Kalifornia Pimping


Aloha Lāpule. Did you know that Kalifornia allows children to be sold for sex. I was shocked to learn this of all places from the Fake News Media. Anyone can purchase children for sex in Kalifornia. That’s the exact wording in the law that makes pedophilia a misdemeanor and not a felony. It’s legalized child rape in Kalifornia. Children are being pimped out by the state of Kalifornia.

Kalifornia democrats are all in favor of keeping pedophilia legal. It’s just a slap on the perverts’ genitals if they get caught abusing children. Governor Gruesome Newsome, Rep. Nazi Piglosi, Sen. Adam Schitt, and all the democrats in the Kalifornia State House and Senate are for child trafficking. If they were against child abuse, they’d do something about it.

State Senator Scott Wiener is a well-known LGBTQ-LMNOP pro-pedophile supporter that openly advocates for child prostitution. Wiener is a radical LGBTQ-LMNOP advocate. He defends pedophilia while condemning human trafficking. How can one be any different from the other? By mincing words.

Among other perversion laws on Kalifornia’s books is the confiscation of children from parents. When a minor child says they want to gender transition themselves, the State can forcibly remove the child from the parents. Several states, including Hawai’i, passed laws that can remove parental rights. Preventing parents from getting their children the psychological help they need. How is this not child trafficking? Many psychologists are also perverts. Convincing parents into allowing children to mutilate their bodies. Arguing, “do you want dead little boy Blue, or a living little girl named Betty?” Child prostitution is among the many atrocities Marxist democrats are using to destroy the nuclear family, religious values, and social cohesion.

A Kalifornia bill that pushes for harsher penalties against people who buy children for sex was introduced, but not without a fight between members of the public safety committee and the bill’s author Senator Shannon Grove. This is disturbing on many levels because the rights of the child and the parent are forfeited over the sexual predator’s perversions. Let me emphasize this bluntly, “people can buy children for sex and it’s only a misdemeanor.” Are we living in some third world country where this perversion is normal? How does something this heinous become acceptable in today’s society?

It astonishes me that purchasing a child for sex is not a felony with prison time and a predator stigma for life attached. Child rape has always been assumed as a severe crime, but it’s a misdemeanor in Kalifornia. A slap on the wrist, a whack on the weewee, and a no-no, followed by a harshly worded “don’t do it again” judgement. Scott Wiener doesn’t seem to make the connection that child prostitution is human trafficking. It’s not age dependent. Apparently, most Kalifornia Marxist democrats cannot make that distinction either. That’s because the democrats are part of the child trafficking problem.

Gov. Gruesome Newsom sensing the growing public heat signaled his support for a proposal targeting the consumers of child sex trafficking in California, but Gruesome Newsome suggested he has concerns about changes that were abruptly made to the proposal this week. Newsome has reservations. Note, they reference sexual predators as consumers. Does this get any more creepier?

Oddly enough, Kalifornia years ago used to be a safe place to raise children. Disneyland started in Kalifornia. It was once a place where a child could feel safe and welcome. Wokeness has perverted Disney into a den of perverts hunting ground. Disney World in Florida is always catching child sexual predators, but little is known about Kalifornia’s pedophile problem. That’s because sexually trafficking children is only a misdemeanor. The media only reports this after something horrific is made public.

It is said that Kalifornia leads the world on setting trends. Kalifornia Pimping is that trend that is increasingly for normalizing pedophilia and this is horrific crime is trending around the nation. Child prostitution is neither gender specific nor age limited. How a society treats its children and elderly is a reflection of an advancing or declining society. Sadly, we seem to be on the declining side.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with numerous moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 15/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 92%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 7. Air quality Index is good at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024

Satan’s Party


Aloha kākou. Marxist democrats over the Easter weekend spent an enormous amount of time defending and supporting Pedo-Hitler Biden’s pro-transgender Easter proclamation. No Christian religious symbols were allowed on Easter decorations. Only the promotion of the LBGTQ agenda was approved by the White House. Biden and the democrats slapped Christians in the face and said, “LGBTQ Replaces the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” This isn’t the first time this regime has discriminated against Christians.

The Christian religion says everyone is made in the “Image of God.” So, why do transgenders want to change their genders? This dysphoric transgender cult of genital mutilation that targets children is dangerous. Why do politicians and doctors promote putting children under the knife to change their genders? The government is stripping away parental rights from protecting their children from making terrible life altering decisions.

Newsmax Rob Schmitt explains the Rainbow Mafia and Marxist democrats’ true agenda to confiscate and indoctrination children into State. Take parental rights away and make the child a ward of the state. It’s a pedophilic perversion against the American family.

Democrats were quick to defend Biden’s LGBTQ the decision to exclude Catholics during their most Holiness of Days. Democrat Senators, Governors, and Misrepresentatives took to unsocial media to post their support for the mutilation of children’s genitals. Even indoctrinate their own children into the cult of transgender dysphoria. Note that these political perverts are trying to convince children the government is there to save them from their parents.

Pope Francis said that LGBTQ are welcome into the church. ” Pope Francis said that the Catholic Church is open to everyone, including the gay community, and that it has a duty to accompany them on a personal path of spirituality but within the framework of its rules.”

The Pope is not the church and Cafeteria Catholics that promote transgender mutilation and abortion are against Church doctrine. The Pope is salting a self-inflicted wound. The Pope welcomed both Cafeteria Catholics Pedo-Hitler Biden and Nazi Piglosi to the Vatican as official dignitaries. Setting a poor example of true Catholicism and promoting the destruction of the family. Pick and choose which of God’s teaching satisfy your religious appetite. This is appalling.

You’ll never hear Marxists democrats promoting transgenderism to Muslims during Ramanamma Ding-Dong Bomb-A-Thon. The Islamists would start chopping off heads. But because Catholics are taught not to fight back, they’re at the mercy of this evil. Which is why this regime is attacking Catholics. I believe the Godless Marxist Democrats have finally crossed the line of decency and morality. When the safety and wellbeing of children are at risk from evil, expect people to fight back.

The Fake News Media promotes this false narrative that Christians are violently assaulting LGBTQ people. How can that be so when everyday normal people are assaulted daily with forced pride agendas? It’s the same tactic the left uses to silence anyone that disagrees with their perverse agenda. Call people racists and bigots. Use threats and intimidation to put up a protective class barrier. A campaign of shame and blame to force people to comply to the LGBTQ Rainbow Mafia demands.

President Trump commented today at a MAGA rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We will have a Christian Visibility Day on November 5th, 2024. Trump had Gay people in his administration, and they did an excellent job without flaunting their sexuality.

Satan’s Democrat Party is a grotesque perversion of the founding principles of this Nation: God, Country, and Family. Let’s be honest, the democrat party has never embraced the United States Constitution. The democrats never accepted the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. The history of democrats is littered with human rights violations dressed up as flowery paths to their version of utopia.

Marxist democrats’ goal of establishing a Marxist transformation of America starts by indoctrinating young impressionable minds of mush. Convince children to hate their parents, their country, and their bodies. Convince them to believe they are being discriminated against and exploited. Look closely at America today and four years ago. If you want this misery to go away — you know what to do.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 11/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 8 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.13 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is good at 38. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Elua 2024



Aloha kākou. “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Matthew 18

Taking a cue from Pedo-Hitler Biden’s creepy behavior when around children is encouraging transgender creeps to pursue children. The attacks against Christianity and children are growing in numbers. Its spreading in the Marxist democrat run states. Where parental rights are under assault by governments. Any opposition to child grooming by pedophiles will trigger government Child Protected Services (CPS) to remove the child from the parent’s protection.

We’ve seen this in schools where creepy teachers are teaching sex transitioning. These pedophiles are teaching children that they can change their gender. Encouraging them to seek medical treatments. Including hormone blockers and surgeries to disfigure their genitals. Irreversible damage to their bodies. It looks horrific and it’s a lifetime of pain.

“This is not just about foster care,” explains American Family Association Senior Fellow Jameson Taylor. They’re “beginning to define Christian parents teaching a biblical worldview and defining that as a form of abuse. If you deny your child entry into LGBTQ lifestyle, then parents are accused of being child abusers. Then the child is removed from the custody of the parents. That is where this is headed.”

The regime of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Assistant Secretary for Health, Richard Levine a man that dresses like a woman, claims this is gender affirmation. How dos gender transformation by drugs and surgeries is gender affirming? The child’s gender was defined in the womb and at birth. This creepy weirdo claims if children are prevented from gender transformation will increase suicide rates in children. In all my years on this planet I can’t remember one instant where children took their lives over not mutilating their genitals. Just the opposite is true.

The post-disfigurement transformation has caused depression and suicides in transgendered people. The constant medical procedures which are painful and expensive eventually take a toll on the psychology of the child. This preventable mental illness can save the child’s life. But there are forces of evil that that are going after the children. It’s not just a problem in the United States, this is a worldwide attack on Christians.

In other countries, posting Christian verses on unsocial media can get you arrested and thrown in prison. Praying quietly in public can get people arrested. While standing on the sidewalk, across the street from an abortion abattoir, a woman quietly praying in England was arrested. In Finland, two people posted bible passages their social media sites and were charged with hate crimes. This is the type of persecution that happens in communist countries, but this is increasingly happening in western nations that claim to respect free speech and freedom of religion.

This all revolves around the agenda of the intolerant LGBTQ communities. Governments are increasingly giving these LGBTQ lifestyles protective status. What about the protection of the family? The children and parents? Are they not entitled to the same protections under the law? What has happened to religious freedoms, free speech, and parental rights?

It started with Kalifornia threatening parents if they don’t allow their children to undergo gender mutilation. Then it was Minnesota removing Christians from becoming foster parents. Even kidnapping the child from the parent if the child undergoes genital mutilation. Now, Maine is proposing legislation to make the state a sanctuary for child sex changes. It’s a growing problem across the country and these people are deserving of a millstone around the neck.


Current Conditions: Mostly clear skies with possible scattered evening showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 1/64-inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the south at 20 mph, gusts 36 mph. Cloud cover is 19. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 76%. Barometric pressure is 29.75 inches and dewpoint is 72°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 16. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Ianuali ‘Umi Kūmāono 2024

Take The Rainbow Back


Aloha kākou. Ho’iho’i Ka Ānuenue (Return the Rainbow). The story of the rainbow comes from the Bible. Genesis 8-9 tells of the Covenant between God and Man after the Great Flood that destroyed the wicked and evil upon the world. In Genesis 9-12 God explains the Covenant and the meaning of the rainbow.

Hawai’i has always been known as the Rainbow state. The rainbow is stamped on our vehicle license plates. We have lots of rainbows almost daily. I captured the picture above early one morning from my lanai looking West towards my workshop. Generally, early morning showers are the best time to view rainbows. Sometimes a double rainbow will appear. The bright sunlight makes the rainbow colors vibrant. In the evening, rainbows appear from the North-East.

The rainbow was never a symbol of the LGBTQ+IDIOT crap that suddenly is the “current thing.” Just as transgenderism is the current thing. A fad to physically alter a person’s body through surgery, pump noxious hormone drugs to castrate a young person, and subject themselves to a lifetime of pain, depression, and suicide tendencies. This does not represent the rainbow. Essentially, the meaning of the rainbow has been hijacked by weirdos, pedophiles, and mentally sick people. For example.

Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi slams “idiot” parents pushing the trans agenda onto their children. Preu MacSween joins the conversation in this video compilation. Rita’s montage of the Pride Perverts shows just how depraved these creatures are. How do parents that drag their children to these events live with themselves? I cannot believe parents believe this behavior is healthy. This has to be traumatizing and confusing to kids.

These creatures are frequently becoming more violent and intolerant of normal heterosexual people. Corporations have embraced this degeneracy by splashing the stolen rainbow on their products. After what has happened to Bud Light and Target losing billions of dollars, I wonder how shareholders feel about losing their investment capital. Perhaps their investors are monetary masochists.

“It’s largely due to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) scores. But it turns out that” equity and equality” don’t necessarily mix. Corporations are seeing their stocks decline as a consequence of their focus on these politically correct rating systems.” — Revolver

Disney has lost billions of dollars since the release of their last eight releases. Instead of providing wholesome family entertainment, Disney produced a number of woke flops pushing the LGBTQ ideology. A decade ago, the United Nations initiative to introduce “corporate social responsibility” which ballooned into a thirty trillion corporate steamroller. But this financial seppuku contagion has infected Target, Anheuser-Busch, and Fastfood corporations. They’re chasing the consumer away and they continue to double down on pushing this abhorrent lifestyle.

This clown, Richard Levine, a man that pretends to be a woman and encourages children to butcher their bodies. He claims transgenderism helps prevent suicide. The truth is more than 50% of transgender and non-binary youth in states across the US seriously considered suicide in the past year, according to new survey data on a worsening LGTBQ youth mental health crisis. This regime is brainwashing children into butchering their bodies.

The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to LGBTQ youth suicide prevention released state-level data from nearly 34,000 queer and trans youth ages 13 to 24, showing alarmingly high rates of suicide attempts, depression, and anxiety across liberal and conservative regions. Note the age range, 13 to 24. This suicide rate is growing, and the Marxist democrats and the public-school teachers are persuading children to keep this transgender secret from their parents. How could the Childre get the help they need if their parents are unaware of what’s happening in the schools?

It’s a ‘Summer of Pride’ says the portly pedophile that proselytizes to parents and children that transgenderism is mental and physical healthcare. It’s actually a form of slavery. No different than slavery that bought, traded, and owned human beings. Once you physically transform your body through drugs and surgery, it cannot be undone. The transgender is a slave to endless medical operations and expensive drug therapies. They have lost their individuality, their independence, and their freedoms. The only escape is suicide. What a horrible life to live.

What we need now is an Abraham Lincoln to call out the Marxist democrats that support this slavery.

Prepare yourselves for a wave of monkeypox breakouts and other venereal diseases during the Summer of Pride. Don’t for a minute doubt that transgenderism isn’t a form of slavery. Once they butcher their body and mind, then they’re on the plantation for life. There is no escape. It is slavery.

The only way to stop this is to Take the Rainbow Back. Revive the true meaning of the rainbow. The covenant between God and Man. We were created in the image of God. That makes our bodies a temple to God. We were granted these gifts at the moment of conception. One does not destroy God’s Gifts.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy with scattered moderate showers. 80% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 13/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 80’s. Humidity is 71%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is good at 30. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Lune Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2023

Kēlā Pule ʻĀhiu


Aloha kākou. Over the weekend I watched the Faith and Freedom Coalition on Right Side Broadcast Network (RSBN). Without a doubt the whole event was entertaining. I was very interested hearing President Trump make the keynote speech. I wasn’t disappointed. One of his best speeches, yet.

There were many religious and politicians that attended the Faith and Freedom event. Many voices and ideas, mostly inspirational, and others not so pleasant. I had my eyes and ears open to world events going on. Everything from Italy, Russia, and here in the United States. First a related historical warning from Victor Davis Hanson. We need to know our enemy, and we know what their goals are.

How often have we heard the Marxist democrat’s screech about the Supreme Court? The Electoral College and changing the makeup of Congressional seats. It all goes back to the Marxist democrat’s goal of a one-party totalitarian state. This is why the 2024 elections are so important. We have to be prepared for the barrage of cheating that will occur. And we cannot rely on the Establishment Republican party. They’ve made their decision to lose the 2024 election.

We need to form our own goals, strategies, and tactics to prevent Marxism from seizing our Republic. The key is getting the right leadership in place to carry out our goals to win the battle. Knowing who is the right leadership and who to avoid like the plague. We can expect waves of disinformation and a lot can happen in the next 18 months. But what is clear is the effort by the Marxist democrats to destroy the current front runner. I believe the American voter sees through this deception.

Here in Hawai’i, there was a LGBTQ parade in downtown Hilo. With drag queens suggestively dressed. Of course, it was promoted as family friendly. As the globalist LGBTQ agenda continues its aggressive campaign to gradually erode religious liberties in the West, Christians might finally have found a champion in one European leader.

Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, recently torched the United Nations for advancing aggressive LGBTQ causes. In essence, the United Nations is saying that the LGBTQ agenda is more important than the freedom of Christians to practice their religion. PM Giorgia Meloni was having none of it and called out the UN for this blatant threat to religious liberty. “Religious freedom is not a second-class right,” she said. “It is not a freedom that comes after others or can even be set aside for the benefit of new, so-called freedoms or rights.” This is what the world needs now, strong leaders to battle evil.

Meloni reiterated: “Religious liberty is a natural right and precedes every juridical formulation because it is written in the heart of man.” The West needs more leaders like Meloni, who are willing to stand up for Christian values in the face of attacks from the LGBTQ movement. In New York City the pride parade chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” in Manhattan. This should tell you all you need to know. This is evil.

An odd, but curious, development happened in Russia over the weekend. What appeared to be a coup d’état by the Wagner group, a mercenary group that I thought was being outsourced by Vladimir Putin to fight the Ukrainians. The Wagner group positioned itself around a Russian city with tanks and soldiers. It looked like a shooting war was imminent. But there was something wrong. Can you see it?

Look at all the civilians standing around. Wagner Group tanks and fighters were filmed in Rostov, Russia, as the group threatens to head to Moscow. This has to be the first time in history where a coup was a non-coup. I started to think this was some kind of a Hollyweird movie set. A show of force didn’t seem to frighten anyone. Everybody went about their business as normal.

Then, according to the Fake News Media, Putin forgave them and the Wagnor group packed up their tanks and when home. I’m watching videos in real-time on the interwebs in disbelief. I’m glad there was no violence, but what was this about? A False Flag psyops? Who knows, but I doubt we’ll ever know the truth.

Kēlā Pule ʻĀhiu means Wild Weekend. Indeed, this was a wild weekend and wild week. I wonder what this week will bring.


Today’s Weather: Partly cloudy with scattered moderate showers. 90% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 80’s. Humidity is 71%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is good at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Lune Iwakālua Kūmāono 2023

Age Of Unreason


Aloha kākou. Never surrender to the LGBTQ alphabet mafia. Pride is self-devotion, self-justification, and self-glorying in contempt of God. Of the seven deadly sins, pride is the deadliest of all and the root of all evil. Pride, sometimes called vanity or hubris, is an excessive desire for one’s own self which rejects God. According to John 1-4, God is Love, meaning that we were created in the image of God, and we belong to God. In the LGBTQ world love is all about sexual gratification, and that self-love is what defines their meaning of pride. Why else do diseases like AIDS and Monkeypox exist in the pride community? It’s about sex, not love.

Truth has become a right-wing concept, according to British journalist Melanie Phillips, who argues that we have slipped into an age of “cultural totalitarianism”. She bases this off a widespread societal refusal to listen to evidence, accept reason and consider dissenting views, which has the effect of reducing common freedoms for citizens across the Western world. This defines the alphabet mafia.

This “cultural totalitarianism” or “wokeism”, is what makes up the “cancel culture” that disregards the ideals of individualism and reason itself. It denies the existence of God and replaced it with the self. This is what Lucifer did that condemned him to Hell. Pride is the LGBTQ religion of self-love, and it has led to self-destruction. It’s not a matter of denying who anyone wants to love, it’s a matter of abusing others. Especially when it comes to the most vulnerable, the children. Which the alphabet mafia is increasingly going after.

We are in an Age Of Unreason. An age of intolerance. Conform or be cast out. In Canada, a father is the state’s prisoner of conscience for misgendering his daughter. His daughter, biological female 16-year-old identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns. The Canadian medical system, the legal system, and the child’s mother pressed ahead with social and medical transition of the child. The father could go to prison for misgendering his own child. This is the age of unreason.

How did the daughter get indoctrinated into a lifetime of physical and mental disfigurement? The father discovered the school was teaching sexual and transgender identity ideology. “The school counsellor changed the child’s name without telling her parents. The school “socially transitioned” the biologically female child on its own initiative, with the input of a gender ideologue psychologist, Dr. Wallace Wong.” Woke = Warning Our Kids Endangered 


This insanity is being embraced by Marxist democrats and Repubics are either going along or are too afraid to speak out. Anyone that dares to speak out against this lunacy is threatened with legal action and forced to publicly apologize. This just emboldens these monsters with power over normal people’s lives. When they can get the government to confiscate children for medical experiments on their genitalia, then this crosses the line into insanity.

To be fair, there are homosexuals that find this disgusting. Gays against Groomers is one such group. But they’re just a voice in the wind. Legal protections for children are gone. Parental protections are gone. Religious protections are gone. The once nuclear family is gone. LGBTQ is now a protected class where they can make unreasonable demands, or else this regime will throw people in jail. People are losing their livelihoods and all rights as a parent. The child will be scared for life.

Pedo-Hitler Biden’s illegal regime has threatened parents. Spied on parents. Harassed parents. Attacks against churches and prolife centers are vandalized and attacked. People quietly praying are beaten and traumatized. This regime calls these people White Supremacists. This all started with Barry the Bullshitter Obummer. He set these actions in motion, and it’s incrementally gotten worse year after year. It has given rise to domestic terror groups Antifa and BLM.

In this Age of Unreason, any dissent against this harmful ideology is celebrated by the left. It used to be the LGBTQ communist said let us marry. Then the demands started: Bake the Cake, Use our Pronouns, and now, Give Us Your Children. This insanity has gone too far and it’s damaging the traditional family, our nation, and western culture. It’s the beginning of a declining society.

In News of Hawai’i Island:

The Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources has completed an assessment of the coral damage done in Kailua Bay by cinder block lane markers during last weekend’s canoe regatta.

The “Sustainable Horizons: Mayor Roth’s Community Impact Check-in” series aims to provide updates and foster engagement with communities across Hawaiʻi island, the office of Mayor Roth

Mayor Mitch Roth is encouraging everyone to join in the National Trails Day Celebration on Saturday, June 3rd, at the Ke Ala Kahawai O Waimea.


Today’s Weather: Cloudy with scattered showers. 70% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the east northeast at 7 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 86%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/4 of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 23. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Lune ‘Ekahi 2023

One Voice


Aloha kākou. The last time I checked the United States Constitution, we have a First Amendment that allows Freedom of Religion. Lately, people of faith, in particular Christians, have come under attack by far-left Marxists. Churches and Prolife centers have been vandalized and firebombed by an intolerant hateful mob. It only takes one person to stand up to the bullies. Christians have been under attack by the intolerant left for years because of their faith.

The LGBTQ community are perhaps the most intolerant against people of faith. I’ve seen TikTok videos where they have openly said they are going after children. Anyone that disagrees and gets in their way will be publicly admonished and ostracized. The government has given the LGBTQ community protected status. Corporations force employees to celebrate what is a growing perversion upon an already collapsing society. You see openly gay scenes on movies and television. You either accept this perversion or they will destroy your life.

The perverse movement has moved into all corners of society with abuse put on those that refuse to acknowledge their demands. In the beginning it was live and let live. We were tolerant and accepting. Just as long as they kept their lifestyle to themselves. They had equality, but they wanted more. They demanded people to disregard their faith and bake the cake, make the flower arrangement, and allow them to educate your children in this perverse lifestyle. If you disagreed, then the full weight of the corrupt injustice system would come down hard. In some cases, removing children from their parents.

Family events have been turned into clown shows with drag queens and rainbow activities. Boys can menstruate they claim. Which is biologically impossible. Girls can surgically alter their bodies to become boys. If a foreign disease enters the body of society, it can be fatal to future generations. Already, this perverse community of transsexuals are cross dressing children. They parade these children in audiences of leering adults. They’re prostituting children.

Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to wear a gay rainbow jersey for the Philadelphia Flyers team’s “Pride Night.” During the warmup against the Ducks the hockey player did not suit up in a rainbow jersey. It was his right not to participate in a LGBTQ event. But that offended the intolerant left and they made Provorov the target of their ire.

Pay particular to this Canadian reporter’s rage. An idiot that cannot afford shirts with collars. Canadian Breakfast Television hosts Sid Seixeiro and Dina Pugliese had a meltdown live on air. They were shocked that someone might have a different opinion. Seixeiro attacked Provorov for adhering to his religious beliefs and went so far as to suggest that the Flyers should be hit with a million-dollar fine for his actions. — The Post Millennell

“The theme from the National Hockey League is ‘hockey is for everyone’,” Seixeiro said. “The theme is not ‘hockey is for everyone unless you don’t believe in gay rights otherwise do whatever you want.” So now, you can’t attend sporting events unless you pledge allegiance to a hijacked rainbow flag. “What I heard last night was offensive, and didn’t make any sense,”Seixeiro continued, arguing that if it were military night and a player pulled the same stunt, there would be outrage. That’s the most ridiculous comparison I have ever heard. What a moron this Seixeiro is. Oh, really Seixeiro, have you seen the miliary lately?

Your sexual perversions are your own business. Leave it in the bedroom where it belongs. Not at family sporting events. It’s when this perversion is used to force others to participate that’s where lines will be drawn. Families should not have to pay premium ticket prices to be forced to sit through a gay pride display. People go to sporting events to enjoy the game not to be proselytized.

This shows how intolerant the LGBTQ community is. It’s disgusting that we must now bow to bullies that want to force their lifestyle down the throats of people. It used to be patriotic to play the National Anthem before a game, but that’s being squeezed out and replaced with this gay nonsense. These LGBTQ creeps are also violent and they’re using Nazi Piglosi’s Antifa Stormtroopers to attack anyone that demonstrates against the sexualizing children at drag shows.

You may have heard about the Gay adoptive fathers, William Dale Zulock Jr. & Zachary Jacoby Zulock, have been indicted on charges of incest and are facing over nine life sentences for aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, sexual exploitation of children, and prostitution of a minor.

During the summer of 2022, a gay couple in Georgia was arrested for the sexual abuse and exploitation of their two adopted sons. The story made national news but hasn’t appeared to have had a follow-up from any main outlets. Mia Cathell of Townhall, who just released parts one and two of a four-part investigative series following a month-long investigation into the case. The children, now ages nine and 11, were forced to make “homemade” child pornography by their LGBTQ adopted fathers, William and Zachary Zulock. These parents not only groomed their sons but legitimately assaulted and exploited them. — Townhall and MRCTV

This isn’t the first time something like this has occurred. A gay couple were arrested in Connecticut for the same thing. How many other crimes against children that we never hear about? A review of 6,444 news stories on Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe from 1989 through 2002 about child molestation yielded 33 stories involving foster parents. Of the 25 foster-parent perpetrators, at least 15 (60%) engaged in homosexuality. In Illinois 1997-2002, 92 (34%) of 270 foster- or adoptive-parent perpetrators who engaged in “substantiated” sexual abuse homosexually abused their charges. These findings suggest that the proportion of homosexual perpetrators in a systematic tally of newspaper stories is similar to the proportion of homosexual perpetrators in datasets from large entities and put in question the current policy of utilizing homosexuals as foster and adoptive parents. — National Library of Medicine 

An army of pedophiles confronts a man protesting a “All-Ages” Drag Show at a Public Library. Notice that they must cover their faces to hide their identity. The man was attacked for his sign “sexualizing children is child abuse.” Antifa is violent and often come to these events armed with weapons. People trying to protect children from this filth are attacked by Antifa thugs. Where are the police? Why are the rights of parents being infringed? Why does the Injustice department threaten parents that protest children being taught transgenderism in schools? When did LGBTQ rights supersede the rights of American citizens?

It just takes one voice to say no. I will not comply with this. The truly brave will stand up against this tyranny. It takes one voice to start a movement to freedom from tyranny. To free ourselves from intolerance. Ivan Provorov might have started a Spartacus movement and I’m hoping so. Eventually, someone is going to get killed by these savages. Either a child or a protester against these perverts. The abused children’s lives will be forever damaged. The Fake News Media buries these horrific events quickly, and I don’t have confidence the law will prosecute these criminals or protect the innocent. It’s time to speak out.



Partly cloudy skies with occasional showers. 30% chance of precipitation. Tradewinds from the southeast at 15 mph, gusts 30 mph. Cloud cover is 42%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Ianuali ʻUmi kūmāiwa 2023


Muddled Nation


Aloha kākou. Our government is compromised. Corporations are woke. The political agenda is to change the moral fabric of this country into a LGBTQ fascist driven nation. You can be denied employment, access to banking, and denied your liberties unless you conform to this fascistic demented culture. The more the government promotes this agenda, the more your freedoms will be restricted. Under the guise of a protected class and civil rights, your rights are confiscated. You either conform or be cast out by this muddled culture of confusion.

Disney Exec. Producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming. You can’t live your life, raise your children, and practice your religion, without being accused of being a bigot and a hater by a fringe group of insane pedophiles. They want your children and the government is going to assist them in taking parental rights away. More and more your rights are being eroded away by a compromised government that considers the majority of Americans as the enemy and must be prosecuted. While criminals are set free to assault children. Now we have a Supreme Court nominee that is lenient on pedophiles that hurt children. Every single Marxist democrat will vote to confirm this pervert protector and some RINO repubics also.

The Walt Disney Company has long presented itself as the voice for America’s children. According to company lore, the animation studio was founded by a wise and kindly father figure, and its theme parks are “the happiest place on Earth” for kids. Chris Rufo writes in City Journal. That was then, but today the Disney organization is littered with child predators. Disney has had a long-standing problem with child predators gaining employment within the company and exploiting minors. In 2014, reporters at CNN published a bombshell six-month investigation that discovered at least “35 Disney employees” had been arrested for sex crimes against children, attempting to meet minors for sex, and possession of child pornography over the previous eight years. Does Disney do a criminal background check on their employees?

President Trump predicted this during the 2020 elections and he was correct. Everything that President Trump said would happen has come to fruition. Have you noticed that the Marxist democrats are no longer blaming their failures on President Trump anymore. Now they’re blaming the high oil and gas prices on Russia’s war on Ukraine. It’s Putin’s fault. The Marxist democrats will not take responsibility for their failed policies. Better to blame someone else and have the Fake News Media repeat the lie. Atrocities against children are promoted. We’ve watched video of Jim Crow Joe Brandon grope and molest children. No one said a thing. If that were anyone in the Trump family it would be front page news for all time.

It’s not just the war on parents and children by the Marxist democrats. It’s the purposeful destruction of our national sovereignty. How many children, especially women and young girls, are abused by these Mexican human traffickers? Did you know that more Americans have died of fentanyl drug overdoses than Covid? The Fake News Media will not report that data. You might have heard that crime is up all over the country. Much of what the Fake News Media is reporting is meant to muddle your attention away from serious issues in this country. The Fake News Media reports exclusively on the War in Ukraine. You rarely hear anything about the invasion at our southern border. You never hear about the number of fentanyl deaths, but you will see commercials urging Americans to get a Covid vaccine that we know doesn’t work.

The world’s current Bond villain is Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) He warns of global collapse of economic trade. It’s all part of the WEF’s plan to transform world governments into a single entity. In other words, a world communism state ruled by the very rich. The Great Reset was brought on by the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. When the people are in a constant state of fear, the distraction muddles the ability to reason rationally to make decisions. The WEF is leveraging the Covid crisis to convince the very rich and affluent to manipulate elections to elect those politicians that will adopt their socialist agenda.


So when I see this rainbow flag, I think of a clown car. It represents fascism where everyone has to conform to this clown lifestyle: the Kool-Aid hair, the gender confused clown outfits, and the whole culture. I’m not going conform to this fascism. I was fine with live and let live, but now they’re stepping on my culture, my lifestyle, my religion, and now they’ve crossed the line by targeting children. They’re interfering with national security by pushing this insanity in the military. I’m not going to live in a confused muddled nation. I’m going to speak out against this injustice and fascist intolerance. Americans have had enough of this loud vocal minority. We Will Not Conform To Fascism.



Mostly cloudy with the possibility of afternoon showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 52%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1-1/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 34.

Malaki Kanakolu Kūmākahi, 2022
