

Aloha kākou. Why do billionaires build mansions on ocean beach fronts? We are told by so-called climate experts that building structures on the ocean fronts are environmentally unsafe. Here in Hawai’i, legislators rushed to pass regulations to protect our eroding shorelines from people building structures.  Structures being mansions for the very rich and wealthy. We have lots of wealthy people here that have taken over the island shorelines. They cut off access to the beaches, erect seawalls, fences, and create private compounds exclusively for themselves and their wealthy friends. The general public is not allowed to enter these areas.

These laws were passed to preserve Hawaii’s natural coastlines. To protect native Hawaiian homelands and allow public access to the beaches. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach erosion throughout the State of Hawai’i. Such structures interrupt the natural flow of the ocean currents, preventing beaches from migrating inland. On O’ahu, the shoreline has the most notable erosion and that’s where many billionaires have built shoreline compounds.

So then, why does a former president who claimed his election will slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet be allowed to build a mansion on protected shorelines? A mansion that includes a century old concrete seawall. Does the ocean cease to rise for some but not others? No, money can buy an exemption for the uber wealthy. An easement is a real estate tool that allows private property owners to essentially lease the public land that sits at the seawall. The property owner pays a one-time payment of a couple of thousand dollars and voila! Obummer now owns Fifty years of Native Hawaiian Coastline. Ocean side property with a seawall granted by buying off local politicians.

Albeit, this is an existing mansion, but with all new construction, an expanded seawall, and guarded 24/7 by secret service agents. The public is kept back from getting too close to Obummer’s compound. Neighboring friends of the Obummer’s get the benefits of the added protection by keeping the public away from these locations. The property was once the Native Hawaiian community of Waimanalo. Located on the west side of O’ahu, on three acres at the historic turtle-fish ponds that used to feed Hawaiian chiefs. Where local Hawaiian families took their children to splash and swim in its calm waters. That’s all gone now under exclusive ownership of wealthy mainland families, including the Obummer’s and his cronies.

Obummer, who some claim was born in Hawai’i, but has yet to be officially proven. The questionable authenticity birth certificate and a newspaper clipping are the only evidence of birth. Why does the Fake News Media repeat this native-born claim ad nauseum? Obummer is on video admitting he was born in Kenya. Why is it permittable for the uber wealthy to build seawalls and structures on the ocean front, but ordinary people are prohibited from enjoying the calm turquoise ocean waters?

Obummer doesn’t seem to be joking about his birthplace, but that all academic history now. The damage Obummer and his Marxist regime has done to this country is still being felt today. The Fake News Media circled the wagons around Obummer to protect his legacy just as they’re doing with Pedo-Hitler Biden. All those videos that were posted on the interwebs showing Pedo-Joe Biden freezing up are all fake says White House Press Secretary Karinge Jean-Luc Picard. It all disinformation, don’tcha know. Don’t believe your eyes and ears from hundreds of fake news media and cellphones videos. Videos posted showing what happened in France, at a black church, and in a Hollyweird fund raiser. Pedo-Joe Biden having what appears to be an epileptic seizure. But don’t believe your lying eyes and ears, believe only what the White House diversity hire tells you.

The White House instructed the State Run Media to spread the disinformation claims that Biden didn’t have a Springstein Tenth Avenue Freeze Out. All those moments where Pedo-Joe Biden was staring off into space, wandering off aimlessly, slurring his speech, and freezing motionless, expressionless, and vacuously gone. No, those were all fake videos made by the MAGA Army of Trump Supporters. And you’d better believe it, or else. Notice how the Fake News Media has stopped reporting on it?

Exemptions for me, but not for thee. That’s how it works for corrupt politicians. These corrupt politicans use their power and influence to make millions of dollars selling their taxpayer paid office. They buy homes in Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, New York, Washington D.C. and in Hawai’i. Pedo-Hitler Biden owns several multi-million-dollar mansions homes in Delaware and Virginia. All on a Senator’s salary. Roughly around $200,000 a year. How does that happen?

One might compare Obummer and Biden’s net wealth to President Donald Trump’s wealth. The difference is that Donald Trump earned his wealth through his businesses. Whereas Obummer and Biden made their wealth through political corruption. Many in Congress have taken advantage of their office for gain. Nazi Piglosi, Mitch McConnell, and others that make up the Deep State corruption in this country.

It’s a long way when President George Washington refused to become a king of the new United States Republic. Washington only served only two terms as President and then stepped down to allow another to maintain the integrity of the newly created Representative Republic. The 20th Amendment was passed in 1933 to prevent another Franklin D. Roosevelt’s unprecedented four terms as president.

Now we have a corrupt banana republic regime that is persecuting its political rival, Donald Trump. They’re going to imprison President Donald J. Trump in July. That’s going to happen unless there is some kind of intervention by either the Supreme Court, Congress, or the people rising up in protest. The danger now is losing our republic to a Marxist autocracy permanently. The elections will be a mere formality. A coronation of an empty vessel. A puppet made for window dressing, while the real power brokers are behind the wall of power. We will no longer be a nation for and by the people. Be prepared for what is coming.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 13/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāwalu 2024

Flag Day 2024


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. It’s Flag Day and President Donald J. Trump’s Birthday. We’re Fighting To Make America Great Again. President Trump spoke at the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. It was his first time our President has been back at Capitol Hill since 2021 since the coup d’état.

On Thursday, GOP senators presented President Donald Trump with a birthday cake, decorated with candles numbered “45” and “47.” Celebrating a day ahead of his 78th birthday. Trump, who visited Capitol Hill for the first time since January 6, 2021, was jovial and lighthearted during the gathering. The GOP seems more unified than ever before.

Last Sunday in Los Wages, NV, the crowd at the rally sang happy birthday to President Trump, ahead of his birthday on Friday. The Trump Rallies are growing in numbers. Now that the sham trial is over, our President can get back on the campaign trail again. The amount of election interference by the Biden regime is turning more people towards Trump.

Everything the Marxist democrats and the Unipary Deep State has tried to prevent President Trump from campaigning has failed. But the danger is not over. Biden’s illegal regime is going to try and imprison President Trump. Every attempt the Marxist democrats and Uniparty RINO’s have tried has failed to stop President Trump. The people see what’s happening. The unfairness and criminal behavior by the democrats aren’t being unnoticed by the American people.

Star Spangled Banner Trump Boats. A flotilla of MAGA patriots sail waving MAGA Trump flags. These events are taking place in American waterways around the country. Weekend flag waving around the county is steadily growing as more people are coming onboard the MAGA train.

We’re seeing more rallies spontaneously happening around the country. In the Hawaiian Islands people are waking up to the accelerating big city issues under 60 years of Marxist democrat rule. We have a chance to change it. We need more people to get involved in the process.

But why do we love Trump? Tucker Carlson explains it so well and succinctly. We had four years under President Trump administration. Four years and Zero Wars. Low taxes and high wages. Contained illegal immigration and secure borders. That’s all changed under Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime.

I believe there’s another reason why Americans are gravitating to Donald Trump. I’m convinced that’s in the roots of Donald Trump’s upbringing. Trump identifies as the blue-collar worker. Trump seems to be more comfortable in the company of people that make their living working with their hands. The construction workers, the restaurant kitchen staff, the hotel cleaning staff, and the valet parking attendants. These are the people that work eight to twelve hours a day making a living. The heart and blood of America. We build things. We built this nation.

On this Flag Day we celebrate the resurgence of American Patriotism. The return of Faith, Family, and Country. The Judeo-Christian foundation of America. America’s birthday is coming up in just a few weeks. Get involved in the process. Even if it’s small, every little bit helps. People notice then you wear MAGA hats and t-shirts. It’s time to be proud to be an American. Let’s Make America Great Again. Support a return to good governance, safe neighborhoods, and a booming economy. We have it all back again It’s up to all of us to make it happen. One man cannot do it alone. E Pluribus Unum.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 9/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 91%. Visibility is 6 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 14 Air quality Index is great at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmāhā 2024

J6 Inquisition


Aloha kākou. A video released today by the Republican led Oversight Committee shows Nazi Piglosi admitting responsibility for not having security ready at the Capital on January 6th, 2021. We know that Pelosi’s daughter was documenting the events on January 6th. Almost as if the riot was preplanned by Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police who instigated the violence. Since that day, the Marxist democrat and the Fake News Media has referred to January 6th riot as “The Insurrection.”

But how can you have an insurrection when no one had any weapons? An insurrection is defined as a violent overthrow of a government. Meaning using weapons of war. The only thing MAGA Patriots were armed with were Red Trump 2020 hats and camera cellphones. Cellphones that were used later by the corrupt FBI to geofence attendees of Trump’s rally at the Ellipse. Cellphone data used to hunt down Trump supporters attending the rally. Funny how months of Antifa-BLM D.C rioters were never hunted down after they caused over Two Billion Dollars of property damage and dozens of murders. They were never hunted down and prosecuted. The double standard.

A peaceful march to the Capitol Building where patriots could express their First Amendment Right to demonstrate was provoked into a riot by Capitol Police. There is video supporting this and other actions taken by plainclothes operatives as part of a larger operation. We know Antifa was at the Capitol grounds that day. They were bussed into the capitol grounds by suspected government operatives. Video shows Antifa dressing in Black Bloc outfits with hand weapons, hammers, sticks, and other objects to cause damage to the Capitol building. Video evidence has proven that. Who helped them? We still don’t know. Who was the pipe bomber? We still don’t know. Why is the FBI still hiding that evidence?

For over three years, much of the Capitol video surveillance has been withheld from the public. The execution of MAGA Patriots Ashley Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland by Capitol Police still is unexplained. Exculpatory evidence is being withheld from the victims of FBI-DOJ illegal prosecutions. Non-violent people are hunted down by Pedo-Joe Biden’s DOJ led by AG Meritless Garland. Their homes were raided in the early hours of the morning by FBI Stormtroopers armed with machine guns and heavy weapons. Many of these people were dupped into entering the Capitol Building by Capitol Police who welcomed and waved them into the building. Grandmothers taking selfies in the Capitol were hauled to prison. People’s lives and businesses were ruined. They were made example of by this illegal regime power grab. Their message to the American people, do not cross us Marxist democrats, or else.


Pelosi and her daughter are on video admitting that January 6th, 2021, riot was a set up and just another attempt by the Marxist democrats to take President Trump down. The more information the Oversight Committee is finding, the more proof of collaboration by people in the highest levels of government were behind staging this insurrection.

Here’s the video showing Pelosi admitting to not securing the Capitol before the riot: “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. This is ridiculous.” “I take responsibility for not having [the Capitol Police] prepare for more.”

This is a shocking revelation. Did Nazi Piglosi forget she was being filmed by her daughter? What a damning admission by Piglosi that was left out of all the January 6th investigations. We know that Nazi Piglosi refused to allow President Trump’s request to have 10,000 National Guard troops ready on January 6th. Nazi Piglosi refused and rescinded that request. The obvious reason there was a planned setup being executed to incite a riot and then blame President Trump and MAGA Patriots. The question now is how many others were complicit in the planning and execution of this Fake Insurrection?

The usual suspects come to mind: General Milley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, FBI, CIA, and others in the Uniparty Deep State. This was an election coup d’état to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump. The reason is all becoming too clear as Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has inflected severe damage to this nation since. It’s the reason why Donald J. Trump is reaching huge audiences at his rallies. Trump’s message is resonating around the world and not just here in America where we need it badly.

The J6 Inquisition continues today as over 1,000 people are still being hunted by the corrupt FBI. Meanwhile, criminals, terrorists, and other evils are crossing the border, committing crimes, and are being ignored by this Injustice department. Inept FBI Director Christofer Wray is unwilling to stop the crimes against the American people. Wray says, “We can’t talk about ongoing investigations.” Because there are no investigations. The FBI is hunting down Catholics, Christians, Parents, and Average Americans for being Citizens. That’s our crime — being law abiding citizens. This is why we need to reelect President Trump. We need to purge our government of Marxist Uniparty democrats and republicans. We need to overwhelm the election so the Marxists cannot steal the election. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump 2024. Pray for our nation. We need every patriot now more than ever to Save America.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 1/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 49%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 18. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi 2024

America Devoured


Aloha kākou. In a past post, I predicted the sham kangaroo court in New York would convict President Trump. It was a setup. I now believe this corrupt judge Merchan will incarcerate President Trump. What will happen next is unclear. What is clear is that Merchan is being directed by his own hostility towards President Trump and Pedo-Joe Biden and the Marxist democrats. This is blatant election interference. They can’t stop President Trump’s growing popularity, so they must incarcerate the man. There was no crime committed. Everyone knows that now. The Fake News Media hawking “Convicted Felon” narrative is not sinking into the American psyche. Just the opposite. It’s making Trump more popular.

I have said in past postings that Marxist democrats planned to convict President Trump by any means necessary. Now they want to imprison Trump to assassinate him. I’m so disappointed in the GOP repubics for not being more aggressive in supporting President Trump. Republicans have contributed nothing, except for a few brave individuals. GOP leadership is too afraid of the Fake News Media. They’re inept, useless, and now, the long-term consequences are before us. The 2024 Presidential election is being rigged. As with this sham court decisions were rigged. This happened in Brazil and it’s happening here. The parallels are uncanny.

A prediction, if you will. I saw creeping Marxism long ago infiltrating both political parties. This is the makeup of the Uniparty. Consider that those in politics enter as paupers and suddenly become millionaires while drawing a taxpayer’s salary of $180,000 per year. So, where’s all the extra money coming from? Obviously, they’re selling their office for influence. Insider Stock Trading. Congress will not police themselves. Which is why accountability and term limits will never, ever, be considered. A criminal political class is what our representative government has become.

What can we expect in 2025? It will be highly unlikely that Donald Trump will get a second term as president. As much as I would like to see another Trump Presidency, the events leading up to the election are drastically changed to allow the government to enact emergency powers once again. The markers are already being set in place, but few are seeing what’s coming.

Even if Trump wins both the popular and electoral votes, the Uniparty regime will nullify the 2024 election. It’s exactually what the Marxist democrats have been accusing President Trump of being a dictator. We are seeing a Marxist dictatorship growing to consume the nation ahead of the 2024 elections. Consider the following warning by Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii’s former Representative. She sees the weaponization of our government.

Tulsi Gabbard’s analysis is correct. We can all see Marxist corruption coming. We are a Banana Republic. We are losing our Republic. In the eyes of the world and our enemies’ minds, we have become a joke of a nation. A clay pigeon waiting to be shattered into dust by our enemies. Marxist democrats have discarded the rule of law and are implementing their autocracy. The Republicans are doing little to nothing about it. It’s truly an autocratic Uniparty.

Without firing a shot, we are being invaded and replaced by hordes of illegal immigrants. This is how great civilizations rose and declined in history. We are at the zenith of our greatness and what happens next will determine our future. The Uniparty is making their move against our Republic. In doing so, they will forever change our political system into a single party tyrannical rule.

In this compelling video, Victor Davis Hanson delves into the numerous challenges facing the United States today. He begins by highlighting the unprecedented numbers and percentages of foreign-born individuals in the country, emphasizing that 55 million people were not born in the U.S., representing 16% of the population. Hanson points out the lack of civic education and integration, leading to tribalism and tensions as people from illiberal regimes enter the country with various grievances.

Hanson compares contemporary America to historical examples like ancient Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople, and the Aztec Empire. These once-great civilizations underestimated their vulnerabilities and adversaries, leading to their downfall. He draws parallels to the current state of the U.S., suggesting that Americans might be similarly complacent about their military, economic stability, and global standing.

Ultimately, Hanson emphasizes that decline is a choice, not an inevitability. He urges a reassessment of current policies and priorities to avoid making the same mistakes as past civilizations. This video is a sobering analysis of the potential pitfalls facing America and a call to action for preserving its strength and stability. — From “Point Of View”

I have not given up. I have not surrendered to the Marxist democrats. I believe that a miracle will happen. When the darkest days of tyranny are upon us, the light of liberty will vanquish the dark. Above all else, the American people are seeing this atrocity. Some are seeing this for the first time. They know that if the Marxist democrats can do this to Trump, they can do this to them. The people that are most concerned about this are immigrants from communist countries.

All polling data aside, the individual donations to the Trump campaign is astonishing. Since the illegal conviction, the Trump campaign has raised over $300 Million dollars. Despite the Fake News Media rampant harping that Trump is now a convicted felon. If people only get their information and news from the “Big Six” media conglomerates, that’s all they know. The Big Five are ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NPR. They are State Run media. They are the government narrative. The Fake News Media are mocking the American people with disinformation. They proved they could do that during the Covid Pandemic. Frighten the people into surrendering their freedoms for a small return on security.

Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime is bribing lowlife university students by forgiving them for their student loans. Forcing the American working people to pick up the slack for university freeloaders. This regime sends billions of dollars to foreign nations to perpetuate endless wars. While Hawai’i wildfire victims are given a mere pittance of a onetime $700,00 compensation. People in East Palestine are left to be poisoned by the government inaction to toxic spills.

People’s home insurance rates are so high they can’t afford to purchase a new home. Bidenomics is crashing the economy, and the Fake News Media say’s President Trump will cause a depression. We had four years of peace and prosperity with President Trump. We had cheap gas and money in our pockets. Now we can’t afford anything. Under Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime we have wars, poverty, and crime. Yet we are told by the Fake News State Run Media that President Trump is a threat to Democracy???!!! — We’re supposed to trust these nutcases.

Communists are Devouring America. Marxist democrats have been in power for decades. The results of their reign have been increased homelessness, illegal immigration, escalation of crime and human trafficking. We are, as Tulsi Gabbard noted, a Banana Republic. Lawless and declining on the world stage. We had four years of prosperity and peace with President Trump. We’re living in economic ruin under Pedo-Hitler Biden and the Marxist democrats. The Fake News Media has again started the same narrative they started in 2015 before Trump won the Presidency. That the economy will fall into a depression with Trump. The same lies then, they’re using now.

Help Us Save America From The Uniparty, the Marxist democrats, the Communist Fake News Media. Support our goal to Make America Great Again. Get money back in our pockets. World Peace. Have the freedom to choose our destiny. Support America. Vote Trump 2024 — No matter What Happens.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 2. Air quality Index is great at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ‘Ehā 2024

Invasion America


Aloha kākou. The rally at the Bronx proved to be an eye-opening experience into the psyche of the Hispanic community. These people may be poor in riches but they’re wise in prevalence. They made it abundantly clear that illegals are not welcomed in their community. They’re resentful of the government dumping illegal aliens into their Barrios. It’s not racial animus but strain on their neighborhoods.

Marxist democrats expected that the locals in the Bronx would welcome illegals as their own kind. Democrats assumed that because these people, the majority being Spanish speaking immigrants, would just blend into the neighborhoods. There were no plans by the Biden regime to house, feed, and provide medical assistance for the illegals. The government just dumped them into the neighborhoods. This is happening around the country in other democrat cities and states, but the media has stopped reporting the migrant crisis because it doesn’t help Pedo-Joe Biden’s plans for reelection.

Remember when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard? They stayed for about 48 hours before the local rich liberal leftist people of Martha’s Vineyard kicked the illegals out. With hugs and kisses, the liberal left saw the illegals off with a tear in their eyes.

You’re Always Welcome To Stay, But You Can’t Stay Here.” The illegals were moved from a church shelter to a military base on Cape Cod, where they will live temporarily. At least till Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime can dump the illegals in another democrat city. DeSantis defended his actions after facing criticism.

The people in the Bronx don’t have the political clout for their local misrepresentives to act quickly. Of course not, their misrepresentives are all democrats. They’re not like the rich wealthy liberal people of Martha’s Vineyard. Within 48 hours the state packed the illegal immigrants into busses and shipped them off to another city. Where? Who knows?

Millions of illegal aliens from over 160 countries have flooded into our nation. The Fake News Media is barely covering this invasion into the United States anymore because it will hurt Pedo-Joe Biden’s election chances. Resources are getting tight, and crime is going up. Third world diseases are spreading, and these immigrants are replacing American workers in food processing plants. Already, the World Health Organization (WHO) and our Centers for Disinformation and Confusion (CDC) are planning for an H5N1 Bird Flu pandemic conveniently to happen this fall. Just in time for the 2024 Presidential elections. What a coinkydink. Plans to destroy poultry and cattle farms are already in the works. The food supply is going to get expensive.

Senator Chuckles Schumer at a 2022 press gaggle said he wants amnesty for illegals. Schmucky Schumer says Marxist democrats want to pass an immigration bill because “we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.” Schumer then calls for amnesty for “all 11 million or however many” illegal immigrants in the U.S. There are more than 11 million illegals in this country. The bottom line is Marxist democrats want illegals to vote in elections to remain in power forever. Replacing American citizens right to vote. 

As for the population not growing, that’s because abortion is up. Even when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, abortions are not declining. As for amnesty, that’s going to forever change the election demographics. That’s been the democrats’ plan. Pedo-Joe Biden’s has said if Americans won’t vote for democrats, then he will flood the nation with illegals that will. Already, blue state liberals are allowing illegals to vote in local elections. Allowing illegals to get drivers licenses. Now, Marxist democrats want to give illegals guns. What could go wrong?

If illegals pass the physical and required tests you can serve in our Military and if you do it honorably, WE will make you Citizens of the United States” Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) suggested on the Senate floor that illegal immigrants should be able to earn U.S. citizenship by serving in the military. “What troubles me about the debate now over the southern border is that it is one half of the immigration equation,” Durbin said in a speech on the Senate floor. “Yes, we need order at the border. Yes, we need to have changes in the laws that reflect the reality of the overwhelming numbers from all over the world who are coming to our shores and our border. But there’s also an incredible demand for legal immigration into this country even now.”

The idea of giving illegal aliens weapons and military training is horrifying. The majority of illegals crossing the border are mostly men of military age. They have no loyalty to this nation. They come here for jobs. American jobs. The Marxist democrats are creating an army of illegals. Why not just surrender our sovereignty over to the Communist Chinese and learn to speak Mandarin? Why not just surrender our laws and traditions over the Marxist democrat’s autocracy?

At a campaign rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin, yesterday, former President Trump called for a massive deportation effort. People from the Bronx also welcomed that message. Every legal immigrant agrees with President Trump. President Trump made the same speech to the people of the Bronx, and they cheered. They said they went through the naturalization process to become a citizen. They said it was unfair to them to have to work for citizenship while illegals get a free pass. With money, housing, food, education, and medical care. Bronx people said they have a homeless problem the government is ignoring.

Invasion America is a real problem. Legal immigrants have been slapped in the face by Marxist democrats. They’re being treated like trash by the democrats. Maybe legal immigrants will look closer at Republicans to better representation? I hope that’s the case and I hope the Republicans will start to wake up and make the effort. Trump made the effort to and asked them “What do you have to lose?” — Indeed, they have everything to gain. Compare four years of Trump to Biden and see who has done the better job. They might not like Trump, but they life was easier with Trump. Save America. Trump 2024.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua kūmāwalu 2024

Memorial Day 2024


Aloha kākou a me Lā Kau Pua (Decoration Day)

Don’t let go all for naught. Our nation is on the precipice of disaster. Never in the two hundred and eight years since the Declaration of Independence has this nation come close to losing the Republic. The people have become compliant and allowed a corrupt Uniparty to infiltrate. Resulting in needless deaths from never-ending wars. We were warned about the Military Industrial Complex and a Propaganda Fake News Media. This is a warning.


Evil men and women have corrupted our government. The enemies of America are in institutions of power. Their stated goal is to transform America into a Marxist state. One party government that rules over all fifty states. The destruction of the Supreme Court and the Congress. Leaving only an oligarchy executive state. A centralized government. A tyrannical authoritarian state in power forever. More soldiers to die on the homeland battlefield. A second civil war. Prepare for the worst and pray for the nation.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 69%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 7. Air quality Index is great at 21. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei Iwakālua kūmāhiku 2024

It Has Been Decided


Aloha kākou. The play is in its final act. The story’s ending is predictable. Despite what the “legal experts” are saying that there’s no crime. The trial to convict President Trump was over from the beginning. These fascistic Soviet show trials will wrongly convict Donald Trump. These trials are to deliberately hurt Trump’s election chances in November 2024. They {Uniparty) don’t care. A conviction is eminent, and it doesn’t matter if President Trump is innocent. Trump’s conviction is preordained.

Corrupt attorneys Marcia Clark and Mark Geragos join Fake News Media Megyn Kelly to discuss the coordination of what might happen if Trump is found guilty, the possibility of actual jail time awaiting sentencing or a suspended jail sentence, whether he might have to wear an ankle monitor, and more. The Fake News Media is salivating at the idea of convicting an innocent man.

Four indictments, all politically modified charges from misdemeanors to felons to have the greatest damage to Trump’s campaign. No discernable crime has been charged against President Trump. Soros and the Marxist democrats have funded corrupt District Attorneys. There is a connection between Soros and the Pedo-Joe Biden’s lawfare election interference against President Trump. That has been established.

All four of the show trials against President Trump are falling apart. In each case, Pedo-Joe Biden is the center character in this macabre Soviet style show trials against President Trump. Selective targeting and differential treatment of political rivals is something out of the banana republic. Marxist democrats spent four years over Trump’s presidency trying to tie a Russia connection to the 2016 election. Hildabeast Clinton paid for fabricated evidence. Witnesses gave false testimony and were convicted of perjury.

The Marxist democrats waited until now to try and bankrupt Trump, steal his properties, and sentence him to prison. This is nightmarish stuff in a country that used to pride itself as the bulwark of the rule of law. That image has all collapsed now. The reputation of the United States as a Free and Just nation has been irreparably damaged by Pedo-Joe Biden and the Deep State.

Now that President Trump populism is growing across all sectors of America, Pedo-Joe Biden and the Deep State are panicking. They’re desperate to convict President Trump of anything. Now, they have invented a crimeless crime. This is the first time in history where anyone in the United States of America is being convicted of a crime that doesn’t exist. This is Soviet style authoritarian fascism.

At yesterday’s House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) questioned witnesses about alleged lawfare tactics, and decried Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY).

Note that Fat Alvin Bragg jury shopped for people that despise Trump to insure a conviction no matter what. The judge is prejudicial, the jury is prejudicial, and the Fake News Media is prejudicial. The trial is fixed. Judge Merchan is determined to find a way to imprison Donald Trump. His illegal gag orders are unprecedented in legal circles. Merchan’s daughter is raising money for corrupt democrats like Adam Schitt. There is so much corruption that it’s out of control and it’s snowballing onto the American people’s lives. Our standard of living is at stake. We’re losing our nation to Marxism.

President Trump has been found guilty before the trial even started. Before any evidence was presented. The witnesses are corrupt convicts. The charges have not been defined. This New York State court is railroading Donald Trump. A conviction is imminent. A legal system so corrupt to convict President Trump for no crimes, will inevitably come after the people. Trump is holding back the dam from bursting upon this nation.

This orchestration of injustice against Trump and the American people is stunning given Pedo-Joe Biden’s crimes. The surrender in Afghanistan, the Ukraine and Iran wars that this regime and the Uniparty is funding. The border invasion crossing our border is an impeachable offence in itself. The drugs, crime, and human trafficking. All adding to the human suffering of these illegals and the citizens of this nation.

The spying on Christian Americans by the three-letter agencies. The attacks against Jews on University campuses. The corrupt prosecutors that jail Christians and parents defending their children. People defending their lives from violent criminals are prosecuted and the criminals are set free to harm the citizens of this once great nation. The Marxist democrats are selling out America to the United Nations and the World Health Organization usurping our sovereign nation.

Marxist democrats see the people that Trump is drawing to his rallies and they’re desperate to convict Trump by any means necessary. I believe the Marxist democrats will attempt an assassination against Donald Trump. If that happens, this regime, the democrats, and the Uniparty will come after the American people. Already this regime is corrupting the youth of this country. We’re looking at “Struggle Sessions: like those of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution happening here. Millions died under these communist regimes. It’s quickly happening here and we’re not ready to stop it. Once it starts it will quicky steam roll over our Constitutional Republic.

The world can no longer look to America’s prestige as a nation of freedom and rule of law. We cannot lecture other countries about injustices and the rule of law. Marxist democrats have tainted legality and due process to third world status. They Don’t Care. It Has Been Decided.

We can thank Pedo-Joe Biden, Barry the Bullshitter Obummer, Hildabeast Clinton, the entire Marxist democrat party and the cowardly RINO repubics that make up the Uniparty. They have destroyed the reputation of United States of America. We’re now a joke in the eyes of the world. Hypocrites, including the former Vice President, Mike Pence and others have betrayed the American people. The Deep State Alphabet Agencies, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and other key parts of the government has forever ruined the credibility of the United States of America. There is no recovering from this. The damage is done and it’s about to get much worse. Help Save America From Communists. Vote Trump 2024. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with possible showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 18 mph, gusts 33 mph. Cloud cover is 34%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.90 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is great at 17. Readings taken at 12:00AM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmāono 2024

Trump Tacos


Aloha Lāpule. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Today is the yearly American celebration held on May Fifth to celebrate Mexico’s victory over the Napoleon’s French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today. It’s more of an Americanized holiday and it’s all about the food and drink. So, let’s Fiesta!

Over seven years, Donald Trump Tweeted this picture showing a Trump Tower Taco Bowl and it caused the medios de comunicación (news media) to have a queso fundir (cheese meltdown).

One of my favorite ways of preparing for a fiesta feast is using American made Hispanic products. La Cocine Goya (the Goya kitchen) is an authentic start to creating a fiesta de Cinco de Mayo. There are many Mexican restaurants in Hawai’i. Each with their own creations based on cultural ethnicity, regional origins, and family influences. Then there is my attempt at cocina hispana. Which is subjective to polite discussion.

Back in 2020 when Goya Foods President Bob Unanue visited the White House where he praised President Trump for his support of American Hispanics and businesses. This caused the leftist loonies to have a queso meltdown and called for a Goya boycott. The boycott turned into a BuyCott which millions of Americans bought Goya products in support.

President Donald Trump and his daughter and adviser Ivanka rallied in support for Goya Foods on Twitter, amid continued calls on unsocial media to boycott the food company over its CEO’s effusive praise for Trump. I keep Goya products in my pantry all the time. They’re el mejor (the best).

But what do Hispanics really think of Donald Trump? We know what Marxist democrats want Hispanics to think about Trump. Democrats have always looked down upon Hispanics as easy votes because they’re poor and uneducated. Trump speaks his mind and says what everyone is thinking out loud. That offends the left, but for the average American, especially immigrants, Hispanic and others that legally came to this country, they agree with Trump. Listen for yourself.

Celebrities that hate Trump view Hispanics as “The Help.” The cooks, the leaf blowers, gardeners, and toilet bowl cleaners. The servants of America. Democrats has always had an exceptionally low opinion of Hispanics. Republicans never bothered to visit Hispanics to listen to them and offer help. Thats always been the way American Uniparty political parties have worked. Until Donald Trump came along, nothing really changed for average Americans. Listen to what American Hispanics are saying about Trump. This was eight years ago, and it reflects what Hispanics are saying today.

Remember when Nazi Piglosi shoved the daughter of Texas GOP Congresswoman Mayra Flores for a photo op? It’s on video and Nazi Piglosi was seen shoving Flores daughter so she could mug for the cameras. Celebrities like D-Listed actor John Leguizamo who abandoned his Hispanic heritage long ago to suck up to Hollyweird pedophiles. Leguizamo like many celebrities, has separated themselves from their culture and the working people. He has his money, and he could really care less for anyone outside of his little circle-jerk party of self-admiring celebrities. “¡Ay, caramba!”

What do Hispanics think about Trump around the country? Hispanics around the nation remember how good we all had it when Trump was President. We all had extra money in our pockets. We had more job opportunities. We had world peace and a better standard of living than today under Marxist democrat Pedo-Joe Biden.

Trump’s Tacos is a slap back in the face of Marxist democrats, and fake news media, which do little for the people of American. The working people are invisible to the wealthy elitists. Irregardless if people are either legal immigrants or generational Americans. We’re all Americans and that’s what both parties and many celebrities don’t understand. As for Donald Trump, he seems genuinely at home with the working-class people. A guy you could have an honest conversation with.

Trump is not a politician. He has a strong connection with the working people. He knows how to navigate around the aristocracy of celebrity and political class influencers. Those that have a bubble buffer between the elitists and working class. Those that take average Americans for granted. The police, emergency responders, construction workers, bakers, and product makers. The people that get dirt under their fingernails. The farmers and ranchers that grow the food we consume. The people that keep this nation running. The forgotten American. These are the people that Trump has a real and visceral connection with. We can get all that back. We need to get involved to Save America and Make America Great Again.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 4 mph, gusts 12 mph. Cloud cover is 86%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 3. Air quality Index is good at 37. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Elima 2024

Week In Review


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. What a week it has been. Some days are glad, and some days are sad. The following are my weekly news picks that are at the top of my list. There’s a lot of other things going on, but these are the issues I found most compelling for this week’s epilogue.

Local News: The Maui Wildfire is affecting Maui electrical costs and will soon spread to neighboring islands. The plan will raise electricity rates and fire prevention costs. Neighboring island county governments are looking at prevention mitigation by increasing spending. However, real fire prevention that is cheaper and effective is giving way to environmental prevention nonsense. Such as trimming back the brush and reinforcing transmission lines. The counties are looking at buying smoke detectors and not fire prevention. Makes no sense to me.

Gov. Josh Green supports a plan by Hawai’i Electric Company (HECO) to allow new fees on customers’ bills to pay for HECO’s wildfire mitigation plans. Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Chair Jarrett Keohokalole blocked HECO’s plan saying, “it is premature to commit potentially decades of consumer payments toward the facilitation of a wildfire mitigation plan that does not yet exist.”

The bonds would impose a fee of up to 5% of its customers’ monthly bills to finance those bonds and raise money in a process known as securitization. Utility executives said that fee could raise as much as $2.5 billion for wildfire mitigation work. Once approved the plan will be replicated across neighboring islands. Hawai’i has the highest electrical rates in the country. The rising costs reflect the state’s embrace of unusable green technology. They’ve closed fossil fuel plants and replaced them with windmills, solar, and batteries that cost ten times as much as coal, oil, and natural gas.

On the Big Island, a series of surprise rolling blackouts caused some alarms to go off. People are starting to see that green energy doesn’t keep the lights on when the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow. Batteries are totally useless without a charge. As the population grows, so does the demand for power increases. But the State and County are hell bent on protecting the planet over the residents of the islands. All Electric = Zero Emissions = Zero Common Sense.

National: Communism in Universities and in corporations continues to spread across the country. In most cases the mobs of young people have gotten violent. We can’t rely on this federal government for help. Blue states have completely given up and surrendered to the mobs of mind of mush. Red states are sending in the National Guard to arrest of anyone participating in antisemitic riots. Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has defended IslamoNazi Palestinians protestors over the safety of Jewish student’s rights.

Fueling this racial hatred is Pedo-Joe Biden accusation that ALL white people are causing domestic terrorism. Pedo-Joe Biden cites the corrupt Deep State intelligence agencies as the source of his information. We’re led to believe that parents attending school board meetings, Christians praying, and supporters of President Trump are rioting in the street burning, looting, and murdering people in the streets. Have a listen to Pedo-Hitler Biden racially accuse average Americans as violent white supremacists. A decrepit nasty old white pedophile man that hates Americans. That’s what you get when you order a president through mail-in ballots.

White people are lethal domestic terrorists. “White supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland,” Pedo-Joe Biden says. You know the “Homeland” that Pedo-Joe Biden has opened to illegal aliens and foreign terrorists. The flood of humans being trafficked by cartel drug dealers, rapists, and violent criminals are just looking for opportunities in the United States. But it’s white people that are the greatest threat to the American homeland. That rhetoric will win elections in America.

Meanwhile, President Trump is courting world leaders at Trump Towers. Foreign governments are supporting the possibility of a second Trump administration.  Which would bring with it a welcomed major shift in U.S. foreign policy. Pedo-Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster, and everyone knows this regime is a failure. Peace, Economics, and Prosperity in 2025.

Trump has met with Polish President Andrzej Duda, Hungarian President Viktor Orbán and British Foreign Secretary David Cameron. He also reportedly spoke on the phone recently with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. All while Pedo-Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ is trying to convict President Trump with bogus charges. Election interference by Pedo-Joe Biden’s corrupt judges and prosecutors to rig the 2024 elections.

World: President Trump is leading in world news this week. World markets are projecting a five-year positive outlook for the energy, technology, and agriculture sectors. Nations around the world are meeting with President Trump and shunning Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime. Anthony Winken’, Blinken’, and Nod are given the cold shoulder. Except for China, Iran, and Ukraine, curiously. Where new wars are breaking out. It is disappointing that the Uniparty government agreed to send billions of dollars to continue endless wars. They have no strategy to maintain peace. Which President Trump employed and kept world peace and prosperity. If you’re not aware, COVID was Communist Chinese election interference. There’s proof of that now.

Communism is on the march around the world. IslamoNazi terrorism and the threat of World War is a real possibility. The Fake News Media skims over the issues and the White House Spokes-Idiot blames President Trump’s Administration for Pedo-Joe Biden’s rotten policies. It just took less than four years for Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime to unleash all this chaos upon the world stage. We tried to warn you.

The Week in Review has some promises for the future. We can only pray for divine intervention in the meantime. It’s up to us to make that happen. God helps those that help themselves. We need to intervene in the direction of this nation. A resolve to restore our Constitutional norms. Get involved in the process to Save America. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 11 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is fair at 43. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāono 2024



Aloha Lāpule. In the eyes, minds, and hearts of the political elites, Americans are mere collateral damage. There are some Americans that are willing to live within this collapsing society. Either because they’re used to the chaos surrounding them, or they’re hoping for a savior to come and rescue them. Others are escaping to states that retain the rule of law and still fight for the American dream.

Those that are forced to leave their homes because of the consequences of their decisions often bring their damaged ideological baggage with them. The more things change, the more things stay the same. These are the people that believe equity replaces equality, inclusion fosters unity, and diversification comports uniformity. Everyone is a square peg to be fitted into a round hole. Individualism does not comport with the socialist ideology. Eventually, we arrive at a precipice where a choice must be made.

Who will lead us and guide this nation? Some look for a good leader with self-confidence, others contend self-awareness is more important, and others look for strength and honesty. Those leaders who are humbled usually understand themselves and are genuinely able to lead others. A successful leader is judged by their actions and policies. How they treat others, both friend and foe.

Leadership characteristics are often a veneer masking public figures. The doddering old grandfather verses the boisterous tycoon are exclusive opposites from each other. One or the other will cause severe misfortune if allowed. Often, it’s missed first impressions and only after the damage is done does the reality of actions settle in. The world is on fire because of missed impressions.


From my introspective, I grieve for the future, both mine and for this nation. Being helpless to stop the injustices by a ruling class that views the American people as chattel to be used as they wish. Only to be discarded when our usefulness is over. Ancillary pawns to be used by the elite’s grip on power. Nevertheless, there is no one to save us from ourselves, but ourselves. We vote for the government we now must live with. If we want to change our government, then we vote accordingly. Vote to Save America. Before we devolve into a third world nation. Because once socialism takes grip, it damned hard to get rid of it.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with possible light showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received a trace of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 13 mph, gust 24 mph. Cloud cover is 83%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 6. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmāhā 2024