Unsocial Media


Aloha kākou. File this under; “If they can’t censor it, then ban it.” U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy called for placing tobacco-style warning labels on Unsocial Media to alert users that the platforms can harm to children’s and adults’ mental health. These warnings labels by the Surgeon General are targeting online platforms Fascistbook, Instagrumble, and the Chinese TikTok. Whew, thank the tech gods that X (twitter) wasn’t on the list. I would be a bloody blubbering mess by now.

Surgeon General Dr. Murthy has long complained he views unsocial media as a mental health risk. In reality, it’s only “Free Speech” to a degree. These platforms do monitor content and will remove, and ban users for abuse, threats, and whatever they perceive as “hate speech.” Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Surgeon General’s idea of a health risk is profoundly subjective to political narratives. If they don’t like your political leanings, they will remove, throttle-back, and even ban users for benign political content. It you’re against Pedo-Joe Biden’s social agenda, then you’re a mental health risk. It’s not really the platform, it’s your beliefs and political views.

In Murthy 2023 advisory on the subject, he warned that “there are ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.” Murthy urged Congress to enact legislation requiring that social media platforms include a surgeon general’s warning to “regularly remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proved safe.” Like tobacco warnings. Quel Dommage! Can you imagine opening Fascistbook and seeing a warning popping up on your device warning you like a pack of cigarettes? What about cigars and booze?

I do know people that shut off their devices on the weekends. From Friday evening till Monday, they leave their devices off to spend time having a mental break from unsocial media noise. This is so they can spend more time with family amid the distractions that comes with unsocial media postings. They’re the lucky ones with the resolution to avoid temptation. Me, not so much. From dawn to dusk, from my waking moments, till I close my eyes, I’m forever scrolling through my device reading and commenting on posts from several unsocial media sites. It’s an addiction, I know. But I don’t have a life anyway and it keeps me off the streets from getting into trouble. No really! I’m being cereal.

Before the internet came along, life was very different from what we know today. I often miss life before the internet. Most kids today have never known anything but the internet. Parents will give their devices to their kids and let them play games and watch videos. No need for a real babysitter anymore. There was so much time spent outside for hours. Now, all you see is people with their faces buried in their screens.

I don’t use unsocial media for sharing pictures of myself, puppy dogs and cats. I use it for information, news, and some entertainment also. Unlike those that use unsocial media for interaction with other people, family, and friends. Those whose eyes are glued to their screens watching mindless videos, I shy away from interacting with others. I prefer to read stories, and sometimes comments. I’m doing research on news stories. Collecting information locally and nationally. Gathering knowledge for my blog postings. It’s a source of lazy sadistic pleasure in a way.


There may be something to the mental health deterioration of people being on the internet for too long. The internet is a double-edged sword. There’s good and convivence on one side, and there is a very evil side to the internet. One of the reasons that I do not interact with people online is that you never know who you’re talking to. When I get Direct Messages (DM’s) from people that I don’t know, I ignore them and even block them. You just never know who these people are. With the increase in Artificial Intelligence, there are many internet bots that are just people talking to computer generated messages.

It’s like those annoying messages from automated operators when you use the phone to schedule service. “Press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish, press 3 to hear these options again.” These phone bots are now on the internet. Faceless drones that pretend to be humans. I often wonder if the internet provides some form of companionship for people with no friends. No interactions with real people in social environments. Like having a conversation with a computer.

Imagine the computer having a mental breakdown? Sometimes people use the internet to draw attention to themselves. Take for example the Houston, Texas democrat that used the internet to send himself racist messages. Taral Patel, 30, was running for Fort Bend County Commission Precinct 3 – a local position in the outer suburbs of Houston – the registered democratic candidate running for a local office position in Texas was arrested on charges from a racist attack he allegedly staged against himself. Imagine getting arrested for sending yourself hate messages.

Imagine being so desperate to win a political office that you bring attention of racism to yourself. This political hopeful landed himself in big criminal trouble after being investigated by Texas rangers. Sources say it may be related to accusations of racism. Of course it’s related to racism. Because he’s a minority he felt he had immunity from investigation. If a Republican did this stunt, it would be covered on every cable news network 24/7. Cries of racism and public crucifixions would be called for. Our double standard of injustice would see to that. 

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 35/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua 2024



Aloha kākou. Why do billionaires build mansions on ocean beach fronts? We are told by so-called climate experts that building structures on the ocean fronts are environmentally unsafe. Here in Hawai’i, legislators rushed to pass regulations to protect our eroding shorelines from people building structures.  Structures being mansions for the very rich and wealthy. We have lots of wealthy people here that have taken over the island shorelines. They cut off access to the beaches, erect seawalls, fences, and create private compounds exclusively for themselves and their wealthy friends. The general public is not allowed to enter these areas.

These laws were passed to preserve Hawaii’s natural coastlines. To protect native Hawaiian homelands and allow public access to the beaches. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach erosion throughout the State of Hawai’i. Such structures interrupt the natural flow of the ocean currents, preventing beaches from migrating inland. On O’ahu, the shoreline has the most notable erosion and that’s where many billionaires have built shoreline compounds.

So then, why does a former president who claimed his election will slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet be allowed to build a mansion on protected shorelines? A mansion that includes a century old concrete seawall. Does the ocean cease to rise for some but not others? No, money can buy an exemption for the uber wealthy. An easement is a real estate tool that allows private property owners to essentially lease the public land that sits at the seawall. The property owner pays a one-time payment of a couple of thousand dollars and voila! Obummer now owns Fifty years of Native Hawaiian Coastline. Ocean side property with a seawall granted by buying off local politicians.

Albeit, this is an existing mansion, but with all new construction, an expanded seawall, and guarded 24/7 by secret service agents. The public is kept back from getting too close to Obummer’s compound. Neighboring friends of the Obummer’s get the benefits of the added protection by keeping the public away from these locations. The property was once the Native Hawaiian community of Waimanalo. Located on the west side of O’ahu, on three acres at the historic turtle-fish ponds that used to feed Hawaiian chiefs. Where local Hawaiian families took their children to splash and swim in its calm waters. That’s all gone now under exclusive ownership of wealthy mainland families, including the Obummer’s and his cronies.

Obummer, who some claim was born in Hawai’i, but has yet to be officially proven. The questionable authenticity birth certificate and a newspaper clipping are the only evidence of birth. Why does the Fake News Media repeat this native-born claim ad nauseum? Obummer is on video admitting he was born in Kenya. Why is it permittable for the uber wealthy to build seawalls and structures on the ocean front, but ordinary people are prohibited from enjoying the calm turquoise ocean waters?

Obummer doesn’t seem to be joking about his birthplace, but that all academic history now. The damage Obummer and his Marxist regime has done to this country is still being felt today. The Fake News Media circled the wagons around Obummer to protect his legacy just as they’re doing with Pedo-Hitler Biden. All those videos that were posted on the interwebs showing Pedo-Joe Biden freezing up are all fake says White House Press Secretary Karinge Jean-Luc Picard. It all disinformation, don’tcha know. Don’t believe your eyes and ears from hundreds of fake news media and cellphones videos. Videos posted showing what happened in France, at a black church, and in a Hollyweird fund raiser. Pedo-Joe Biden having what appears to be an epileptic seizure. But don’t believe your lying eyes and ears, believe only what the White House diversity hire tells you.

The White House instructed the State Run Media to spread the disinformation claims that Biden didn’t have a Springstein Tenth Avenue Freeze Out. All those moments where Pedo-Joe Biden was staring off into space, wandering off aimlessly, slurring his speech, and freezing motionless, expressionless, and vacuously gone. No, those were all fake videos made by the MAGA Army of Trump Supporters. And you’d better believe it, or else. Notice how the Fake News Media has stopped reporting on it?

Exemptions for me, but not for thee. That’s how it works for corrupt politicians. These corrupt politicans use their power and influence to make millions of dollars selling their taxpayer paid office. They buy homes in Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, New York, Washington D.C. and in Hawai’i. Pedo-Hitler Biden owns several multi-million-dollar mansions homes in Delaware and Virginia. All on a Senator’s salary. Roughly around $200,000 a year. How does that happen?

One might compare Obummer and Biden’s net wealth to President Donald Trump’s wealth. The difference is that Donald Trump earned his wealth through his businesses. Whereas Obummer and Biden made their wealth through political corruption. Many in Congress have taken advantage of their office for gain. Nazi Piglosi, Mitch McConnell, and others that make up the Deep State corruption in this country.

It’s a long way when President George Washington refused to become a king of the new United States Republic. Washington only served only two terms as President and then stepped down to allow another to maintain the integrity of the newly created Representative Republic. The 20th Amendment was passed in 1933 to prevent another Franklin D. Roosevelt’s unprecedented four terms as president.

Now we have a corrupt banana republic regime that is persecuting its political rival, Donald Trump. They’re going to imprison President Donald J. Trump in July. That’s going to happen unless there is some kind of intervention by either the Supreme Court, Congress, or the people rising up in protest. The danger now is losing our republic to a Marxist autocracy permanently. The elections will be a mere formality. A coronation of an empty vessel. A puppet made for window dressing, while the real power brokers are behind the wall of power. We will no longer be a nation for and by the people. Be prepared for what is coming.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 13/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāwalu 2024

Projecting Proof


Aloha kākou. Climate hysteria is back in the news again. When has the weather not been in the news? It’s either too hot or too cold. Too wet or too dry. It’s always something. It’s hurricane season and the projections of the number of storm landings are already predicted. It’s always prudent to prepare for any disaster eventuality. These things do happen from time to time. Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and floods are facts of life on this planet. The question is just how frequent, and damaging will these weather events happen is anyone’s guess.

One of the common warnings from the so-called environmentalists is the rise of the oceans. Something that the Fake News Media constantly reminds us during the weather reports. They must insert rising ocean levels into the narrative to remind us that we’re all going to drown because of manmade global warming. Should we worry about the rise of the oceans? How long do we have before the waterline comes up to our necks?

Heartland Institute Research Fellow Linnea Lueken looks at sea level rise, and whether or not it poses an existential threat to coastal communities. That data: NASA satellite readings that date back to 1993 show that sea level rising at a pace of just 1.2 inches every decade, and older records from tide gauges show a rate of about 1 foot per century. Hardly an existential threat, let alone one to the world’s coastal cities.

This answers the question why the uber wealthy are building oceanfront mansions. There’s obviously not a crisis to be concerned about. Maybe about 500 years from now but today not so much. No one can predict what the world will be like 500 years from now, let alone 10 years from now. Heck, the weather people cannot predict the weather seven days from now.

What is consistent is that the weather is constantly changing. As the planet constantly moves around the sun and the solar system around the galaxy, the weather changes. The idea that man controls the weather is absurd. The argument that CO2 and NO2 are causing a climate crisis is misinformation. These are life giving gases that produce life.

A greening planet is a good thing. Another Ice Age would be catastrophic for parts of the planet. The chances of another Ice Age happening in our lifetime are slim to none. However, just forty years ago, the so-called environments were predicting another Ice Age. It just goes to show you. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. But climate change is causing more catastrophic flooding. Or is it?

Heartland Institute Research Fellow Linnea Lueken addresses the claims that flooding is getting more frequent and severe because of climate change. The truth is, flooding has always occurred, and most recent examples are more due to infrastructure than heavy rainfall alone.

Climate hysteria can be blamed for rising homeowner insurance rates. Some insurers won’t issue a policy if you live in a flood zone. In Hawai’i, insurers won’t write a policy for people living in lava zones. The National Flood Insurance Program writes policies based on repeated disaster events. When insurance rates are priced too high, it’s probably because the risks are greater in some zones. In Hawai’i we have flood and lava zones where insurance rates are priced based on past events and predicted risks. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don’t. If they get it wrong, well, never mind.

Projecting Proof is always based on unknown data. It’s not usually based on actual events but on hysteria. Advances in science, construction, and trends are often ignored over hysteria. Which drives the cost of homeowners insurance up. We often hear of the hundred-year event. Once in a lifetime. An anomaly in weather patterns. Most times, the blame is always manmade global warming. Shifts in atmospheric and orbital data are not even considered. It’s as if we must pray to the climate gods for fair weather. As we sit in our air-conditioned buildings and offices. We can rest assured that all will be well. Maybe.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 91%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is good at 32. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāhiku 2024



Aloha Lāpule and Happy Father’s Day. I love spending my Sunday watching the news and nature shows.

Journey through the most compelling moments of nature’s political landscape with AI David Attenborough. This documentary explores the intricate balance of power, survival, and conflict in the animal kingdom, showcasing how politics and nature intertwine. From leadership battles among primates to territorial disputes in the wild, witness the drama and beauty of our planet like never before.

It’s a binge weekend with television and barbeque. The Flag is waving in the TradeWind breezes. Later on this evening I’m going to rewatch the “Jesus Revolution” movie again. A wonderful film for the family. The story takes place in the 1970’s when I was just a lad in high school. I remember vividly the events of those years. I had to write essays on current events happening at that time. That was when schools would actually teach instead of indoctrinating students.

Sunday Funday doesn’t happen every weekend. It’s my weekend honeydew list of chores around the yard and house. But today I get to do what I want for a change. Which, as it turns out, is much of the same thing I do every weekend. It’s going to be a busy week and there’s a lot to prepare. Father’s Day is a special occasion to recognize and appreciate the role of all the fathers in our lives. Especially the big guy upstairs. Let’s Make America Great Again. Let’s get involved in election 2024. We have a country to save. Trump 2024.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 23. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāono 2024

The End Of The Petrodollar


Aloha kākou. The end of the Petrodollar should be extremely concerning to all Americans. Not only will it damage our economy, but it could also trigger a worldwide depression should the petrodollar collapse. America would shrink from a world economic superpower to a second world nation if nothing is done. Under this current regime, nothing is being done to stop a potential economic catastrophe.

The anti-fossil fuel movement in the United States and worldwide has been successful in convincing a majority of world leaders that climate change is happening and it’s manmade. The militancy of the anti-fossil fuel has been pushing for green renewable energy for decades. As an alternative to fossil fuels, green energy has been proven to be costly, unreliable, and extremely toxic. The only reason why western nations are not aware of this is because the manufacturing of solar panels and windmills is not made here. So, the pollution effects are out of sight and out of mind.

Here’s why the fall of the petrodollar should concern all Americans. On June 9th, 2024, Saudi Arabia announced it would not renew the Petrodollar agreement. This decision reflects a broader trend of de-dollarization, where countries are increasingly seeking to reduce their dependence on the US Dollar for international trade. This shift is part of Saudi Arabia’s strategic move to diversify its economic partnerships and align more closely with emerging economic powers like China and the BRICS nations. The following video discusses how the end of the petrodollar could impact the US economy and dollar valuation.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was initially created as BRIC (without South Africa) by Goldman Sachs. Many of these BRICS nations’ economies and political leadership are unstable as are their currencies. Communist China has revalued the Yuan’s value many times to manipulate world markets. In most economic circles, that’s called cheating. It creates instability in world markets.

When Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud of Saudi Arabia decided not to renew its 80-year petrodollar deal with the U.S., it marked a significant shift with the world oil markets. The petrodollar deal, which expired on June 9, 2024, had long been a cornerstone of U.S. global economic dominance. Much of the blame for the Saudi decision was because of Pedo-Joe Biden’s foreign policies. Biden’s support for Iran has increased tensions in the Middle East. The continuation of the Obummer-Biden Iran policy has driven tensions in the Middle East. The world knows that Iran is the source world Islamic terrorism.


The United States is now back to begging oil nations for energy when we have our own oil reserves to rely on. We’re now getting oil from enemies of the United States; Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other nations that don’t like the United States. That’s keeping the world price of oil above $70 dollars a barrel. That’s making terrorist states lots of money. Making our enemies stronger and the United States weaker. Causing world instability and war. We’re being taken advantage of by a democrat party that doesn’t have our nation best interest.

I contacted some financial advisors to discuss the ramification of the end of the petrodollar will have on investments. What is equally stunning is the lack of media reporting. Where are the alarms? Is the Fake News Media hiding this to help Pedo-Joe Biden’s reelection chances? Very few conservative networks are talking about this also. Why is the media silent?

America has the capability to be energy [oil] independent. We were once there during President Trump’s term in office. Pedo-Hitler Biden reversed all those energy achievements. The Keystone XL Pipeline, LNG production, and long-term Federal land leasing for oil and gas production. It’s why the price of gas and electricity is so expensive. Why transportation affects food costs. Why jobs are fewer because of overhead costs. We can have all these things again including world peace. Elect Donald Trump.

When the cost per barrel of oil is below $50 dollars, rogue countries like Iran, Venezuela, Russia and other cannot make money to sponsor terrorism. When fossil fuel prices are low, developing nations can prosper and grow. Everybody wins but the bad guys. Except the bad guys are in power and they’re using climate change hoax as leverage to create fear that fossil fuels are destroying the planet. If anyone knew how much energy it takes and pollution is created to create one solar panel, then oil would look like much cleaner energy. And fossil fuels are cleaner than renewable energy. Most people don’t know it because they don’t know what it takes to make solar panels.

We cannot allow the end of the petrodollar to happen. Not for the economic health of our nation, but for the vitalization of world stability. We have a choice; do we want to put bread on the kitchen table? Or do we want to save the planet that will be here long after the human race has expired? Humans have only existed on this planet for a few million years, and the planet is billions of years old. But in this world of bizzarro science where boys can be girls and girls can be boys, science no longer exists.

If the petrodollar ends, things will get very expensive, very quickly. Not just for the United States, but for the world. It will increase tensions and the threat of a world war will become more inevitable. For decades, the US dollar has maintained economic stability and peace, but the spending policies of this and past regimes are putting this all in jeopardy. We’re spending a trillion dollars almost every day and that’s unsustainable.

We need a return to fiscal responsibility. We need to cut the government down to sustainable levels. The larger the government, the smaller the people. The founders would be rolling in their grave if they could see what we have done to their creation. We have a duty and a moral responsibility to live within our means. Let’s Save America by reelecting President Trump.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 3/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 48%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is good at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmālima 2024

Flag Day 2024


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. It’s Flag Day and President Donald J. Trump’s Birthday. We’re Fighting To Make America Great Again. President Trump spoke at the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. It was his first time our President has been back at Capitol Hill since 2021 since the coup d’état.

On Thursday, GOP senators presented President Donald Trump with a birthday cake, decorated with candles numbered “45” and “47.” Celebrating a day ahead of his 78th birthday. Trump, who visited Capitol Hill for the first time since January 6, 2021, was jovial and lighthearted during the gathering. The GOP seems more unified than ever before.

Last Sunday in Los Wages, NV, the crowd at the rally sang happy birthday to President Trump, ahead of his birthday on Friday. The Trump Rallies are growing in numbers. Now that the sham trial is over, our President can get back on the campaign trail again. The amount of election interference by the Biden regime is turning more people towards Trump.

Everything the Marxist democrats and the Unipary Deep State has tried to prevent President Trump from campaigning has failed. But the danger is not over. Biden’s illegal regime is going to try and imprison President Trump. Every attempt the Marxist democrats and Uniparty RINO’s have tried has failed to stop President Trump. The people see what’s happening. The unfairness and criminal behavior by the democrats aren’t being unnoticed by the American people.

Star Spangled Banner Trump Boats. A flotilla of MAGA patriots sail waving MAGA Trump flags. These events are taking place in American waterways around the country. Weekend flag waving around the county is steadily growing as more people are coming onboard the MAGA train.

We’re seeing more rallies spontaneously happening around the country. In the Hawaiian Islands people are waking up to the accelerating big city issues under 60 years of Marxist democrat rule. We have a chance to change it. We need more people to get involved in the process.

But why do we love Trump? Tucker Carlson explains it so well and succinctly. We had four years under President Trump administration. Four years and Zero Wars. Low taxes and high wages. Contained illegal immigration and secure borders. That’s all changed under Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime.

I believe there’s another reason why Americans are gravitating to Donald Trump. I’m convinced that’s in the roots of Donald Trump’s upbringing. Trump identifies as the blue-collar worker. Trump seems to be more comfortable in the company of people that make their living working with their hands. The construction workers, the restaurant kitchen staff, the hotel cleaning staff, and the valet parking attendants. These are the people that work eight to twelve hours a day making a living. The heart and blood of America. We build things. We built this nation.

On this Flag Day we celebrate the resurgence of American Patriotism. The return of Faith, Family, and Country. The Judeo-Christian foundation of America. America’s birthday is coming up in just a few weeks. Get involved in the process. Even if it’s small, every little bit helps. People notice then you wear MAGA hats and t-shirts. It’s time to be proud to be an American. Let’s Make America Great Again. Support a return to good governance, safe neighborhoods, and a booming economy. We have it all back again It’s up to all of us to make it happen. One man cannot do it alone. E Pluribus Unum.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 9/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 91%. Visibility is 6 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 14 Air quality Index is great at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāhā 2024



Aloha kākou. It’s perplexing how Marxist democrat revere abortion as a sacrament and then support “In Vitro Fertilization” (IVF). Abortion is final whereas IVF allows a pregnancy. The assumption is a pregnancy that comes to full term. The left would want to still allow an abortion after a successful IVF pregnancy. It sounds contradictory, but this is what the left calls a women’s right to healthcare. What the left wants is to use IVF to get pregnant and then nine months later get an abortion when minds change.

The left reveres abortion as religious experience for women’s rights. Yet, the gift of life is callously thrown away as medical waste. A clump of cells devoid of life. Now they suddenly love in vitro fertilization, and they love abortion. Marxist democrats can’t pick a lane to stay in. Their mental issues are worse than Pedo-Joe Biden’s.

Here’s Hawai’i Embarrassing Senator Tojo Hirono on the Senate Floor Defending a Bill to Establish Nationwide Right to Access IVF. Hirono lambasted the Supreme Court decision to reverse the Dobbs decision back to the States. Where states can decide the legality of abortion and birth control. States should have the right to regulate in vitro fertilization. Where’s the problem? Neither abortion nor IVF is in the US Constitution. It belongs to the states. 

A nationwide right IVF is just a gateway to nationwide abortion again. Marxist democrats want to codify abortion as a federal law again. They’re using IVF as the leverage to make abortions legal in all states. That cannot be allowed to happen. Contraception is still legal, and the Supreme Court ruled for that today.

IVF uses science to assist with the gift of life, but it also leaves the ethical question of the eggs left behind. It’s the religious and ethical reasons why people object to IVF. Abortion is final and destroys any chance of life. IVF can help create life through science. The risks are there because it involves more than two to in the act of creation. However, abortion and in vitro fertilization are not the same thing.

IVF is better than the abortion alternative. If it helps couples in conceiving life and a family, then I’m all for it. The abortion alternative is unacceptable. As all things go, it is easier to destroy life than it is to create it. I am not for people playing God, but if it helps with increasing a healthy population, then let it be so. Let’s be careful screwing with mother nature.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 17. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmākolu 2024

Beyond Lies


Aloha kākou. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s Economic Bloodbath continues to wreck the economy as thousands of businesses shutter around the nation. Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has deepened an economic strain across major retail sectors leading to a retail economic bloodbath. Major retailers, including Macy’s, Walgreens, CVS, Family Dollar, Walmart, and 7-Eleven, have announced closures. A staggering 2,599 store closures are planned for this year, marking a 2.5% increase from the same period last year, according to the DailyMail.

A major contributor to the economic woes is the rising crime and thievery at retail stores by mobs of youths. Marxist democrats continue to ignore crime exist, even denying that crime in inner cities is out of control. The videos are out there, the police are overwhelmed. Democrat leaders continue to deny that crime is on the rise but insist that crime is actually declining. They have no grip on reality as they watch their cities burn and crumble.

Once city officials are backed into a corner, they blame crime on racial stereotypes. There must be some equality disparity issues causing an increase in crime, the leftists reason. As with this far-left city attorney that blames crime on racial disparity. It’s all white people’s fault, she says. White people are afraid of black mobs of youths, this kooky attorney contends. Yes, even black people are afraid of a mob of black youths. But listen to this idiot, you will not believe the leftist consternations behind this lunatic’s logic.

“Super Predators,” as Pedo-Joe Biden once defined blacks, can be defined as mobs of young people looting stores. White democrat officials refuse to acknowledge these are mobs of black youths looting stores. They don’t want to give the appearance of being racially prejudiced. It the tables were turned and there were mobs of white kids looting stores, then it would be on the 24/7 national news cycle. The Marxist double standard will continue to make blue cities into intercity-desert no-go zones. Further sending major cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angels, Houston, and others into concrete ghettos. Lawless prison cities of their own making. No businesses are going to want to go there. People living there will lose access to needed medications and food. But the Marxist democrat doesn’t care. It’s racist to say so, don’tcha know.

The White House decided to host a needless Juneteenth celebration this year. While Pedo-Joe Biden watches a variety of entertainers sing songs he seems to be in another world entirely. But things go completely haywire when he has to give the closing speech, and this may be the worst he’s ever seen. — Sivaady

Pedo-Joe Biden stares off into space, never blinks, stands in a robotic stuper seemingly unaware of where he is. Who’s the black guy in the long gown with 7 o’clock shadow? Biden constantly slurring his words making incoherent speeches. Talking nonsense. Blaming crime on white supremacy while pandering to black audiences. Never speaking about what he and his regime would do to help solve the inner-city problems. Instead, Pedo-Joe Biden constantly blames President Trump for the problems his regime has done to American cities. Democrats will always blame others for what they are doing.

Pedo-Joe Biden spoke about being tough on the border back in 2019. But now that he’s been in control for the past few years that has changed dramatically. And to make matters worse something has just been uncovered that might give you the chills. — Sivaady

The border invasion has damaged American security in every state in the nation. Terrorists around the world have been entering the country ever since Biden’s regime opened the borders. Anyone around the world can enter our country. The three letter national security agencies know what’s happening and they refuse to do anything about it. Before 9-11-2001, the FBI used to stop terrorists, bank robbers, and dangerous criminals. Now, the FBI under director Christopher Wray blows it off as investigations he can’t talk about. No one knows what the FBI is doing to protect the nation. What are we paying them to do? The FBI has become Biden’s Pretorian Guard. They protect the pedophile president and his crooked crime family. This is the Deep State at work destroying our nation.

It’s ‘Beyond Lies’ now and it’s just standing operating procedure with the Marxist democrats. They get elected and they destroy the nation. When Republicans come in a fix what the democrats broke, the democrats incite violence and racism to regain power. Nothing ever changes. This has been going on for decades. What do Marxist democrats have to show for this? Cities crumbling, economy crashing, crime rising, and society disintegrating. Then the democrats blame others for their destructive policies.

It’s not a race war that the Marxist democrats want. This is a war between evil and good. It’s between unlimited abortions and saving the nuclear family. The Marxist democrat war against America isn’t just racial, it against conservativism. Justice Clarance Thomas, Ben Carson, Rep. Burgess Owens, Rep. Byron Danials, AG Winsome Sears, and Rep. Mark Robinson are just a few conservative blacks under attack by democrats. These are good people that love their country.

It’s never about race, but ideology of what is good for the country and family. Racism is used as leverage to create fear and loathing. Marxist democrats want a divided America always at each other’s throats. It’s what they believe keeps them in power. Conservatives want a harmonious America where all citizens are promised with their God given rights and opportunities. That’s why we need to Make America Great Again. Get involved in restoring faith in our nation. Vote to Save America. Vote Conservative. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 11/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 13. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmālua 2024

Kamehameha The Great


Aloha kākou. It’s King Kamehameha Day. It’s a state holiday (observed). There will be leis dressed on statues of Hawaii’s first king. Parades and other events will be held throughout the islands this week and into the weekend. Island News KITV did this report this morning.

Photo slideshow of the 2024 King Kamehameha Day parade from Honolulu Hawaii. Photos were taken on Saturday June 8. Kamehameha Day is a state holiday held on June 11 every year. Its owners Hawaii’s first king, Kamehameha the Great who is noted for uniting the eight main Hawaiian Islands in the late 1700s. — The Hawai’i Files Channel

Kamehameha I is also known as Kamehameha the Great. He was born into royalty around 1750 in the Kohala district of the northern side of Hawaiʻi Island. Kamehameha was born into a high-ranking Aliʻi (royal) family. By 1810, King Kamehameha became the first leader to rule over all the Hawaiian Islands.

Kamehameha · by musician Nathan Aweau from the album Kāne’ohe. Me ka nani o ku’u home (My beautiful home)

Kamehameha the Great remained in power until his death in 1819. Kamehameha was succeeded by his son, Liholiho. Followed by his brother Kauikeaouli, who took the throne as Kamehameha III. This day is very important in Hawai’i where the culture and history of Hawai’i is kept alive. The language (‘ōlelo) lives on here and is the only state in the nation with an official language other than English.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 39%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is 66%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 16. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmākahi 2024

J6 Inquisition


Aloha kākou. A video released today by the Republican led Oversight Committee shows Nazi Piglosi admitting responsibility for not having security ready at the Capital on January 6th, 2021. We know that Pelosi’s daughter was documenting the events on January 6th. Almost as if the riot was preplanned by Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police who instigated the violence. Since that day, the Marxist democrat and the Fake News Media has referred to January 6th riot as “The Insurrection.”

But how can you have an insurrection when no one had any weapons? An insurrection is defined as a violent overthrow of a government. Meaning using weapons of war. The only thing MAGA Patriots were armed with were Red Trump 2020 hats and camera cellphones. Cellphones that were used later by the corrupt FBI to geofence attendees of Trump’s rally at the Ellipse. Cellphone data used to hunt down Trump supporters attending the rally. Funny how months of Antifa-BLM D.C rioters were never hunted down after they caused over Two Billion Dollars of property damage and dozens of murders. They were never hunted down and prosecuted. The double standard.

A peaceful march to the Capitol Building where patriots could express their First Amendment Right to demonstrate was provoked into a riot by Capitol Police. There is video supporting this and other actions taken by plainclothes operatives as part of a larger operation. We know Antifa was at the Capitol grounds that day. They were bussed into the capitol grounds by suspected government operatives. Video shows Antifa dressing in Black Bloc outfits with hand weapons, hammers, sticks, and other objects to cause damage to the Capitol building. Video evidence has proven that. Who helped them? We still don’t know. Who was the pipe bomber? We still don’t know. Why is the FBI still hiding that evidence?

For over three years, much of the Capitol video surveillance has been withheld from the public. The execution of MAGA Patriots Ashley Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland by Capitol Police still is unexplained. Exculpatory evidence is being withheld from the victims of FBI-DOJ illegal prosecutions. Non-violent people are hunted down by Pedo-Joe Biden’s DOJ led by AG Meritless Garland. Their homes were raided in the early hours of the morning by FBI Stormtroopers armed with machine guns and heavy weapons. Many of these people were dupped into entering the Capitol Building by Capitol Police who welcomed and waved them into the building. Grandmothers taking selfies in the Capitol were hauled to prison. People’s lives and businesses were ruined. They were made example of by this illegal regime power grab. Their message to the American people, do not cross us Marxist democrats, or else.


Pelosi and her daughter are on video admitting that January 6th, 2021, riot was a set up and just another attempt by the Marxist democrats to take President Trump down. The more information the Oversight Committee is finding, the more proof of collaboration by people in the highest levels of government were behind staging this insurrection.

Here’s the video showing Pelosi admitting to not securing the Capitol before the riot: “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. This is ridiculous.” “I take responsibility for not having [the Capitol Police] prepare for more.”

This is a shocking revelation. Did Nazi Piglosi forget she was being filmed by her daughter? What a damning admission by Piglosi that was left out of all the January 6th investigations. We know that Nazi Piglosi refused to allow President Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready on January 6th. Nazi Piglosi refused and rescinded that request. The obvious reason there was a planned setup being executed to incite a riot and then blame President Trump and MAGA Patriots. The question now is how many others were complicit in the planning and execution of this Fake Insurrection?

The usual suspects come to mind: General Milley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, FBI, CIA, and others in the Uniparty Deep State. This was an election coup d’état to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump. The reason is all becoming too clear as Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has inflected severe damage to this nation since. It’s the reason why Donald J. Trump is reaching huge audiences at his rallies. Trump’s message is resonating around the world and not just here in America where we need it badly.

The J6 Inquisition continues today as over 1,000 people are still being hunted by the corrupt FBI. Meanwhile, criminals, terrorists, and other evils are crossing the border, committing crimes, and are being ignored by this Injustice department. Inept FBI Director Christofer Wray is unwilling to stop the crimes against the American people. Wray says, “We can’t talk about ongoing investigations.” Because there are no investigations. The FBI is hunting down Catholics, Christians, Parents, and Average Americans for being Citizens. That’s our crime — being law abiding citizens. This is why we need to reelect President Trump. We need to purge our government of Marxist Uniparty democrats and republicans. We need to overwhelm the election so the Marxists cannot steal the election. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024. Pray for our nation. We need every patriot now more than ever to Save America.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 49%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi 2024