

Aloha Lāpule. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense, resulting in the death of the host. A parasitoid is an insect whose larvae live as parasites that eventually kill their hosts. This sums up the current state of our political system. Many of these politicians enter congress as middle-class citizens and leave multi-millionaires. How does that happen if they’re not taking advantage of the taxpayer like a parasitoid? Feeding off the American taxpayer until the body of the nation perishes.

This is the state of our current immigration system. It has broken down into chaos at the southern border. Our legal immigration system has been destroyed from within. The number of illegal aliens entering the country is staggering. It’s affecting Americans quality of life. It’s hurting the illegals that believed they would find a better life in America. It’s all part of a larger plan to destroy our nation from within.

Let’s start with a view of how the Fake News Media views this migration phenomena. It’s called “The Replacement Theory.” Liberals are using replacement theory as racial issue, but the truth is it’s replacing the American Citizen. Irregardless of skin color, Marxist democrats use racism as a cudgel to accuse Whites as Supremacists. The Fake News Media uses racism in an attempt to frighten White Americans as problematic, but liberals fail to consider legal immigrants don’t see color as conditional. Legal immigrants that followed the rules share the same fears that illegals will hurt their economic opportunities. And it is showing when schools, airports, hotels, and other resources are directed to service illegal immigrants.

When the left accuses Whites of being racists for resisting illegal immigration, that’s the same thing as calling non-white legal immigrants racists for following the rules. Legal immigrants came here to integrate into American society and culture. They obey our laws and beliefs. Our immigration system welcomes the best and brightest. Those that are willing to work to support themselves and when called upon to defend our nation they will gladly sacrifice for their adopted homeland.

Marxist democrats don’t believe in the “Melting Pot.” A heterogeneous society in which people coexist but retain at least part of their unique characteristics and traditional culture. Leftists believe in the “Salad Bowl” theory where multiculturalism segregates migrants from integrating into the American culture. Our language, laws, traditions, and coexistence. The left encourages immigrants to live in their own enclaves isolated from the rest of the American experience. The left openly encourages illegals to reject the American culture. These immigrants will demand and expect the government to take care of them. The Marxist democrats will gladly make illegals welfare state recipients in exchange for votes and a permanent single party government.

Illegals attempting to reach America are encountering an arduous and dangerous journey. Many of these people are extremely poor and unprepared for the journey. They come from the poor countries in South America. Haitians that moved to Chile years ago and living a good life are now migrating to America. They’re neither economically nor politically persecuted.  Other migrants are well funded and making the journey by blending in with the migrants crossing the border. This is the case with the Communist Chinese and those from the Middle East. All military age men. Why are they coming here? Here are two videos that detail the horrors of illegal immigrants’ migration to America.

In Episode 71, Tucker Carlson engages in a compelling interview with Professor Bret Weinstein, delving into the complexities of illegal immigration from South America and the challenges of crossing the Panamanian Darien Gap. It’s a hour long video worthy of watching to fully understand the scope of the immigration problem.

The most vulnerable immigrants are the women and children. There is little sympathy and help for these people lost in the jungle left to die suffering in miserable conditions. Marxist democrats, The United Nations, Red Cross, and American Charities are all orchestrating this illegal migration. RINO repubics have either turned a blind eye to this human tragedy or are willing participants.

Investigative reporter “Muckraker” traveled with an entire mass of immigrants enroute from Quito, Ecuador, through the Darian Gap and to the United States border. To my knowledge, no one has ever produced an entire documentary following this entire route. It’s a must-see documentary to fully understand the horrors these people are going through. Here’s a LINK to the video in case there are viewing problems.

The journey that these people are taking is extremely dangerous. Those encouraging this illegal migration have blood on their hands. They’re setting expectations that can never be met. Their future is uncertain and most likely going to be disappointing and hard. They’re not coming here fleeing political persecution. They’re coming here seeking economic opportunity. But they don’t know our laws. They don’t know our culture. They don’t know our language. They have no loyalty to America. They have no desire to integrate into our society.

These illegals will become parasitoid plague upon our nation. The left is giving these illegals everything they want. While ignoring the homeless problem in America. Veterans sleeping on the streets. A severe drug addiction problem. The left is only adding to the problem. The Marxist democrats have put Americans last and illegal aliens first. Democrats will attempt mass amnesty just before the 2024 election. Make no mistake that this is timed to interfere with the 2024 elections. Democrats rigged the 2020 elections using Covid, and now they’re going to use illegal immigration to rig the vote once again. The Republican National Committee (RNC) is either completely clueless or involved in the effort to prevent President Trump from being reelected. If that happens, this nation will surely perish.


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate rain showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the north at 15 mph, gusts 29 mph. Cloud cover is 72 Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.16 inches and dewpoint is 62°. UV index 5. Air quality Index is poor at 44. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Pepeluali ‘Ehā 2024



Aloha kākou. One down, two more to go. The Republicans National Committee (RNC) is too involved looking within and not out onto the battlefield of ideas. Ronna Romney McDaniels isn’t interested in engaging with the American people. Mitch McConnell is no longer functional to lead the Senate. They’re not highlighting the failures of the Marxist democrats. Instead, they’re worried about keeping regular order. We don’t have regular order. We have a divided government. We have chaos caused by a fascistic communist democrat party. The Republican leadership is too stupid to see it.

A report by Newsweak, of all the leftist publications out there, reports that the Stasi Police State, otherwise known as the FBI, is targeting supporters of President Trump. It’s an intimidation effort to target MAGA supporters as White Supremacists Domestic Terrorists. These are people of faith, namely Catholics, and parents of school children that want pornography, gender transitioning, and critical radical race indoctrination out of the schools. The FBI has specifically named these Americans as a threat to the 2024 elections.

No mention of Antifa and BLM. Real domestic terrorists that burned down cities, looted stores, and murdered police officers and American citizens. They’re not even being looked at by the FBI police state. The Fake News Media keeps the same narrative of January 6th. Comparing the melee to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor. Americans are being compared to Imperial Japan and Islamic terrorists. Marxists democrats echo the same lies to convince people that the terrorists are from the heartland of America. Your average citizen that goes to church on Sunday, who follows the laws, and holds steady jobs. They’re now targeted as domestic terrorists. This is Nazism being used by the government against its citizens.

This is pedo-Hitler Biden’s corrupt regime driving all this criminality. The same regime that is engaged in Human Trafficking across the southern border. The following videos are some of the horrors on the faces of children and women being trafficked into the United States as sex slave workers.

The hesitation in her answers shows fear. There is a coyote close by watching and making sure the victims don’t reveal the truth to the reporter. Homeland Security says the border is secure and there is no wave of human trafficking. While mostly the people crossing the border is men of military age, the women and children undergo daily rapes and abuses.

Thousands are crossing the border going to cities around the country. This is apparently not a issue to National Security with this regime. Everyone knows this, but this regime is ignoring it. The Fake News Media doesn’t report this. It’s as if this invasion crossing our border doesn’t exist. But it’s the American citizen that’s the target of scrutiny. Legal citizens are the enemy to this corrupt regime.

These illegal aliens are getting ID cards which they can use for travel, food, lodging, and by 2024, the ability to vote in our elections. At the direction of the Marxist democrats and many RINO’s that are completely ignoring this human tragedy. The children are picked up by traffickers and they disappear into the interior of the country. It’s fully documented.

Watch: Horrifying Footage shows an Illegal Immigrant Trafficking a Highly Sedated Child. They’re drugging children to keep them quiet and sedated for travel. This is all being done around the country, and no one in government is stopping this. This country has become the largest trafficker of humans in the world.

Now watch this video. Muckraker has obtained exclusive never-before-seen footage of US federal government contractors escorting children across the country, possibly delivering them into the hands of human traffickers. At least one of these contractors is CIA-affiliated.

This is our government involved in Human Trafficking. Every month, thousands of foreign children are trafficked into the United States. They are drugged and smuggled across the US-Mexico border, detained by border patrol, held in top-secret compounds, and finally, escorted across the country. Since 2021, 85,000 of these children have gone missing.

This report exposes the entire child processing pipeline with irrefutable video evidence. Through exclusive footage, whistleblower testimony, and other documentation, Muckraker has exposed how the United States federal government is facilitating the largest child trafficking ring in the world. — Muckraker

This would not be happening if President Trump were in office. That’s why the wall was being built. Pedo-Hitler Biden stopped all of Trump’s efforts to secure the border. Now, this regime is prosecuting President Trump to interfere with the elections. It’s distracting away from the problems at the border and how our country is being destroyed from within.

Why hasn’t the Republican leadership put this on the front burner? Why isn’t this on the Fake News Media? Where is the GOP on this? They’re all missing in action. We’re being replaced, intimidated, and our country is being taken away. This is a police state of criminals.


Today’s Weather: Clear skies becoming partly cloudy with possible evening showers. There is a 10% chance of moderate precipitation. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 21 mph. We received 1/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Cloud cover is 25%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is %. Barometric pressure is 29.93 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 9 Air quality Index is good at 27. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻOkakopa ‘Elima 2023

Do Not Forget


Aloha Lāpule. The impact of the Hawai’i wildfires has devastated lives forever. Maui may never recover, but the people are resilient. It’s government incompetency that stands in the way of recovery and also the root cause for the wildfires on Maui. On this Sunday (Lāpule) people across the Hawaiian Islands reflect on the disaster and pray for the victims of the fires. We pray to God for strength and guidance.

The wildfires continue both on Maui and on the Big Island. Hawai’i county civil defense this morning reports a brush fire in the Ka`ū District at South Point. As with Maui, conditions here are dry and prone to wildfires. Maui reports flareups around the west side and parts of Upcountry.

Tulsi Gabbard, former U.S. representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, has been reporting of the fires on Maui. In 2020, Tulsi Gabbard announced she was leaving the Democratic Party. Tulsi Gabbard accused the party of using rhetoric that is anti-police and anti-religion and pushing the country closer to nuclear war. Her work to bring help and attention to the islands has been stellar. Tulsi writes in the following video:

“While nothing comes close to the catastrophic devastation of Lahaina, there are also fires that blazed last Tuesday in places like Kula and Olinda, turning homes into ash, and scorching across farms and through trees. In Kula, firefighters are still fighting persistent fires. Families in Upcountry and West Maui still cannot return home due to lack of water and power. Meanwhile, looters are getting more bold, exploiting this crisis burgling homes in broad daylight. To the government officials responsible, our neighbors and friends need you NOW. There is no excuse or reason to delay.”

These government failures are symptomatic of a larger problem with both the Federal and State governments. The wrong people are in positions of power and are not being held responsible for their actions. From Pedo-Hitler Biden “No Comment” about Maui, to the state emergency official’s failure to act in time. The lack of empathy for the people of Hawai’i is criminal. The governor of Hawai’i, Josh Green, lacks the governing skills to make decisions and act quickly during an emergency. Indeed, Green wasn’t in the state during the fire. He was in Washington D.C. testifying about Global Warming. After returning to Hawai’i, Green promptly blamed the wildfires on global warming. Now he’s talking about using eminent domain to seize the property of the victims.

What’s concerning about the state’s response to the wildfires. Maui County civil defense failed to warn people and failed to allow access to water. Hawai’i Deputy Director on Water Resource Management, and Obummer sycophant, M. Kaleo Manuel delayed the release of crucial water for up to five hours as wildfires devastated Maui.

Manuel is part of Barry the Bullshitter Obummer’s non-profit program to help participants with coaching and “practical skill building for social change” — Manuel said he considered water an important tool for social justice. So, he denied people access to water on Maui. “Let water connect us and not divide us,” said Manuel, referring to water distribution on the island. “We can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity…How do we coexist with the resources we have?”

Heartless and cruel. This is precisely why Gabbart left the Marxist democrat party. These are people that have no experience, no empathy, no conscience, but contempt for people’s existence on this planet. Environmentalism and social justice should take a backseat to this woke nonsense. Planet over people’s lives. This isn’t a cultural issue when it comes to protecting lives. These water restrictions need to be managed by experts, not pseudo environmentalists worshiping some climate Pagen religion.

Then the failure of the Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya not sounding the island’s emergency sirens. Andya defended his decision to not sound warning sirens on the island for the wildfires. Saying that the alarms were for Tsunami warnings only and people would have headed up country towards the fires. Yet, the alarms are for all emergencies. At the time, Andya was on O’ahu attending a FEMA seminar, but the night of the fire he was at a reception and couldn’t be bothered. Again, the failure of the state cascaded the loss of life and property by not acting responsibly.

Then there’s the planned visit to Hawai’i by Pedo-Hitler Biden. For what reason is anyone’s guess? Reporters asked Biden the same questions about New Palestine, Ohio, but Biden never visited there. So, what’s the agenda if Biden decides to visit Hawai’i? What’s he going to do, sit on the beach and order a Mai Tai?

FEMA insults the victims of the wildfire by offering a “One-Time $700 Relief Benefit.” While Biden gives another $200 million to Ukraine to further the Marxist democrats’ endless wars. In response to the fires devastating the island of Maui, Pedo-Hitler Biden forgot the name of Maui and called the island “the one that you see on television all the time.” Both the state and federal governments have abandoned Americans. This is endemic of the Marxist democrat party governing by crisis. The Marxist democrats have said often, “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.”

Being proactive to prevent crises is what makes a great leader. President Trump is just such a leader. He prevented wars, rebuilt the economy, made us energy independent, kept the borders secure, even while battling with forces of evil within the shadow government known as the deep state.

For all of the efforts that President Trump did for Americans, the corrupt Marxist democrat party that rigged the 2020 election are now persecuting Trump for his stellar achievements. The accusations against President Trump, his lawyers, and staff members are nothing. No laws were broken. Yet, they impeached Trump for a phone call. The fickle RINO repubics still haven’t full-throatedly defended President Trump. No one has heard a peep from the GOP Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel’s. All the while, the American people are not being represented by their elected officials.

The American people see what’s going on with this corrupt regime. They see the collapse of our economy, the attacks on religion and the family structure. Pornography in schools and transgenderism. The Russian-Ukraine and Communist Chinese bribery of Biden and his criminal family. The two-tiered injustice system where criminals are never charged with crimes and innocent people are jailed for years with no trial.

The Marxist democrat’s injustice system will allow criminals to loot stores. Anyone that tries to prevent crime will be arrested, lose their jobs, and labeled a racist. Mobs can freely burn down whole cities, but protest against an abortion clinic and a 30-man armed swat team ends up at your door at 6AM in the morning. These are communist tactics that keep people in fear for their safety and freedoms. But that’s how the Marxist democrats want it to work. A compliant populace is like sheep and willingly conforms to state tyranny. This is the country Marxist democrats are transforming us into.

So, we pray for America. Pray for the victims of the Hawai’i wildfires. We pray for the return of real leadership. We pray for our nation. We have an election coming in 2024 and the Marxist democrats are asking Americans to once again “Trust Them” to make things better. Meanwhile, people are being persecuted for not voting with democrats. Election interference to steal the election is happening before our eyes. Our leaders have failed us on so many levels. It’s time to step up and have that “Rich Men North Of Richmond” moment.

Katy Nichole sings “In Jesus Name.” A “Song of the Year.” An amazing and moving song with video of great moments of the 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump by “WeLoveTrump47.”

Never Forget What President Trump gave up for us. The sacrifices and beatings this man and his family has had to endure would have made anyone else quit. But this man loves America and the American people. If the Marxist are successful in wrongly convicting President Trump on some non-criminal charge, then they will come for us all. They’re already targeting other individuals including the Supreme Court Justices. Once they’re done overthrowing our Republic, they will come after us.

Do Not Forget. We’re all the next targets. Our freedoms are now at stake. Losing our liberties will happen quickly. Once gone, we can never get it back.


Today’s Weather: Mostly clear skies with moderate showers expected this evening. This afternoon is a 40% chance of precipitation and 90% this evening. We received NO precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the lpw 80’s. Humidity is 71%. Barometric pressure is 29.95 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is good at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake Iwakālua 2023

The Turtle And The Hair



HAWAI’I — The Maui wildfires claimed 36 lives on Maui. At this time, county Maui Emergency Management are still searching through the devastation. EMS officials warn that the death toll could rise, as rescuers reach parts of Maui Island that were unreachable due to ongoing fires or obstructions. Over 271 structures have been damaged or destroyed and dozens of people have been injured. We pray for those lost lives and their families.

The Big Island still has some fires still burning in the northern Kohala districts and in the southern Ka’ū district near Pāhala and Nāʻālehu. There has not been any loss of life on the Big Island from the wildfires; however, there has been property damage. Hawai’i Country EMS has been working to prevent further spread of the wildfires.

Senate RINO leader Mitch McConnell, aka the turtle, is against any impeachment inquiries into Pedo-Hitler Biden. House leader Kevin McCarthy, aka the hair, is also resistant to the idea of impeachment inquiries. I call McCarthy the hair because he makes sure his hair is perfectly quaffed. These two RINO’s have no problem when the Marxist democrats were persecuting President Trump with two impeachments that led to no convictions. Now they’re shuffling their feet as a corrupt prosecutor makes up fake charges against President Trump.

McConnell says it would be bad for the country to impeach Pedo-Hitler Biden. So, Cocaine Mitch says, let the Marxist democrats continue to attack republican President’s until there are no more republicans and conservatives left. Allow Marxist democrats to take over the country, the election process, and rule by one party tyranny. That’s what the republican leadership is saying to Americans. Deal with the tyranny.

The RINO establishment, which is most RINO republicans in the Senate and House, have surrendered to the Marxist democrats. They’re comfortable with losing elections. Which is why they never challenge the crimes by Pedo-Hitler Biden’s criminal regime. Both Speaker McCarthy and Senate Leader McConnell have abandoned their Congressional leadership and surrendered. They’ve folded into a fetal position and prostrated themselves before the Marxist democrats.

In McConnell’s case, he’s got nothing to worry about. He’s got family businesses in Communist China. McConnell has interests in a huge Communist shipping company that has given the McConnell’s millions of dollars. It’s no different than what Pedo-Hitler Biden and his criminal family is doing. They’re using their power and influence to get rich, and we taxpayers get shafted. No wonder why McConnell doesn’t want Biden criminal activities investigated. He’s neck deep into the corruption.

RINO’s spend their day wringing their hands worried about getting reelected. Rather than making their case before the American people, they’ve decided it’s not good for the country to impeaching the Biden criminal family inhabiting the white house. Not only have they given up on the American people, but they’ve also thrown President Trump to the Marxist democrat criminal injustice system. They’re comfortable with losing elections.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich reacts to the GOP’s split on a possible Pedo-Hitler Biden impeachment on ‘Kudlow.’ Making the case for an impeachment inquiry to get witnesses to testify. At least it’s something other than the two McDummies sitting with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing.

Among the Biden family criminal activities, they raked in upwards of $20 million from foreign business partners during the Obama administration, according to new records. This is just one example of how deep corruption is within this cabal. Yet, they’ve got President Trump under a bazillion bogus felony charges. The Marxist prosecutors have to shop around for corrupt judges and jury to guarantee a conviction against Trump. This illegal persecution been going on for almost ten years and they’ve never found a crime against President Trump. But the RINO McDummies won’t touch Pedo-Hitler Biden.

This is intolerable. They have no spine, no backbone, no bullocks to do the right thing. I’m tired of them dragging their feet and twisting in the wind, fearful of the Marxist democrats and the fake news media. They have more than enough evidence to convict Pedo-Hitler Biden, so what are they afraid of?

They’re happy to see President Trump being strapped with a bazillion fake felony charges. Only one corrupt judge and jury would put an innocent man in prison for the rest of his life. And all for no crimes committed. They know the Marxist democrats have weaponized the Injustice Department and the McDummies don’t care.

Look at what the Marxist democrat have done to the January 6th political prisoners. There are grandmothers locked away in prison for years for taking selfies in the Capitol Building. Imprisoned for the rest of their lives. That makes these two McClowns guilty of violating their Constitutional oaths to protect the country. They’ve sold us out to the Marxist democrats.

The Turtle and the Hair are out of touch with the American people, they’re cowardly, and useless. If they won’t defend the rights of President Trump, then they won’t defend the rights of American people. I don’t expect any changes between now and the 2024 election. The McDummies want to lose the election to save their own asses.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy skies with a 60% chance of moderate precipitation. We received 15/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 67%. Visibility is 6 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 88%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 73°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is fair at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻAukake ‘Umi 2023

Merchants Of Death


Aloha kākou. Gov. David Ige will sign House Bill 576 into law which will allow advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to murder children at 1:30 p.m. today.

The legislation will permit advanced practice registered nurses to provide medication or aspiration abortion care in the first trimester of pregnancy — as long as they have prescriptive authority, practice within their specialty and have a valid and unencumbered license. How Hawai’i’s Merchants of Death call this “care”, is beyond me. It’s murder, not care.

According to the legislation, residents in West Hawaii as well as those who live on Kauai, Molokai and Lanai do not have access to local physicians who can provide such care. So, you don’t have to travel to a neighboring island to get an abortion, the Merchants of Death will come to your home and murder your children for you. Sickening.

In COVID news: Lt. Gov. Josh Green anticipates Hawaii will reach the one million COVID-19 vaccine dose mark by week’s end. The idea that this Covid vaccine is designed to save from from dying from the Covid virus. Which is ironic given that the governor approves of aspiration abortion.

Aspiration abortion is called suction abortion (also called vacuum aspiration) and it is the most common type of in-clinic abortion. It uses gentle suction to empty your uterus. It’s usually used until about 14-16 weeks after your last period. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) is another kind of in-clinic abortion procedure. “Gentle Suction???”

On one hand the government thinks it’s saving lives with a Covid vaccine, and on the other hand, they’re killing children by sucking their lives out of the uterus. Barbaric.


It all part of the Marxist democrats push for secular socialism. Much like how Communist China is committing genocide against their people. The Marxist democrats want to replicate these atrocities in this country. That’s not hyperbole.

It has already started with Covid being used as the excuse to force people to comply to heavy handed restrictions on our liberties. Unsocial Media restricts the conversation on what can be discussed on their socialist platforms. The Fake News Media will echo the Marxist democrat regime propaganda. That’s following the Communist Chinese playbook.

Next will be the attacks on religious freedoms. Already in several Marxist democrat run states church gatherings are heavily restricted. Kalifornia, Michigan, and other states have some of the most restrictive orders to prevent people from exercising their First Amendment rights to religious freedoms.

More than 20 states are considering legislation this year that would make it easier for churches to hold in-person services during public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. If you can have Big Box stores open where hundreds of people can gather to shop, then churches shouldn’t be restricted from their religious freedoms.

Governments enacting draconian rules to restrict people is how it starts. Communist China prohibits religious rights and violates basic human rights. Canada is following Communist China’s example by targeting churches.

Layers of metal fencing were erected around the perimeter of GraceLife Church in Parkland County Wednesday as Alberta Health Services (AHS) shuttered the building after months of defiance of provincial public health orders.

In America, Bill De Bozo, the Marxist Mayor of the Big Apple City Of Maggots, New York, prohibits Orthodox Jews from gathering. Openly prosecuting them like the Nazi’s did in Germany. Gruesome Newsom, the Fascistic governor of Kalifornia has attacked Christian churches with heavy fines and arrests.

Communist China is persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, Taoism, Buddhism, Xinjiang Uyghurs, and Christianity. Not because of Covid, but because the Communist China is an atheist regime, and all will worship the state above all else.

As we see our personal and religious liberties start to erode with the excuse that it’s for the good of society, more rights will be taken away. It won’t just stop at religious rights, it also starting with the Bill Of Rights. Most notably, the rights of the unborn.

It used to be that Hollywood would produce Pro-American film shorts that explained how our government works and where our freedoms come from, but no more. Hollywood has become Hollyweird. Anti-American and pro-Communist China. Hollyweird loves to lecture Americans about morality while rampant pedophilia is all over Hollyweird.

American Corporations are scrambling to do business with Communist China while ignoring the genocide taking place. Many of the High-Tech companies like Apple, are allowing the Communist Chinese to design in spying technology in its products. It’s to steal your personal information, your location data, banking, credit card, anything and everything. Who else is using your information? The DNC’s KGB (FBI) and CIA.

Companies like Nike and Adidas that allow Communist Chinese to force slave labor to manufacture their shoes at pennies on the dollar, only to sell them in at hundreds of dollars. The Merchants Of Death.

Our government is following the track of Communist China. The regime of Jim Crow Joe is adopting the same spying on Americans that the regime of Barry the Bullshitter Obama used to discriminate against Americans. People that tried to raise the Red Flags were attacked by corrupt government officials that framed people with false charges. That’s something you only see from Communist dictatorships like Russia. This is how both the Marxist democrats and some in the Republican party has done against American Patriots.

I still cannot believe that people in my own Party betrayed us. Which is why I no longer consider myself a Republican, but a Conservative. I will only donate to those candidates that I have thoroughly vetted. Never again to be loyal the National Republic Party. Not while they’re supporting Republicans In Name Only (RINO’s) Mitch McConnell, Lynn Cheney, and Adam Shitslinger and others that infest the republic like diseased cockroaches. The Merchants Of Death that want to keep the War Machine rolling to continue destroying the lives of American soldiers with endless wars.

These RINO’s and demoncrats don’t honor life of the unborn and the lives and futures of Americans. Only one President since Ronaldus Magnus defended the lives of the unborn, the elderly, and all Americans, equally.

Only one American President exposed the Deep State corruption. Only one President promoted racial harmony. Only one American President delivered his promise of prosperity, employment, and the American Dream.



The day started with lots of sun. Tradewinds from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 18mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got only a trace of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is at 72%.

ʻApelila ʻUmi Kūmālua, 2021