enemy highly sophisticated military weaponry. None have been held accountable for this betrayal. This is high treason and these generals should be fitted with a braided rope necktie and swinging from a tree.


What’s even more bizarre is domestic terrorists, Antifa-BLM, are facing no persecutions for the riots that caused billions of dollars of property damage. The murders of innocent people by BLM-Antifa go on without out prosecution. These domestic terrorists when arrested are immediately released to offend repeatedly. Have these savages been tested for Covid?


Then there are the unvaccinated diseased ridden filthy illegal aliens entering the country, plus the Afghans (Taliban) that this corrupt regime brought into the country. Many are terrorists, rapists, criminals, and a threat to American citizens. While thousands of Americans and allies are still left behind and abandoned in Afghanistan, by this corrupt regime, there is still no accountability. The Whitehouse spokes idiot Jen Nutsaki says these illegal aliens are not staying very long in the United States. Are you buying that?

Obummer weaponized government agencies. This a repeat of the persecution and torment by Barry the Bullshitter Obama, but through a senile angry old puppet that doesn’t know where he is most of the time.  From the IRS to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and now Homeland security and Health and Human Services. These agencies were created as part of the Constitutional Defense of the Nation, but now the American people are the enemy of a corrupt Marxist democrat government. We seeing our First Responders and Police being demonized and defunded putting American citizens at the mercy of criminals. There are laws, but there’s no justice.


Kilauea erupted Wednesday for the first time since May, with fountains appearing on the central floor of Halema‘uma‘u crater, creating a new lava lake. Lava fountaining at multiple fissure locations on the base and west wall of the crater continued Today with a lava lake seen growing within Halema’uma’u, according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

Record keeping began around 1790 with a very explosive phreatomagmatic eruption. Since then the volcano was almost continuously active, mostly showing gentle effusion from a lava lake at the summit until 1924, when it again erupted explosively. The period from 1924 to 1955 saw mostly short-duration summit eruptions. From 1955 to the present Kilauea has seen mostly East Rift Zone activity interspersed with small summit eruptions. Two notable rift eruptions were Mauna Ulu (1969-1974) and Pu`u `O`o (1983-present). Kilauea’s Eruption rate diminished steadily over the first half of the historic period but has been increasing again since 1924. In May 2018 the volcano moved over land and through lava tubes which destroyed a major section of the eastern rift in the lower Puna district.



The day started with showers that lasted all day. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 5mph, gusts 15mph. Cloud cover is 70%. Visibility is 7 miles. We got just under 1-1/4 inch (1-15/64) of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 95%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches and dewpoint is 70 degrees. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 24.

Kepakemapa Kanakolu, 2021
