Beyond Lies


Aloha kākou. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Economic Bloodbath continues to wreck the economy as thousands of businesses shutter around the nation. Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has deepened an economic strain across major retail sectors leading to a retail economic bloodbath. Major retailers, including Macy’s, Walgreens, CVS, Family Dollar, Walmart, and 7-Eleven, have announced closures. A staggering 2,599 store closures are planned for this year, marking a 2.5% increase from the same period last year, according to the DailyMail.

A major contributor to the economic woes is the rising crime and thievery at retail stores by mobs of youths. Marxist democrats continue to ignore crime exist, even denying that crime in inner cities is out of control. The videos are out there, the police are overwhelmed. Democrat leaders continue to deny that crime is on the rise but insist that crime is actually declining. They have no grip on reality as they watch their cities burn and crumble.

Once city officials are backed into a corner, they blame crime on racial stereotypes. There must be some equality disparity issues causing an increase in crime, the leftists reason. As with this far-left city attorney that blames crime on racial disparity. It’s all white people’s fault, she says. White people are afraid of black mobs of youths, this kooky attorney contends. Yes, even black people are afraid of a mob of black youths. But listen to this idiot, you will not believe the leftist consternations behind this lunatic’s logic.

“Super Predators,” as Pedo-Joe Biden once defined blacks, can be defined as mobs of young people looting stores. White democrat officials refuse to acknowledge these are mobs of black youths looting stores. They don’t want to give the appearance of being racially prejudiced. It the tables were turned and there were mobs of white kids looting stores, then it would be on the 24/7 national news cycle. The Marxist double standard will continue to make blue cities into intercity-desert no-go zones. Further sending major cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angels, Houston, and others into concrete ghettos. Lawless prison cities of their own making. No businesses are going to want to go there. People living there will lose access to needed medications and food. But the Marxist democrat doesn’t care. It’s racist to say so, don’tcha know.

The White House decided to host a needless Juneteenth celebration this year. While Pedo-Joe Biden watches a variety of entertainers sing songs he seems to be in another world entirely. But things go completely haywire when he has to give the closing speech, and this may be the worst he’s ever seen. — Sivaady

Pedo-Joe Biden stares off into space, never blinks, stands in a robotic stuper seemingly unaware of where he is. Who’s the black guy in the long gown with 7 o’clock shadow? Biden constantly slurring his words making incoherent speeches. Talking nonsense. Blaming crime on white supremacy while pandering to black audiences. Never speaking about what he and his regime would do to help solve the inner-city problems. Instead, Pedo-Joe Biden constantly blames President Trump for the problems his regime has done to American cities. Democrats will always blame others for what they are doing.

Pedo-Joe Biden spoke about being tough on the border back in 2019. But now that he’s been in control for the past few years that has changed dramatically. And to make matters worse something has just been uncovered that might give you the chills. — Sivaady

The border invasion has damaged American security in every state in the nation. Terrorists around the world have been entering the country ever since Biden’s regime opened the borders. Anyone around the world can enter our country. The three letter national security agencies know what’s happening and they refuse to do anything about it. Before 9-11-2001, the FBI used to stop terrorists, bank robbers, and dangerous criminals. Now, the FBI under director Christopher Wray blows it off as investigations he can’t talk about. No one knows what the FBI is doing to protect the nation. What are we paying them to do? The FBI has become Biden’s Pretorian Guard. They protect the pedophile president and his crooked crime family. This is the Deep State at work destroying our nation.

It’s ‘Beyond Lies’ now and it’s just standing operating procedure with the Marxist democrats. They get elected and they destroy the nation. When Republicans come in a fix what the democrats broke, the democrats incite violence and racism to regain power. Nothing ever changes. This has been going on for decades. What do Marxist democrats have to show for this? Cities crumbling, economy crashing, crime rising, and society disintegrating. Then the democrats blame others for their destructive policies.

It’s not a race war that the Marxist democrats want. This is a war between evil and good. It’s between unlimited abortions and saving the nuclear family. The Marxist democrat war against America isn’t just racial, it against conservativism. Justice Clarance Thomas, Ben Carson, Rep. Burgess Owens, Rep. Byron Danials, AG Winsome Sears, and Rep. Mark Robinson are just a few conservative blacks under attack by democrats. These are good people that love their country.

It’s never about race, but ideology of what is good for the country and family. Racism is used as leverage to create fear and loathing. Marxist democrats want a divided America always at each other’s throats. It’s what they believe keeps them in power. Conservatives want a harmonious America where all citizens are promised with their God given rights and opportunities. That’s why we need to Make America Great Again. Get involved in restoring faith in our nation. Vote to Save America. Vote Conservative. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 11/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 13. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmālua 2024

The Rock Has Turned To Sand


Aloha kākou. Some people say change is frightening. Some leaders might describe change as suicidal. Others will say change is inevitable. Others say embracing change is natural and should be accepted. An evolution to placate the changing societal beliefs. Beliefs that are often transitory as fads that come and go. Like fashion, music, and arts that rise and fall to entertain the masses temporally, if not to fool them into compliancy. What does common sense tell us about the healthiness of change?

When the people are told that 2,000 years of religious tradition is not keeping up with changing whims of society, then what is tradition anymore? When someone reads the bible, the largest collection of written history books, written and interpreted into many languages, what do they learn? The life Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived upon this world and gave his life to bring salvation to mankind. The biblical stories and their meanings have never changed nor reinterpreted to meet the needs of today’s dialectic mania. The bible holds the word of God as absolute. Truth must have consistency in order to remain authentic.

When someone is born into Roman Catholic Church and follows through with the Christian rituals; Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation, to be what is known as a cradle-to-grave Catholic. Anyone who has been educated by the church knows about the gospels. They know the teachings of Jesus Christ, and have performed the ritual elements to nourish, strengthen and give expression to their faith in God.

That’s not to say that the church is inflexible to changes in society. The youth of today are instructed by educational standards that have changed moral values with political winds. The church has always been there to refocus Christian beliefs back into the core teaching of God Almighty. Sometimes called the ten simple rules to receive eternal life are the Ten Commandments. Follow those rules and a room in God’s house will be granted. That’s why the bible is there to provide the instructions to eternal life in heaven. 

Of course, reading the Bible is not like reading stereo instructions. But it does provide all the knowledge to understand what purpose God has for us. Where we came from and why we are here. Why were we granted the fruit of knowledge above all other creatures God created upon this planet, this world, in this time? We can choose to either accept those beliefs or not. People are not infallible, and neither is the Pope.

In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Pope Francis described his conservative critics within the U.S. Roman Catholic Church as having a “suicidal attitude.” He defined a conservative as someone who clings to the past and refuses to look beyond it. The Pope emphasized the difference between valuing tradition and being trapped in a rigid, dogmatic mindset, NDTV has reported.

Pope Francis distain for Conservative Americans is well documented. The extreme socialist illiberal Pope has welcomed America’s extremist Catholic political leaders. Nazi Piglosi and Pedo-Joe Biden both proclaim to be devout Catholics. Yet, they support abortion at any time during and after pregnancy, euthanasia, and LGBTQ lifestyles. All beliefs that are contrary to traditional Catholic teachings and the Bible. Last year the Pope dismissed a conservative U.S. bishop who was a withering critic of his papacy and said the conservative wing in the U.S. church was “reactionary.” He also stripped a conservative American cardinal of some Vatican privileges. A priest was defrocked for disagreeing with the Pope. The Pope is purging conservatives from the church.

It makes this Catholic wondering what is going on within the church and with this Pope. Over the years, the church has seen declining attendance. Does this decline in attendance correlate with the church moving more to the left? Changes in traditional church teachings or changes in church influences. Church attendance seems to be more related to changes in illiberal lifestyle. Comfort and style over faith and tradition. The Pope seems to have abandoned the tenants of the church and begun a reformation of a new Church of Gaia. The First Commandment says, thou shall not have other gods before me.

The Pope wrote a message on this year’s made up “Earth Day” holiday, “Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet and we are not safeguarding peace. We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth which is ‘falling into ruin.‘” Pope Francis went on to say that climate crisis has “gotten to the point of no return” and world leaders have an even greater responsibility to act before the planet is consumed by warmth. Or consumed with idiocy.

Meanwhile, in African countries, thousands of Catholics are murdered by Muslim IslamoNazis. Christians are persecuted in China, Ukraine, and in the Holy Land. The Pope has little to say about those atrocities. In Africa’s most populous country Nigeria, Muslim IslamoNazis assailants set ablaze a Nigerian Catholic Priest burning him to death. Women and Children are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam or face death. Many women and children are turned into slaves. These atrocities have been going on for years, but the Pope has little to say about the persecution of Catholics around the world. Instead, the Pope claims that climate crisis is an existential threat to the planet. The Third Rock from the Sun where Christ’s church is built upon is being threatened by some plastic bags and aluminum cans.

The liberal left Catholic Cardinals that voted to elevate Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina to Pope Francis are also far-left idiots in the church. If there were any reason why the church cannot put butts in the pews, then this is the reason why. Leftism is driving conservatives from the church. Catholicism has always been conservative leaning. Conservatives hold onto traditions. Once traditions are no longer important then the rock turns to sand. The foundation of the church fails.

When Jesus Christ was on this earth, he lived a humble and austere life. The Pope lives a life of luxury and opulence. Protected by guards and living in a walled compound. So much so, it’s hard to imagine the sincerity of the man who is the leader of the Catholic church. He performs rituals like the washing of feet, but that’s mostly symbolic. There is real suffering in the world that the Pope seems to be oblivious. The Pope says illegal immigration is good and borders are evil. That has encouraged human trafficking and exploitation of people whose expectations are being destroyed by the false promise of a better life.

Conservative political commentator, Michael Knowles analysis of the Pope’s “60 Minutes” offers a different perspective from my views. I too watched the entire 60 Minutes interview, and I came away with a different opinion. It’s always good to hear a different perspective and I’ll admit there’s parts of the interview that I did miss and didn’t take into consideration.

A couple of things I need to be critical about. Being the leader of the Catholic church, I would expect the Pope to be critical about those Catholic charities that are doing more harm than God’s good work. The Catholic charities that are helping illegal immigrants seeking a new life in America. Only to find a promise that is broken once reality sets in. A nightmare of human trafficking and dangers for those struggling to reach the United States. The Pope claims open borders are good, but he’s not here to see the suffering. The Pope’s dismissal of conservatives in the priesthood and tradition still troubles me. The Pope’s silence over the persecution of Catholics around the world also troubles me.

What have I learned? As a Catholic conservative I’m feeling somewhat excluded from the church which I was raised in. I question whether I’m still welcomed in this version of Pope’s church. I cannot pretend to know everything about what the Pope’s message means. I can only interpret what I heard from the Pope in the 60 Minutes interview. It makes me question the Pope’s leadership in the Church. Am I suicidal conservative as the Pope claims, or is the socialist leftism Pope suicidal to the church? I cannot fully understand what is in this Pope’s message. But it has me wondering — Has the rock on which the church was built upon turned to sand?

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 3/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmālua 2024

Devil In Detail


Aloha kākou. The Devil went down to Delaware to congratulate Pedo-Joe Biden on his efforts to start World War III. We’re already there if anyone hasn’t noticed. We’re in a third world war already. The situation is so dire that a fake unelected international court is accusing the victims of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s war as criminals for defending themselves. Pedo-Hitler Biden started multiple wars in Ukraine, Syria, and the Israel-Palestinians IslamoNazis.

As with all evil, it does not discriminate against religion, gender, and people. It destroys all through hate and bigotry. Evil in this world has found an ally with the Fool on Capitol Hill. A feeble, bumbling, mind-numbing old man that barely can hold back his bowels from excreting explosive diarrhea.

What’s extremely disturbing is how many evil people gravitate to the pedophile in the oval office. They’re willing to prostrate themselves to the alter of evil. In America, members of both political parties participate in this great lie, as do the fringe parties that orbit around this corrupted political system. They see it, and they hear it, and yet, they ignore it. We the American people are in the middle between two clown parties.

We should accept much of the blame since this evil was voted into office by the people. These political officials are often called the lesser of two evils, but we accept evil in its many forms and vote for them anyway. We’re not exempted from allowing evil to get into office. Once evil has embedded itself like a parasite into the body politics, it consumes the host. It feeds from the life blood of the people until the body dies from the political infection it allowed to bury into the heart of the homeland.

The Devil is always in the Details. Except when the details are planted in front of our faces to see, and we gawk like spectators viewing the animals in a zoo. Politics are a zoophile for some that use their office for attention. They can’t turn away. It gets deeper than this as the world keeps spinning into oblivion.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 5/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 76%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024



Aloha kākou. Today is Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. The genocide of Six Million Jews between 1941 and 1945 during World War II by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. Is there another genocide against the Jews coming again? Are genocides happening around the world that is getting little to no attention. The signs are there, but very little is being done.

I’ve read all the history of the Holocaust, seen the war videos, and explored the timeline of the biblical events. I’m not willing to believe this is the human condition since the great flood when the creator cleansed the earth from evil. That evil must have been far worse then, than what is today’s recorded history. From the Roman Empire’s brutal conquests to the rise of Communism which involved various forms of genocide. It’s hard for me to imagine how history repeats itself and lessons are never learned.

Which leads me to ask, why are so many Jews democrats? Democrats don’t appear to be very friendly to jews. Given the events of today, the rise of antisemitism around the world. Why is this being tolerated and not been eradicated? As a cradle Catholic and conservative, I’ve never been able to understand those on both sides of the political aisle. Those that hate the Jews and Jews that tolerate the hate.

What I find disturbing is some Jews in Congress are against Israel. As of 2023, there are nine Jewish Senators and twenty-six Jewish members of the House of Misrepresentatives serving in the United States Congress. Bernard “Commie” Sanders hates the Israelis. Dick “Danang” Blumenthal, Geritol Nadler, and Chuckles Schumer, to name a few. They hate the United States as much as they hate Israel. I really don’t understand it. Perhaps, I’m just ignorant and if so, I’ll embrace ignorance because I know the difference between right and wrong.

Arizona U.S. Senate Candidate and American Sheriff, Mark Lamb, says paid professionals have brainwashed students to join the anti-Israel campus protests. The students were “trained” for nine months prior to these demonstrations. The Arms Locking, Tents, Signs, and slogans were all tactics preplanned months in advance. Students were indoctrinated and trained by Marxists.

Where was the FBI? Where was the Department of Injustice? Where was campus security? Where was the Fake News Media? How does a radical IslamoNazi organization take root, and no one knows anything about this? I find it hard to believe these were spontaneous demonstrations. These demonstrations have been planned since the Nova Festival genocidal massacre on October 7th.

Sivaady — Here we have Jamie Ratskin speaking to Jen Pissaki about the upcoming 2024 presidential election. When he’s asked about a Time magazine article featuring Donald Trump and his response is beyond hypocritical coming from someone like himself.

Why does Jamie Ratskins hate Donald Trump so much? Trump has done so much for Israel and the Jewish people. President Trump moved the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. As President, Donald Trump has been no better friend to Israel. Ratskins vitriol hatred is psychotic and toxic. As with many democrats, and some Uniparty republicans have against this man. What did Trump ever do to them to garner this level of animosity?

I’ve likened Ratskins to Dathan in time of Moses who hated own people and sold them to the Egyptians. If Ratskins were alive during the Holocaust he would have sold his own family to the Nazis for six pieces of silver and even forced them into the gas chambers. Ratskins has never spoken out against the Palestinian IslamoNazis rioting on college campuses. Ratskins seems to revel in the hatred for the Jews. Why hasn’t the US AG Meritless Garland also investigated these IslamoNazis? Where is the money coming from?

At Columbia University, IslamoNazi protesters are pressing for the sale of holdings tied to companies allegedly profiting from Israel’s actions like Google, Amazon and Airbnb. At Yale and Cornell, students have called for their schools to divest themselves of weapons manufacturers involved in Israel’s efforts to defend themselves from a second genocidal holocaust. But how does divestment work at universities? What does Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) really mean? Wall Street Journal explores the history of divestment movements at schools and the challenges involved in modern divestment initiatives.

WSJ wording that Israel is profiting from war is misleading and disinformation. Israel doesn’t profit from war. Weapon manufactures will sell destruction to anyone that can pay. No questions asked. Comparisions to South Africa apartheid is also disinformation. Israel does not oppress Palestinians, they’re oppressed by their own people, Hamas.

Israel is at war against genocidal monsters that wish to kill Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other Muslims. These IslamoNazi fascists want to kill everyone on earth. We must not allow IslamoNazi Palestinians to fake genocide. Pallywood creates the illusion and Hamas sets the stage for the world to see. Hamas uses the Fake News Media to broadcast fake injuries and deaths to create world sympathy. Videos of fake blood, rubber babies, and staged ambulances are used to create the visual effect. When Israel is extremely careful not to target civilians. People die during war, but Hamas started it. Hamas does use their own people as human shields. That’s a documented fact.

Jewish alumni fund many Universities endowments. Many of the antisemite protestors are paid for by Pedo-Joe Biden donators. George Soros, whom I’m told is also Jewish, funds these IslamoNazis. If this is so, and it looks as if it is, then why isn’t anyone stopping Soros and his companies that are funding this terrorism? In effect, these IslamoNazis are being funded by wealthy democrats that hate America and Israel. Many of these protesters are not even students but paid professional protesters. Leftist University Presidents are standing with the IslamoNazi Terrorists. It’s a total collapse of the university system.

President Trump was in court today and spoke about the illegal election interference trial. About the discovery of third parties funding the university demonstrations. It’s what we all suspected before but now know it’s a fact. We now know the ‘who,’ but no one is asking the ‘why.’ It’s as if the IslamoNazi terrorist’s feelings will get hurt if asked why. The Fake News Media will not confront these questions. Law enforcement won’t protect the victims from IslamoNazi mobs. Leftist universities refuse to acknowledge there’s an antisemitic problem. Showing such weakness invites greater attacks.

Genocide is being call forth against the Jews once again. The last time this happened in our lifetime was during World War II. Genocide was exposed only after the war ended. By then it was already too late for the millions of victims. Antisemitism and religious bigotry are again on the rise. Will the horrors of genocide happen again? If so, then won’t be isolated to just the Jews. This IslamoNazism will spread to other religions and cultures. Our enemies are building it, and this regime is funding it. These are the paradoxical horrors we are facing. Acts of genocide have increased under weak world leadership and that must change quickly before it is too late. Vote to Save America in November. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 1/2 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 83%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 90%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is .5 Air quality Index is good at 34. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Eono 2024

Lei Day May Day


Aloha kākou. In Hawai’i, May Day is Lei Day. We celebrate by the saying “Aloha ‘ekahi i ‘ekahi” – Love one and another. Peace be with you and may the seeds you sow today runneth over into your harvest bins. The work done today will sustain us in preparation for the season of winter. That’s how it’s always been for centuries. Commerce, trade, bartering, buying, and selling is the capitalist constructive collaboration of a healthy and wealthy society.

Capitalism is the economic system in which investments are made. Ownership is how the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained by private individuals or corporations. This is the source of wealth and happiness. Especially as contrasted to cooperative state-owned means of wealth.

Socialism, by contrast, means the state owns the means of production, distribution, and exchange of goods. It provides no incentive for the individual to produce on their own. Decisions are made by faceless unelected bureaucrats that collect the fruits of our labor to be redistributed by equity. To each according to their needs and ability. Regardless of the individual efforts to produce more, the end product is shared with those that don’t produce.

The socialist mantra of “Worker of the World Unite” means work as hard or as little as you like, each will receive an equal share from all. In short, your bounty, your happiness, your wealth, will be redistributed to others. You can’t decide to keep, sell, barter, nor trade what you produce, and therefore, you become unhappy and toxic. Because the socialist system keeps you down from reaching the next rung on the ladder of success.

The first of May is also known as “International Workers Day.” However, the origin of May Day is the celebration of the Spring Festival that started in medieval Europe. A once wholesome celebration to welcome spring into summer. When the earth is renewed from the long winter’s grip and the lands are cultivated in anticipation for the fall harvest. Except these days the spring festival has been coopted by Communists that spread greed, hate, envy, and violence.

It is said that we can’t have anything nice anymore without leftists criticizing, mocking, and disparaging goodness in fits of rage. They’re not happy until everyone else is unhappy. Toxic Personalities of miserable people who can’t stand to see other people happy. They will do everything to ruin the happiness of others by any means necessary. They are the rotting fruit on the vine that poisons the joys of life.

An extraordinary event happened at the university in North Carolina. A group of young men at UNC Chapel Hill held up the American flag. Keeping the flag from touching the ground while others tried to replace it with the Palestinian Terror flag. – Photo by Freelance Journalist Bryan Anderson – @BryanRAnderson X-Twitter


I edited the photo to add “National Heroes” in support the bravery of these students. They stood up to the rabid IslamoNazis anti-American demonstrators. Brendan Rosenblum, a junior and Jewish student at UNC-Chapel Hill, had water bottles thrown at him as he stood in the middle of the quad holding an Israeli flag while protesters tried to replace an American flag with a Palestinian terror flag. An act of spontaneous patriotism and American unity, students of all backgrounds banded together to Save America. I quickly composed this short video of videos captured on X-Twitter. The Only Free Speech Social Media Platform On The Internet. – Thanks to Elon Musk.

This patriotism is truly from the American heart. In extraordinary times, people have the courage to do extraordinary things. This is an example of where the Tree of Liberty needs to be refreshed. Those patriots that shed their blood for this country now reside in Arlington. Heroes of all kinds that love this country, and who fought and died for this country.

Another way to look at refershing the “Tree of Liberty” is replacing Congress with fresh new faces. New ideas and innovative solutions. A restoration of national patriotism. It’s time to remove the greed and graft in government. Too many have made politics a career at the expense of the people they’re supposed to serve. They’ve forgotten why they were sent to Washington D.C. in the first place. Too far from home to hear the people’s voices.

To Save America we must all get involved. To act and prepare to preserve our Constitutional Republic. Which many in Congress mistakenly refer to as “Democracy.” Republic and Democracy are frequently used to mean the same thing: a government in which the people vote for their leaders. There are nuances and differences between these words. Democracy is ruled by a mob majority, whereas a Republic is ruled by a representation of the minority and majority. Equal representation for all.

Which is why the Founders despised democracy in favor of a representational government. The genius of the Electoral College prevents a democratic mob rule from being the sole power over the people. Our republic is an imperfect system, but our system of government has worked for nearly 250 years. It’s the reason why we are the wealthiest nation of God’s Green Earth. It’s why we have more opportunities. Why else do people leave their democratic and socialist nations to come here? People are not leaving here for elsewhere, they come to America. We must fight to keep it that way. Legally.

Our Constitution is the blueprint. The rock on which our nation was formed. All we need to do is read it, understand it, and follow it. We will last for a thousand years if we teach it to ourselves and our posterity. By the people, for the people, means the people are the masters of our destiny. We have the responsibility to maintain our house. We own it.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with isolated showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 9 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 77%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 5. Air quality Index is good at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ekahi 2024

Silent Screams


Aloha Lāpule. The universities are now centers for Pro-Hamas and Anti-Israel hate protests. These student protests are spreading and becoming increasingly more violent. These are paid propagandists that support Hamas terrorists and condemns Israel for defending themselves. Students holding PSL signs at universities are littered with this pro-communist, pro-Hamas terror, propaganda. These groups are funded by George Soros and far-left radical Marxist democrats that hate America and hate capitalism. Why the media and other news outlets haven’t made this a priority is frightening. Political correctness run amuck.

Marxist indoctrination of students at dozens of universities across the United States have demanded an end to the Israel-Palestine War. Students are pressuring universities to sever ties with firms and institutions that do commerce with Israel. This campus activism comes amid growing violent pro-Palestine demonstrations across the country.

On October 7th, 2023, the world witnessed the horror of the Hamas attacks on Israel. The concert in the dessert and civilian homes where terrorist animals slaughtered women, children, and whole families. Attacks that were well coordinated and planned. The unspeakable atrocities that Hamas committed were inhuman.

To date, there are several Americans citizens and from other countries still being held hostage by Hamas. Hidden in tunnels under Gaza, in hospitals, schools, and other countries. Hostages are being used as human shields by Hamas. Pedo-Joe Biden has again abandoned the American hostages as he did in Afghanistan. The Fake News Media doesn’t even speak of the hostages.

Hamas released a video showing an Israeli American dual citizen who has been held hostage since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel. Other American hostages are still being held including women and children. Hamas is using these hostages as human shields. Muslims in Congress, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, and even Jewish members in Congress have ignored and abandoned Americans being held hostage. Pedo-Joe Biden hasn’t spoken a word about the hostages.

A Must-Watch documentary, “Screams Before Silence” sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7, 2023. As heartbreaking as these stories in the documentary are, we cannot afford to look away. 

The entire movie can be seen at this link here: Screams Before Silence is a must-see movie for everyone to fully grasp the horrors that happened on October 7th, 2023. The movie can only be watched on YouTube because of the violent content. Out of respect for the families, the victims are blurred out. The survivors and witnesses tell their stories of Hamas brutality.

The reaction at American universities and students is completely opposite from what would be expected from a sane and rational society. University professors, Administrators, have poisoned the minds of students with this woke ideology that Israel is at fault. Israel was attacked and people were brutally murdered. These students with minds of mush believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. They refuse to see the truth behind the IslamoNazi horror. The students are being manipulated by these anti-American communist groups to believe Israel is the aggressor. Nothing is further from the truth.

Silent Screams will never be heard unless people speak out and do something to stop this terrorism against western civilization. It is a war against western civilization. Islams purpose is to conquer, kill, and destroy western culture and transform it into a caliphate. Weak leaders bring hard times and strong leaders bring good times. It is in our own survival that we stop this Islamic Terrorism before it becomes an intractable monster.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 35/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is fair at 38. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāwalu 2024

End Of Democracy


Aloha kākou. It’s the End of the World if President Donald J. Trump wins back the Presidency. According to the Fake News Flying Monkeys, this will be the end of democracy as we know it. They whine and cry that Trump will be a dictator. That Trump will destroy democracy and become a dictator autocrat. It’s been foretold. So it is written by the fake news media newspapers. So shall it be done in the eyes of Marxist democrats. The problem with this illogical and irrational thinking is that we already live in a tyrannical autocratic oligarchy democracy. If the Marxist democrat lose to President Trump, it will be the end of the world.

Every Marxist democrat, IslamoNazi, Socialist fascist, Antisemite, and Christianophobic all hate the United States. They see this election as their last stand to engulf the nation under autocratic rule. Their strategy is simple; accuse President Trump and his followers as racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic [and] Islamophobic. Sounds like the Hildabeast Clinton, doesn’t it?

The Fake News Media echos that lie. Pedo-Joe Biden calls half of Americans as dangerous White Christian Nationals. Pedo-Hitler Biden cites nonexistent government statistics claiming that Americans are a danger to Democracy. Notice how they wash, rinse, and repeat the same mantra over and over? The Nazi strategy of manipulating neighbor against neighbor in the same way Pedo-Joe Biden is singling out Christians and Jews. That’s crossed over into Poison Ivy Universities. Yet, the Marxist democrats and the Fake News Media will say over and over that President Trump is a “Threat To Democracy.”

DroneTek makes a hilarious and accurate comparison to the fear, uncertainty, and doubt the Marxist democrats are pushing on America. MSDNC interviews slip-n-fall lawyer, Andrew Weissmann, warns that using the same legal political tricks the Marxist democrats use is illegal for Trump to use. What?!?! Weissmann is a litigator rodent. He’s the clownish equivalent to Inspector Javert that continues to pursue President Trump for winning the 2016 election. Thus, denying Barry the Bullshitter’s Hussein Obummer’s third term.

Even though the Hildabeast was thoroughly rejected by the American people, other vexatious litigators like Marx Elias were able to change the state election laws to rig the 2020 election. That brought the disastrous Pedo-Hitler Biden and Obummers staff back to the White House. The hell this regime has put this country through is hardest on working Americans. They see their jobs going away. Losing their homes to runaway economic turmoil, high taxes, and shrinking liberties.

Trump is in the way of evil coming after us. This persecution is just a prelude to the dystopian future Marxist democrats have planned for America. The replacement of citizens by illegal aliens. Transforming America into a third world country. Still, President Trump hasn’t given up. Hasn’t surrendered to the mob. Anyone else would have taken their wealth and moved on. That shows true love for this nation.

The End of Democracy makes me wonder whose democracy is ending? The tyrannical control the democrats have over our nation has been disastrous. Marxism is incompatible with our Constitutional structure. Is there a Great Awakening happening? I really hope so, because once communism takes control over our lives, it is damned hard to get rid of it. We’re seeing the poisonous fruit of the Marxist democrat’s policies. We must save America and democracy. Save our Constitutional Republic and restore American Greatness. Only we can do this. Get involved.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 5/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is good at 32. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2024

Ignorance And Arrogance


Aloha kåkou. Ignorance can be overcome by education, but arrogance is more difficult to educate. Listen to a couple of learned Columbia university chickadees that heard about a protest happening down the road at New York University. Or maybe they thought they were going to a keg party. But these two future brainy scholars made their way down to the Palestinian protest where a mob of ignorant and arrogant students were protesting over something somebody did.

They just didn’t know what it was everyone was protesting about. But there was lots of angry shouting, screaming, signs, fires, police, and keffiyeh scarfs. Campus life these days. It used to be toga and beer kegger parties. But now it’s Children of the Korn unleashed upon Fraternities and Sororities. Note the sign behind the girl that says, “Party for Socialism and Liberation.”

In my previous blog post I detailed who the “Party for Socialism and Liberation” are about. It’s interesting how these people happen to appear at violent protests with freshly made signs, T-shirts, and keffiyeh scarves. Especially at Poison Ivy League Universities where most students lack self-awareness of current world events. It’s as if these socialists were planted there by some hidden entity. Hmmm… makes you think. But that makes my brain hurt.

None of these students know why they’re supporting IslamoNazi Hamas terrorists. Their lack of understanding of Middle East conflicts supports the hypothesis of sheer ignorance. They don’t know the history of the Palestinians. Who they are. Where they came from. The nomadic Bedouin tribes that wandered the desert for centuries. They had no homeland. They have no clue why other Arab nations refuse to take in the Palestinians as refuges. It’s because Palestinians are violent and have in the past tried to overthrow Jordan, Egypt, and Syrian governments. With the help of Irans funding. Ask them who Yasser Arafat was and they don’t know. But he had a cool keffiyeh scarf.

FBI Director Wray said the FBI doesn’t monitor protests in an interview with Fake News NBC. Wray said the FBI doesn’t monitor protests, “but we do share intelligence about specific threats of violence with campuses, with state and local law enforcement.” That’s because the FBI priorities are hunting down January 6th Grandmothers that entered the Capitol Building. Monitoring Parents attending school board meetings and spying on Christian White Supremacists attending Latin Masses. You know, the usual domestic terror suspects. The people that have families and work for a living. People that don’t have the time nor calories to go out and protest during the day and night. Those people that went to Trade Schools to start a business and families. Yeah, the FBI needs to keep an eye on those people.

Communists are coordinating with university campuses to incite antisemitic threats and violence in connection with the Israel-Hamas war. They’re not on the FBI’s radar. So, what good is the FBI? Why are we paying the FBI to be America’s Premier Law Enforcement? We can’t count on Congress either to ask these questions. They’re too busy selling out American taxpayers’ money to Ukraine. They’re too busy making TikTok videos and campaigning for the November elections. Plus, there’s too much money to be skimmed from supporting foreign oligarchies.

The FBI and National security officials know TikTok provides Chinese intelligence services with “the ability to collect the data. The CCP has the ability to control and collect data. Which means the ability to push communist narratives and downplay criticism of the Chinese government. In effect, enlist millions of users as unwitting advocates of Chinese Communist propaganda. It’s working. The Communists are here in universities. Graduating as the next generation of business and political leaders. Communists have invaded America and they never needed to fire a single shot. Just armed University Students and Professors with Ignorance and Arrogance.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with occasional moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 59/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 81%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.15 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 4. Air quality Index is fair at 40. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmālima 2024

University Kristallnacht 

Aloha kākou. American Poison Ivy League Universities have become IslamoNazi Institutions of Jewish hatred. This loathing against Jews and the United States has been incubating for years. Far-Left Marxist tenured professors embedded in universities have been proselytizing antisemitism and anti-Americanism sentiment openly for years. Ever wonder why young people leave home for college and come home completely transformed into a leftist hate-spewing monster? See the before and after.


The transformation is startling. They leave home sweet and innocent and return home for the holidays looking unrecognizable. Minds of mush are stuffed with leftist excrement. Spouting far-left radicalism and racial anti-social hostility. Armed with useless degrees in gender studies and basket weaving, they have no marketable skills to sustain themselves. They live alone or with their parents seething in hatred of the world. And now they want their college tuition paid for by the American working public.

Is it any wonder why the Jewish Marxist democrats in Congress are extremely quiet lately? The riots and violence on university campuses against Jews and America are barely spoken about by Jewish members of Congress. Senators and Misrepresentives: Chuckles Schumer, Benard Commie Sanders, Jamie Ratskins, Geritol Nadler, and others are all noticeably quiet. While IslamoNazis in Congress, Rashita Tlaib, Oman Illian, woman beater Keeth Ellison and other Islamics expressing extreme hatred for America. But they love Islamic terrorism. Call them Palestinians, ISIS, or Hamas, they’re all the same. Violent Islamic extremists. What they all have in common is extreme hatred for America.


Who is behind the financial assistance to these Islamic radicals? That would be George “Sidious” Soros. The billionaire terror financier and virulent anti-American. Why this fascist still holds American Citizenship is a mystery to me. Soros should have had his citizenship revoked and deported to Hungary. Soros is a major donator to Marxist democrats and radical Islamic terror groups. And Soros is a secular Jew. Or so I’m told.

“After October 7th, the Soros organization, through Tides and also directly, have been funding groups that are organizing the demonstrations.” Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, Founder and President of the American Center for Democracy and the Economic Warfare Institute, also says Qatar is sending money to U.S. colleges and universities to fund programs critical of Israel.

The rise of anti-Semitism, anti-Christian, and anti-Americanism is now a function of the Marxist democrat party. They sanction this hatred. There are many groups behind this violent radicalism: The Tides Center, ActBlue, Community Justice Exchange, and A15 are just a few named here, but there are many more with the goal of overthrowing our Constitutional Republic and transforming us into a Marxist totalitarian state.

Scores of “Free Palestine” protesters across the United States took to the streets Monday to block major airports, highways, and bridges. Those who are arrested will receive bail money and legal support from a left-wing dark money behemoth funded by George Soros, an online fundraising page show. — Jessica Costescu at Free Beacon

Read the above Article as it explains in detail who these radical groups are and the danger they are to this country. They are using Dark Money to fund terror attacks while absolving themselves from any involvement. They make no apologies for inciting chants of “Death to America” by IslamoNazi groups. A terror attack is just a matter of time, but Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime is more interested in investigating Christians peacefully praying and parents protecting children from pedophile teachers and drag queens.

America is under attack on several fronts. In Congress by Marxist democrats, in Universities by Marxist Professors, and by the Fake News Media that plays down the violent IslamoNazi rhetoric. As if the Holocaust and October 7th never existed. We have been at War with Radical Islam since the founding of this nation. From the Barbary Wars in the 1800’s, to the 911 attacks in 2001, and now today in universities across the country. America is under attack internally.

University Kristallnacht is a stark reminder of 1930’s Nazi Germany when Hitler’s Brownshirts destroyed Jewish businesses. Except now they’re threatening Jewish professors and students. Islamics are preventing Jews from attending University and committing acts of violence. The responsibility solely belongs on Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime for not preventing these University NeoNazis attacks. If this fascism is allowed to continue it will embolden these Islamic NeoNazis to commit a mass terror attack in America, somewhere, sometime, soon.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1-3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the north northeast at 12 mph, gusts 25 mph. Cloud cover is 37%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 26. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmālua 2024

Frenzied Flames


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. Not since the Vietnam War have I seen anyone purposely self-immolate. Back then it was Buddhist Monks protesting the war. But now it’s becoming a trend with the unhinged left. A monkey sees, monkey do phenomena that has happened twice now. First it was a military serviceman protesting against Israel. This latest event in NYC seems to be someone protesting tyranny in government. More information is yet to be revealed.

This self-martyrdom explained in political manifestos will have either little or no understanding. What was shocking then, is not so shocking anymore. Everyone has become numb to the horror. Everyone reaches for their cellphones to capture the moment and repost it on unsocial media. It’s physical and psychological terrorism. Flames are used to frighten people into a frenzy of fear.

Perhaps it’s related to the latest trend on university campuses where religious intolerance is allowed. Pro Gazan Palestinians threatening violence against Jews is accelerating. This isn’t any different from radical IslamoNazis that burned people alive. IslamoNazis torched Yazidis, Christians, Jews, and other Muslims. Will the Pro Gazan Palestinians be the new BLM-Antifa domestic terror groups?

They’ve infested into universities spreading religious bigotry against Jews. They’ve flooded the rainbow blue city streets causing havoc. They threaten people with violence and with impunity. Law enforcement is paralyzed to stop them. Muslim democrat antisemites in congress praise and support these islamo-fascists in the name of Palestine.

Accuracy in Media visited the Columbia University and NYU campuses to further expose the extent of antisemitism on campus. AIM asked students to sign a thank you card for Hamas in response to the October 7 attacks in Israel. Several radical, antisemitic students were more than happy to oblige.

Frenzied Flames are growing across the nation, and it being allowed to happen. Just a BLM-Antifa was allowed to burn down cities in the name of racial justice. Are we about to see this lawlessness happen again just before the 2024 Presidential elections? It seems well coordinated to force the government to take some kind of action. Are more restrictions on Constitutional rights being considered? Or will be see violent protests spread across the nation. This is why we need strong law enforcement to stop this before it gets out of control. We cannot rely on Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime to bring law and order.

Stay safe out there America. We can change this in November. Tomorrow, President Trump will hold a rally in North Carolina. I’m sure Trump will address this growing fascism in America. Let’s help to save America before it’s too late. MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmāiwa 2024