Week In Review


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. What a week it has been. Some days are glad, and some days are sad. The following are my weekly news picks that are at the top of my list. There’s a lot of other things going on, but these are the issues I found most compelling for this week’s epilogue.

Local News: The Maui Wildfire is affecting Maui electrical costs and will soon spread to neighboring islands. The plan will raise electricity rates and fire prevention costs. Neighboring island county governments are looking at prevention mitigation by increasing spending. However, real fire prevention that is cheaper and effective is giving way to environmental prevention nonsense. Such as trimming back the brush and reinforcing transmission lines. The counties are looking at buying smoke detectors and not fire prevention. Makes no sense to me.

Gov. Josh Green supports a plan by Hawai’i Electric Company (HECO) to allow new fees on customers’ bills to pay for HECO’s wildfire mitigation plans. Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Chair Jarrett Keohokalole blocked HECO’s plan saying, “it is premature to commit potentially decades of consumer payments toward the facilitation of a wildfire mitigation plan that does not yet exist.”

The bonds would impose a fee of up to 5% of its customers’ monthly bills to finance those bonds and raise money in a process known as securitization. Utility executives said that fee could raise as much as $2.5 billion for wildfire mitigation work. Once approved the plan will be replicated across neighboring islands. Hawai’i has the highest electrical rates in the country. The rising costs reflect the state’s embrace of unusable green technology. They’ve closed fossil fuel plants and replaced them with windmills, solar, and batteries that cost ten times as much as coal, oil, and natural gas.

On the Big Island, a series of surprise rolling blackouts caused some alarms to go off. People are starting to see that green energy doesn’t keep the lights on when the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow. Batteries are totally useless without a charge. As the population grows, so does the demand for power increases. But the State and County are hell bent on protecting the planet over the residents of the islands. All Electric = Zero Emissions = Zero Common Sense.

National: Communism in Universities and in corporations continues to spread across the country. In most cases the mobs of young people have gotten violent. We can’t rely on this federal government for help. Blue states have completely given up and surrendered to the mobs of mind of mush. Red states are sending in the National Guard to arrest of anyone participating in antisemitic riots. Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has defended IslamoNazi Palestinians protestors over the safety of Jewish student’s rights.

Fueling this racial hatred is Pedo-Joe Biden accusation that ALL white people are causing domestic terrorism. Pedo-Joe Biden cites the corrupt Deep State intelligence agencies as the source of his information. We’re led to believe that parents attending school board meetings, Christians praying, and supporters of President Trump are rioting in the street burning, looting, and murdering people in the streets. Have a listen to Pedo-Hitler Biden racially accuse average Americans as violent white supremacists. A decrepit nasty old white pedophile man that hates Americans. That’s what you get when you order a president through mail-in ballots.

White people are lethal domestic terrorists. “White supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland,” Pedo-Joe Biden says. You know the “Homeland” that Pedo-Joe Biden has opened to illegal aliens and foreign terrorists. The flood of humans being trafficked by cartel drug dealers, rapists, and violent criminals are just looking for opportunities in the United States. But it’s white people that are the greatest threat to the American homeland. That rhetoric will win elections in America.

Meanwhile, President Trump is courting world leaders at Trump Towers. Foreign governments are supporting the possibility of a second Trump administration.  Which would bring with it a welcomed major shift in U.S. foreign policy. Pedo-Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster, and everyone knows this regime is a failure. Peace, Economics, and Prosperity in 2025.

Trump has met with Polish President Andrzej Duda, Hungarian President Viktor Orbán and British Foreign Secretary David Cameron. He also reportedly spoke on the phone recently with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. All while Pedo-Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ is trying to convict President Trump with bogus charges. Election interference by Pedo-Joe Biden’s corrupt judges and prosecutors to rig the 2024 elections.

World: President Trump is leading in world news this week. World markets are projecting a five-year positive outlook for the energy, technology, and agriculture sectors. Nations around the world are meeting with President Trump and shunning Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime. Anthony Winken’, Blinken’, and Nod are given the cold shoulder. Except for China, Iran, and Ukraine, curiously. Where new wars are breaking out. It is disappointing that the Uniparty government agreed to send billions of dollars to continue endless wars. They have no strategy to maintain peace. Which President Trump employed and kept world peace and prosperity. If you’re not aware, COVID was Communist Chinese election interference. There’s proof of that now.

Communism is on the march around the world. IslamoNazi terrorism and the threat of World War is a real possibility. The Fake News Media skims over the issues and the White House Spokes-Idiot blames President Trump’s Administration for Pedo-Joe Biden’s rotten policies. It just took less than four years for Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime to unleash all this chaos upon the world stage. We tried to warn you.

The Week in Review has some promises for the future. We can only pray for divine intervention in the meantime. It’s up to us to make that happen. God helps those that help themselves. We need to intervene in the direction of this nation. A resolve to restore our Constitutional norms. Get involved in the process to Save America. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 11 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is fair at 43. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāono 2024

Barbarians At The Border


Aloha kākou. Invasion at the southern border is setting up America for another 9-11 style terrorist attack. The regime of Pedo-Hitler Biden, Marxist democrats, and RINO’s in government are letting it happen. The terror attack against Israel is just a prelude to what the inevitable will happen here in America. But when?

President Trump kept this nation safe and brokered peace deals worldwide. Four Years, Zero Wars. That’s all changed now. Shattered as the Marxist democrats under Pedo-Hitler Biden has made America venerable to terrorist attacks. The signs are all there, as KT McFarland explains.

Already, the left is condemning Israel’s response to the terror attacks by calling for a measured and appropriate response to the Hammas terror attack. The left will always justify the attacks against Isarel and the United States. The left said America deserved the 9-11, 2001 terror attack, and the left is now blaming Israel for Hamas terror attacks.

Already, pro-Palestinian demonstrations against Isarel are happening in New York, England, and Australia. They were chanting “Gas The Jews.” The protests are against Jews, Christians, Buddhists, and any other non-Islamic people. The violence has grown since the attack on Israel. The Fake News Media has also sided with the Islamic terrorists. They have told their broadcasting affiliates to tone down Hamas terror and amp up Israeli response. Calling Israeli actions to defend itself as misappropriate use of force. In Congress, the Islamic-Nazi wing of the Marxist democrat party has come out in support of Islamic terrorism. These are Islamic-Nazis in our government.

Black Lives Matter and the Democrat Socialist Party has voiced their support for Hamas terror attacks against Isarel and are calling for attacks against America. They’re parading in blue cities with Palestinian flags calling for the death of Israel and America. They’re calling for more slaughter of Israelis and Americans. We already know of at least over twenty Americans have been either killed or being held hostage. We know over a thousand Israelis have been killed as well as foreign visitors. There are reports of children, and babies, being decapitated by Hamas terrorists.

Already at the southern border several known terrorists have been caught trying to cross into the United States. The question now is how many terrorists have made it across the border. What are they planning and where will they strike? Our National Security Apparatus is not searching for these terrorists. Instead, the FBI, CIA, and other agencies in Homeland Security are hunting down MAGA Supporters, Catholics celebrating the mass in Latin, and Parents protecting their children from pedophile teachers. We cannot rely on our government to protect the people, defend the borders, and function properly. Not while the Deep State and Marxist democrats are in power.

The “Barbarians Are At Border” and we must prepare for an inevitable terror attack in this country. We are no longer on the tipping edge of World War 3. We are at war on several fronts. This destabilization of the Middle East is Pedo-Hitler Biden’s responsibility. The Abraham Accord that President Trump engineered is a shattered. It was Biden’s foreign policies that caused this war. This regime was so determined to erase all of President Trump’s successes — Four Years and No Wars. Look at what the Marxist democrats have done to our nation. Is there any way to end this? Perhaps, but be vigilant, stay aware, and prepare.


Today’s Weather: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 50% chance of moderate precipitation. We received 1/16 inch precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 65%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is good at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻOkakopa ‘Umi 2023

Terms Of Abdication


Aloha kākou. The Marxist democrats are desperately tying to stoke up racism. Jim Crow Joe Branden and the insane democrats have now started using the “Replacement Theory” meme to blame conservatives for the shooting in New York. This follows the Marxist democrats despicable playbook of casting racial fears that white people will soon be replaced by other ethnicities. It’s not true and it never will be, because Americans are color blind to race. Marxist democrats see racism all around themselves everyday. They’re now using the rantings of a mentally ill person as the catalyst for racial primitive tribal fears.

What’s going to happen come election day in November, Replacement Theory will become Replacement Fact for Marxist democrats. American Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are going to Vote your Racist Marxist democrat Asses Out Of Government. Marxist democrats never let a tragedy go to waste. Ghouls.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) members will be meeting in Davos, Switzerland on May 22nd. Who are they and what’s their purpose isn’t being covered by the Fake News Media. That’s because the World Economic Forum consists of large corporations, banks, and media outlets. Most of these corporations are run by very rich far-left ideologs that have laid plans to form a Globalist New World Order. The World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum are plotting to force governments to capitulate to their demands on how healthcare will be distributed during pandemics. As we well know by now, the Covid pandemic is never going to end. They’ll come up new Covid variants every week. The Branden regime is “all in” when it comes to decimating United States sovereignty, all in the name of World Health.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Covid vaccines warns about WHO pandemic treaty. It means abdication of a nation’s sovereignty over to the WHO and WEF. The WEF’s claim of, “You will own nothing and you will be happy,” isn’t a joke. They really mean using political force to direct the affairs of nation’s governance. They will use world healthcare access as the leverage to control a nation’s sovereignty. This has been the WEF’s goal from the beginning and the WEF has said the Covid Pandemic is the key to making this happen. The regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon is going to submit to the WEF’s demands with no treaty approved by Congress. We the people don’t get a say on how we govern ourselves. It’s what I’ve been saying repeatedly that Marxist democrats don’t believe we are a Republic ruled by the people, but a social democracy ruled by an oligarchy.

Before Covid, the WEF was using Global Warming as their boogeyman to frighten people, but that wasn’t creating enough of a worldwide panic to push their agenda onto government. They’re responsible for the goofy Extinction Rebellion and other climate extremist groups. They’re the goofballs that glue themselves to Starbucks counters and highway roadways. They believe if they disrupt people’s lives enough the government will submit to their demands on climate crisis. Which doesn’t exist.

As Klaus “The Fish” Schwab and the World Economic Forum boast of eventually implementing their version of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ on the masses, some have been left wondering if the 84-year-old German economist’s plan is already taking shape. Governments have been successful in getting people to mask up and get the Fauci Ouchy. Fear is their ally. Rebel News has been spearheading a huge investigation into the WEF’s meetings. As those reports come in, I will share them with you.

Local governments are gearing up for another Covid Panic Porn repeat just in time for the November midterm elections. The local news media here in Hawai’i is pushing hard reporting Covid case numbers as if the pandemic has never gone away and is only getting worse. It’s to influence the elections by forcing people to use mail-in ballots and allowing the harvesting of election results. Just a repeat of the 2020 election cheating.

Here in Hawai’i, the Fake News Media reports more than 7,000 new COVID-19 cases were reported statewide over the last seven days, with Hawaii County reporting 850 new cases. This is an increase of 87 new cases on the Big Island since last week. Only deaths that were reported in Hawaii County were, one male and one female both between the ages of 60 and 69. Nothing about their existing comorbidities. Nothing about if they died because of Covid or if they died of an exist health problem, but tested positive for Covid. But because they tested positive for Covid, they’re death is counted as Covid related. That’s how they’re keeping the fear machine running.

It’s why kids are forced to mask up in schools. It’s why they’re forcing people to get the Coof Juice or lose their jobs. Tourists entering the State have to prove they’re vaxxed or be quarantined. They don’t want to drop the mandates and lockdowns.

This is what the WEF and the WHO wants to impose on governments. Either do as you’re told or don’t get the medical help to protect your people. They are using threats to impose their governance on other countries in exchange for data on preventing viruses, access to vaccines and medical care. This is how they plan to usher in their New World Order (NWO). Withholding necessary medical care is as evil as you can get. It’s the same threats that Josh Green used as Lt. Gov. of Hawai’i. If you’re not vaccinated, then you can be denied hospital care. Get into a car accident, get sent to the hospital, can’t prove you’re vaccinated, you get thrown out to the curbside to fend for yourself. Evil.

Many people haven’t made the connection yet that Covid vaccines do not prevent from getting the virus and spreading it to others. The vaccine seems to protect the most vulnerable. The elderly and those with immune deficiencies. However, it seems vaccinated people are getting and spreading the virus. Whereas the young and healthy that get the virus obtain natural immunity. Thus not spreading the virus and any variants that may follow. That is the science.

Once any nation abdicates their sovereignty, they won’t be able to get back their nation’s identity. They will become hostages to a socialist oligarchy. Do you think the Communist Chinese would give up their sovereignty? Nope, because Communist China is funding the World Health Organization. Who do you think will be pulling the WEF’s strings? It should be pretty obvious to anyone by now. Reject the WEF.



Mostly clouds with humid equatorial air. Tradewinds are from the southeast at 18 mph, gusts 34 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80s. Humidity is at 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 24

Mei ʻUmi Kūmāwalu, 2022




Aloha Lāpule. The first time I heard the term “New World Order” it was back during the 1990’s LA riots when then President George Herbert Bush coined that phrase. This term might have been said elsewhere before, but this was the first time I had ever heard this term. A New World Order. What did it mean?

Lately, the group that calls itself the “World Economic Forum” is throwing around this meaning, but in a most sinister way. My understanding of their version of a new world order is communism. They say you will own nothing and you will be happy. You will rent everything you need and ownership of property will be eliminated. This means no cars, no homes, no land, no possessions at all. Somehow, the only people that will own anything will be the rich oligarchs that are enforcing this New World Order. They call it the “Great Reset”. Although, I don’t know how they define what a reset is all about. It sounds like more of a great takeover of your freedoms.

They claim it’s to reorganize the world governments to curb global warming. There’s that priority again of claiming that the world is going to overheat due to human activity. It’s their goal to control human activity and reduce this concept of a carbon footprint. Implement a social credit system. If we go back 100-200 years before the invention of the automobile, when horse and buggy was the primary mode of ground transportation, just imagine what kind of world that was like.

The world must have smelled a lot different with horse poop littering the roads. Roads were not paved back then either. Air conditioning didn’t exist then. People must have smelled real bad in the heat of the summer. In the winter, people had to chop wood, and burn coal to keep warm. That released a lot of carbon pollution into the air. Now we have clean burning natural gas and nuclear energy to produce electricity to keep warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and refrigeration to store food for long periods without spoiling. It seem the world has improved over what the “Great Reset” is trying to achieve and we humans did that without the help of the oligarch’s. This whole argument of global warming is a fraud.

In Hawai’i, Covid fears have damaged people’s minds. It’s how the media promoted the fear. There was a time when Hawai’i had a motto of “No Fear”. There was a whole clothing line, hats, surf boards, all sorts of stuff of the Aloha spirit of strength and determination. That’s been beaten into the Red Dirt. Even though the Hawai’i mandates have been lifted, people are still wearing their obedience face diapers. People have been conditioned to fear the unknown. That a piece of cloth will protect them from a virus that has been gone for over a year. Now we have virus mutations, or variants of the original Covid-19 virus, and guess what? The vaccines don’t work against the variants. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but there is talk that the vaccines actually make you more vulnerable to getting one of the variants. Yet, the government is still pushing getting vaccinated. Those with health problems probably should get the vaccine, but if the vaccine doesn’t protect you from the variants, or the original Covid-19 virus, then what good is it?

There’s a larger picture here that is what not being said. Don’t think that the government granting us our freedoms back are because the danger has passed. That happened long ago. It was perpetuated to keep us under control. The Midterms have convinced the Marxist democrats that freedom can be granted once again. If they do it now months before the voting, then the Marxist democrats believe you will forget what they did to you, your business, and your family. Call it short attention span. What they did to your families and your lives, businesses, and children cannot be forgotten. They want their Covid atrocities to be conveniently forgotten and forgiven, and you’ll vote them back into power. Only to have the mandates continue once again after the election. The Lucy and Charlie Brown football hoax. We’ve been indoctrinated into fear.

No one more wants the Covid protocols to continue than the teachers unions. Teachers don’t have to wear obedience face diapers, but children must continue wearing the masks. It is to protect the teachers? Nope. It’s to control the indoctrination program. It’s to prevent the parents from seeing what filth the teachers are teaching children. There many parents on these islands that are fighting against the teachers. Equally, there are many parents that support the teachers and will obediently mask up their kids thinking the false security of a cloth face diaper will protect their child. Better safe than sorry is the reasoning.

We do know that the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion is withholding vaccine information saying that the public might misinterpret the data.  The agency officials admit they have withheld COVID data broken down by age, race and vaccination status because the American people might misinterpret it the information. Withholding data is science fraud. Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, says this meets the criteria for scientific fraud. This is criminal The American people are not stupid. What is it that the CDC is withholding? Are they protecting the Pharmaceutical companies?

Fear is the mind killer. Fear has become the government business. Fraud has become the model to keep people living in fear. From global warming to Covid fears. This is all designed to make you believe that without Big Government to run your lives, then we are all doomed. We have greater problems in our country that are being ignored because of these distractions of global warming and Covid viruses. We have an economic problem that will create food insecurity. We have a illegal immigration problem that will hurt our employment opportunities. But the Fear Propaganda of Covid and Global Warming gets pushed to the front burner and it’s not what’s for dinner. If we cannot afford food, energy and water, then global warming and Covid isn’t going to be an issue in our lives. Living to survive will be our priorities.

The Fake News Media perpetuates the Covid and Global Warming fear propaganda. People don’t know who and what to believe anymore. The agencies that are suppose to be providing us with relevant information are hiding the truth. The Fake News Media defends the lying health agencies saying anything else is all disinformation. Russian propaganda. Lacking scientific basis. Trust your gut instincts and think. Never blindly give your trust away. You’ll end up paying till your dying day. Back Up. Wake Up. Get Up.



Sunny and partly cloudy today with a chance of rain by evening. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 73%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 62°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 31.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāhiku, 2022
